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Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Thu Jun 23, 2016 12:26 am

Well in light of all the drama, I just wanted to post some funny tweets I've seen the last few days: 

-Chad tweeted about dating T Swift and the break up songs she would write about him and someone replied: "when can we expect a break up song about the protein powder lost as collateral damage? Maybe Wells will play it on the radio."

-"This just in: Chase from the bachelorette took my cousin on a Applebees, Joelle Fletcher, don't let this happen to you."

-"Evan kind of looks like Randall from Monsters Inc."

cantstopl NationalSelfieDay - The Bachelorette - Season 12 - JoJo Fletcher - Social Media - Media - Discussion - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #4 - Page 71 3806527698 The first and last one are my favs!


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Post by Seabear Thu Jun 23, 2016 2:52 am

Crazy day in so many threads today.  Thanks for the humor Lennox. yes

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Post by mercieme Thu Jun 23, 2016 3:36 am

Very good psychological breakdown of what unfolded on episode 5 IMO.

A Lesson From The Bachelorette on How to Spot a Lie

Here, for all of those people struggling with the shame of a trashy-TV habit, is a small midweek gift: validation. On this week’s episode of The Bachelorette, an interesting little piece of psychology was on display: Our gal JoJo, on her journey to find love, has along the way provided us with a case study in how people react when they suspect their loved ones are being less than truthful. (Put another way: The Bachelorette helps you learn things!)

First, a little background for the uninitiated: Jordan Rodgers, former pro quarterback (in the grand tradition of meaningless Bachelorette job titles), brother of actual pro quarterback Aaron Rodgers, is this season’s current front-runner — and, now that luxury-real-estate agent/human steroid Chad has been sent packing, its newest villain.

Is one of these things a product of the other? Maybe. The other men of the house don’t trust him, but the other men of the house are quite possibly even thirstier for drama than they are for JoJo herself. And if the past infinity seasons of The Bachelor franchise have taught us anything, it’s that the biggest competition usually makes for the best scapegoat.

But on Jordan and JoJo’s one-on-one date (this is opposed to a group date, which tends to have fewer heartfelt declarations but more displays of naked aggression), some shady information floats to the surface: JoJo, because Bachelor Nation is a small world after all, has been talking to Jordan’s ex, who has informed her that he maybe isn’t such a great guy. Awkwardness ensues. Here’s a partial clip:

And now we’re all caught up! So, now, the question (and, to be sure, a question that will arise again this season): Was he lying? The producers seem to be hinting that way, at least. And JoJo initially isn’t quite sure: “I wish I could read your mind,” she says at one point. To which Jordan responds, pitch-perfect, “I’m not really thinking anything.”

But there are a few things that seem to suggest he may be less than honest. Let’s address that little tangent about the love advice from his childhood pastor first, because, well, that was weird. Word vomit, as it turns out, is a common side effect of skirting the truth. A 2013 Harvard study found that when people tell outright falsehoods — as opposed to lying by omission — they tend to talk for longer periods, using excess words to cover their tracks and convince the person they’re talking to. In a Harvard Business School blog post on the study, one of the authors called this the “Pinocchio effect,” explaining, “Just like Pinocchio’s nose, the number of words grew along with the lie.”

Coincidentally, researchers who study lying also speak of another Pinocchio effect: It’s not totally clear why this happens but nervousness sends blood rushing toward the nose, which in turn can make it itch — one reason why face-touching often happens as a lie is being told, and some research suggests that measuring the temperature of the nose corresponds to the lie’s complexity. (The clip doesn’t show the series of little nose wipes he performs at the beginning of the conversation. And while we’re at it, maintaining eye contact, the classic lie-detecting measure, has been questioned in recent years, but he’s not great at that, either.)

But such is the magic of Jordan that when JoJo is done questioning him, she doesn’t just seem satisfied — she apologizes, begging him not to be mad at her as she goes in for the hug.

A little more skepticism couldn’t hurt; on the other hand, it’s a lot easier to assume someone is telling the truth than it is to assume they’re not. Once we form an impression of someone, we tend to bend information around that impression (Jordan, for what it’s worth, snagged the coveted First Impression Rose); we generally believe what we want to believe, selectively processing and weighing evidence in a way that supports our desired outcome. It’s why, as past research has shown, people are biased toward believing what they hear — we’re pretty bad at detecting lies to begin with, but even worse when the liar in question is someone we know and feel affection for. Bad news when you’re juggling 25 men with an agenda; great news, though, for the drama-starved masses of Bachelor Nation. It’s okay, though — you watch it for the psychology lessons.


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Post by mindless Thu Jun 23, 2016 9:57 am

Word vomit is the perfect term to describe Jordan's latest tweet. Dun dun dun!

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Post by Guest Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:05 am

This story with JoJo speaking to Jordan's ex is very complicit, and the intent here was to blindside Jordan for salacious TV.  Jordan knows that the cameras are on and that this is a matter that should be discussed privately not on national TV.  I thought that was a new low for this show.  JoJo should not have participated in this. This was obviously pre- planned.  The point in all this was just to embarrass Jordan, JoJo should not have done that to someone that she says she is "falling in love with ."  I am not sure that Jordan should trust her?


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Post by Alanna Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:07 am

I have zero doubt that BBJ was the baddiest baddy of all BBJ's and cheated on those other girls, but dang, it's hard to believe he'd start to actively cheat on Jo, knowing how many people are watching his every move right now.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by bluwavz Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:17 am

Sorry no sympathy for the douchebag. He wants chit to stay private then don't go on a reality show watched by millions. How about he doesn't lie to JoJo's face? She's not the one in the wrong here.

All JMO.

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Post by Kashathediva Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:25 am

Unless the contract has changed recently, it was photocopied and shown that there is a clause indicating in paraphrased words, that TPTB can portray a cast person basically any way they choose. 
So--with that said a) who in their right minds would agree to this? b) buy beware!

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Alanna Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:30 am

Irredeemable baddy has emerged, still in LA.

This means he went a whole week having sex with only one woman (I hope)!!!! Progress.

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Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by mindless Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:33 am

bluwavz wrote:Sorry no sympathy for the douchebag. He wants chit to stay private then don't go on a reality show watched by millions. How about he doesn't lie to JoJo's face? She's not the one in the wrong here.

All JMO.

Yep. If you have a closet full of skeletons then it's best to stay away from reality TV. You'd have to be a special brand of stupid or delusional to think your dating past won't be discussed on a dating show that's supposed to lead to an engagement. They don't get to have any private conversations before the FD's and I sure as hell would want to address possible cheating before families are involved. Jordan could be a man and own up to his mistakes instead of resorting to lying everytime going gets tough. Even douchey JJ volunteered the information about his cheating and his scenario was probably the worst imaginable. Jordan is a cowardly weasel.

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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:41 am

Alanna wrote:Irredeemable baddy has emerged, still in LA.

This means he went a whole week having sex with only one woman (I hope)!!!! Progress.

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Where are his Devil horns?!?! laugh out loud

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Post by Alanna Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:44 am

Mommyof1 wrote:
Alanna wrote:Irredeemable baddy has emerged, still in LA.

This means he went a whole week having sex with only one woman (I hope)!!!! Progress.

Where are his Devil horns?!?!  laugh out loud  
His latest prey took them home with her last night to keep him somewhat in check while she's away.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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