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Post by Guest Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:01 pm

Where are Jillian, Kaitlyn and Ali blogs?  

I pay no attention to Shawn long consider him a bully and for me bullying = Jealousy.  If that is what Kaitlyn wants who is to care.  

Has RS said anything about Nick recently?


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Post by 1funnyfish Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:10 pm

Tenley is periscoping right now and said "I do think Kaitlyn and Shawn end up together but i don't know if they are engaged."

She also said "Reality Steve isn't always right."


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Post by Cecilia Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:12 pm

I think the ending would be refreshing if they just choose to date.

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Post by Sprite Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:13 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
bleuberry wrote:I noticed Jilly's change of attitude last episode after his tattle-tale Eskimo moment. And I'm glad she also noticed how he involves himself in drama and then weasels his way out of it (like his very timely tweet last night, well played). This is his MO. I still find Nick to be waaay too sly for my tastes, everything he says, does, and tweets seems so calculated to me. And I realize I'm in the minority here but there it is laugh out loud.

Shawn isn't fairing any better lately with his ridiculous behaviour and I'm just ready for this stupidity to be over. Ready for new drama laugh out loud.

You're definitely not in the minority! This forum is just a very, very unique place in the interwebs.

I didn't like how Nick brought up the Eskimo brothers comment, but I liked that he didn't just say it behind Shawn's back. He brought it up in conversation with Shawn. Shawn had the perfect opportunity both with Nick and Kaitlyn to be like "wait, that's not what I said. Let me explain what actually happened". Instead, both times, he immediately started attacking Nick's character and getting super defensive - which, I'm pretty sure is a glaring neon sign that he was lying and just got caught. I just didn't feel like Shawn fought fair. He didn't let Nick get in a word during the fight; I would have a lot more respect for Shawn if he confronted Nick like the girls did with Kelsey last season, where they were like "these are specific, concrete reasons why we don't like you and trust you. Do you have anything to say to that?"

In terms of his tweet, it HAS been two months, so I would hope he would have moved on. Shawn didn't tweet anything about that, so I'm guessing he still hates Nick. It will be interesting to see what happens if they put them together on ATFR. My new prediction for the finale is that Nick pulls a Reid/Molly where he goes "Freaking Shawn? Are you kidding me? I don't get it, I just don't think he's right for you and I don't think you can trust him" .

Watching Shawn confront Nick was so silly. He admits he doesn't talk to Nick so he doesn't know him. He had a preconceived notion about Nick from last year, but doesn't bother trying to find out what happened. He confronts Nick and tells him all of his 'perceived' flaws that he knows based on hearsay. He proceeds to tell Nick that everyone hates him...including people from the previous season who Shawn doesn't know...other than Ron who clearly gets along with Nick. He doesn't let Nick talk. He bashes Nick for what he told Kaitlyn about the Eskimo brothers thing....which clearly Nick heard about from other guys...who actually talk to him. Yet Nick is an a** for stating one actual fact about Shawn and Shawn can bitch about Nick all he wants and totally assassinate his character to all and sundry (all without even knowing him or talking to him), and he expects Nick to take it and not fight back? Nice.

Watching the show and seeing all the SM coming from Kaitlyn, just reinforces what I saw last night. Shawn and Kaitlyn are on the same immature level. People can hate Nick and think him manipulative, whatever, and while he is clearly not perfect, I would take his introspection, insecurity, over caveman Alf any day.

Kaitlyn lives in the moment and seems to think the most important part of a relationship is how sexually compatible you are. I can see where Nick would appreciate that...for a while. Eventually, I think he would tire of that. Shawn...he probably will too. Sadly I don't think this will really end well for anyone and Kaitlyn will come out as the biggest loser. I thought she had an opportunity to really come out of this show with a big career boost, but sadly, unless she wants to go the way of the Kardashians, I don't see that happening. Maybe she can move to NY and go live with Andi and document their exciting single life together seeing as they are unemployed besties now? Maybe, Becca can join them.

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Post by emptysquares Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:15 pm

IMO, they are engaged. She said in her Periscope with Becca that Ben could be her fiancee when someone suggested Becca should date Ben.


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Post by Alanna Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:25 pm

She also keeps talking about finding a husband and what a husband is like blahblah. Definitely engaged from all the context clues imo.

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
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Post by Longhornfan Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:41 pm

Sprite wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
bleuberry wrote:I noticed Jilly's change of attitude last episode after his tattle-tale Eskimo moment. And I'm glad she also noticed how he involves himself in drama and then weasels his way out of it (like his very timely tweet last night, well played). This is his MO. I still find Nick to be waaay too sly for my tastes, everything he says, does, and tweets seems so calculated to me. And I realize I'm in the minority here but there it is laugh out loud.

