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Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2016 11:11 am

iamreal2u wrote:^^ Naz F1 and Fleur F2.

Yes. sorry. misunderstood. Smiley


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Post by djogbenyuie Fri May 06, 2016 3:23 pm

Can't wait till monday and tuesday.

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Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2016 4:08 pm

yes. the color of the first dress out of the chopper and we'll know!


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Post by Katiebelle Fri May 06, 2016 9:56 pm

Hello - finally back in NZ and trying to catch up. Just watched the last episode and am keen to look at the girls SM before I make any opinions. I can't find Naz's public Instagram account - only her private one. Can someone be give me the links to hers and Fleurs please.

I'm not shocked that they are the final two but do feel a little disconnected from the show - and it's not just because I've been away - it's more that I feel that Jordan is disconnected thus my own feelings of ambivalence. IMO he really doesn't seem to be that emotionally invested in either girl. He better bring his "A" game on Monday for me to get excited about the finale.

I'll post again once I've had a chance to look at the F2's SM. Looking forward to chatting with everyone!

A true friend is one who thinks you are a good egg even if you are half-cracked!

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat May 07, 2016 1:49 am

Good Post I agree @Katiebelle

I'm disconnected too and agree that Jordan is disconnected. There's a photo of him that is posted in the threads of him at a club with a woman sitting on his lap and I think he looks more excited in that photo than the entire time on the show. Hopefully he will bring his A game but I'm not holding my breath. :/

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Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2016 2:18 am

^^ If I well remember who was the bachelor who was accused to cheat the F1, seen outside of a club? And what about ALI who was accused to also cheat roberto and seen with this guy at the restaurant when it was a charity thing. Erin was not even eliminated that she posted on her IG herself with her "long term" (boy) friend in a club.

how many crazy girls are just rushing to them, taking selfies? If I saw kisses and such, I would probably raise my eyebrows... otherwise...


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Post by Guest Sat May 07, 2016 2:41 am

Totally hilarious IMO

The Bachelor NZ: And then there were two

The Bachelor NZ: And then there were two
Thursday 5th May 2016

Natasha Frost weighs in on this week's episodes of The Bachelor NZ.

I have been praying for a lemmings-style ‘out’ - all the girls, all at once, leaving Jordan standing alone with not one rose too few but many roses too many.

This has not happened.

'Connections’ have been made, probably despite everyone’s better judgment - and on Monday, three girls remained: Erin, Fleur and Naz.

And now there are two: Naz and Fleur.

On the face of it, Erin is, or was, the best fit: they have the boat thing, she laughed politely at his one-size-fits-all Gollum impression, they even ‘look right’ together. And her mum made him sausage rolls! And her best friend cried when he said something nice about her! Are these not grounds for marriage?

Apparently not. Cast aside at the rose ceremony in ‘Riccarton House’ (a very strange place that mostly looked like your friend’s posh grandma’s place), after an episode where everyone had been told that saying the word ‘Christchurch’ meant instant elimination, we said goodbye to Erin.

It seems a bit facile to conclude that it was simply because she wouldn’t put out, or sign up for time away from the cameras. Indeed, when the camera hovered over her face, after Jordan had suggested she stay and watch the sunrise with him, I swear I saw a flash of something like realisation: ‘This is terrible, he is terrible, I want out.’ And maybe Jordan saw it too. Or maybe she just really doesn’t like early mornings.

But now just two remain.

Every time I look at Fleur, I think about the time I read that if you bleach your hair too much, when it’s wet it will feel a bit like pasta, and wonder if this is what she is going through.

Every time I look at Naz, I wonder how many hours a week she spends at the gym.

The playing field looks level from here, but who’s got the upper hand?


- ‘Cool’ Masai tattoo demonstrates willingness to endure terrible pain for negligible gain (is that why she is on the Bachelor?)

- Parents have nice house in Hawke's Bay, good for getaways

- Speaks Dutch! Bilingual babies - although Jordan probably won’t ever get to hold them, sorry

- <3 Her dad, Hans <3

- Likes swimming

- I still don’t know what she said in that first episode when she said something in Dutch to him, and it would be good to get a final answer on that

- Has a degree of sorts in Photography; good money-saver at birthdays, christenings, weddings, etc.

