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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by LakerGurl_45 Wed May 18, 2016 8:19 pm

Does anyone know why Andi's book hasn't gotten much publicity compared to others? Courtney's got a lot if I remember correctly and Emily was on the cover of People Magazine and Good Morning America the day her book came out. I haven't seen Andi anywhere big except UsMagazine. Just strange to me.


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Post by umngirl Wed May 18, 2016 8:22 pm

^Perhaps her book publicist doesn't really believe in the book so there is very little publicly. She lived in NYC but seems to not be visiting all of the media there. It is very strange.

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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by lovebites8727 Wed May 18, 2016 8:23 pm

I saw in a tweet she will be in people mag the next issue.She just did an interview on people about her book . Not sure what day will come out with that people mag issue .

Last edited by lovebites8727 on Wed May 18, 2016 8:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

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"challenges are what makes life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.real love is when you are completely committed to someone even when they are being completely unlovable.a strong marriage requires two people who chose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.a great marriage doesn't happen when the perfect couple gets together.It happens when an imperfect couple gets together and learn to enjoy each other's differences."

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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by sparkler Wed May 18, 2016 8:24 pm

reason wrote:So there was not much about Nick in it just Josh bashing?

Nick was definitely in there but she wasn't going for blood like she was with Josh. She made it sound like he didn't mean much to her, she had him meet the family first to set the bar low, he blew it on the overnight dates with the comments about "would you rather"....She of course was horrified that he was so blunt in the live finale. She very strangely thought she would end up in bed with him a few weeks after her relationship with Josh ended. She just wasn't as vengeful with him.


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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Guest Wed May 18, 2016 8:33 pm

sparkler wrote:
reason wrote:So there was not much about Nick in it just Josh bashing?

Nick was definitely in there but she wasn't going for blood like she was with Josh. She made it sound like he didn't mean much to her, she had him meet the family first to set the bar low, he blew it on the overnight dates with the comments about "would you rather"....She of course was horrified that he was so blunt in the live finale. She very strangely thought she would end up in bed with him a few weeks after her relationship with Josh ended. She just wasn't as vengeful with him.

You are telling me that she wanted go back to sleep with Nick after she and Josh relationship was over???????????????  I guess the sex was that good.  Wow just wow. I get more confuse by this woman everyday. Lord help me not to become delusional like her.

Last edited by reason on Wed May 18, 2016 8:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by lovebites8727 Wed May 18, 2016 8:36 pm

reason wrote:So there was not much about Nick in it just Josh bashing?
Not that much like #26. But she did call #25 some names while talking her encountered of him  in Chicago for the first time after her season when she visited christy in Chicago that time.Christy brought her at the local bar to meet some of her friends and there #25 was there  walking with some of her guys.Upon seeing him walking at the bar, she stated on her book he was an a**h**le and she was like a case of herpes won't go away.I don't think she said that to him that time . She just called him some names upon writing about him at her book after seeing him walking at the bar. She basically said she had the reason to call him a**h**le because he did after all ruin the what supposed to be one of the happiest nights of her life.(talking her live finale)

Last edited by lovebites8727 on Wed May 18, 2016 8:39 pm; edited 6 times in total

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"challenges are what makes life interesting,overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.real love is when you are completely committed to someone even when they are being completely unlovable.a strong marriage requires two people who chose to love each other even on those days when they struggle to like each other.a great marriage doesn't happen when the perfect couple gets together.It happens when an imperfect couple gets together and learn to enjoy each other's differences."

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Post by Litta123 Wed May 18, 2016 8:36 pm

I'd laugh if it weren't so sad and pathetic. Let me remind everyone of Andi and Josh's joint statement after the break up.

'After several months of being engaged and working on our relationship, we have decided that it's best for both of us to go our separate ways.'

They continued: 'We are very sad that it has come to this point, but this is what's best for both of us individually. We will continue to be good friends and have nothing but great things to say about each other and wish each other the best.'
The bolding is mine. Source below:
'I was disgusted with myself for what I put up with': Bachelorette alum Andi Dorfman lashes out at ex Josh Murray again  

Unbelievable! This girl (not woman!!) needs major help, imo. no no

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Post by Guest Wed May 18, 2016 8:41 pm

lovebites8727 wrote:
reason wrote:So there was not much about Nick in it just Josh bashing?
Not that much like #26. But she did call #25 some names while talking her encountered of him  in Chicago for the first time after her season when she visited christy in Chicago that time.Christy brought her at the local bar to meet some of her friends and there #25 was there  walking with some of her guys.Upon seeing him walking at the bar, she stated on her book he was an a**h**le and she was like a case of herpes won't go away.I don't think she said that to him that time . She just called him some names upon writing about him at her book after seeing him walking at the bar. She basically said she had the reason to call him a**h**le because he did after all ruin the what supposed to be one of the happiest nights of her life.(talking her live finale)

The only problem is she ruin her relationship with Josh not Nick.  Why blame a guy who was just trying to get answer for her actions? She treated him badly like very cold on the after so treat her like she wanted to treat. If you are nice you will be treated nicely.

Last edited by reason on Wed May 18, 2016 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total


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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by StationWagon Wed May 18, 2016 8:42 pm

reason wrote:

You are telling me that she wanted go back to sleep with Nick after she and Josh relationship was over???????????????  I guess the sex was that good.  Wow just wow.  I get more confuse by this woman everyday.  Lord help me not to become delusional like her.

Yep, while in the elevator on the way to his apartment she says "I wonder if I'll have sex with him again" and then goes on to say that she "can't believe" she just thought that and "what was I thinking" type of stuff.  It's one of the most bizarre parts of the book to me mostly because it doesn't make sense, if I hated someone having sex with them would be the absolute last thing I'd think about doing...but to each their own I guess.


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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Kashathediva Wed May 18, 2016 8:42 pm

umngirl wrote:^Perhaps her book publicist doesn't really believe in the book so there is very little publicly. She lived in NYC but seems to not be visiting all of the media there. It is very strange.
The is a very tony bookstore by me that gets all the hot authors when they release for signings. It will be interesting to see if she comes here(NNJ). 
My own theory is most of us want to read uplifting and not something that focuses negatively on others without giving others POV. To me that's bullying. Her story. Her POV. Nothing else mattered. 
This book had the opportunity to show how her experience allowed personal growth and strength vs continual justification for demeaning others. 
I wonder if the initially the publishing house/editor/involved staff tried to get her to change tone and it was nixed. If so the result might be giving a smaller post PR circuit.

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed May 18, 2016 8:42 pm

lovebites8727 wrote: snipped...She basically said she had the reason to call him a**h**le because he did after all ruin the what supposed to be one of the happiest nights of her life.(talking her live finale)

laugh out loud What a lunatic she is. Of course he ruined the happiest night of her life, while she lied to #26 about the FS. I still remember that first selfie they took the day after the FRC on the beach, "drunkin love". It disgusted me knowing what she did, knowing that Josh probably didn't know. What goes around comes around.


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29 - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6 - Page 60 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #6

Post by Kashathediva Wed May 18, 2016 8:47 pm

Sex to MEandI is like binging on chocolate chip cookies, potato chips or ice cream for most of us. 
Plunge into it blindly and lustfully enjoying every bite/swallow and worry about the ill effects after. 
Fast food for the soul.

Last edited by Kashathediva on Wed May 18, 2016 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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