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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:21 pm

I'm not surprised that TPTB don't want anything to do with K&S. I think they have a ways to go to get back in the good graces of ABC/TPTB and don't think they ever will, imho. I think CH let it be known from the get go that Kaitlyn was her own worst enemy and when she "accidentally" spoiled a foiler season it was over for these two. However, even without the spoiler, I get the feeling that TPTB weren't fans of Shawn or Kaitlyn on the show and still aren't.

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Post by Guest Thu Dec 03, 2015 10:39 pm

Kashathediva wrote:
Sprite wrote:

But, that's just it....they don't own up to who they are. She wants to be known as this anti-bullying crusader but she rags on those who dare criticize her/them...even if it is mild and constructive. Instead she plays the victim as if everyone is against her/them and they played no part in why they are criticized. (Forget about the fact that while she says she is all about the cause, she has done absolutely nothing to promote it other than to whine about the treatment she got in interviews.) Then there is Shawn's rant after movember...just as a few people were congratulating him for doing something philanthropic and starting to give him the benefit of the doubt.

To me they bring out the worst in each other. If they are happy, good for them. They deserve one another. It will stop them from sucking the life out of anyone else.

They are delusional, IMOAA.
She probably from too much maternal spoiling and self-destructive inebriation and him from--well--he appears to be dropped on his head once too often, maybe he varsity'ed in jumping from roof on head. (at least jr varsity level)
Put the two of them together and maybe they equal an IQ of 100. The only reason they aren't called out on it more often is they pass the nice appearance test. If you look nice you can be forgiven for more.

These 2 posts!!!
I was fooled by Shawn's nice look the first episode too, thought he was mature and charismatic. After knowing him more during the season, and especially now, he's not even a good looking man anymore. He is more like a clown now.


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Post by Al Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:07 pm

I still see Alf whenever I look at Shawn.


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Post by Sprite Fri Dec 04, 2015 12:16 am

Al wrote:I still see Alf whenever I look at Shawn.

Once you've seen it you can never go back!

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:24 am

I never saw Shawn as good looking and then when he was on the show I didn't care for his personality either and posted a lot on this (I remember getting a lot of red votes for that laugh out loud ) Seems I'm back full-circle with both of these two (didn't care for either one of them on first glance). I guess that's why I stick with my first impression. My initial impression has yet to fail me when it comes to this show. If anything, I can only be surprised by having low expectations. With Shawn and Kaitlyn, however, my expectations are so low the bar is under sea-level for them to reach and yet they still they manage to disappoint. hmmm

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Post by Guest Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:24 am

Kashathediva wrote:K/S 50 yrs from now: Still doing the same ole same ole, hey but they look happy. source
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Post by lovebites8727 Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:01 am

It is very noticeable how tptb treating them . Even though her season is very scandalous and kinda outrageous that made her look so bad. Tptb should not do that to both of them. The lack of giving them importance among tptb formers is just so noticeable.It is very telling on tptb side that they don't give them much attention . Since her season is over tptb did not acknowledge them that much . As much some said that is okay they can move on with their life . But the truth is that is not fair for both of them. I am sure they might not saying anything but I will say they might be feeling something inside towards tptb . It is not about because of her season or even her sc mistake spoiling her picked . Tptb should still give them an equal treatment . If they did invite other formers that they seem uninterested to them then they should do it to them too . Not necessarily they will have them all the time or most of the time.They are their current reigning bachelorette couple and for sure many would like to see them  and good for approaching Ben's new season. That might sting to both of them. I wonder why tptb is doing this to them.That is totally unnecessary on their side . They should not do that . They should be fair . The thing that I said this is because I have never seen any formers came out on this show that tptb the way they are treating them no matter their seasons outcome was .Jmo .

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"challenges are what makes life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.real love is when you are completely committed to someone even when they are being completely unlovable.a strong marriage requires two people who chose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.a great marriage doesn't happen when the perfect couple gets together.It happens when an imperfect couple gets together and learn to enjoy each other's differences."

