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Post by Lucas15 Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:37 pm

isittrue wrote:I personally think Shawn had a male intuition (trademark Josh) to not trust Nick.  I think coupled with his dislike of Nick from last season's actions, he saw Nick as his biggest threat for Kaitlyn.  Lots of articles are talking about this amazing chemistry Kaitlyn has with both guys.  So they may be not showing all the scenes between both couples. Plus, the articles talk about her making her choice at the last minute.  So I don't think Shawn as F1 was a slam dunk and I still wonder what is in store at ATFR.  

Call it intuition or whatever - it's more body language and IMO even people who don't know they can read body language really can - at least to some extent. The body language of males in a "mating dance" is specific and other males can often see it and understand it because it's instinctive. It's not surprising to me that Josh would pick up on this nor that Shawn would - in the same way that a woman might pick up the body language of another woman flirting with their boyfriend / fiance / husband - even though the male wouldn't see what she was doing.

Because Nick was introduced as knowing Kaitlyn from before the show IMO it was like painting a bulls eye on his back and I think the show did this very intentionally to create drama and conflict.


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Post by LenaActually Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:47 pm

Kaitlyn favored and responded to this:

@pattiemallette: um @kaitlynbristowe You can send all others home for @Shawn_Booth ...have you seen the way that man looks at you!? #TheBachelorette #TheEnd

@kaitlynbristowe: But then what would we all do on Monday nights!! @pattiemallette

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Post by soccermom333 Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:48 pm

^^^ The last minute decision, according to the article, was to let Nick propose. He was always going to be final 2 guy imo and TPTB knew it too. They forced the "extra" drama by "encouraging" a proposal. All imo ;)

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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:56 pm

LenaActually wrote:Kaitlyn favored and responded to this:

@pattiemallette: um @kaitlynbristowe You can send all others home for @Shawn_Booth ...have you seen the way that man looks at you!? #TheBachelorette #TheEnd

@kaitlynbristowe: But then what would we all do on Monday nights!! @pattiemallette
Wait, is this a clue she chose Shawn or something??? She's been, like, soooo careful to keep the secret, she needs to join the CIA. You can't get anything out of the girl.

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Post by happygolucky Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:59 pm

Perfect strategy ... make the F1 choice so obvious that everyone questions it.

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Post by isittrue Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:01 pm

happygolucky wrote:Perfect strategy ... make the F1 choice so obvious that everyone questions it.

Well I have to admit it works on me. The paranoid part of me questions of everything this season. Much as I'd like to believe the spoiler, I am bracing for anything.


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Post by Lucas15 Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:18 pm

Alanna wrote:If the show is really planning for Shawn and Nick to "bury the hatchet" with a knock down, drag out brawl, I hope Shawn (and Kait) behave.

IMO that's pretty much what they were trying to do (more like bury the hatchet in each other though) and it was only after I started seeing "ripples" that pointed in that direction that it dawned on me - the ripples I was seeing might have been waves to Kaitlyn (and Shawn) and they did something (snapchat) to shut the plan down. As I muse over what I think the landscape would be today without snapchat, we'd still be thinking that Kaitlyn left single and she would still be talking like she was in early interviews "it ended like it should / the ending is refreshing" - and we might not be the only ones thinking Kaitlyn is single - what might Nick believe?

He got the girl, he's far and away the favorite for Kait and for the lead, I don't know what else he could want? Kait seems super protective of Shawn, as she should be, but please, just be normal and polite.

IMO for the show to leave him and Kaitlyn alone and stop screwing around with their relationship.


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Post by mprssdbyu Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:19 pm

^They are playing it perfectly. The odd thing...even Ali seems to have bought into snapgate. Yet after spending time with K, MeAndi is either drinking less wine or the cats got her tongue. So now I'm trying to follow the feet literally. No speculation...literally.

ETA: this response was to follow isittrue thoughts! I should have quoted. Fingers too slow!

