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Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2016 2:35 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:
Lastly, name a fearless siren you admire and why.
I have a friend named Laurelly whose personality is opposite to mine and I think that’s why I find her so fascinating. She’s a strong and accomplished woman, and somehow while being a successful lawyer and Boston marathon runner, she still manages to find time to put into her relationships. When I see how hard she works at everything, I am inspired.

Soul connection at first chat? Yeah. That’s totally how I felt when I met D. It’s EPIC.

Jasmine – thank you so much for the amazing opportunity to pick your brain about love + travel! Sending good vibes & mermaid luck your way!
Eastcoast mermaid

I'm confused re the bold. Is the writer saying that and who is D?

ETA: Yes it's the writer's b/friend. From the same link:

It was then, on a perfect Sunday at the beach with her boyfriend D, that East Coast Mermaid was born.

Jasmine said it first when the writer asked her if she believed in love at first sight


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Post by lettore Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:25 pm

mercieme wrote:IA @see2love....using that word soul connection seems like something Kevin P would say. On paper she seems very compatible with Kevin P but I suspect she's going for someone a bit different from her...we shall see.

IA also, looking through their instagram (KevP and Jas), you can notice so much similar interests, they post mostly pics of their travels (even some same destinations in recent years), adventures, nature (lakes specifically), modelling pics from Vancouver, sometimes overall vibe feels like it is the same person posting in both profiles. She used to live in Vancouver for 4 years and calls it her second home, they run in the similar circles of friends, etc.
But, some people don't like dating people similar to them and are attracted to their opposites, I don't know what did Jasmine go for in the past (another curiosity is that Kevin P's friend made a comment that a friend of hers used to date Jasmine) but I think she will go for someone different now. She has already said in few interviews that her advice to the girls would be to try with someone they don't usually go for.
Out of 4 "frontrunners" (Mike, Mikhel, Kevin P and Kevin W) I think she is least compatible with Kevin W, free spirits and army people just don't seem to work well in long haul, but of course there are exceptions to everything and they might make it work if he was her F1, it would maybe just be easier with other three guys, but you can never know for certain, jmo.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Oct 04, 2016 4:58 pm

@see2love I know, it just looked out of place and the end of that blog and I didn't know who was talking or who they were referring to. Smiley


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Post by nd4reality Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:03 pm

Can i ask this question, is Kevin P sleuthed to be out of the running for F1 by facts if any ?

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Post by mercieme Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:24 pm

nd4reality wrote:Can i ask this question, is Kevin P sleuthed to be out of the running for F1 by facts if any ?

Speculation only based on his blog regrading marriage. The show has advertised a proposal at the end which IMO Kevin P would not do based on what he wrote in his blog. For sure he can be F1 but only if Jasmine drops the "I see my husband" storyline they have been dropping on us. It will be a good surprise though if there is no proposal at the end of this....jmo.


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Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:29 pm

His episode 3 blog is ready!

A Bachelor's Diary Episode 3: The heart of the storm
I find myself lost once again.
This time deep in the hull of a boat as we cut through the cold Atlantic waters. Hunkered down below deck in my cramped quarters, I listen to the waves rhythmically slap their dull thud against the hull. As the boat sways back and forth in its ever constant fight with the waves, my body is loudly letting me know it does not approve of my life choices. You do not belong here it says. I tell my body I know better and pretend sea sickness is just a mind game.... but I'm not entirely convinced. I peer out my porthole in hopes of reprieve from my suffocating situation only to have those hopes drown in the cold Atlantic waters pummelling the glass. I pull the blanket over my head while tucked in my tiny bunk bed to forget the unnerving feeling. The bed is a triangle shaped bunk 2 feet wide at the head and 1 foot at my feet. It's functional and fits my living space, which is the size of a modest closet and is my supposed getaway from my work. A getaway I share it with a coworker I just met.

Suddenly those east Vancouver basement suites on Craigslist seem luxurious in their mildew tinted spaciousness.
But my Vancouver days and it's skewed rental market are far far away now.
I'm currently on the other side of the continent, underwater and nowhere near land. Surrounded by absolutely nothing but the sea..... I still feel like I can't get away.
The story of my life.