- Every Dutch person I have ever known (lots of my mother’s family) says exactly what they think all the time; you always know where you stand (see also: Hans)

- Instagram photos show an impressive collection of self-help books, Jordan could borrow them if he asks nicely

- Probably a genuinely very kind person (heaven knows, you don’t get into youth work for the money)

- Works a good high ponytail


- Short name, easy to yell in a crowd

- Can probably help Jordan adjust his squatting technique

- She’s a landscaper!! Very cool job

- Jordan maybe can teach her how to swim; feel manly in process

- Brings whole new meaning to ‘hopelessly devoted’

- Very, very long hair, impressive sense of commitment (see above)

- Her breasts. (Sorry to be crass but she did tell Scout she had paid good money for them so seems worth acknowledging?)

- Maybe speaks Persian? I have seen no evidence of this but it is possible

- Good knowledge of Brisbane

- Surprisingly competent horse-rider, though not as good as Storm

- Sister’s name easy to remember

- Likes to wear very small bikinis; leaves more space in holiday suitcase for Jordan’s collection of stripy tops

Going home: Erin
Pick to win: Naz
In trouble: Fleur


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Post by jen689 Sat May 07, 2016 7:32 pm

The Bachelor NZ: Q&A with the final Bachelorettes Naz and Fleur


Did you ever expect to be in the final two?
I knew straight away that there was something there, especially after our first single date. I had a fair idea I'd be here towards the end, but at the same time you have to be realistic about it. But I had a lot of faith and trust in what Jordan and I had, so I think that helped a lot in being in the final two.

When did you know you liked Mauger?
Walking down that carpet the very first night, I was straight away attracted to him. Just everything about him, the general chat that we had flowed so naturally and he said all the right things, he's a true gentleman as well, I honestly can't pick one fault with Jordan, he's almost perfect.

Is he the kind of guy you would normally go for?
Yeah, I don't have a specific type, but everything about him from what I've seen I can definitely see him being my "sort" I guess.

Do you think you would have had the same connection had you met in, say, a bar?
I think if we did see each other at a bar in Christchurch at some point then we would have hit it off straight way, and I doubt he would been on the show.

What's it been like watching the show?
It was quite strange seeing myself on TV at first but now I can just sit back and enjoy it and have a laugh and it's really nice to see how its all shown on TV, and you can definitely see just show strong mine and Jordan's connection is, I'm glad that's showing on tv because it was real.

How have you found the public reaction?
It's been great, it's been really, really great.  I mean towards the start with the whole way I was portrayed and everything, not many people were a fan of it but I'm the type of girl who's pretty much black and white, what you see is what you get. I never, ever in the past have let negativity get to me. So I'm sweet, it's been good and the support network's been huge.

Anything you would have done differently?
Definitely one thing is my hit list. I definitely regret the hit list. With Anna I don't because she needed to go. She wasn't there for the right reasons. But with my hit list and getting so involved with the other girls, I should have just put my trust in Jordan from the start.

How have you found the public reaction to Jordan Mauger, do you think he's been given a hard time?
I don't think he's been given a really hard time, I mean, I think every single person on the show has had the negativity in some way, but yeah he's been alright. He's doing fine I think, it hasn't been too bad.

Did you feel jealous when you saw the overnight stay episodes?
I'm just not the jealous type, honestly, I don't get jealous. I'm just such a confident women, and confident in who I am and what I can offer, and if that's not enough for someone then fair enough, it's just not meant to be. I wish everyone the best at the end of the day, and whatever happens, happens but yeah jealousy's just not in my nature.

Did you ever prepare what you'd say if you went home or practice your "nice to meet you" face?
I never practice anything, what you see on TV is it, it's all spare of the moment. Being in the bottom two, you just don't know what's going to happen so I just go with the flow and if it's time, it's time.

What's been the biggest challenge on The Bachelor?
It would have to be living with 22 other girls under one roof. Because I'm just a tomboy and I just like being around blokes a lot more than chicks to be honest, I'm just very straight forward and have a very strong personality, so living with that many other girls, it was a real challenge for me.