Shawn isn't fairing any better lately with his ridiculous behaviour and I'm just ready for this stupidity to be over. Ready for new drama laugh out loud.

You're definitely not in the minority! This forum is just a very, very unique place in the interwebs.

I didn't like how Nick brought up the Eskimo brothers comment, but I liked that he didn't just say it behind Shawn's back. He brought it up in conversation with Shawn. Shawn had the perfect opportunity both with Nick and Kaitlyn to be like "wait, that's not what I said. Let me explain what actually happened". Instead, both times, he immediately started attacking Nick's character and getting super defensive - which, I'm pretty sure is a glaring neon sign that he was lying and just got caught. I just didn't feel like Shawn fought fair. He didn't let Nick get in a word during the fight; I would have a lot more respect for Shawn if he confronted Nick like the girls did with Kelsey last season, where they were like "these are specific, concrete reasons why we don't like you and trust you. Do you have anything to say to that?"

In terms of his tweet, it HAS been two months, so I would hope he would have moved on. Shawn didn't tweet anything about that, so I'm guessing he still hates Nick. It will be interesting to see what happens if they put them together on ATFR. My new prediction for the finale is that Nick pulls a Reid/Molly where he goes "Freaking Shawn? Are you kidding me? I don't get it, I just don't think he's right for you and I don't think you can trust him" .

Watching Shawn confront Nick was so silly. He admits he doesn't talk to Nick so he doesn't know him. He had a preconceived notion about Nick from last year, but doesn't bother trying to find out what happened. He confronts Nick and tells him all of his 'perceived' flaws that he knows based on hearsay. He proceeds to tell Nick that everyone hates him...including people from the previous season who Shawn doesn't know...other than Ron who clearly gets along with Nick. He doesn't let Nick talk. He bashes Nick for what he told Kaitlyn about the Eskimo brothers thing....which clearly Nick heard about from other guys...who actually talk to him. Yet Nick is an a** for stating one actual fact about Shawn and Shawn can bitch about Nick all he wants and totally assassinate his character to all and sundry (all without even knowing him or talking to him), and he expects Nick to take it and not fight back? Nice.

Watching the show and seeing all the SM coming from Kaitlyn, just reinforces what I saw last night. Shawn and Kaitlyn are on the same immature level. People can hate Nick and think him manipulative, whatever, and while he is clearly not perfect, I would take his introspection, insecurity, over caveman Alf any day.

Kaitlyn lives in the moment and seems to think the most important part of a relationship is how sexually compatible you are. I can see where Nick would appreciate that...for a while. Eventually, I think he would tire of that. Shawn...he probably will too. Sadly I don't think this will really end well for anyone and Kaitlyn will come out as the biggest loser. I thought she had an opportunity to really come out of this show with a big career boost, but sadly, unless she wants to go the way of the Kardashians, I don't see that happening. Maybe she can move to NY and go live with Andi and document their exciting single life together seeing as they are unemployed besties now? Maybe, Becca can join them.

The only way that two people can have a conversation is for each of them to be willing to SPEAK and then to LISTEN to what the other person has to say - without interrupting or yelling.  Shawn's conversations with Nick were one sided and close minded.  I don't understand why it was okay for Shawn to go to Nick's room and confront him, but it was not okay for Nick to approach him and ask him to sit down and have a conversation with him and to allow him to tell his side of things.  It just boggles my mind.  

Shawn for the most part seems to be very rigid and uncompromising.  Those are not appealing attributes in one's character IMO.


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Post by soccermom333 Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:44 pm

^^^ I give all the men (and women) a break who go on this show. Not a one of us have any idea how TPTB work until you are actually on the show or working with them. Well maybe an idea now, but playing with the devil is dangerous and a mind f@#k. Sorry to be so blunt but it is my opinion. Smiley

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:44 pm

One thing I like about Shawn is that he makes Nick look even better, even to non-Nick fans as noted on tweets with the Bette hashtag.

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Post by soccermom333 Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:57 pm

^^^ LOL I have seen some sub-tweets about Nick though. Smiley

No one gets a pass. Both men fighting is ridiculous and both are guilty. ;) IMO

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:02 pm

Nick is already seen as a villain so subtweets mean very little in that aspect... merely that Shawn was a huge fan favorite in the beginning to be next bachelor or F1 and not so much now.

So there has been a shift where Shawn is not so great and Nick is not so bad (or still bad but deserves to be with K because of this).

Also, Shawn is second to Ben H who definitely is the fan favorite and before being let go was the one people wanted Kaitlyn to choose over both the other guys, including Shawn. Once Ben was eliminated fans were saying how lucky he was and him to be next bachelor.

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Post by bleuberry Tue Jul 14, 2015 7:03 pm

I don't think anyone disagrees that Shawn's likeability has definitely tanked the past 2-3 episodes.

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