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shesaidyes - Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion - Page 17 Empty Re: Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion

Post by Guest Sun May 01, 2016 12:45 pm

1. Which season was your favorite? Ashley... Actually, hers was the last season that I watched the whole season. Once Bentley was gone, it wasn't hard to see that JP was the one for her.
2. Which bachelorette(s) did you like the least? Didn't watch 2 of them (Andi or Kaitlyn), didn't watch the whole season for Des or Emily so I'm not counting them. Of the rest that were left, would have to say Jen. I loved her on Andrew's season, but not on her own.
3. Which 'ette (in your opinion) had the happiest ever after whether directly from the show or after? Trista because it has survived time and they have worked through the rough times.
4. Which bachelorette do you think you would most enjoy being friends with? Trista mostly because she's older. I really don't relate to the 20 somethings since I'm much older than them.

I didn't like Emily on Brad's season so really wasn't interested in watching her whole season. I started watching it at hometown dates. I didn't know Des because I hadn't watched the bachelor season she was on (can't even tell you who it was) but was reading the boards and knew of the spoiler. So I watched from FSD to the end. Again, I didn't know Andi or Kaitlyn because I didn't watch the bachelor seasons so had no desire to watch their seasons. I think I turned on Andi's final episode and ATFR just because nothing else was on TV that night!

I'm not sure that I will watch JoJo's season at all. I'll just keep up with it through you guys giggling


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Post by Guest Sun May 01, 2016 12:57 pm

havadrpepper wrote:1. Which season was your favorite? Ashley... Actually, hers was the last season that I watched the whole season.  Once Bentley was gone, it wasn't hard to see that JP was the one for her.
2. Which bachelorette(s) did you like the least?  Didn't watch 2 of them (Andi or Kaitlyn), didn't watch the whole season for Des or Emily so I'm not counting them.  Of the rest that were left, would have to say Jen.  I loved her on Andrew's season, but not on her own.  
3. Which 'ette (in your opinion) had the happiest ever after whether directly from the show or after? Trista because it has survived time and they have worked through the rough times.
4. Which bachelorette do you think you would most enjoy being friends with? Trista mostly because she's older.  I really don't relate to the 20 somethings since I'm much older than them.

I didn't like Emily on Brad's season so really wasn't interested in watching her whole season.  I started watching it at hometown dates.  I didn't know Des because I hadn't watched the bachelor season she was on (can't even tell you who it was) but was reading the boards and knew of the spoiler.  So I watched from FSD to the end.  Again, I didn't know Andi or Kaitlyn because I didn't watch the bachelor seasons so had no desire to watch their seasons.  I think I turned on Andi's final episode and ATFR just because nothing else was on TV that night!

I'm not sure that I will watch JoJo's season at all.  I'll just keep up with it through you guys  giggling

For me, granted I've only watched the last 3 seasons:
1. Des-I thought she was a total sweetheart and I LOVED the ending because not only was Chris one of my two faves (Drew was the other), but I wasn't big on Brooks and RS was wrong, which made it all the more exciting. I remember smiling from ear to ear when Brooks didn't come back and she accepted Chris' proposal.
2. Kaitlyn-I didn't find her to be very funny or classy. I thought she was immature and also very hypocritical. Didn't care for the eyerolls at Nick. Also, how can you tell someone that he is "the one" and then sleep with 1, maybe even 2 other guys? Bleh.
3. Des-I loved her and Chris and thought that she was really genuine when she told him about what she went through with Brooks. She was very deserving of her HEA, and she got it.
4. Des-She reminds me a lot of myself

Yeah, I love Des. Hugesmile

I do think Andi had the best guys. I really liked Marcus, Brian, Josh, Marquel, and Cody. In fact, I wanted Marcus or Brian to be the Bachelor so that Becca could've met them.


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Post by jul2201 Sun May 01, 2016 1:14 pm

1. Des. I watched her season already knowing the outcome and loved seeing her love story with Chris unfold. Seriously, I still go back and watch the scenes sometimes. These two are so sweet and genuine, and although they met on a silly dating show, their love just seems so genuine, and they are just about each other and not attention and fame.