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:47 am

TPTB don't owe Kaitlyn and Shawn a thing. If anything, it is the other way around: they were Kaitlyn's employers and Kaitlyn was nothing but an employee and a terrible one at that so it is no surprise to me they are being treated this way by TPTB and deservedly so, imo.

Honestly Kaitlyn and Shawn should thank their lucky stars because they wouldn't even have what they have now if it wasn't for the show so I don't feel sorry for them one bit. They are lucky, imo, that they have gotten so much already as a result of this show that allows them to just snapchat their days away.

no no no

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Post by rhondam Fri Dec 04, 2015 8:38 am

Imo TPTB were so fed up with Kaitlyn disregarding them during filming by:

a) telling Shawn early that he was "the one" either after the sumo date when they had off camera alone time in the hot tub and/or in San Antonio when alone with him off camera in his and Ben's room while Ben showered. I say and/or because you can hear that San Antonio is often overdubbed when discussing telling Shawn he's the one especially if you turn your head during those conversations or ITMs.

b) deciding to have sex with Nick regardless of expectations to wait until the FS. *As a side note, I believe that she believed TPTB wouldn't air her pre-FS sex at all but then found out they hadto air it the next morning during the discussion with a producer on the balcony telling her " won't be a big deal at all" and "people are going to love you" (see Sharleen's Dec Flare article). Don't get me wrong, I don't think they should've sl*t shamed her which is exactly what they did during that season preview on day 2 of episode 1 but that's who they are—what they're about and she should've known that but handed it to them on a silver platter anyway.  

c) for her retaliation for sl*t shaming her by accidentally, on purpose snapping a vid of her and Shawn in bed.

d) for her People blog posts that were Shawn biased and

e) really only TPTB know what else this "victim" might have said or done to p*** them off while the show was airing.

And they were fed up with Shawn imo for:

a) being a whiny, jealous, insecure baby that needed constant reassurance during filming and

b) I'm just guessing but he likely had words with at least one of TPTB for sl*t shaming K.

So as I picture K glaring at Chris Harrison on ATFR, and him kind of smirking back at her, I can see ABC and the show happy to be free of them and use them when they need to but as minimally as possible. All jmoaa.

Last edited by rhondam on Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)

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Post by mindless Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:47 am

I think TPTB can forgive a lot if the ratings are good, but Shawn and Kaitlyn made the fatal error of complaining about the edit. They were whining about the love story being hidden and Shawn about all the Nick drama being shown, while he really didn't talk about Nick much at all and isn't really a jealous guy. Rolling Eyes They didn't even save those complaints for the media interviews, they did the whining live on ATFR. That is the definition of biting the hand that feeds you. They acted entitled during filming and once the show aired, when they were really in no position to do so. They broke the rules, spoiled the show and still thought they were in a position to complain. Really not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier these two.

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Post by Kashathediva Fri Dec 04, 2015 10:49 am

There are reasons the following expressions have merit:
"Life is not fair"
"Don't bite the hand that feeds you"
Don't poke the bear"
"There are no free lunches"
Basically how I see it, is TPTB are being kind to them. They are simply ignoring them and moving on. I have not seen any bad mouthing. For all we know, some of K/S' sponsorship etc may have come their way from connections of the show.
K reminds me of Veruca Salt(Charlie and the Chocoate Factory). She won the golden ticket to tour the factory. She is spoiled, she is entitled and she bullies. We all know what happened to that bad egg.

Last edited by Kashathediva on Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:09 am

MF hates RS. This is common knowledge over the years. MF has tried to sue RS. MF went to great lengths to plan a foiler season. K and S messed it all up. Why would he have any love for this couple.

Don't mess with MF. Just ask Brook Burke-Charvet.

If K thought for one second that any part of her season wouldn't be aired, she was grossly naive.

ETA: I wanted to say, Good Post rhondam


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