Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2016 2:58 pm

Shirley confirmed during an interview that she was first at the episode 4 RC (see interview in the other thread)

So how many times do you think the crew asked her to walk?? The sand should be without any path at all..

When she leaves, next to her left and not far away we see Marie-Charlotte and Julie. So it was a re-take.

Busted!!! LOL

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my S/caps (HEA)


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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Mar 28, 2016 3:28 pm

laugh out loud good one HEA. I would never survive in that location. That sand would get in my contacts give me a scratched cornea in no time. (Have had them before) Although it is an unusual and very unique location. I asked where is this, maybe I missed the answer, I apologize if I did.


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Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:02 pm

It is at the Canary Islands, at The dunes of Maspalomas Smiley


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Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:05 pm

I wonder if they asked her to re-do her "NO"? How many times marco could take a slap on his face you think and be humiliated in front of 12 girls? rofl

no wonder Laurie was smirking during the whole ceremony!


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Post by Guest Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:12 pm

yep. I do not like Marco. His attitude at the Club was a complete nono. zero excuse. I do not care if the prods asked him to do it to create extra drama. As Linda said, he is 34 and should have been more mature and most of all most respectful.

The guy is an immature jerk.


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Post by AllAboutLove Tue Mar 29, 2016 10:02 am

Just watched episode 5...

The chemistry between Marco and Linda is off the charts. Loved that they played M83 during their (one of many) kiss... love that song. I like that there's a vulnerability and tenderness with Marco when he is with Linda that he doesn't have with any of the other girls. He had this expression on his face on their date like he couldn't believe Linda was real (lucky for him she is and not so lucky for her since I think she can do so much better). I just have to ffwd through the scenes with Marco and the other girls. It's gotten to the point with Diane that I think Marco and Diane have nothing to talk about so they just make out but it lacks tenderness and is getting boring already. I am just watching for Linda and when she's not shown all I can think is "When's Linda going to be shown?" She's amazing. #teamlinda

Episode 5 (use hola or other vpn to watch)

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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:14 pm

So it was very interesting to hear Linda saying at the RC in ITM:

Diane, I think she would have liked to be call first. But sorry, Diane, it is me who was called first. But I could see clearly that she saw she lost the favorite position and that I took the front-runner position. Sorry.

So Linda is not this little kind sweet funny girl all the time and she can be a little bitchy a time.

It is obvious for me that this episode was the huge turnaround for Linda. Sadly Diane has nothing to say, she has no life experience. Marco tried to know her during the hot bath date, got nothing. He tried at the pool group party, got nothing. Next week at the Eiffel Tower, it will be the same scenario... besides physical chemistry, he'll get nothing.

So his last week ITM saying: falling madly quickly turns to a small flame and then nothing.... direct message about how he felt with Diane. His mother reference about "I hope he will find a girl with something between the ears" was not innocent.

Linda's date was definitely THE crucial date for both. Marco was definitely way more natural, careful, shy, tender with her. In big letters, I could read: complicity.

I like Linda, do not get me wrong. But she is not the most classy girl in the block at times. :P


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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:38 pm

A little bit of sleuthing now Smiley

The next week preview shows us a diner drama as if Marco asks Diane to leave.

It sure is not her. I do not know who it is (maybe Laurie?). I have a feeling that an argument showed up and Diane was targeted. Marco took Diane's defense and ask the girl to leave. Production makes us think it is Diane when it is only her leaving the table because she is upset.

We can clearly see that Diane is on Marco's LEFT, and Shirley next to her LEFT. On the other side, Naelle is on Marco's RIGHT and on Naelle RIGHT there is an empty place.

Everyone look very upset. Per elimination, it cannot be Linda. So left are Laurie, Clemence, Louise and Masha.

Masha: disneyland date (group date?)
Naelle: spa date (single date?)
Diane: Eiffel Tower (single date?)

So why another group date with Naelle and Diane along with Shirley and ??

No preview of Linda, Clemence, Louise and Laurie. The only 2 person who are speaking their mind and best friends are Laurie and Clemence. So my take is that it may be clemence or laurie who Marco asks to leave. I really do not see Masha or Louise starting a drama and we all know it cannot be Linda who is if you think about it always out of group dates lately or dates that Marco is sure to keep Linda in the blind to see him around other girls.

