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Post by veg_out Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:30 pm

Kashathediva wrote:Again having followed the show since inception and having access to convos with past cast, I have to wonder if Olivia was not presented with a sketched out plan for her character before filming
She quit her job before filming. Timing quite good for a semi negative edit if you don't want it to reflect badly on your job and what it represents. 
Do I think she had any idea what she was truly getting into? No. But most of us seldom do.

yes During last episode (which was painful to watch both due to secondhand embarrassment and sheer boredom), this thought went through my head. The "I don't think that I can do this, guys (paraphrased)" when only Rachel was on camera with her made me wonder if she was actually speaking to the crew. Her ITMs after the Vegas stunt showed a much more subdued Olivia and her glances to the side of the camera made me wonder if indeed she was being coached, prodded, etc.

Someone commented to me that they thought Olivia's delusions about Ben indicated either selection of her based on her psychological eval or manipulation of it. Though TPTB are exploiting her weaknesses, I think that Olivia's actions are an agreed upon role rather than manipulation. I do feel badly for her that things have gone way too far.  hmmm

Last edited by veg_out on Wed Jan 27, 2016 10:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:39 pm

I'm starting to think that Olivia is in on it or something as well. The comments on TB facebook page are how TPTB are shoving her down our throats and making this the "Olivia Show" and viewers don't like it. Even TB tweeted Olivia reading off why she and Ben are so great together as a newscaster. I think she wants a gig in another industry but not so sure this is the way to go. Who knows though... the tide already seems to be turning with people feeling bad for her so maybe that is the plan?


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Post by Duke702 Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:55 pm

I really don't think she is in on it. She is not an actress. I think she wanted to have a chance with Ben and experience the show like all contestants do. I think most contestants think they will get a good edit, she unfortunately did not and acted a little cray cray. I think the editing makes it look way worse. And the producers manipulated the situation a lot. I still think she's annoying and of course she acted that way, but wow this show makes people look BAD.


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SafyresChristmasWish - Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 38 Empty Re: Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by kimberlyg Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:06 am

I don't think she's in on it either... but I also think she knows not to "bite the hand" since she could potentially get a job at ABC or one of its affiliates down the line so she's staying positive, despite the terrible edit. She might also feel that she could possibly get a "redemption" edit on BIP, so maybe she's also playing nice in hopes of that. I don't think she was "hired" to play the villain ala Michelle Money.

Honestly, I kind of feel bad for her and kind of don't. On the one hand, a lot of what she's said and done just really does make her seem introverted and awkward and that women are picking on her based on her connection with Ben (at least up until this past week when she was just introverted and awkward). On the other hand, it looks like she gets mean back this coming week, so we'll see.


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Post by KB_Mom Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:11 am

I'm starting to lean toward the theory that Olivia was "in on it" but TPTB took it a lot further than she expected. But it's difficult for me to believe she could think the "script", without the taking it 10 extra miles by TPTB , would advance a career as a news anchor. I'm wondering if she tired of the news anchor career path (which she really barely started and had a long road ahead of her to really "make it) and saw this "role" as a way to move toward an entertainment reporter\anchor.

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Post by Idlemess Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:41 am

I'm typically not a picky woman, but looking back on the videos and pics, I have to say that although Olivia is a lovely woman she does not have a flattering view from behind. JMO laugh out loud

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SafyresChristmasWish - Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 38 Empty Re: Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Maddy Thu Jan 28, 2016 12:56 am

SafyresChristmasWish - Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 38 12407566_222646178072809_209621495_n
natalieshabtai These ladies killed it - well done

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SafyresChristmasWish - Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 38 Empty Re: Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Maddy Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:51 pm

Sharleen Joynt:
But watching Olivia’s sequined cake dance took things too far. She was obviously so deeply uncomfortable up there, I had to wonder what—or rather, who—possessed her to come up with such a choice. (And on the subject of “who,” I truly wonder how that person sleeps at night.)
We discussed this at length in the podcast and Claire made a good point. She said that up until that point, she hadn’t cared much for Olivia, as seems to be the case with most viewers. But the show went to such great lengths to humiliate her (oh, you think a giant cake just happened to be there?), we all agreed that as a result, she became a sympathetic character. I have to wonder what path Olivia’s story might have taken had she not received the double-edged sword that is the First Impression Rose. Might she have been less confident and thus behaved differently, more tentatively? What if her main producer wasn’t on this season? Would she have bonded with and trusted another producer to the same extent, and ultimately made the same detrimental choices? Her talent show performance alone wasn’t terrible. She was obviously untalented but self-deprecating and willing to make fun of herself. But the number just went too long, and paired with the editing department’s favorite trainwreck music, the whole thing rapidly went from good-humoured to sadistic. Were you uncomfortable watching Olivia’s talent show segment, including her tears after the fact?
Good. Me, too. Empathy FTW.

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SafyresChristmasWish - Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 38 Empty Re: Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by Buckeye_Fan Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:42 pm

grace8136 wrote:Sharleen talked to Olivia for her recap. Here's what Olivia said about the cankles discussion with Ben...

"So growing up, I was bullied really badly for being overweight. I've had people say horrible things about me. Boyfriends broke up with me because of my legs. I hate them. My first two dates I had to wear spandex and I was so embarrassed with all of these beautiful skinny girls. Then after the soccer game Ben said to me "your legs are long." I freaked out and thought OMG he hates them. Then he said, "I love them." I almost cried. I'd never heard anyone say that to me before. But we ran out of time and I wanted to open up to him about how much that meant to me. So [the night of the Rose Ceremony] I asked him how he was doing, told him I was there for him always, and then said that he told me something that changed my life. I opened up about my past. Then I said regardless of what happens, just that little thing you said showed me that there is a man out there that will look at me and not see the imperfections that I see. Showed me that I can love every part of me and someone else can, too. It was the first time I'd ever opened up to him and shown vulnerability. He seemed so happy and was smiling like crazy. I wanted to tell him that to make him feel good. That was my favorite conversation with him and it was completely butchered. Oh, and I didn't even get the rose last that day. I was fourth to last to get it."

Did anyone see Sharleen's most recent recap?  She said she was asked by a producer to remove the information above from her previous recap!  She is bummed because she would like to defend Olivia. I'm bummed too!


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SafyresChristmasWish - Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 38 Empty Re: Olivia Caridi - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers*

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:48 pm

Hmm... Why would a producer ask Sharleen to remove info from her recap? I wonder though if it is because Olivia is not allowed to talk to media or something? Then again, that info is from Olivia's own blog so who knows.

One thing I will say is that I don't understand why RS is tagged in tweets for Sharleen's Flare recaps. It's off-putting to me.

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Post by Buckeye_Fan Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:57 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Hmm... Why would a producer ask Sharleen to remove info from her recap? I wonder though if it is because Olivia is not allowed to talk to media or something? Then again, that info is from Olivia's own blog so who knows.

One thing I will say is that I don't understand why RS is tagged in tweets for Sharleen's Flare recaps. It's off-putting to me.

I believe what was posted above my post was actually Olivia talking to Sharleen. There was another bit of information shared in a different post from Olivia's blog in which she talked about how much she spent on clothes. The producer said it was for confidentiality reasons. I think MF wants full control of Olivia's life. Those contracts are truly a deal with the devil.


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Post by Guest Mon Feb 01, 2016 6:03 pm

The contestants are not allowed to disclose anything that did not air, without prior appoval.


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