This is the part of the story where the protagonist freaks the **** out.

Not so fast.
This may be my first time working at sea but it's not the first time I've felt like this. Not at all. It's a feeling I know well. A feeling I seem to search for more and more in my years of late.
Why I put myself here is a valid question, one I ask myself often these days and it's answer lies deep in the bowels of who I am....
So........ are we not doing phrasing anymore? I know this is a bit more of a serious post but come on already.....

My decision to change careers and become a deckhand is born of a deeper theme in my life to seek out the unknown. To seek out adventure in that which is challenging and often uncomfortable.
These days, it's one of two adventures I'm currently living. The other is a TV retelling of an improbable journey I went through earlier this year. A journey with a girl named Jasmine........ and nineteen other dudes. They were there too. Yay...

But as I lay here remembering that journey with her, all that comes to mind right now is a conversation in Jamaica with just the two of us.
"I was going to take you on a hike up this beautiful mountain but the rain decided otherwise... so I figured why not just sit and talk on the balcony. Are you cool with that?" she says. Finally. A chance to get to know the question mark in a sun dress standing in front of me. "Yes that's perfect" I say. I've been wanting to sit down and finally find out who she is for three weeks now and it seems the rain gods approve.
Talking with Jasmine is easy. She's chill, down to earth and open hearted. I've never been one for talking about the weather, (totally just did) usually preferring to dive below the surface level small talk and I'm relieved to see she's completely game. It feels like we've known each other for a long time and I feel oddly comfortable telling her truths I usually keep guarded. When I started this journey I made the decision to be an open book with her but I'd be lying to you if I said I could keep a secret from her. She just has this way of disarming you and drawing you in. It's as if she can look inside and turn down the feedback noise in my head. Muting the ever constant chatter. There's so much hype around whether or not you will like each other and have a connection so it's a good feeling when there's one actually there. It feels...... honest. We talk about everything and anything.
Then she says "Tell me about your past relationships."
And things were going so well....

A flash of lightning lights up my window. We're headed into a storm. The unhappy boat begins sliding around on the troubled waves. I can hear it's discontent as the yacht moans it's creaks and groans, lobbing back and forth. I can feel it in that ever louder feeling in my stomach as we chug ahead into the dark. There won't be sleeping tonight. I head up to the bridge as it's my turn for watch soon anyways. The rain is coming in sideways now. The lightning flashes across the midnight sky. We are surrounded by blackness. It all has me feeling immediately awake and very alive. I stare off into the nothingness and my mind drifts back...

Normally, I avoid past relationship talks as long as possible. It's just one of those conversations that never seems to benefit either party and for me, it's not something I need to know. But I get why she asks. It's a fair question. So, in the spirit of truth, I tell her the good and the bad of my life. How I've been travelling for the last five years and how I've been lucky enough to meet some amazing women who've let me into their lives. How when you're abroad living in a new country, it can be easier to open up and let someone in as you journey through something new together. Adventure is a romantic affair......but with it comes the eventual goodbyes when it's time for one of you to pick up the bags again. In my last line of work, contracts usually had me going somewhere new before I ever wanted to leave and I all too often found myself saying goodbye before either of us were ready. It's a sad truth but your heart finds a way to get used to it. Kind of like how your friends get used to you always going again. I've said it before:

There's a special kind of guilt that comes with getting good at goodbye

So my love for travel has kept me lacking in lasting love for the last long while. Letting people in, loving them for a little while and then letting them go. In some ways it's been good for me. Getting me out of my head learning to open up and let people in. In others, it's been bad, reinforcing those old ideas that sooner or later, love has a way of leaving.
Somehow, we get to the topic of my family. Of my sister and my amazing nieces. Before long, I'm telling her about the time my 4 year old niece asked me if I leave because I'm scared to love?
Cue the crickets.
That moment floored me. It still rings in my head and serves up a lot of bad uncle guilt. Kids only have two volumes: gibberish and complete unadulterated truth.

And we both know which one that was.

