The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th - Thread#3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

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Post by MiaHawk Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:56 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
eirekay wrote:
remockered wrote:Milwaukee radio The Mix 99.1 interviewed Leslie this mornong, who said she was not impressed by Nick and told her daughter that after meeting Shawn.  However, I think this only further solidified Kaitlyn's decision, which I think was already made in San Antonio.

IMO, Leslie showed a complete lack of class by making a statement like that.  Why pour salt in the wound?  What does that accomplish at this point?

If anyone has seen Leslie on, how do I put this nicely? She's basically an older Kaitlyn. Notice I didn't say "grown-up". She's ditzy, cares way too much about strangers' opinions, and treats her daughter like a 7 y/o.

And, I'm pretty sure they WERE impressed by Nick in that moment since she was in tears when he talked about marrying Kaitlyn and her sister said that "if Shawn is half the man that Nick is...". Just rewriting history, as usual.

I'm a technological dinosaur BY CHOICE. Hmm, if K is 30 then Leslie is probably 50-ish. Periscoping, huh? I had to google it. LOVE how the developers of it say 'experience the world through someone else's eyes....a protestor in the Ukraine, a hot air balloon ride in the....blah, blah, blah'...and all we get are ditzes and meatheads filming their dribble! If anyone wants to join me, I'll be over by the T-rex. cantstopl But at least noone will be subjected to my constant foolishness or narcissism. jmo

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Post by Maddy Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:02 pm

BKay wrote:I'm just glad it's over. AftertheFinalRose -  The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - FRC - ATFR- July 27th - Thread#3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 19 1710264613
Me too!
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Post by Lucas15 Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:21 pm

bleuberry wrote:I hate to agree with RS, but... 
Could I understand his frustration when she was talking to him after stopping his proposal? Absolutely. Did I feel bad for the guy? Yes and no. Yes in the fact that no break up is ever fun. Ever. It just isn’t. And a break up on national television is that much worse. However, I say no because this is a show. He knew going in what this show is capable of and what could possibly happen to him. He just went through this a year ago. The second you sign on the dotted line (especially for a second time), you are at the mercy of the producers. You have no say in anything. They will tell the story they want to tell no matter how badly it might trample on somebody’s feelings or emotions. Nick was this season’s victim, plain and simple. Sure, he can ask Kaitlyn all he wants afterwards, “Well why didn’t you just spare me the embarrassment,” or “Why just not let me go early,” etc. I’m here to tell you it’s because that’s not a decision for her to make. Of course she rambled on and gave him some convoluted answer that he still probably doesn’t understand, but the real answer, the one that she couldn’t say, is “the producer’s made me.” Absolutely, 100% that speech by Nick and almost proposal was supposed to happen and Kaitlyn couldn’t do anything about it. I don’t think Kaitlyn is a mean, vindictive person, and yes, she obviously cared about Nick. So no one that cares about someone else would put them through that unless they were forced to. You are a pawn in their game. I guarantee she didn’t want to hear Nick make that speech and almost propose, but she had no choice. She just couldn’t tell him that on the ATFR.

Bleu thanks for posting this. I happen to agree completely with RS (as much as it pains me to do so) and I've posted this many times - as recently as (I think) earlier today - Kaitlyn let Nick go so far as to say what he said for one reason and one reason only - the producers made her and that's the one thing she couldn't say to Nick even though it's the truth. This is exactly what they did to Ashley (well they also lied to her) to get her to let Ben propose. We can say she had a choice but IMO the reality is she didn't have any choice. I should come as no surprise that there's a phrase in the contract like "I agree to follow all of Producer's rules, directions and instructions in all matters (including Participant selection and decisions regarding the creation and implementation of terms, conditions and rules governing the Series)."

She had no choice.


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Post by Maddy Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:24 pm

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Post by Guest Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:25 pm

Yeah...I don't blame her for that. But, she didn't need to tell him she loved him over and over again (which she admitted). That's not something a lead typically does (how much flack did Chris get just for saying I'm falling in love with you to three girls), and she had to know that it was not an appropriate thing to say to someone you're going to dump.


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Post by Maddy Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:27 pm

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Post by Maddy Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:35 pm

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Post by Lucas15 Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:35 pm

chasingpavements wrote:Yeah...I don't blame her for that. But, she didn't need to tell him she loved him over and over again (which she admitted). That's not something a lead typically does (how much flack did Chris get just for saying I'm falling in love with you to three girls), and she had to know that it was not an appropriate thing to say to someone you're going to dump.

How do we know if they told her to say that or not? What do we really know about what they told her to do? The producers set wheels in motion this season to have Nick dumped a second time and IMO they would do whatever they had to do to make him be blindsided. Why? Probably because they figured it would make for dramatic TV and a dramatic ending. Do they suck for doing this to Nick? H*** yes - but that's the game they play and it's their game played by their rules. If someone is stupid enough to go on the show then they are going to get put in that game and they will have to play by the producers' rules. In exchange they get exposure and an adventure of a lifetime. For some it may be well worth it - for others, not so much. For Nick it was not so much.


