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Post by GuardianAngel Sun May 01, 2016 11:19 pm

Thread 1 here

Continue thread 2 here.

Melissa_Jane wrote:
Melissa_Jane wrote:
Karina wrote:@AllAboutLove, good point no it is not out yet so I am thinking Naz was 26 questions Erin 29 Questions Fleur ???? questions, with the Woman's Day article out about Naz, does this mean that Naz is next to go ? then Erin and Fleur is F1. Just when I think it is Erin another clue is found to dispute that theory.

Once the kiwi media found out about this site, they will do anything to distract you....Kiwi's like surprise
However, I was reading the other day and they were saying that Gab came out with her hair undone, and next scene it was up...or other way around. So Hea is onto something with thinking Storm was original 3


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Post by Melissa_Jane Sun May 01, 2016 11:26 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:Thread 1 here

Continue thread 2 here.

Melissa_Jane wrote:
Melissa_Jane wrote:

Once the kiwi media found out about this site, they will do anything to distract you....Kiwi's like surprise
However, I was reading the other day and they were saying that Gab came out with her hair undone, and next scene it was up...or other way around.   So Hea is onto something with thinking Storm was original 3
I struggle with your morals GuardianAngel? In one moment you state be nice where ever possible, but in the next moment you don't find anything nice about Naz???


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Post by Melissa_Jane Mon May 02, 2016 2:47 am

Anyway upwards and on wards....I still like being here, however everything Americans do in life....we follow.
You are our role models.


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:02 am

@Melissa_Jane just fyi, I think many of us sleuthing Bach NZ are not American. I am not American, GA is Canadian as are many others, as well as Kiwis, Aussies, and many others from around the world.

I really like the different franchises as well and appreciate all of them for their different approaches to this show. yes

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon May 02, 2016 11:47 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:03 am

This is a poll someone did on who is going home tomorrow. Interesting results most have said Fleur is leaving. If Fleur is F1 then I think the usual doubt-edit is at play where the F1/early frontrunner usually is seen as not going to make it anymore. If she leaves or is F2 then Fleur I guess is just seen more accurately.

Whose going home tomorrow night? #TheBachelorNZ,%0A%20%20%22choice%22%20:%202%0A%7D&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:08 am

@TheBachelorNZ 7m7 minutes ago
Who's family do you think Jordan fits in with the best? #TeamNaz #TeamFleur or #TeamErin? #TheBachelorNZTeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 ChcJQuyUcAAGqwq

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:11 am

@TheBachelorNZ 3h3 hours ago
Support your fave tonight and get behind #TeamErin #TeamFleur or #TeamNaz #TheBachelorNZ
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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:26 am

SCOUT's recap of HTD episode.

I notice in all their articles with the girls, Fleur is always shown on the heading (in this one she is the bigger pic).

Jordan's awkward family visits with the bachelorettes
8:40pm Monday 02 May, 2016
BACHELOR BLOG: Jordan meets the families of Naz, Fleur and Erin - but not everything goes to plan.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_thumb

It’s meet the families time.

Fleur takes Jordan to Hawke’s Bay to meet her family, and he’s been practising some Dutch phrases to impress the olds. Fleur’s blown away with the sentiment, but frankly there’s not much Jordan does that doesn’t dazzle the blonde.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_01

“Are they going to make it hard for me?” Jordy asks Fleur, who warns him to watch out for her brother-in-law.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_02

But Jordy’s just panicking about his Dutch pronounciation.

He should be. “Jordan’s Dutch was terrible!” said Fleur’s father, Hans, who doesn’t mince his words.

Hans has gone off script! He's gone Solo (see what we did there?)! He's quickly shaping up to be our favourite Bachelor character so far this episode. Fleur seems clueless that her father has not spoken glowingly of the man she adores.

Hans Solo is our new favourite Bachelor character.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_04

It gets worse. Fleur’s mum, also evidently keen that her daughter has a love connection with Jordan, encourages her daughter to hand over her newborn niece to the Batch, which makes for an awkward scene as bubs starts bawling.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_05

Fleur is chuffed, though. She sees her future baby daddy and acts like it’s happy families.

