Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by GuardianAngel Thu Jun 04, 2015 9:29 am

Continue General Discussion here.

emusha wrote:I'll speak for myself - I would have a lot of respect for her if she chose to put herself through design school right now...but even that I don't want to prescribe to her cos I totally get the networking opportunities she's being afforded cos of her public persona ...I just think she could be smarter about how she talks and how she portrays herself to build some solid relationships that can help her if she chose to go the direction of fashion...
the way nicole miller responded -- it's very clear she respects merit and I am afraid that Andi's fabulous camera accompanied self might have lost out on a real networking opportunity unless she got in some realness during some off camera conversations. Rather than coming off like "the reality tv show wannabes who think they're all that deserve careers served on a platter"

Andi could learn a lot from Jillian and Des IMHO or even Ali! Ali went head first working her way up the tv presenter role slowly but surely earning her chops. Andi is currently "carrying a show" so that's a positive thing for her resume if she aims to remain in front of the camera and she did good with connecting with the Time Inc group though currently her experience is still reality tv
... so how can she parlay that into fashion in a way that's grounded... in the way that people will see her and say oh that makes sense that she'd be in fashion cos she has something to bring. all these past leads went on to really dig deeper into what value they could bring to where they want to go (des - design, jillian - design, Catherine - design) and Ali significantly improving at presenting by starting at a local tv station and working forward (she wasn't good when she started but by the time she reached her 1st look gig she'd very visibly improved) -- maybe we'll see Andi trying to apprentice with someone in the way that Lauren from the hills did to build chops ...I'd def prefer that for Andi over the "Wine, dine, date" reality life
but in any case her life - her choice she might simply want a reality tv career and that's her perogative....
just my thoughts

-- a former fan of Andi's who still wishes her the best


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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by Kashathediva Thu Jun 04, 2015 12:19 pm

Per Luvlady345
I don't think it would be any different if Andi, would have returned to work or went to design school imo. I just don't get why it matters, what Andi is doing with her life.... There are plenty of alumni that I don't like, that I don't even want to see let alone discuss and follow their every move.....
MEandI was a lead. So she is going to have a post following that is greater than for instance--another cast on JPA's season that left and went back to whatever life they had. That goes with the territory.
Secondly, the forum is made up of over 5K members. What one member chooses to discuss is equally important and worthy as the next member as long as each stay within the site rules. If someone is not interested in this particular cast person, there are many other threads to follow here. Smiley

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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by sparkler Thu Jun 04, 2015 8:48 pm

I agree with so many of the great posts above, especially emusha. My concern for Andi is that I don't see her making it as a "professional celebrity" for long. Her inevitable bottom is likely to be soon. I see the move to NY with no real plans as a "geographic cure" as they say in the 12 step programs. Hopefully she will then take the time for real growth, real work and some time alone. I can't see Andi's Apple having a very long shelf life. I thought the preview was very telling, as others have said, when Nicole Miller (?) the designer said that she had a lot of education and experience that lead her to where she is now, telling Andi that she has none basically. And Andi as others have said, being a lawyer seems to be lacking something - maybe emotional intelligence- that hard work and education are needed for success- I find this ironic.


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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by crazyjaney78 Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:07 pm

sparkler wrote:I agree with so many of the great posts above, especially emusha. My concern for Andi is that I don't see her making it as a "professional celebrity" for long. Her inevitable bottom is likely to be soon. I see the move to NY with no real plans as a "geographic cure" as they say in the 12 step programs. Hopefully she will then take the time for real growth, real work and some time alone. I can't see Andi's Apple having a very long shelf life. I thought the preview was very telling, as others have said, when Nicole Miller (?) the designer said that she had a lot of education and experience that lead her to where she is now, telling Andi that she has none basically. And Andi as others have said, being a lawyer seems to be lacking something - maybe emotional intelligence- that hard work and education are needed for success- I find this ironic.
You nailed it. That is what puzzles me about Andi. The girl was a lawyer- she has intelligence or she wouldn't have made it through law school and passed the bar. Yet she threw that away (imo- anyway) to be a "professional celebrity" and a "wannabe fashion designer." The interview with Nicole Miller left me scratching my head- here you a have a woman who is educated as a lawyer. Lawyers are usually pretty eloquent people, right? The only response she could give to Nicole discussing the technicalities of fashion (something that Andi supposedly has such a "passion for") was a rather banal and uninspired "I love all of it". I mean really? That is the most eloquent, witty, interesting, commentary you can come back with? Am I missing something? She is not even interesting and engaging enough to conduct a compelling interview. Her interest quickly fades when the subject matter isnt't her.