The best thing about being on The Bachelor?
The best part of the experience has just been being able to experience the feeling of falling in love again. Because you know, everyone  goes through heartbreak and we've all been through break-ups and to be able to have that feeling and share that feeling with Jordan has definitely got to be the best experience, yeah.


Did you ever expect to be in the final two?
Never, I mean I signed up for this and remembered saying to mum "I'll see you in three days". I hoped it would happen, but it's one of those things, you don't want to jinx it and get your hopes up, I was hopeful but very realistic at the same time.

When did you know you liked Mauger?
I think it was after our date in Hawaii when we went to the volcano, that's when my feelings really started to become a lot stronger and I really thought oh wow I can really see myself being with this guy, it was definitely in Hawaii.

Is he the kind of guy you would normally go for?
I'd say so, I don't really have a type. I think if I feel like I get along with someone, we have a lot in common and feel very natural than yeah I'm interest to get to know him better and thats pretty much what I felt with jordan from the start.

Do you think you would have had the same connection had you met in, say, a bar?
I've thought about that and if I take everything we've talked about, and we talked about them in a bar, I would have felt the same yeah. It felt really natural, we have a lot of things in common a lot of similar dreams and goals and I guess in a similar place where we both want to settle, but we both also really love to travel, and I think it's important to not take life too seriously and to have fun but. You have to be ambitious about your dreams and goals and career and we were. The thing I felt throughout the entire process was that it was so natural.

What's it been like watching the show?
It' still very strange to see yourself on TV, I've definitely got used to it a bit more but I have moments where I think, "Oh my gosh, why did I do my hair like that?" or "Why did I say that?" and its just strange, but it was a lot of fun, especially the home visit, I watched that with my whole family and by then I'd gotten quite used to it but it was funny seeing their reaction seeing themselves on TV. Dad was a lot of fun, that comment he made was obviously just a joke, and im glad New Zealand got that it was just a joke.

How have you found the public reaction?
It's been incredibly positive, I have been getting a lot of love from New Zealand on the street and online, everywhere people come up to me and I'm really happy to have a chat and sometimes take a photo. People have been really good, it's been a lot of fun.

Anything you would have done differently?
No, I think I've stayed very true to myself and there's actually nothing I would have done differently. I mean obviously you learn things from the entire process and I said at the start I was probably comparing myself a bit too much or comparing my time with Jordan to his time with the other girls. It took me a while to really realise that you can't do that, because you'll go crazy, and plus I'm not there for their dates, a girl could come back and be completely excited and, and ask Jordan and he might not have felt the same way. I don't play a character or think too much about what I say or do, I just want to have fun and be myself.

How have you found the public reaction to Jordan Mauger, do you think he's been given a hard time?
Yes, I really feel for him actually and that's probably another thing I struggle with sometimes is that people are so easy to judge and they feel like they know you on a personal level and they believe everything they see and sometimes I want to say, "You know guys, you weren't even there, you don't know the background story, you don't know what happened five minutes before that". So that's something I find quite tough is that people are very easy to judge and say nasty things about someone they don't even know. That's not just Jordan, that's the other girls as well, I mean I've read things about myself and you think, gosh if only you knew. I wish people would be a little more thoughtful with their words sometimes.

Did you feel jealous when you saw the overnight stay episodes?
I knew it happened but at the same time, it's not easy to watch. But I honestly, I think jealousy is not the right world, I never felt jealous, it's more that it's tough sometimes. I genuinely liked every single girl that was in the house and we all got along great but, you know, at the same, time you obviously want to be the only one who has a connection, and that's not always the case, so I tired to not focus on the other girls. But I wouldn't say it makes me jealous its just a difficult thing.

Did you ever prepare what you'd say if you went home or practice your "nice to meet you" face?
I've never done that because I just didn't want to jinx it, but at the same time I'm always realistic going into these rose ceremonies that tonight might be the night I'm going home. But I never practised my exit speech.

What's been the biggest challenge on The Bachelor?
I have definitely had my moments where I thought I just want to go home, and especially when my niece was born. I actually phoned my sister a few hours after she was born without realising it and I was getting ready for the cocktail party in Hawaii. I had my dress on and my make up and I rang my sister and asked how she was going and that's when I realised my niece was born and I was crying because I was so happy, but I was also really upset that I'd missed it. So it's definitely tough to miss those moments and being with your friends.

