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Post by mercieme Sun May 01, 2016 4:59 pm

The producers only have one thing in my mind: gold ratings IMO.

So yeah it's possible that since the producers know that Naz gets folks tuned in really does not matter to them if folks are speculating that Naz is F1.

Compared to Art's season when it was wildly known that Matilda was F1, this season has been tame with all the speculations....all JMO.


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Post by GuardianAngel Sun May 01, 2016 5:05 pm

I don't care for the potential F1 sticking it to everyone with SM behaviour like Naz has been doing. She's acting like she's a winner of a popularity contest. JMHO but I'd rather see a F1 who demonstrates they have nothing to prove, be confident in who they are, and are happy and in love.


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Post by Idlemess Sun May 01, 2016 5:24 pm

^ Well she's not coming across as gracious and a bit too much like "haha in your face" that is not a confidant woman. IMO, it's a woman who's seeking way too much attention. 
And there's no need to shout it from the rooftops if it's already suspected. Why not be cool, sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun May 01, 2016 7:19 pm

Good Post I agree  Spot on posts GA and Idlemess yes

Anyone that needs to act the way Naz does is just in it to compete and seek attention, imo. Even her hit-list comments she said those things behind the backs of the other girls and then pretended another  way with them. Very narcissistic and manipulative, imo. It seems like she is one of those who think all attention is good attention and gives the middle finger to anyone who disagrees with her. I don't see a confidant person if they have to do that.


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Post by cocoHoney Sun May 01, 2016 8:35 pm

snowyglow12 wrote:This season has been very different I must say.  I would not be surprised if Jordan chose no one and Naz is just promoting herself along with the network.

That is also my feeling ... But someone said here that because there was a live finale there had to be a F1.

That being said at that point I'd like to see Naz as F1, even though it is said here that she is being over the top with her SM activity. I think we have to be realistic here ... All those girls are doing reality TV. Even though some of them are truly seeking their soul mate along the way, they also wanted at some point to have their face on TV, otherwise there are tons of other ways to meet someone ... Some want some free self-promoting, some might see reality TV as some kind of "career", hoping for invites for DWTS or many other reality TV shows ...

But anyway I wouldn' t blame any of them for maintaining suspense pretending they might be F1. And more of all, I wouldn't blame Naz for doing that after all the cyber bullying done at her expense ...


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun May 01, 2016 8:41 pm

^ The finale is not live, they are pre-recording the ATFR/WTA special.

As for cyber-bullying I really don't see where Naz is getting so much cyber-bullying?

Maybe I have watched this show too many times but Naz has the most followers and most support from media so I hardly think anyone who is on SM saying they don't like her or whatever (as they do for the others) equates to cyber-bullying.

Naz should try being Olivia on Ben's season where literally 50K people followed an account made solely to make fun of Olivia, her mouth, her body odor, etc.

Naz has it easy, imo.

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Post by Karina Sun May 01, 2016 8:52 pm

Naz is purposefully seeking SM attention, the insatiable need for attention is just annoying to some people but certainly not cyber bullying.Naz wants to get attention to obtain more likes etc I brought the latest Woman's Day and read the article about Naz I think she may be going soon as when WD do an article about a contestant that person seems to leave not long after.The photo of Naz showing so much of her breasts looked tacky and not classy at all Looking at the picture layout I think Erin is a strong contender. Fleur said on her FB when posting a photo of the mag that she liked what they said about her... I am at a loss the article said very little about her. I think Naz could well be vying for Bachelorette and DWS as is Fleur. Erin's IG photos be distraction. In my opinion.... :yes: :yes: :yes: lei - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Page 78 1f60d


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Post by cocoHoney Sun May 01, 2016 8:59 pm

I don't spend that much time on SM but from the very little time I spent on the Bacherlor NZ official FB page I've read quite a lot of comments ...
"I hate Naz"
"Naz is here because production keeps her for drama"
"I hope Naz will leave"
"If he picks Naz their kids are gonna have honkers ..."
"Anyone but Naz" ....
The only mean comments I read on that page were for her ...

Then even before I started watching the episodes the only girl being mentioned in the news was her ... The "VILLAIN" as they were calling her.
Then I read an article written by a "journalist" who was making fun of her physical assets.

I think that's already a lot.
Sometimes I feel like trying to be in someoneelse's shoes can teach us many things. I wouldn' t like to be Naz and read all those mean comments.

Then you're right, since the edits did a 180 turn many people started supporting her, but the "hate" hasn' t really stopped.

As for Olivia, you're right, it was way worse for her. Doesn't mean it is ok to post hate comments on Naz ... Jmo


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Post by Idlemess Sun May 01, 2016 9:06 pm

AAL, you literally read my mind about the Olivia comparison. 

Another thing, I see nothing wrong with showing emotions but I find it manipulative when it's used to get one's way. Crying because you are frustrated or confused I get; but crying because you want sympathy or is afraid of rejection is another. It's almost childish to put on the waterworks when you want a man's attention. 
No wonder Jordan had those dad jokes. 

What does Jordan has in common with these women anyway? Does anyone know if they are at least relatable. 

Physical attraction is the easy part and playfulness is cute to a point... It's gotten over fairly quickly.

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Post by Karina Sun May 01, 2016 9:14 pm

Yes, there are those comments however I went on Storms FB page... they are deleted now but there  were some very nasty comments in fact I put up a post on her page in response  asking them to stop bullying Storm. I have seen mean comments about several others as well.
I think the difference is that Naz invited a lot of comments by being rude to some of the other contestants and harping on about a silly hit list. I know production would have encouraged these antics but the purpose was gain media attention.
It is in a sense a double edged sword if Naz invites attention through her behaviour SM will respond.
Naz does seem to use her body as a way of getting attention from Jordan I personally find it off putting where as Erin has a more gentle approach and it is apparent they have a lot in common. IMO cheerleader


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun May 01, 2016 9:20 pm

Regarding SM relating to Naz: many negative comments I have seen with the other contestants too so it is not just Naz and those comments are a dime a dozen for all contestants - none are universally loved. Not to mention, Naz has far more positive comments and that she has the the most followers far outweighs what many can get.

Also, in Naz's case a lot of those early comments were based on Naz herself putting other girls on her "hit-list" something which I have never seen any contestant say before - which if someone posted on their SM that Naz is on their hit-list people would say it was cyber-bullying.  :yes:

I have seen real cyber-bullying for some contestants before and Naz does not have that, imo. Negative comments? Yes, but not cyber-bullying. Not to mention, Naz herself seems to be willing to make negative comments with calling people who don't like her as "idiots" and referring to  them as "f*ckface".  no

JMHO but Naz seems to be more of the ilk of someone who can dish it but doesn't want to take it (or at least milks it for what it's worth). Naz is no victim, imo.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun May 01, 2016 9:51 pm

Sorry for double post but I have yet to see SCOUT post Fleur's interview? Have I missed it? question

If not then I don't know why her interview is not yet posted unless she stays longer tonight or didn't want to do one (I think she would do one considering she did the photoshoot that accompanied the Q&A interview).

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