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Post by jen689 Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:46 pm


wta - The Bachelor 20 - Ben Higgins - Women Tell All -*Sleuthing - Spoilers*  - Page 50 0308-t10

It sure looked like an obsessed fan interrupted "The Bachelor: The Women Tell All" episode Monday to show Lace a tattoo of her face on his stomach ... but the guy's actually just a joker. Our 'Bachelor' spies say comedian and "Punk'd" producer Jamie Abrams faked both his emotions and his tattoo. Abrams -- who went viral in 2013 for the "The Women of LA" YouTube video -- showed up at the taping and surprised Chris Harrison by standing up and professing his undying love for Lace Morris. As for the look of fear on Lace's face ... we're told it's 100% real. Our source says no one from cast or crew were in on the prank, so she was understandably creeped out. We reached out to both ABC and Abrams, but no comment.


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Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:53 pm

Longhornfan wrote:
grace8136 wrote:
nothatgirl wrote:

I'm listening to it right now and I agree with everything Nick is saying. Spot on that Olivia did not deserve the hate she got as she didn't do anything that bad, the twins were bullies and got a pass because they were part of the popular group, and that jubilee killed it.

Also pretty interesting that all three hosts said that they don't think Caila can carry a show and doesn't do a great job of letting down her guard and being genuine.  Nick said the only real moment we got from her was when she got dumped, which is what I've said too! I also agree with Nick that she's a cute girl, but lacks sex appeal. He said her season would be very similar to Des's which is the vibe I get too. I know people here loved des, but I couldn't make it through one episode because I don't think she had the personality to carry it and she bored me. I did think it was interesting that Nick threw out Jojo's name as a potential 'ette. Since he's talked to her IRL, it makes me think she's maybe not in a relationship. IMO.

One of JoJo's good friends is liking a bunch of tweets about JoJo being the next 'ette. That made me think that she's not in a relationship and also that maybe the 'ette role is not a done deal.

I don't want to get anything started, so just take what I am about to say with a grain of salt.  I know nothing, okay?  I live in the DFW area, and this morning I was watching the ABC station here, because we were having some strong storms entering our area.  And, I noticed a blip that scrolled across the bottom of the screen that said something about the Bachelor.  So, I backed it up so that I could see it again.  And, all it said was that the Bachelor had been filming here at the Farmers Market and the Botanical Gardens.  I didn't see where it said WHEN this occurred, but it appeared to me that it must have been recently.

But, at the time I felt like it was weird to say the Bachelor, since TB is going to be over in a week.  So, is it possible that you are right, and they have been filming an introductory piece with JoJo within the last few weeks?  And we have been having really beautiful weather here the last couple of months, which is in stark contrast of what the weather was like during JoJo's HTD.  But, all I know is that it definitely said the Bachelor was filming, not the Bachelorette.

Anyway, this is just food for thought.

Huh, I wonder if they're doing another "Choose your Bachelorette" show like they did with Kaitlyn and Britt. I sure hope not because that was AWKWARD, but that's the only reason I could come up with why they're filming in both JoJo and Caila's hometowns.


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Post by Duke702 Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:57 pm

Haha I knew that was fake laugh out loud, no way it was real


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Post by Buckeye_Fan Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:00 pm

Longhornfan wrote:
grace8136 wrote:
nothatgirl wrote:

I'm listening to it right now and I agree with everything Nick is saying. Spot on that Olivia did not deserve the hate she got as she didn't do anything that bad, the twins were bullies and got a pass because they were part of the popular group, and that jubilee killed it.

Also pretty interesting that all three hosts said that they don't think Caila can carry a show and doesn't do a great job of letting down her guard and being genuine.  Nick said the only real moment we got from her was when she got dumped, which is what I've said too! I also agree with Nick that she's a cute girl, but lacks sex appeal. He said her season would be very similar to Des's which is the vibe I get too. I know people here loved des, but I couldn't make it through one episode because I don't think she had the personality to carry it and she bored me. I did think it was interesting that Nick threw out Jojo's name as a potential 'ette. Since he's talked to her IRL, it makes me think she's maybe not in a relationship. IMO.