Her brother-in-law, Dan, invites Jordy to the BBQ for some male bonding over beef. He cuts straight to the point.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_06

“To be honest, man, I was sceptical about the whole thing. Her going on with 25 other girls, there’s more chance of her getting hurt than not. I just hate seeing her hurt. Because she goes down and thinks it’s her fault, and for me, her going on something like this, it’s setting her up for failure again,” Dan says with good intentions.

Jordy, head down and nervous, looks like a school boy getting a moral lecture from the teacher.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_07

Dan continues: “She’s really found it hard to find that special someone who can be there for her, and she’s such a genuine, nice person, to the extent that she’s been taken advantage of, and she’s been hurt.”

Jordy looks guilt-ridden now.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_08

But Hans Solo puts things in softer perspective, telling the Batch: “The most important thing is, can you make my daughter happy?”

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_09

Jordy reckons he can, and Fleur says she’s “on cloud nine”.

They go for a post-meeting debrief over wine, but Jordy’s body language does not look at ease. Dan’s ringing warning is hanging over him.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_13

Next up is Erin, who takes Jordan to meet her mum, best friend and aunty on Auckland’s North Shore in Milford.

They meets on the grass of an amazing beachfront home, with the water lapping the shore and Rangitoto a scenic background vista. Erin welcomes Jordy - but, hang on - it's not her home! It's seemingly a random borrowed house used for superficial visual effect.

Presumably Jordy knows this, because he doesn't look let down when Erin doesn't invite him in, and he discovers she's not the heiress to an exclusive piece of Auckland property.

They head off in the Suzuki (sponsor's shout out) to Mrs Higgin's ACTUAL house in surburban Milford.

Jordan says he is worried about, “how they comprehend the situation I’m in… dating multiple girls at once. It’s not normal.”

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_16

Angela, Erin’s mum, has some words to say on the matter.

She perceptively says all she’s seen is Jordan with other girls. “You’re just looking out for your girl. She might get hurt, and as a parent, you just don’t want that to happen.”

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_17

Angela is great. She’s kind, considerate and doesn’t mince words on a private chat with Jordy as she tries to find out his motivations.

“I have a few concerns,” she tells him. “You are the poster boy for serial dating. So do you think you feel you’re ready to settle down? Can you commit to one girl after your experiences?”

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_18

Jordy chortles. Pifft! He confirms he’ll never do polygymous dating again.

The women adore him, and Jaimee, Erin’s childhood friend, cries when Jordy relays some romantic date stories they’ve had together.

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The group hug and kiss goodbye, and the sentiment looks really warm and genuine. The Batch even says the moment feels moving for him. “The rapport that I’ve just made has been so strong.”

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Later he adds: “That was awesome!” There’s no denying this meet-the-family date has been more relaxed and less intense than that in Hawke’s Bay.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_22

They debrief later at a costume shop. Jordy tells Erin he felt welcomed and accepted – words he didn’t use to describe Fleur’s family introduction.

With Naz, Jordy travels to the West Coast of the South Island and is seen tramping through bush to meet her. Naz waits among the foliage. It’s an odd scene and juxtaposes most images we’ve conjured of Naz as a high-maintenance city princess.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_24

She tells him he’ll be meeting her big sister – “Big Nas” - and brother-in-law Hamish and their daughter Jasmine. There’ll be no parents because they live overseas.

Nasrin, not to be confused with Naz, or “Little Naz” as she’s known, is honest and plain-speaking. The sisters look and sound identical.

“They are two peas on a pod,” Jordy says. “And they almost look like twins.”

Nas is Naz's hot older sister, and she is a character. She is the breakout star of this entire episode and we can't get enough of her. She is frank, engaging and funny. She appears far too gorgeous and glamorous to be living on the remote West Coast, and that's part of her charm. What you see is not necessarily what you get.

Naz and Nas is a TV spinoff show just waiting to happen.

