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Post by Alanna Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:10 pm

If Nick wants to defend himself and continue the feud, by all means, but why act like he's so above it and it doesn't matter anymore, he doesn't want to act like a 16 yo old girl, etc.? He's such a manipulator.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID Kaitlyn for thinking she's different and this wouldn't come to bite her like Andi. STUPID. Did I mention stupid girl yet? Because she is. Stupid.

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
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Post by bleuberry Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:11 pm

Of course he wants to incite drama. He's never given me any other impression. He's trying to figure out a way to do it while appearing to side step said drama.

I mean, this tweet raised my BS meter, didn't believe him for a second. He's such a fake, I just can't take him seriously. 1f the 2nd.

Kaitlyn is right, Shawn & I look like immature school girls w/ the BS. Wasted energy! Should only focus on what's important #thebachelorette

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Post by Alanna Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:13 pm

bleuberry wrote:Of course he wants to incite drama. He's never given me any other impression. He's trying to figure out a way to do it while appearing to side step said drama.

I mean, this tweet raised my BS meter, didn't believe him for a second. He's such a fake, I just can't take him seriously. 1f the 2nd.

Kaitlyn is right, Shawn & I look like immature school girls w/ the BS. Wasted energy! Should only focus on what's important #thebachelorette
Jinx!! ITA.

Stupid Kaitlyn. It needs to be said over and over. I hope she's really internalized that mistake thoroughly now.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by isittrue Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:15 pm

whit90 wrote:
isittrue wrote:Nick retweeted the following

Claire Fallon retweeted JJ Lane
impossible, shawn said EVERY GUY from BOTH SEASONS hated nick, and he would never exaggerate or make that up.

Nick needs to stop defending himself and bringing up Shawn on SM - it's not making him look any better than it made Shawn look doing it during the show IMO.

I liked the Nick on SM a lot better last season.  I would have had less a problem had he defended himself while the episode was airing.  To bring things up now, just makes him look as petty as Shawn did saying them during the season.  jmho

ETA:  Almost feels like he wants to incite some drama before ATFR.  Not cool

Why should Nick not defend himself when the lead of this show is lying every moment she can.  He did not tweet that he just retweeted it because it is not true . Nick was not hated by 40 guys from the show so he has every right in my opinion to defend what lies are being said about him.  K brought the drama to the show so did S .  I highly doubt that Nick will bring drama to the ATFR he got his closure and seems to be very happy at this time.

Always : I do not think that Nick is wanting to be the next bachelor I think he is done with this show and moving on.  JMO

Again, I had no problem with him defending himself while this was airing but it has aired and we are past it. I can see him tweeting something like this when  the show is airing this claim of Shawn's or responding to a negative tweet of Shawn's but this is the second day in a roll that he has to mention Shawn.  He's behaving like a 16-year-old and not soon to 35-year-old man by retweeting these.  It's great that he shows support to K on SM  and no one says he has to like or support Shawn but why should he have to retweet just to prove he wasn't disliked.  Let his interactions with the other guys be his proof.  If we wants to show that he is a man with substance (to K and any of his detractors) he should act like he is above such behavior and he's not.  I don't expect many to agree but it's  jmho

Last edited by isittrue on Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by sdmom Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:16 pm

IMO, but I think Nick handles sm pretty well. He's not perfect, I am sure many of his fans will agree. However, I don't think I can do any better than he, mostly because I am more petty than he! He's been called many many names that he doesn't deserve, but if you read his tweets, he either ignores them or calmly states "noted" "I don't take it personally". Even when someone just recently tweeted "I try but I just don't like him" he said "it takes time". My observation is that he has a dry sense of humor and doesn't take sm very seriously, that's probably why he dose what he did, because he knows some may like his opinions, and some may not, and he's totally fine with it. He can't and will not please everybody. I think that retweet is funny, and the original poster didn't make anything up. Nick probably thinks it's funny too.

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Post by Guest Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:17 pm

IMO, if Kaitlyn had rejected Shawn, I think his ATFR performance would be a lot more terrifying to watch than anything Nick will pull. At the end of the day, Kaitlyn is attracted to intense guys; she can't have it both ways, where they are intense when she wants them to be, but easy-going and laidback when she doesn't.