One of JoJo's good friends is liking a bunch of tweets about JoJo being the next 'ette. That made me think that she's not in a relationship and also that maybe the 'ette role is not a done deal.

I don't want to get anything started, so just take what I am about to say with a grain of salt.  I know nothing, okay?  I live in the DFW area, and this morning I was watching the ABC station here, because we were having some strong storms entering our area.  And, I noticed a blip that scrolled across the bottom of the screen that said something about the Bachelor.  So, I backed it up so that I could see it again.  And, all it said was that the Bachelor had been filming here at the Farmers Market and the Botanical Gardens.  I didn't see where it said WHEN this occurred, but it appeared to me that it must have been recently.

But, at the time I felt like it was weird to say the Bachelor, since TB is going to be over in a week.  So, is it possible that you are right, and they have been filming an introductory piece with JoJo within the last few weeks?  And we have been having really beautiful weather here the last couple of months, which is in stark contrast of what the weather was like during JoJo's HTD.  But, all I know is that it definitely said the Bachelor was filming, not the Bachelorette.

Anyway, this is just food for thought.

My guess is that they wouldn't know if it was the Bachelor or Bachelorette. However, I remember hearing that Chris Siegfried was being filmed shortly before the end of Des' season. Even though the sleuthers felt there was a great chance Des did choose him, there was speculation that maybe he was being considered to be the next Bachelor - IIRC.

Thanks for the info!


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Post by mindless Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:11 pm

What if they filmed JoJo's intro a while ago already? When no one was even on the lookout yet.

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Post by jen689 Tue Mar 08, 2016 5:17 pm

Tears, Tattoos and Bloopers: the 10 Most Important Moments that Happened on The Bachelor: Women Tell All

What happened when all the women Ben Higgins dumped this season on The Bachelor reunited at the Women Tell All? Well, as you can imagine, all the good stuff.

In case you missed it, here are the 10 most important moments from the two-hour special.

1. Tiara the Chicken Enthusiast Brought a Live Chicken on the Show
Because of course she did.

2. Leah Basically Had No Excuse About that Time She Threw Lauren B. Under the Bus – and She Got Booed by the Audience
Remember when Leah came completely out of left field and trash-talked Lauren B. to Ben?

Well, if you were hoping for a juicy explanation about that, sorry to disappoint. According to Leah, she did it because she was mad that Lauren had apparently made an offhand comment that girls who got upset about Ben not picking them for dates were "losers."

As for her decision to lie to the other girls faces when they asked her about it? She "didn't intentionally lie," whatever that means.

(Anyways, for the record, Leah and Lauren B. "are good now," – but what we really want to know is the explanation behind that black eye Leah had in the season promo that was never addressed again.)

3. Amber, Jami and Jubilee Got Into a Tense Discussion About Race
So basically what happened was Jami and Amber called out Jubilee for allegedly making comments along the lines of her being "the only full black girl" on the show, which offended the other two girls, who are mixed.

Jubilee initially fiercely denied ever saying anything of the sort, but after being pressed by Jami, she eventually apologized and told the two girls her intentions were never to offend them – and as we've seen, Jubilee is no stranger to controversy.

Then it was Jubilee's turn in the hot seat with host Chris Harrison, and she was teary-eyed before he'd even started asking her questions. Looking back on the journey, an emotional Jubilee said she got caught up in the aspects of the show that were "not real" to her, such as the fact that you're dating a man at the same time as 28 other women.

As for how she's doing now, things are looking up: Jubilee, who is still in the military (in the reserve), just made sergeant!

4. Some Random Guy Got a Tattoo of Lace on His Chest
Remember Lace? Of course you do. Anyway, some random guy in the audience was such a huge fan of her that he actually got a real (and rather large) tattoo of her face on the side of his torso, because romance, right?!

