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Post by Idlemess Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:05 am

Yes it's telling but what's also telling is the exited women saying who they think would be the one based on what. There's not much details and certainly nothing we have seen. So they might be following the script. 

Just read a piece on Megan and she's saying something about Rachael being a dark horse. Next thing, she snapped out with Rachael on a dinner date. 

I'm definitely a Faith fan and it would have been a dynamic duo with her and Richie if they both felt some kind of emotional connection. They like each other and are having fun yet I wonder if they're told to kiss no idea

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:07 am

solaroo wrote:I think that might be true @AAL.  Faith and Richie do seem to have a lot of fun together, but on last night's episode after she won the group date, even though they eventually kissed, for me it felt like a jokey/friendly banter between them without a real commitment underneath.  I can't imagine they would joke about ending up together and discussing how many kids they were going to have if it was actually really on the cards.  Maybe that's just me??
I can see what you mean [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] about Faith and Richie's chat about kids, etc, and being more jokey and as much as I enjoyed how animated they were together and could see something more there I could see how they could be really great friends too and I think with Richie he felt comfortable with her and liked her too but not as much to make it go all the way? In a way I think Faith is a female version of Richie and have to say I love watching her on my screen. She just lights up everything around her and makes me smile.

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Post by mercieme Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:45 am

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]...thanks for posting that. I think it's a cultural thing with Olena. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] posts about the Ukrainian Bachelor series in a different thread and I can totally get why Olena didn't open up on this show especially if she saw that Nikki was a front runner....still not convinced yet Olena is F2 especially if Rachel makes it to F4....we shall see though.


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Post by romance realist Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:38 am

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Infatuation may not last the distance but these body language observations renewed a glimmer of hope in me for Olena and Richie as a match.

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Post by Quane Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:18 am

romance realist wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Infatuation may not last the distance but these body language observations renewed a glimmer of hope in me for Olena and Richie as a match.

I think Nikki was said to have good body language when with Richie, vice versa. I think she mentioned Alex and Richie did not. It's also expert in body language, but a different one to this one reading Olena & Richie. I think Olena it's more of guarded wall and not much time to get to know him. I really enjoy Tim and Anna, while she was guarded towards the end she opened up. It happy ending with them. Maybe because both of them from the same state. That is why I think Richie chose Nikki as they are from the same state. It does make a great difference in making decision. IMO.

Last edited by Quane on Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo error)


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Post by solaroo Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:24 am

AllAboutLove wrote:
solaroo wrote:I think that might be true @AAL.  Faith and Richie do seem to have a lot of fun together, but on last night's episode after she won the group date, even though they eventually kissed, for me it felt like a jokey/friendly banter between them without a real commitment underneath.  I can't imagine they would joke about ending up together and discussing how many kids they were going to have if it was actually really on the cards.  Maybe that's just me??
I can see what you mean [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] about Faith and Richie's chat about kids, etc, and being more jokey and as much as I enjoyed how animated they were together and could see something more there I could see how they could be really great friends too and I think with Richie he felt comfortable with her and liked her too but not as much to make it go all the way? In a way I think Faith is a female version of Richie and have to say I love watching her on my screen. She just lights up everything around her and makes me smile.

I'm seeing great friends in Richie and Faith too, super comfortable with each other. It would be hard for Richie not to enjoy her company, she seems delightful. But personally I don't see signs of real desire there.

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Post by Living Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:21 am

solaroo wrote:

I'm seeing great friends in Richie and Faith too, super comfortable with each other.  It would be hard for Richie not to enjoy her company, she seems delightful.  But personally I don't see signs of real desire there.

When Richie is kissing Faith and Olena his hands move. Like he wants to get them closer to him. Like he wants to touch and explore every part of them as we saw with Olena. With Faith, Richie's hand was open palm on her thigh. sometimes stroking and his hands kept moving up her thigh.

With Nikki he barely moves his hand or even moves his hand off her and pulls away, and with Alex his hands do not roam. IMO that is very telling.


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Post by Samilltakerichiethx Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:44 am

I agree with you Living. I noticed Richie's hand running up & down Faith's thigh but I definitely see the chemistry he has with Alex. I don't get why there's so much hate on Alex. I think she may be 24 but she's a mother so has had to grow up fast, had a serious relationship with a guy who had a disability & was wheelchair bound & she confessed she made alterations to her house for him to live with her. I think she has a good heart & seems very invested in Richie & her emotions get the best of her no doubt because she's insecure about her having a child wondering if Richie would take on that responsibility to her heart being truly broken. I think she's funny, warm & can't see where everybody keeps saying she's acting all the time. IMO though :-)


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Post by mercieme Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:21 pm

Sarah's exit interview with Woman's Day. Interesting that she also wants Faith to win similar to Noni.

Who do you think is going to win?
I’m hoping Faith but maybe Alex.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:04 pm

ThankMeLater wrote:The last statement about Olena is  very very interesting. I think that will be her downfall.

So who’s Noni’s pick for Richie’s final rose?
“It’s definitely between Nikki and Alex,” she predicted.

“It won’t be Olena — she hasn’t opened up enough. I lived with her for seven weeks and I don’t even know her well.”
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That is what I have seen as well and why I haven't seen Olena as F1. I couldn't imagine her getting to the point of opening enough on this show to say "I love you". I could see her saying she could be falling or is starting to fall but not actual "I love you" and her being guarded and not opening up is quite typical for an F2 edit. Even Lisa in S2 had that same type of edit. It just makes the most sense to me to have her as F2 and I hardly think she would be that bothered, imo it would only give her more followers and opportunities.

In the interview with Olena when she said that she always has had her pick of guys I was a bit suspect of her, tbh. I don't think she is there for Richie or is that into him which is totally fine but I respect Megan more for leaving if that is the case.

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Post by emusha Thu Aug 25, 2016 1:30 pm

Just watched the episode and wow Olena is very closed off - you could see that she was scared she would lose him if she doesn't express her feelings and scared to express her emotions. And it's very unfortunate that she could not tell him exactly that because the conversation would have gone better if she just shared what was going on with her at the moment. Her fears...would have brought them together.

Based on this I'm thinking she might be too closed off to really fall in love curious to see what will happen next week as this epi made it clear that she likes Richie enough to see her need for change. I wonder if she will change for him??

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Post by emusha Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:31 pm

HodanG wrote:Once Olena receives her 2nd SD, it will solidify if she opens up or not and if Richie is still frustrated or not. On that note, Nikki, Alex and Olena have been liking pictures of them with Richie. Nikki however liking pictures of Richie and Olena. Not sure if this means anything or not

Hasn't she had her 2nd SD already? she's set to have another? if so, when?

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