2. Hmh, hard to say. I wasn't all in for Katlyn, but it seems like she found what she was looking for. Good for her. Smiley

3. Des, Ashley and Jillian.

4. Des or Ashley.


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Post by sosleepy Sun May 01, 2016 1:34 pm

What about favorite guys from each season (cause for me, The Bachelorette is all about the men!):

Kaitlyn: In retrospect, had a lot of good guys. They were just all so overshadowed by the F1 vs. TOG drama that killed her season for me. Ben H. is definitely my hands down fave from her season, less for how he was with her, and more for what came after for him. To me, he is hands down then best Bachelor to date. Just an A+ all arounder, in every way.

Andi: I really didn't like her men at all. Josh was waaaaay too OTT in personality for me. The farmer and Marcus were both dullsville. Nick was my favorite that season. He was cerebral and I liked him with Andi. I like Nick less as TOG with Kaitlyn and everything post-Bach 11, but with Andi, he was my fave.

Des: Chris, hands down. Brooks was also gold for me. Both handled everything very maturely. Brooks, for leaving when he did and giving Des a real shot at HEA and not going though with a silly sham engagement (would have been the easier choice for him), and Chris for being a MAN and putting that in the past and moving forward. Just A+, both of them.

Emily - I was a huge Jef fan. Was, being the operative word. I found both Arie and Sean terribly over rated. I don't mind Arie now though. Sean, I'd be totally cool with if he could tone down the sanctimony.

Ashley - JP, cause duh. Also I really liked Ames at the time, he was intriguing. Otherwise, I thought Ashley had terrible men, either that, or outside of JP, she had terrible taste in men and a lot of duds went far.

Ali - I'm some weird anomaly, because I find her season incredibly over rated. I guess I'll go with the standard Chris L. and Roberto love, cause I do recognize they seem like stand up, wonderful men. I just didn't fan girl either like so many. Ali's whole season to me is nothing special. I know lots loved it, and my opinion is rogue.

Jillian - I was a huge Ed fan. I thought he really got the shaft and a bad rap. He has never, to this day, said one bad word about Jillian or his time with her. He proved to be fun and lovable on BP, and now he's the only major player from her season who seems happily married. I knew Eddie had it in him! Reid was soooo terribly over rated. I thought he was immature and had a mean-girl streak.

DeAnna - Jason, I guess. Mostly because "his story" became so iconic for the Franchise. Graham was always so overrated for me.

Jen - I only half watched Jen's season and missed a lot of episodes. Jerry, I guess? I liked Jen more with Firestone than with any of her dudes.  

Meredith - Ian! He was hot. He and Meredith were smoking.

Trista - Hands down, Ryan Sutter. Just a genuine, class act. A true Renaissance man. He is hard to beat. 13 years later, and he still holds up well as one of the best contestants ever, IMO.

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Post by hdman Sun May 01, 2016 2:40 pm

I wish I would have started watching years ago so I would know who you guys are talking about.


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Post by bluwavz Sun May 01, 2016 2:41 pm

sosleepy wrote:
Jillian - I was a huge Ed fan. I thought he really got the shaft and a bad rap. He has never, to this day, said one bad word about Jillian or his time with her. He proved to be fun and lovable on BP, and now he's the only major player from her season who seems happily married. I knew Eddie had it in him! Reid was soooo terribly over rated. I thought he was immature and had a mean-girl streak.

LOL. Yes. A catty mean girl is the perfect description. I will forever be amused that Ed got married before Reid did after all the hype about him during that season.

1. Jillian's season was my favorite. She's definitely the most fashionable and successful Bachelorette. I felt she was very much herself. She was cute, charming and fun on and off the show and the guys her season seemed to truly like her as a person even if they weren't necessarily romantically interested in her. It was an overall enjoyable season for me with fun dates and good drama.