The best thing about being on The Bachelor?
There are so many things, meeting all the girls, going on these incredible dates, making it to the final, the home visits, meeting his family, so many amazing things, I can't pick one.


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Post by jen689 Sat May 07, 2016 7:44 pm

Bachelor Jordan's fear: 'Am I making the right decision?'

Jordan Mauger hasn't seen his new girlfriend since filming wrapped on The Bachelor NZ more than a month ago.

That will change tomorrow when Mauger chooses between Hamilton landscaper Naz Khanjani, 25, and Waipawa youth worker Fleur Verhoeven, 26, to reveal the winner of the reality show's second season.

The 32-year-old told the Herald on Sunday he and the winning girl had remained together since filming ended, but they hadn't been able to see each other for fear of spoiling the finale.

"We haven't been together face-to-face," he said.

"There's been a lot of correspondence between messages and phone calls. I just want to see her at a barbecue with my mates, at my favourite restaurant, in my lifestyle. This is what we've been craving since the very beginning."

Mauger has spent the past two months dating 23 girls, enjoying group and one-on-one dates before eliminating one each episode to work his way down to the final two.

While he's looking forward to revealing the winner, Mauger said he wasn't cherishing being "roasted" when the girls reunite with him for the Women Tell All special, airing the night after the final.

"I haven't seen them for quite some time and gee we went through a lot together," he said. "One of the questions they'll want answered is, 'Why was I sent home?' It's The Bachelor. Someone has to go home. Unfortunately you have to let go of 22 girls to find the one."

Erin Higgins, who was eliminated last week after refusing Mauger's offer of a sleepover, told the Herald this week she had been surprised by how many of the contestants Mauger had kissed.

Mauger was seen making out with at least seven of the girls - some several times, including Storm Halkett, Rebecca Trelease and Higgins, as well as the finalists Khanjani and Verhoeven.

Mauger said he got wrapped up in the show's more romantic moments.

"If you see those shots where I was making out with someone, they're pretty romantic. There was sun-dusted grass, we were on the beach, they were straight out of a movie.

"You couldn't help but feel so strongly when you're with the right girl [and] that moment just happened.

"If you start trying to be hesitant, or think outside that moment, you're not going to make a good connection."

Mauger has also been accused of playing up some of the show's more dramatic moments, especially when he needed a pep talk from host Mike Puru during a rose ceremony. It was as dramatic as it seemed on TV, said Mauger, who also owned up to making some last-minute decisions when handing out roses.

"When you've got two girls and one rose left, it goes through your mind, 'Am I making the right decision?' It's very intense. There were times I would make that decision leading up to the rose ceremony [because] they've done nothing to upset you, they've done everything right, you've had amazing times, then you have to send someone home. You never have enough time."


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat May 07, 2016 7:49 pm

Jordan hasn't seen his F1 since filming ended?! :shocked!:


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat May 07, 2016 7:54 pm

Just to add and from the interview above posted by @jen689... The description below sounds like the dates with Naz.

Once again everything relating back to a movie. I get Jordan likes film but he seems more fixated on being in a "movie" and talking about movies than being the Bachelor and finding someone.


"If you see those shots where I was making out with someone, they're pretty romantic. There was sun-dusted grass, we were on the beach, they were straight out of a movie.

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Post by jen689 Sat May 07, 2016 7:54 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Jordan hasn't seen his F1 since filming ended?! :shocked!:
That's the "politically correct" answer. Once filming ends it seems like a lot of bachelor/bachelorette couples see each other discreetly. Only Jordan and his F1 know what really happened behind closed doors  

AllAboutLove wrote:...Once again everything relating back to a movie. I get Jordan likes film but he seems more fixated on being in a "movie" and talking about movies than being the Bachelor and finding someone...
I agree Once filming ended he went back to work in film production and is now taking some time off for press and the finale. Once that's over he's back to his "true love" film. I wonder how his F1 will fit into that world question  JMO

Last edited by jen689 on Sat May 07, 2016 8:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


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