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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 12:37 pm

I didn't mean to hijack Becca's thread, so sorry to anyone that is annoyed. I was just curious and got off topic.

But hopefully new pictures will surface while they are traveling. I expected more pictures by now.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:11 pm

eversotrue wrote:
chasingpavements wrote:
Seabear wrote:Ben clearly has a powerful effect on some of these gals.  Becca and Tenley both are looking for that super special Christian man.  Tenley seems to still be pining for Ben.  I am cynical enough to think that her spur of the moment heal her heart vacation getaway to Denver/Vail was in someway connected to hoping Ben would hear about it and think of her.  I think Becca is a nice gal filled with high hopes.  She just may not be the most realistic when it comes to matters of the heart.  

I am looking forward to Ben's season particularly because we know so little of the actual facts so far.  I hope we can all have fun figuring things out the way it used to be before all the spoilers.  Sleuthing at its best.  This forum is full of armchair detectives and has some incredible superstar sleuthers too.  Happy times for all.     JMO

He really does. Has any other Bachelor been able to make two girls go completely crazy for him before filming even began? Good thing Cassandra had BIP/Jonathan to distract her from his magic, or else we might have had a third returnee. It's definitely going to make for a dramatic season.

It will be really interesting to see what people are saying about Ben, come March. If he'll still be considered that super honest, genuine, kind person people think he is now or if people will start to get a perception of him as being a player who leads women on. Jason and Sean's season are the only two that I really remember, where the majority people went into them with really high hopes and expectations, and they both ended so differently. I'm interested to see how it all ends for Ben.

(all imo)
Why would people think of him as a player that leads people on?? It seems like he tried to be pretty straight forward with these women, without hurting their feelings of course. And from what it sounds like, all the women he talked to pre Bachelor contacted him FIRST.

Yeah, I have no problems with his actions thus far. I'm just saying it'll be interesting to see what public perception of him is going to be in MARCH, when the season is over. He obviously is able to cast some kind of spell over women, considering that two women were already gaga over him pre-filming, which is going to lead to a lot of truly broken hearts in filming (not just, "oh, crap I really wanted to be on TV longer!"). I'm curious to see he how he carries himself with all the female attention and drama and whether the edit is kind to him. Obviously, 95% of the time, leads are not as well liked at the end of their season as they were before the season started so it'll be interesting how it all goes down with Ben.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:40 pm

loveactually9 wrote:They posted pics from the same block party on the same day from that weekend back in July when she was in Denver. I don't want to hijack Becca's thread so my main point (or one of them) is that I wouldn't give Tenley too much credit for being able to take a hint. Becca and Tenley are both pining over the same guy but they were in different situations. If Tenley were to go on her fourth show for a guy that turned her down to be The Bachelor, she would've been an absolute joke. Becca was also open about her crush with him, but not in a way where she was in denial about him possibly being The Bachelor and moped around when he was officially announced.

Yes they are different situations, but neither is in a better situation. I think Becca is also in denial seeing as how Becca chose to go on the show even though Ben told her not to. Becca didn't mope around because she had this plan to get on the show.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:44 pm

They're both being embarrassing, IMO. Tenley is in her 30s, has been married, and is broadcasting on Periscope and writing blogs about being in love with a 26-y/o guy she met a couple of times. Becca was told (maybe, in uncertain terms, but told nonetheless) that Ben did not want her there and, yet, she left. Both need to understand that if a guy wants you, he'll make it known to you. Whenever you have to chase a guy, it almost never works out.



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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 1:50 pm

^^^ Yes, both are definitely being embarrassing. For sure. Pretty sure Tenley will be posting indirect sad quotes once the show airs. But I think she does that to try to get over it, hoping she'll meet someone else soon or before then. Of course in the back of her mind she'll be hoping they'll still end up together. The difference is I think Tenley realizes she doesn't want to chase a guy, I'm sure she chased ben plenty though. And she knew she would look incredibly stupid going after him on the show. Becca some how thought she could still convince Ben, and I don't think she realized it will make her look desperate.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 2:34 pm

Okay, another post about Tenley.
I was watching her Periscope not too long ago and someone asked if she was dating. She said no, she wasn't in a relationship but she would be by this summer. Then she kind of backtracked and said "hopefully."

Anyone else think maybe they made a deal to wait for him to finish with the show then "reunite?" That might explain her not going on the show because she's planning on being with him anyways


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by loveactually9 Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:58 pm

Frankly, no. That's just her being determined to not be single anymore. What self respecting woman would agree to a deal like that? And if Ben is the nice respectable guy everyone seems to think he is, he wouldn't do that to himself, Tenley, or the other girls


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:16 pm

smurfette22 wrote:Okay, another post about Tenley.
I was watching her Periscope not too long ago and someone asked if she was dating. She said no, she wasn't in a relationship but she would be by this summer. Then she kind of backtracked and said "hopefully."

Anyone else think maybe they made a deal to wait for him to finish with the show then "reunite?" That might explain her not going on the show because she's planning on being with him anyways
JMO, but I think she was hoping he would turn it down for her. I remember on periscope someone asked her if she would date Nick and she was like "no, no, no, he's not my type...but I think he'd make an AMAZING bachelor". So I think she held on to hope that they would choose Nick or Ben would turn it down for her. RS said that they talked pretty much everyday (as friends) and I can see Tenley getting her her hopes up. I think it was a week or so before he was announced that her tune changed on periscope and she became annoyed with the Ben questions and seemed a bit defeated.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Carolinagirl1864 Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:23 pm

I have not gone back and read all the posts so maybe this has been discussed...What if yes,Ben told her not to come but the producers did one of their famous tricks and told her Oh no, Ben is just nervous and just doesn't know what he wants.It would be very wise for you to come on and see how he really feels about you...You know, TPTB and there we want this storyline...Whatever they have in mind for a storyline who knows.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Kashathediva Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:27 pm

It was suggested and seems valid, also.

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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:35 pm

We may never know the real reason Becca chose to go against Ben's wishes and go on the show anyways:
-the producers could have persuaded her
-Ben might not have been that clear that he just wasn't interested, or she chose to not see it that way.
- Becca could have been all ready to go when he told her and she didn't want to back out/ she already signed a contract
- Ben could have made it seem like he was just thinking about her own good (avoiding the hate Nick got) I doubt this though
- she just really, really, really felt he was so perfect and great for her that she wasn't going to give up without meeting him

I'm sure Becca will deny he ever told her not to, unless they make it part of the storyline. I guess we will find out.


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teambecca - Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 41 Empty Re: Becca Tilly - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by bluwavz Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:40 pm

I could see that being the case. If Ben did tell her not to come on his season, we don't know exactly how he told her or how she interpreted it, so I could see the producers convincing her that Ben changed his mind or that what he said isn't really what he meant and he does want to meet her. Even if he did straight up tell her not to come on and it was clear what he meant, the producers could've been telling her that if he just met her, he would see they are a great match and he'll surely pick her over the other women. If she has other motivations, which honestly they all do and Becca is no exception, I could still see her going on despite Ben telling her not to if she feels those other possible opportunities are worth it.

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