2. MeAndI is easily my least favorite Bachelorette ever. I thought she was an insufferable bitch. It's one thing to audition to be the next lead and it's another thing to do it while throwing the current lead under the bus and play a part in the hate he received. I tried to give her a chance after that but then she did the same thing to Eric and I was finally done with her. I pity the lapdog who ends up with her.

3. I think Desiree had the happiest ever after. She didn't come from much growing up and she never felt like anyone loved her as much as she loved them and then she got her dream career and a man who still loved her and wanted to be with her despite all the pining she did over another man that whole season. If there was anyone who deserved a happily ever after among the leads it was her and I feel like she is genuinely grateful for everything she has.

4. I'd probably feel most comfortable being friends with Emily just because she's a more introverted and reserved person like I am.

All JMO.

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shesaidyes - Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion - Page 17 Empty Re: Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion

Post by sosleepy Sun May 01, 2016 3:01 pm

bluwavz wrote:
sosleepy wrote:
Jillian - I was a huge Ed fan. I thought he really got the shaft and a bad rap. He has never, to this day, said one bad word about Jillian or his time with her. He proved to be fun and lovable on BP, and now he's the only major player from her season who seems happily married. I knew Eddie had it in him! Reid was soooo terribly over rated. I thought he was immature and had a mean-girl streak.

LOL. Yes. A catty mean girl is the perfect description. I will forever be amused that Ed got married before Reid did after all the hype about him during that season.

You mean I'm not the only one who found Reid immature, petty, and whiney with a slightly inflamed sense of self importance????!!!! OMG, I thought I was a lone wolf. To this day, I think he is single handedly THE MOST overrated contestant of all time. His popularity, especially then, but even now years later just boggles my mind. Yes, Ed commiting first with marriage definitely gives me a chuckle. laugh out loud

Jillian's season really made for some heated discussion on the boards.

Last edited by sosleepy on Sun May 01, 2016 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by bleuberry Sun May 01, 2016 3:04 pm

I never liked Reid either.  shesaidyes - Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion - Page 17 1f633

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Post by Kashathediva Sun May 01, 2016 3:07 pm

1) Ashely because my daughter actually got to meet JP twice and he is so normal and nice.
2) MEandI--pathetic and waste of potential added to a sense of entitlement and ignorance.
3) Des--for many of the above reasons. Very happy for her.
4) Ali--she has a sense of whimsical fun. or perhaps Ashley for the same.

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Post by Mustang19 Sun May 01, 2016 3:21 pm

1. Favorite was Jillian. I thought she had great guys, great locations. She was entertaining and real. I loved Ed, and was not a fan of either Reid or Kiptyn. Did see what she saw in them. Could have done without the Wes drama.

2. No surprise here - Andi. Not only my least favorite lead, my least favorite constestant of the entire franchise.

3. Probably Des. She seemed like the ultimate contestant. Just wanted to find someone and get married. So happy she and Chris have worked out and done things their way. Very happy for her.

4. Either Jillian or Emily. I thought Jillian was so fun and outgoing, but I am more like Emily, a reserved introvert. I didn't get all the Emily criticism. I don't think she actually did anything wrong, I thought Jef was more of a snake in the grass type.

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Post by bluwavz Sun May 01, 2016 3:35 pm

I'm very in the middle with Emily. I didn't care for her in the lead role though I don't think she really did anything wrong either (except pick 1F LOL). None of the guys that season were a great match for her so I guess I understand why she picked the way she did. She's someone I find more likable off the show than on it.

All JMO.

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Post by Sprite Sun May 01, 2016 3:52 pm

Since question #4 was added after I answered the first three, I think I could be friends with Meredith, Jillian, Ashley and Des. For me they seem to be the most normal and drama free and not over the top girly. Not a fan of the entitled, over the top bitchy ones. The guys on the other hand, I would probably chill with most of them. Still love me some shorts and all. The irony that he is the first one married of Kyptyn and Reid...and Jilly! rofl

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