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My S/cap (HEA)

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Last edited by HEA on Tue Mar 29, 2016 6:16 pm; edited 2 times in total


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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:48 pm

Episode 6 blurb:

Il reste encore huit jeunes femmes qui poursuivent l'aventure pour tenter de conquérir le cœur de Marco. Cette semaine, il emmène ses prétendantes à Paris, la ville de l'amour. Il leur a réservé des rendez-vous d'exception pour mieux les connaître et se rapprocher un peu plus de celles qui parviendront à le charmer. Trois d'entre elles auront même droit à un moment en tête à tête, les autres devant se contenter d'échanger de façon collective avec le beau célibataire. Et c'est au pied de la tour Eiffel qu'il organise la cérémonie de la rose afin de désigner qui pourra rester dans le jeu de séduction la semaine prochaine.

Reveso translation:
There are another eight young women who pursue the adventure to try to win Marco's heart. This week, he takes his pretenders in Paris, the city of love. He(it) reserved them meetings(appointments) of exception to know them better and get closer a little more of those who will succeed in charming him(it). Three of them will even be entitled at the moment in private, the others that must content with exchanging in a collective way with the beautiful single man. And it is at the foot of the Eiffel Tower that he(it) organizes the ceremony of the rose to indicate(appoint) who can stay in the game(set,play) of seduction next week.


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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Mar 29, 2016 12:53 pm

so 3 single dates?


and a group diner date with only 4? (Diane, Naelle, Shirley and ?)

we did not see Linda, Louise, Clemence, Laurie. So the 4th is one of them. But no group date for those at all except the 4th? Sounds weird.

If Diane and Naelle got single date, why are they in this diner group date?

I think the drama is about Diane taking a lot of time with Marco and the girls jealous of it. One did not take it well and started a Drama. The only logical person in my mind is Clemence. He does not care about her, she did not get time with him like ever.

Clemence could be the one leaving at diner party. She never had a date with him, each group dates were cut short with her and she never could speak with Marco or had a moment. So she could have built some jealousy if Diane got again some 1o1 attention during this diner small group. Laurie is also a possibility. She can speak her mind and she was clear during her interviews that she did not care about Marco except as a friend maybe.


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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Thu Mar 31, 2016 10:45 pm

from next week preview:

group date Disneyland: Masha, Laurie + (Louise and Linda?)
Single date Eiffel Tower: Diane
Single date SPA on roof: Naelle
Diner date drama: Diane, Shirley, Naelle + (Clemence?)

in bold, seen on preview.

The only thing that I do not get is why Naelle and Diane are also invited to this diner date. Naelle and Diane are dressed very very casual. So it seems that Marco invited them to "his" house. Producers could have done 2 group dates of 3 girls but they decided to do 2 group dates of 4 girls and extra single date with 2 of them.

Since Laurie was in the Disney group date, we can eliminate her from the diner drama, as well as Masha. So left are Clemence, Louise and Linda. Louise is way too much educated to say anything, so left Linda and Clemence. Linda just got a fantastic single date and she is still in cloud 9.... leave Clemence who never had a single date, never had a moment in the spa group date. Diane got a lot of attention from Marco and IMO Clemence was extremely bitter at diner and created the drama.


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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:26 am

so I had time to loose today and I tried to figure out the girls on the teaser at the end.

Group date Disneyland: Masha and Laurie + Laurie with a rose

10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Fyd10
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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Ma10
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10 - Bachelor France Season 3 - Gian Marco - Episode Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*  - Page 8 Lau10
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no other glimpses of other girls but the synopsys says:

[b]MyTF1[/b] wrote:Pour ce nouvel épisode, dix jeunes femmes poursuivent l'aventure. Au programme cette semaine : rebondissements inattendus, retournement de situation, jalousies et déceptions. En effet, cette semaine, Marco n'a organisé que deux rendez-vous individuels. Les jeunes femmes qui n'auront pas la chance de voir Marco en tête à tête, passeront du temps avec lui à l'occasion d'un rendez-vous en groupe. Alors qui decrochera un tête à tête avec le Bachelor ? Qui tentera le tout pour le tout ? A l'occasion de la 5ème cérémonie de la rose, deux prétendantes seront éliminées.

For this new episode, ten young women pursue the adventure. To the program this week: unexpected new developments, twist in the drama, jealousies and disappointments. Indeed, this week, Marco organized only two individual meetings. The young women who will not be lucky enough to see Marco in private, will spend time with him on the occasion of a meeting in a group. Then who will pick up a private meeting with Bachelor? Who will risk everything? On the occasion of the 5th ceremony of the rose, two pretenders will be eliminated.


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