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Post by Guest Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:41 pm

I think when you get into the "well, anything she did wrong was just because of producer manipulation", it becomes hard to have a real conversation. How do we know that Nick wasn't told by producers to say why did you make love to me? How do we know that the producers didn't tell Kaitlyn to bang Nick? The truth is that 99% of leads have not told their f2 over and over again that they loved them. Kaitlyn obviously wasn't scared enough of TPTB to be careful on SM or refuse to write her love letters to Shawn for her People blog. I don't buy that she suddenly became this pushover who had to tell Nick she loved him multiple times b/c TPTB told her. FTR, Jason has always said that they can't make you do anything - they can bribe, threaten, manipulate, bargain, but they can't force.


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Post by Di_ATL Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:58 pm

chasingpavements wrote:Yeah...I don't blame her for that. But, she didn't need to tell him she loved him over and over again (which she admitted). That's not something a lead typically does (how much flack did Chris get just for saying I'm falling in love with you to three girls), and she had to know that it was not an appropriate thing to say to someone you're going to dump.

I am just not understanding why Kaitlyn is catching flack for saying she loved Nick. I do believe she did love him or have love for him, "the difference" she was IN LOVE with Shawn. People say i love you in many faucets to friends, to family, to their boyfriend or girlfriend (which in a since he was briefly in the bach bubble)... But Nick being 34 truly could not be so nieve to think she wasnt possibly telling Shawn that too knowing he was still their and in the back of his mind their had to be an inkling of doubt, i mean this aint his first rodeo on the show and how it works.

As for her catching flack about letting him propose... i didnt see it as a proposal at all, he did definitely share his feeling and thoughts with her, which in his mind was leading up to him getting on bended knee and propose, but had he taken a little bit of time to watch her reaction and watch her face expres​sion( kaitlyn has no poker face) i do believe he would have been able to tell that he wasnt the one, Kaitlyn's face said it all.

Do i think she could have handled it differently sure, maybe she by her starting the convo first, rather than he start sharing his feelings, but from the moment he came on this show and TPTB saw it would be between Shawn and Nick, their was no way in heck TPTB were going to let Kaitlyn let him go early like Andi did in the previous season.
Also while in the bachelor bubble, i do think the presure, lack of sleep, poking and prodding by production does wear you down, and looking back know i believe like Kaitlyn has mentioned even though she was going on other dates and in "those moments" felt a connection to Nick, to Ben, to Jared after she would get home and she was alone, her thoughts and feelings always came back to Shawn, that says alot and truly i think for her the fact that she admited the sex, and Shawn stood by her and still wanted to be with her in the end speaks volumes that this is probably one of the most real relationships from the franchise as related to real world ups and downs and working collectively to get over them and come out stronger together.

I hope Nick finds his forever happiness outside the Bachelor franchise.
I wish Kaitlyn and Shawn happiness and if it is meant to be will be.
At the end of the day everything happens for a reason.

Jordan to Jojo "I have this feeling that i haven't really had in a long time, and it's scary but it's also the best thing I wake up to every morning"  rose bud

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Post by eirekay Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:05 pm

chasingpavements wrote:I think when you get into the "well, anything she did wrong was just because of producer manipulation", it becomes hard to have a real conversation. How do we know that Nick wasn't told by producers to say why did you make love to me? How do we know that the producers didn't tell Kaitlyn to bang Nick? The truth is that 99% of leads have not told their f2 over and over again that they loved them. Kaitlyn obviously wasn't scared enough of TPTB to be careful on SM or refuse to write her love letters to Shawn for her People blog. I don't buy that she suddenly became this pushover who had to tell Nick she loved him multiple times b/c TPTB told her. FTR, Jason has always said that they can't make you do anything - they can bribe, threaten, manipulate, bargain, but they can't force.

^^ Exactly! If Nick made an error, it was in trusting that their friendship would mean enough to Kaitlyn that she would be honest with him, rather than bowing to whatever pressure TPTB exerted. Nick and Kaitlyn had time alone and off camera - she could have told Nick then and they are both artful enough to figure a way out for Nick to exit that would have given TPTB something to work with.

I also agree with other posters that say Kaitlyn had to take someone to F2 and would have been criticized either way. I just think that the previous relationship between Nick and Kaitlyn, which both described as being as close as two people can get without meeting each other, should have bought Nick some loyalty. I don't know these people but IMO, it would have been less of a shock to Ben H who already questioned Kaitlyn's connection with Shawn.

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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jul 28, 2015 6:07 pm

IMO, one only rewrites history when the past is bigger than the present.

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