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Post by Rolly Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:17 pm

chasingpavements wrote:At this point, the way that Kaitlyn is blantantly lying about her relationship with Nick and downplaying their connection (saying that "he (Shawn) knows it (sex)'was a mistake", saying she looked giddy because she was nervous, not excited, saying she only asked gun to come on as a joke, etc), I wouldn't be surprised if Nick was p*ssed. It's one thing to choose someone else, it's another to make a mockery of someone's love for you. So, although I'm still hoping that Nick is the better man and is just like "no questions, bye!", I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Nick moment we will all be talking about.

I thought K was saying "the mistake" was telling S he was "the one" so early. I had the impression she never said sex with N was a mistake, just the timing of it with so many guys left. no idea

If I were N I would be p*ssed at K's revision of history. JMOAA


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Post by Guest Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:22 pm

It's hard to tell because things were edited so much, but she did make that comment right after Ben asked her why she didn't tell him about the sex, but she did tell Shawn.


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Post by SueSt Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:24 pm

Alanna wrote:If Nick wants to defend himself and continue the feud, by all means, but why act like he's so above it and it doesn't matter anymore, he doesn't want to act like a 16 yo old girl, etc.? He's such a manipulator.

Stupid, stupid, stupid, STUPID Kaitlyn for thinking she's different and this wouldn't come to bite her like Andi. STUPID. Did I mention stupid girl yet? Because she is. Stupid.

Respectfully, what did Nick manipulate?
Nick was graceful and contained during last season's ATFR.
I expect he will be more so this season.

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Post by mindless Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:33 pm

chasingpavements wrote:It's hard to tell because things were edited so much, but she did make that comment right after Ben asked her why she didn't tell him about the sex, but she did tell Shawn.

Yeah, she definitely called the sex with Nick a mistake on the show last night. I can't imagine how hurtful that whole segment with Kaitlyn must've been for him to watch. Once again he's the creepy stalker... no no And there's nothing he can do about it without being the jerk.

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Post by eirekay Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:39 pm

chasingpavements wrote:At this point, the way that Kaitlyn is blantantly lying about her relationship with Nick and downplaying their connection (saying that "he (Shawn) knows it (sex)'was a mistake", saying she looked giddy because she was nervous, not excited, saying she only asked gun to come on as a joke, etc), I wouldn't be surprised if Nick was p*ssed. It's one thing to choose someone else, it's another to make a mockery of someone's love for you. So, although I'm still hoping that Nick is the better man and is just like "no questions, bye!", I wouldn't be surprised if we get a Nick moment we will all be talking about.

I felt like the "mistake" comment from Kaitlyn, combined with Kaitlyn saying that she and Nick joked about him coming on but it was just a joke, implying that Nick took it too seriously was classic revisionist CYA. Where is the Kaitlyn that earlier said the mistake was just the timing, not the act of sex itself? IMO, Kaitlyn took a step backwards and wasted the opportunity to take a stand on women controlling their own bodies by playing into all the drama rather than rising about it and owning her actions. She threw Nick under the bus IMO.

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Post by OnePromise Tue Jul 21, 2015 4:44 pm

isittrue wrote:Nick retweeted the following

Claire Fallon retweeted JJ Lane
impossible, shawn said EVERY GUY from BOTH SEASONS hated nick, and he would never exaggerate or make that up.

Nick needs to stop defending himself and bringing up Shawn on SM - it's not making him look any better than it made Shawn look doing it during the show IMO.

I liked the Nick on SM a lot better last season.  I would have had less a problem had he defended himself while the episode was airing.  To bring things up now, just makes him look as petty as Shawn did saying them during the season.  jmho

ETA:  Almost feels like he wants to incite some drama before ATFR.  Not cool

The point was not that Shawn said it... Rather, it was what he said. Nick disagreed with the fact that every guy from both seasons hated him. That was not true. It was a lie. Even one of Shawn's best friends is a friend of Nick's. Nick did not retweet this because it was Shawn saying it. IMO, Nick would have retweeted it no matter who said it. He only cares about having the truth about his character come to light. Not the fact that Shawn said it.

But as a side note... Shawn either lied or had a very skewed, inaccurate view of reality.


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