The look on Jasmine's face says it all. I can tell it's a moment that will now describe us. Part of me regrets saying it. Part of me is glad I did. This is me. This is who I am. Good and bad. There's both to find here in the search of who I am. You don't find yourself alone because of bad luck. I am where I have chosen to be. It's a hard truth but one that I have chosen to realize over time.
And maybe that's exactly why I've found myself in front of Jasmine. Why I said yes to maybe and started this improbable adventure. I chose to be here. To confront this theme in my life and move past it.

But I can't help but wonder: can she get past my past?

I step out onto the bow of the ship to clear my head. The rain has stopped now and clouds have parted. The humid air is warm as it flicks sea water against my face and hints that we are nearing our home port. The night's storm sits far off on the horizon and it's lightning still flickers. I look up and see that the night sky is now lit by a universe of stars. It's one of those nights where you can see everything. The milky way's faint glow streaks across the sky and all my problems suddenly feel so very small. I stand there in complete silence for what feels like forever, watching for shooting stars. I take it all in: the waves crashing against the hull, the lightning dancing in the distance and the light of the universe shining down on my tired shoulders. I fight the urge to break out the camera, knowing that no picture would ever do this justice..... and it seems fitting that way. Some of life's most honest and revealing moments are just for you. Just for right now, to be lived in that moment and kept in your heart for every moment after. It's one of the many lessons that has come with a life spent travelling. It's a beautiful moment. One that comes with the overwhelming feeling of being right where I am supposed to be. On my path to wherever it is I'm going in my life.......but right beside that feeling is something else too: a wanting. A desire to share this gift I've just been given. A feeling that it's time to share this life with someone else.

No longer just a love for adventure but a love to adventure with.

Some will read this and see a guy who spent a life leaving love. Others will see someone with a love for seeing the world. Myself, standing on the bow of a star lit ship in the middle of the ocean, I see in me someone who just wants a partner to share these moments with as we journey through the universe.

So how about that weather?

Posted by Kevin Dexter Pattee at 12:32 PM
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Labels: Bachelor, Bachelorette, Bachelorette Canada, BacheloretteCA, loss, love, Reality television, Travel, Traveller problems
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Last edited by see2love on Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:37 pm

Wow, he's so deep. I'm not sure what to make of him and where he's head is at.


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Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:38 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:Wow, he's so deep. I'm not sure what to make of him and where he's head is at.

I was just going to write the exact thing!

Hmmm what does all this mean?


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Post by nd4reality Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:46 pm

mercieme wrote:
nd4reality wrote:Can i ask this question, is Kevin P sleuthed to be out of the running for F1 by facts if any ?

Speculation only based on his blog regrading marriage. The show has advertised a proposal at the end which IMO Kevin P would not do based on what he wrote in his blog. For sure he can be F1 but only if Jasmine drops the "I see my husband" storyline they have been dropping on us. It will be a good surprise though if there is no proposal at the end of this....jmo.

Ok so there is no current proof that he is out is there ? Like him being active on SM well before the finale was filmed or confirmed SCs of 3 other guys at and beyond the F3 point ? Just curious. TIA

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Post by Guest Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:50 pm

Auntie said that Kevin W and Mike are the final 2 as was told to her from some one associated with the show.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Oct 04, 2016 5:58 pm

I believe his first SM post was May 31st which is around the time filming ended. However we were told by a poster, sorry the name escapes me right now, who gave us a lot of info, that they were told to stay off SM until filming ended. So for some contestants we can't go by that. I believe there were a couple we were able to catch back on SM before filming ended. Someone can CMIIW.


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Post by jojo47 Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:06 pm

nd4reality wrote:
mercieme wrote:
nd4reality wrote:Can i ask this question, is Kevin P sleuthed to be out of the running for F1 by facts if any ?

Speculation only based on his blog regrading marriage. The show has advertised a proposal at the end which IMO Kevin P would not do based on what he wrote in his blog. For sure he can be F1 but only if Jasmine drops the "I see my husband" storyline they have been dropping on us. It will be a good surprise though if there is no proposal at the end of this....jmo.

Ok so there is no current proof that he is out is there ? Like him being active on SM well before the finale was filmed or confirmed SCs of 3 other guys at and beyond the F3 point ? Just curious. TIA

I can't answer the SM activity question, but he isn't ruled out by SC evidence yet.

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