Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by Beach Lover Wed Apr 27, 2016 6:39 pm

nannymargie wrote:

I never heard anyone say she gave real intimate details about her relationship with Josh.  I will wait on judging when I have more information.

clipped from:

"but split they did, and now Andi is getting into — like, really getting into — the backstory."

"Bachelorette fans won't be disappointed with the juicy details"

"You delve into sex with an ex in one chapter"

Beach Lover
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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by FLChica Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:24 pm

Beach Lover wrote:
nannymargie wrote:

I never heard anyone say she gave real intimate details about her relationship with Josh.  I will wait on judging when I have more information.

clipped from:

"but split they did, and now Andi is getting into — like, really getting into — the backstory."

"Bachelorette fans won't be disappointed with the juicy details"

"You delve into sex with an ex in one chapter"

  GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 3538374961   GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 1646190589


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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by Kashathediva Wed Apr 27, 2016 7:36 pm

FLChica wrote:
Beach Lover wrote:
nannymargie wrote:

I never heard anyone say she gave real intimate details about her relationship with Josh.  I will wait on judging when I have more information.

clipped from:

"but split they did, and now Andi is getting into — like, really getting into — the backstory."

"Bachelorette fans won't be disappointed with the juicy details"

"You delve into sex with an ex in one chapter"

  GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 3538374961   GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 1646190589

IMO: We need a much bigger pile of crap.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by nannymargie Wed Apr 27, 2016 8:31 pm

Beach Lover wrote:
nannymargie wrote:

I never heard anyone say she gave real intimate details about her relationship with Josh.  I will wait on judging when I have more information.

clipped from:

"but split they did, and now Andi is getting into — like, really getting into — the backstory."

"Bachelorette fans won't be disappointed with the juicy details"

"You delve into sex with an ex in one chapter"

Thanks for the link I had never seen it.

Sometime you have to fall apart only to realize you need to be together!

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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by Georgia Lindsay Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:09 pm

nannymargie wrote:
Beach Lover wrote:I just saw that Andi is going to be in Buckhead, Atlanta for a Q&A session and book signing on June 2nd.  Nothing like personally airing your dirty laundry where your ex still lives. Seems like just another twist of the knife.

Josh no longer lives in Buckhead, he moved a few weeks ago.
Josh didn't move that far from Buckhead, and he still goes to Buckhead with his pals, that's his place to hangout, go to dinner, and always has been since he moved from Athens. I'd love Josh and his buddies to show up and just laugh in her fake face! giggling

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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by Stacia620 Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:26 pm

I bet Josh couldn't care less about what Andi has to say.  I believe he has been over her for a very, very, very loooooooooong time and that probably burns her up more than anything.  (I honestly don't think he was ever into her that much anyway).

Last edited by Stacia620 on Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Georgia Lindsay Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:28 pm

bluwavz wrote:I don't give a rip where she promotes her tacky tell all. Writing a book about her breakup was a classless move in the first place. Where she promotes it makes no difference to me.

All JMO. :halo:
Many folks share this exact sentiment. I live in  the Atlanta area, not far from Josh.  Andi is not well liked by anyone I know, and I know a lot of people, many, many UGA alums, etc. Josh is popular and well liked in Atlanta and surrounding Buckhead, Athens, etc. All the Murray's are loved and respected for the very many charity events to help sick kids, plus the huge UGA connection #GoDawgs

MeAndi is a bitter, pathetic, trashy, immature loser, which proves a law degree doesn't equate with having class, she has none!   no no no

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Post by Georgia Lindsay Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:34 pm

Stacia620 wrote:I bet Josh could care less about what Andi has to say.  I believe he has been over her for a very, very, very loooooooooong time and that probably burns her up more than anything.  (I honestly don't think he was ever into her that much anyway).
Agree, he's just glad he escaped from that pyscho. His recent podcast (in the Josh fan thread) said it all. He said he tried for a long time to break it up, and finally, he couldn't take it anymore and did break it off in Jan 2015. What a miserable 8 months he must have endured from MeAndi, the wacko.

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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by AnandaMarie Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:38 pm

Beach Lover wrote:
Elle wrote:Since, according to her ex, he is the one who ended the relationship and moved on long ago, why would her appearance in Buckhead be another twist of the knife? He just said in his podcast that he's the happiest he's ever been in his life so I don't think Andi coming to Buckhead should have any impact on him at all. Yes, Andi wrote a book which she will be promoting and her ex is on reality show where he is going to discuss past relationships with a therapist. I'm sure there will be some dirty laundry aired there as well, so I really don't see how one can be criticized without criticizing the other. JMO

Just curious, how would everyone posting here feel if an ex wrote a book giving details about your sex life and private, intimate conversations?  Personally, whether I ended the relationship and was currently happy or not, I would feel violated and embarrassed.  I'm not a kiss and tell person.  I think whenever someone publicly discusses such intimate details it's just wrong.  I feel very strongly that those things should simply be kept private.  And Andi thought so too on ATFR, but apparently not anymore.  And that's the difference between Josh and Andi to me.  Josh has only generalized things about the two of them together.  Andi is giving intimate juicy details according to those that have actually read the book.  Big difference in my eyes!  We don't know that Josh will share much of anything about Andi on FS. I'm guessing he will just generalize as he already has. But it's just a guess since the show hasn't aired yet.  It's not a guess with Andi.  We have been told she is really going deep with the details.  So from a comparison sake,  that is why I feel I am within reason for criticizing Andi and withholding judgement on Josh for now.  

Andi does have every right to promote her book anywhere she wants, including in Buckhead.  But all of this is just an exploitation of their relationship and anyway you slice it, atleast IMO,  that's going to have a negative impact on Josh (twisting the knife).  Is any of this really worth it?  What happened to her saying the past is the past and moving forward with her better than ever life in NYC?  

She really should be able to do her book signings wherever she wants, including next to Josh's apartment if that pleases her. Nobody stopped him from parading his little girl all over NY. I personally don't like or agree with the book but who knows what Josh has said about her on his reality show. I agree that Josh has only generalized things between them, but that's what he does. He implies stuff about her and their relationship without actually saying it. He seems to think that by implying negative things about Andi, he makes her look bad without saying it so he still looks like the perfect gentleman.

If Andi's book is an explotiation of the relationship, isn't Famously Single just as much of an exploitation of the relationship. Why did Josh do Famously Single and why might he be considering BIP? For someone who has totally moved on, he's really exploiting his past relationship for fame and money. Didn't Josh say his life is better than ever as well. Why exploit a relationship that was so bad according to him.

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Post by Stacia620 Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:38 pm

I bet he was miserable.  I imagine breaking it off with her was a very freeing experience.

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:42 pm

I just want to remind members this is the MEandI thread. I know it's hard not to discuss Josh, but let's move further discussion of him to his thread, please.

Last edited by Kashathediva on Wed Apr 27, 2016 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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GoDawgs - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5 - Page 79 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #5

Post by Georgia Lindsay Wed Apr 27, 2016 9:48 pm

Stacia620 wrote:I bet he was miserable.  I imagine breaking it off with her was a very freeing experience.
Yeah, since he tried so many times, guess she wouldn't or couldn't, due to her narcissism & big  "ME" ego, take no for an answer. He said when the camera stopped, she was a completely different person.  

MeAndi, the fake actress, so glad Josh found that out pretty soon, even though it was obvious to me from the beginning. R.I.P. Eric

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