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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by bleuberry Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:20 pm

That's because, IMO, she knows very little about it. For her not to give a little more depth than 'I love it all' tells me she's clueless where fashion is concerned, and I find it very hard to believe that it's something she was always passionate about. She's basically just bandwagon hopping.

I also find her sudden obsession with hot guys and New Yorkers kind of fake, like it's what she thinks she's supposed to say.

That's not to say I won't be watching though laugh out loud, I'll give it a try.

la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 6rj59l

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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by GuardianAngel Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:32 pm

I can't watch her, because everything she says IMO is what she think's she's suppose to say. Her response "I love it all" IMO was a desperate come back to someone who had much more experience in the field and was clearly better than her. She has no idea what "all" entails.

Bandwagon hopping is a good description.

I still say once the snow flies, she'll be flying back to the south.


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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by traveler90 Fri Jun 05, 2015 12:43 pm

Maybe she said something more eloquent but they edited it out of the promo. She also said she wanted to do an internship and someone who doesn't know much about the business can easily say they like it all. They don't know where hurdles could be and what parts they would be good at. I took her "I love all of it" as being excited and open about trying new things. Maybe doing an internship before signing up for classes isn't a bad idea either. She would know how things work and if she wants to persue this career.
I also think (or hope) that she didn't quit law without giving it a lot of thought. She spent years studying till she passed the bar. I know I had a hard time quitting engineering school and starting fresh without knowing what I would do next. I spent years chasing a dream that is unrealistic, put a lot of work into it and when I finally quit, my friends were a year short of finishing their master's degree but it all isn't worth it, if you are unhappy with your job. You'll be doing it for decades! Maybe the same thing happened to Andi and she now wants to try out various areas in the fashion business before sticking to one. I know now I'm more openminded in my new field than I was with engineering. 
Also, while I like Andi and I'm looking forward to see her on my screen again, I'm not sure how successful "Andi's Apple" is going to be. I also hope that she'll find a regular job. I doesn't have to be 9-5, but something to keep her busy. I 'd say going out with friends, traveling and shopping is going to become dull rather quick otherwise. I know that would be the case for me and what are you doing everyday while all your friends are at work?

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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by emusha Fri Jun 05, 2015 1:58 pm

sparkler you hit the nail right on the head...i really think it's about emotional intelligence

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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by crazyjaney78 Fri Jun 05, 2015 2:31 pm

How long was she a lawyer? a year? two tops? I know that is a hard job (especially being working in the DA's office like she did- although I think attorneys in private practice work way more hours), but I am wondering if she just lacks a certain stick to it-ness- again going back to the "emotional intelligence" factor. She seems to all over the map and very immature-still "finding herself" and seems to be headed for a trainwreck. JMO. Seems rather foolish that she threw away being a lawyer for all this. Now she has damaged her professional reputation to the point where her legal career is defunct. I never understood why people with successful careers sign up for these shows unless they are going to be PRISTINE in how they conduct themselves (and even then they can't control the edit the producers give them). They have so much more to lose than the wannabe hollywood types. At the end of the day, the professional types are famewh*res too, but it just usually ends up costing them more.


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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by Kashathediva Fri Jun 05, 2015 5:21 pm

She began working for DA's November 2102 according to her Linkenin .
JPG's season began fall of 2013. So she actually worked about 10 months before filming for began for TB.

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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by luvlady345 Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:04 pm

Kashathediva wrote:Per Luvlady345
I don't think it would be any different if Andi, would have returned to work or went to design school imo. I just don't get why it matters, what Andi is doing with her life.... There are plenty of alumni that I don't like, that I don't even want to see let alone discuss and follow their every move.....
MEandI was a lead. So she is going to have a post following that is greater than for instance--another cast on JPA's season that left and went back to whatever life they had. That goes with the territory.
Secondly, the forum is made up of over 5K members. What one member chooses to discuss is equally important and worthy as the next member as long as each stay within the site rules. If someone is not interested in this particular cast person, there are many other threads to follow here. Smiley

Ok, I was speaking for me, myself and I...


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la - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #4

Post by Guest Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:01 pm

Does anyone know what happened with her Southward Apparel collaboration? After her LOVE t-shirt was released SA said more of her designs would be available in February, but I never saw anything. I also e-mailed SA twice asking if we would see future designs of Andi's on their website and I never got a response. I'm just curious if ties were cut with Southward Apparel when she moved to NYC.

Also, the preview of Andi's Apple seemed to mostly be clips of scenes that we had previews to on her SM posts. I wonder if she is still filming as she hasn't made any more references to it. Thoughts?


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