Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by ironcat Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:12 am

nd4reality wrote:^^^ This so reminds me of the Ross and Rachel friends episode where she wrote him the equivalent of a book. Then when they were fighting / getting back he cantstopl screamed

"it was 5:30 in the morning and you had rambled on for 18 pages .................FRONT AND BACK"

The only difference being that Ross and Rachel, aside from being fictitious characters, actually had more of a legitimate relationship/romance than Ashley and Jared did. no no

After watching Jared on AP, it seems like he really wanted and tried to find some kind of spark with Ashley (on his side) because she was so enamored of him and she is basically a sweet person (he acknowledged that sometimes love happens much more gradually with certain relationships, so wanted to give it time), and that's probably why he agreed to go on the overnight date with her (and maybe he thought that off camera she'd be somewhat different and less annoying?), but I imagine after that, he realized there was just no hope of him ever having romantic feelings for her.  It was also interesting that once the show ended and they were both on the set together, they did not even acknowledge each other, but hugged all the other contestants, so it possibly ended badly between them.  I just hope he refrained from going as far as taking her v-card in order to determine that it wasn't going to work out for them, because that would explain why she'd be so mad at him.  Although IMO, since she probably begged him to, she really shouldn't be.  And BTW, she's 27 (soon to be 28 I think), not 24, so she really needs to stop acting like a high schooler.


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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Lievta Tue Sep 01, 2015 9:50 am

After watching Jared on AP, it seems like he really wanted and tried to find some kind of spark with Ashley (on his side) because she was so enamored of him... 
I just hope he refrained from going as far as taking her v-card in order to determine that it wasn't going to work out for them, because that would explain why she'd be so mad at him.  Although IMO, since she probably begged him to, she really shouldn't be.  And BTW, she's 27 (soon to be 28 I think), not 24, so she really needs to stop acting like a high schooler.[/quote]

OMG!! She's almost 28 years old?? I totally thought she was only in her mid-20s! Holy crap, she has a lot of growing up to do in the romantic relationship department. :yes:

For a moment each seemed unreal to the other — then the slow warm hum of love began.

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Post by Newto Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:03 am

JMHO but I don't think Jared would sleep with her just because she wanted him to. I feel he is not the kind of guy to take advantage of the situation. One of these days Ashley will find someone as immature as she is, and they'll live happily ever after.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by IWouldMarryAshleyI Tue Sep 01, 2015 10:44 am

TrishB wrote:Love your avi IWouldMarryAshleyI handwave yes Trust me, If I were a guy, I would like to marry her too Smiley Enjoy reading your posts, and having the insight of a guy on here!  

Thanks, TrishB. hi She's got a kind heart. I think over time some of that immaturity will go away. At least she's not a complete airhead. She's a smart person.

Most of that is because she's obsessed with finding the perfect man, and because she's never had a man before. I think after she gets a man, her progress will move along. She's just stunted right now because she has yet to reach that milestone.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Sep 01, 2015 12:19 pm

Jared is so kindhearted and clearly doesn't want to say a mean or hurtful word to or about Ashley but she had the poor thing cornered from the start and he sure doesn't look like he's having any fun in Paradise. Looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there IMO and can't wait for it to be over. He seems so over it. Too bad as it would have been nice to see him fall for someone.

And I think Ashley has just put so much pressure on herself to find some perfect magical unicorn of a man that as soon as she likes someone or is attracted all the pressure of needing this guy to be the one so she can be in a relationship and have sex consumes her mind and she goes a little off the deep end. Never going to find a guy until she can relax and just let it happen naturally. Hope for her sake she finds that soon. She's gorgeous and as silly/immature as she is I'm sure if overall a nice, funny, smart woman with lots of love to offer someone if she doesn't smother them first.

Weird pairing and overall, I wish there had been other's there for each of them to try dating in Paradise. Seems a major mismatch and a waste of their time since it had to last the entire show vs a couple weeks.


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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by ironcat Tue Sep 01, 2015 1:35 pm

relaxing wrote:Jared is so kindhearted and clearly doesn't want to say a mean or hurtful word to or about Ashley but she had the poor thing cornered from the start and he sure doesn't look like he's having any fun in Paradise.  Looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there IMO and can't wait for it to be over.  He seems so over it.  Too bad as it would have been nice to see him fall for someone.

And I think Ashley has just put so much pressure on herself to find some perfect magical unicorn of a man that as soon as she likes someone or is attracted all the pressure of needing this guy to be the one so she can be in a relationship and have sex consumes her mind and she goes a little off the deep end.  Never going to find a guy until she can relax and just let it happen naturally.  Hope for her sake she finds that soon.  She's gorgeous and as silly/immature as she is I'm sure if overall a nice, funny, smart woman with lots of love to offer someone if she doesn't smother them first.

Weird pairing and overall, I wish there had been other's there for each of them to try dating in Paradise.  Seems a major mismatch and a waste of their time since it had to last the entire show vs a couple weeks.

Totally agree with this. Not that I think any of the women there would have been a good match for Jared (who strikes me as the most normal of any of the people there), but once Ashley put her claws into him, she pretty much ruined his chances with any other woman, since he is too nice to dump her hard, which was apparently what was necessary. She doesn't take hints.

And she is way too intense and obsessive when she likes something/someone, whether it be the Kardashians, Disney, eye makeup or a guy. No normal guy who is not a stalker/clinger himself, is going to be turned on by her forcing a relationship the way she did with Jared.