Last edited by mprssdbyu on Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:19 pm

isittrue wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
leselihau wrote:I don't understand why people think that Shawn & Nick have to be best friends.  Sometimes there are simply people in this world that we do not jive with.  There's always a reason...maybe you don't trust them, maybe they've done something to hurt you or someone you love, and maybe it's just simply that your personalities do not match.  I don't think that makes either a bad person...they're just not ever going to be friends.  That's my personal opinion on Shawn & Nick.

However, I do think it was interesting that when they were on the Paddywagon Shawn made the comment to Nick, "I don't know how you can do this twice...I can barely do it once..." or something along those lines.  I certainly didn't get the vibe that these were the first words spoken between the two and he didn't sound condescending or rude when he made that was almost like giving the guy props for being able to handle it twice. IMO.

What I do find funny is that many people jump on Shawn for not liking the guy when he's never supposedly had a conversation with him or gotten to know him, etc....but no one has a problem with defending Nick or thinking he's the greatest thing since sliced bread without ever having a conversation with him or getting to know him.

It's my opinion that you can follow someone on social media all you want and "think" you know them.  But until you've spent time with them, talked to them, and learned who they are and what they're about then I don't think you truly KNOW them.  

I do think that's a little different, because we're not going up to Nick's friends or romantic partners and being like "TRUST US, he's the greatest thing since slice bread!". Shawn is going around telling Kaitlyn and the other guys that he's a "master manipulator" and "full of sh*t".  Basically, he's saying "even though you're the one who's talked to him for months and I just met him, I trust my instincts more than than yours". He has so little respect for Nick that he can't even call him by his name and calls him the "other guy" (which, as Tanner told us, was real and not just editing). Although I don't necessarily agree with Josh's opinions on Nick, I knew that it's because of actual things that Nick said and did that Josh saw. This is just my opinion, but I think that if Sean Lowe (apparently the great man to walk the earth) came in like Nick did, Shawn would have just a big a problem with him. Because his whole thing isn't really that Nick isn't good guy, it's that he had it in the bag and now he has some serious competition. JMO!

And, I do think that Shawn has made (snide) comments to Nick, but I don't think that they've had a conversation where they have shared actual serious things with each other. I also totally took that "I can't believe you're doing this twice" to be a knock on Nick. Like, wow, you must really like fame and attention to go through with this again.

See I took that differently.  It seemed since his heart to heart with Kaitlyn he was trying to make an effort to be civil with Nick.  Even when they were sitting around when they waiting for Cupcake's date card they seemed to be co-existing well enough.  I took that I can't believe you're doing this twice was more of an acknowledgement of how hard it was and he was surprised Nick was going through it again.  
That's how I saw the bolded as well- Didn't Shawn say how hard it was already for him and he hasn't even gone thru one season. He IMO was complimenting Nick.


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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:25 pm

Lucas15 wrote:
Alanna wrote:If the show is really planning for Shawn and Nick to "bury the hatchet" with a knock down, drag out brawl, I hope Shawn (and Kait) behave.

IMO that's pretty much what they were trying to do (more like bury the hatchet in each other though) and it was only after I started seeing "ripples" that pointed in that direction that it dawned on me - the ripples I was seeing might have been waves to Kaitlyn (and Shawn) and they did something (snapchat) to shut the plan down. As I muse over what I think the landscape would be today without snapchat, we'd still be thinking that Kaitlyn left single and she would still be talking like she was in early interviews "it ended like it should / the ending is refreshing" - and we might not be the only ones thinking Kaitlyn is single - what might Nick believe?

He got the girl, he's far and away the favorite for Kait and for the lead, I don't know what else he could want? Kait seems super protective of Shawn, as she should be, but please, just be normal and polite.

IMO for the show to leave him and Kaitlyn alone and stop screwing around with their relationship.

Yeah, I don't know if she did it on purpose or not, but the fact that it's done has been enough to turn the tide from single/anyone still has a chance to Shawn & Kait Show, so good for her. I might need to give her more credit for being thoughtful and protecting her relationship and not just thinking she's careless and made a huge mistake.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:52 pm

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by mindless Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:21 pm

Perfect timing, TPTB! Err... I mean Nick.

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