Jords, meanwhile, plays with the baby and everyone is looking to see how natural he is around kids. This one, at least, doesn’t cry with him.

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Hamish, Naz’s brother-in-law, gives Jordy the thumbs up. He takes him on a landscaping excursion to drill him more about his intentions but ends up giving him life advice. The boys bond quickly. It seems natural and effortless.

TeamGirls - Bachelor New Zealand - Jordan Mauger - Season 2 - Social Media - Media - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 Episode17_30

Nasrin says the women in her family “like chilled men”. Jordy, she says, is chilled. She gives him a 90 per cent approval rating, and Naz is thrilled.

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Jordy seems relaxed, like he’s part of the furniture. “That is definitely a family unit that I can see myself in,” he says.

Later, he hugs and kisses Naz at the waterside and she tells him he’s passed the family test.

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Next scene, and he’s carrying her in his arms while she is showering him with kisses. The scene is far more intimate and passionate than what the previous bachelorettes received.

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Theirs is a romantic relationship that seems the most fun and natural. It’s a relationship we want to see more of.

Tomorrow night are the fantasty dates, meaning sleepovers... and sex. It’s not hard to imagine how passionate the overnight will be with Naz.

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:28 am

SCOUT has yet to post Fleur's Q&A interview... Not sure why it hasn't been posted yet since the other two have been. If she is let go at F3 then maybe her interview is post-elimination? Still it makes no sense given the other two had theirs posted already. If Fleur is in F2 and possibly F1 then still makes little sense that SCOUT hasn't posted interview for Fleur yet.


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 6:33 am

Jordan's first radio interview and right before FDs!

Jordan will be on MoreFM 7:30 am so with Si & Gary on Breakfast FM.

The video of the radio interview should be posted on MoreFM's site here

More FM ‏@morefmradio  54m54 minutes ago
First Jordan gets questioned by the parents, tune in tomorrow 7.20am when the Bachelor gets questioned by our breakfast team! #thebachelornz

@ScoutNewsNZ  58m58 minutes ago
Don't forget about Jordan on @morefmradio tomorrow morning! Thanks for having me @ScoutNewsNZ ! Love you byeeee, Lana Searle #TheBachelorNZ

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon May 02, 2016 8:11 am

Jordan will also be on JJ, Dom, and Randall show for the Edge.

JJ, Dom & Randell ‏@edgebreakfast 3h3 hours ago
Jordan joins us in studio tomorrow! #TheBachelorNZ

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon May 02, 2016 12:21 pm

Melissa_Jane wrote: snipped

I struggle with your morals GuardianAngel?  In one moment you state be nice where ever possible, but in the next moment you don't find anything nice about Naz???

Rather than deleting this post which is against the rules, I will explain in hopes for you to not have to struggle.

I don't find anything nice about Naz. That's my opinion. That's what we do around here. We post our opinions we sleuth we try and figure things out. The way she has been behaving IMO is not to my liking. Others may think she's fantastic and that's fine, doesn't matter me what others think about her, they have that right, I'm not here to change anyone's mind. I enjoy reading all opinions whether I agree or not.

My signature line is referring to the way we treat our own members on this forum, due to problems in the past, which you may not be familiar with. As per our rules, we do not question members opinions, we do not challenge them in their right to post what their opinion is we leave "you" "everyone" etc out of the equation. It's their right to comment, not everyone is going to agree. If they did there wouldn't be a need for a forum. The rules specifically state

Opinions - The purpose of this Forum is to discuss contestants, share pictures, and share opinions. If you do not agree with someone’s opinions, feel free to respond in a manner which abides by the rules in a mature and civil manner without a direct insult to a user's opinion or the opinions in general of all posters. Replies which do not abide by the rules will be deleted without notice. Should you read a post you do not think is appropriate, please use the “Report Post” button located in the post.


If you don't like my comments about Naz, you move on or you post what you like about Naz, or you PM me directly to discuss whatever it is you want to discuss. Hope this clarifies.


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