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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Guest Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:01 pm

Did I read that on her periscope, she said her family also asked Jared to consider a relationship with her or something to that effect. Yikes!


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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:16 pm

ironcat wrote:
relaxing wrote:Jared is so kindhearted and clearly doesn't want to say a mean or hurtful word to or about Ashley but she had the poor thing cornered from the start and he sure doesn't look like he's having any fun in Paradise.  Looks like he'd rather be anywhere but there IMO and can't wait for it to be over.  He seems so over it.  Too bad as it would have been nice to see him fall for someone.

And I think Ashley has just put so much pressure on herself to find some perfect magical unicorn of a man that as soon as she likes someone or is attracted all the pressure of needing this guy to be the one so she can be in a relationship and have sex consumes her mind and she goes a little off the deep end.  Never going to find a guy until she can relax and just let it happen naturally.  Hope for her sake she finds that soon.  She's gorgeous and as silly/immature as she is I'm sure if overall a nice, funny, smart woman with lots of love to offer someone if she doesn't smother them first.

Weird pairing and overall, I wish there had been other's there for each of them to try dating in Paradise.  Seems a major mismatch and a waste of their time since it had to last the entire show vs a couple weeks.

Totally agree with this.  Not that I think any of the women there would have been a good match for Jared (who strikes me as the most normal of any of the people there), but once Ashley put her claws into him, she pretty much ruined his chances with any other woman, since he is too nice to dump her hard, which was apparently what was necessary.  She doesn't take hints.

And she is way too intense and obsessive when she likes something/someone, whether it be the Kardashians, Disney, eye makeup or a guy.  No normal guy who is not a stalker/clinger himself, is going to be turned on by her forcing a relationship the way she did with Jared.

ITA with both of these posts. Deep down I'm sure that AI has a good heart, but she is way too concerned with outward appearances (both her own and that of her 'perfect man'). She needs to learn to be open to all sorts of men in order to find her match, not just the 'perfect Aladdin types'. And she needs to put less pressure on herself. She admits to being unable to speak to a guy because she is so nervous. To me it seems so immature and shallow. Hoping she can learn something from this experience.

Jared seems so normal, almost out of place with most of these BIP people. I think his best bet is to go back to Rhode Island and live his life. Someday he'll bump into Miss Right. He was put into a very difficult position once AI declared her obsession with him. He is too nice to say anything bluntly (both to Clare and AI). Thank goodness we were spared having to watch JS go out on a date with him. I dislike JS immensely. He would have deserved hazard pay for that date! My feeling is that he is too wise and level headed to allow AI to give him her v-card. He doesn't appear to drink very much or act recklessly in any way. So, hopefully he won't drink too much while on his date with AI and he'll keep his wits about him! I think that she will serve herself up to him on a silver platter, but I don't think he'll take a bite. Maybe a nibble. But not a bite. JMO.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:29 pm

MiaHawk wrote:snipped..

Jared seems so normal, almost out of place with most of these BIP people. I think his best bet is to go back to Rhode Island and live his life. Someday he'll bump into Miss Right. He was put into a very difficult position once AI declared her obsession with him. He is too nice to say anything bluntly (both to Clare and AI). Thank goodness we were spared having to watch JS go out on a date with him. I dislike JS immensely. He would have deserved hazard pay for that date! My feeling is that he is too wise and level headed to allow AI to give him her v-card. He doesn't appear to drink very much or act recklessly in any way. So, hopefully he won't drink too much while on his date with AI and he'll keep his wits about him! I think that she will serve herself up to him on a silver platter, but I don't think he'll take a bite. Maybe a nibble. But not a bite. JMO.

Well stated Mia. Re the bold. I thought that's why she might have been a bit standoff'ish last night towards him, because he didn't bite and she's a bit embarrassed. He's trying to be cordial to her by smiling and complimenting her and perhaps she realizes now the immature behaviour on her part.


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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by nd4reality Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:31 pm

Just curious, if he was standoffish to her would he be hanging with her  (as friends only but still) ? With her leg between his taking his picture ? Just wondering.

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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by GuardianAngel Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:35 pm

I don't think he was standoffish, I though she was slightly.

Which picture are you referring to nd?


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Fashion - Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 11 Empty Re: Ashley Iaconetti - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by eirekay Tue Sep 01, 2015 2:37 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:
MiaHawk wrote:snipped..

Jared seems so normal, almost out of place with most of these BIP people. I think his best bet is to go back to Rhode Island and live his life. Someday he'll bump into Miss Right. He was put into a very difficult position once AI declared her obsession with him. He is too nice to say anything bluntly (both to Clare and AI). Thank goodness we were spared having to watch JS go out on a date with him. I dislike JS immensely. He would have deserved hazard pay for that date! My feeling is that he is too wise and level headed to allow AI to give him her v-card. He doesn't appear to drink very much or act recklessly in any way. So, hopefully he won't drink too much while on his date with AI and he'll keep his wits about him! I think that she will serve herself up to him on a silver platter, but I don't think he'll take a bite. Maybe a nibble. But not a bite. JMO.

Well stated Mia. Re the bold. I thought that's why she might have been a bit standoff'ish last night towards him, because he didn't bite and she's a bit embarrassed.  He's trying to be cordial to her by smiling and complimenting her and perhaps she realizes now the immature behaviour on her part.

I was thinking the same thing. How damaging to your self-esteem (and this girl's got huge self-esteem issues) to offer up your treasured jewel only to have it rejected. Even if the rejection was the honorable thing to do, wouldn't part of you be thinking "What's wrong with me? Am I not desirable enough?"

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