5. Get Excited, People: We Officially Have Our First Bachelor in Paradise Contestant
And yes, it's Lace. We called it.

6. Olivia Apologized to Everyone and It Actually Seemed Genuine
Olivia was without a doubt the most controversial contestant this season. (And with good reason: She did compare Amanda to an episode of Teen Mom just because she has two daughters.)

At the Women Tell All, Olivia came back with a new attitude (and the classic breakover bob). She was teary, apologetic and admitted that the setting of the show was completely wrong for her personality.

After a few snippy back-and-forth comments with the twins, Olivia finally full-on apologized to all of the women, especially Amanda, for saying anything that was offensive to them.

She also said she was "severely bullied as a child" and that watching the other women pick apart her physical appearance (#neverforget The Great Cankle Debate of 2016) brought a lot of those feelings back. (The other women, meanwhile, didn't seem to buy that explanation, claiming if that was the case then she should have been more self-aware of how her actions might upset others. And also, they want everyone to know they like to "read books and talk smart" too.)

At the end of the day, Olivia said, the last few months have been really hard, especially with all the social media backlash she's received – and she admitted she "didn't do it right, but I learned."

7. Caila Kind of Said She Still Loves Ben
Caila made it to the final three before she got dumped on last week's episode – and if the Women Tell All was any indication, she's still hurting.

"It's hard to watch it back," she said after a clip of their relationship from start to finish aired. "I really did love him and I still do in a way and I just didn't picture it ending that way."

8. Ben Is Ready to Get Married "Tomorrow"
Ben may have told both his final two women he loves them, but it looks like things definitely worked out with one of them.

As for which one, we won't know until the finale next Monday, but Ben – who revealed last week he is engaged – told Harrison he is "more in love" than he's ever been: "I would marry that woman tomorrow if I could," he vowed.

9. And In Case You Weren't Convinced Ben Is a Gentleman, All the Women He Dumped Still Rave About Him
Harrison isn't kidding when he calls Ben "the most loved Bachelor" of all time – in fact, all the girls at the Women Tell All couldn't stop raving about him, even Amanda, whom he sent home in a heartbreaking elimination after meeting her two kids.

From Olivia to Lauren H., Ben was showered with compliments from his exes – Becca went so far as to say it was "comforting" to know that there are good guys like him out there. (Plus, he was successfully able to tell twins Emily and Haley apart – thank God, because a) that would have been so awkward if he messed up and b) we honestly didn't know which was one which until he did that.)

10. And Last But Not Least, Becca Called Ben "Chris" – as in Chris Soules – in the Bloopers
Yes, as in, her other Bachelor ex-boyfriend from last season of the show. Legendary.


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Post by allicat Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:19 pm

Here are some screencaps and synopsis for the finale.


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Post by sosleepy Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:28 pm

Is that the long synopsis?

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Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:28 pm

mindless wrote:What if they filmed JoJo's intro a while ago already? When no one was even on the lookout yet.

No one ever saw Nick or Arie's intro packages being filmed either, right? We only knew about Arie's from Sean's comments and I believe RS revealed that Nick had one done too, but I don't remember any pictures being leaked or anything. I definitely think that if they wanted to keep it a secret, they could. IMO.


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Post by Guest Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:31 pm

Pics and press release are out for the Finale. Could we please get an episode thread? Praying


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Post by limoncello Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:32 pm

allicat wrote:Here are some screencaps and synopsis for the finale.

from these pictures Lauren's dress grew on me. Looks just fine - elegant and simple. I'd take that.

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Mar 08, 2016 6:51 pm

sophienette wrote:Pics and press release are out for the Finale. Could we please get an episode thread? Praying
I started one Sophie. It can be found link
For some reason I could not start this thread in the episode section and had to start it in another going through a backdoor, I guess--so GA will move it later. However the link will be the same. I will shoot GA a pm.

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