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Post by babs Mon May 30, 2016 2:35 pm

Longhornfan wrote:I guess what I hate the most about how people can anonymously go out onto the internet and write whatever they want to about another person, whether it is true or not, is that that "rumor" is going to be out there forever.  And basically it can never be refuted, because there will always be those who will believe it to be 100% true.  RS isn't posting these rumors anonymously, but his information comes from unnamed sources.

With the technology that exists today, pictures can be doctored or digitally altered as well.  SM has drastically changed how we see things now IMO.  I feel like it has changed how we as a society view what is written, in that it is easier to believe the bad written about another person than it is to believe the good.      

I actually feel sorry for Jordan right now, whether he is the F1 or not.  Yes, he signed up for this gig, so he is considered fair game here.  But, I will keep an open mind, drown out all the noise and wait to see him in action before I will automatically accept what RS is saying about him as the gospel truth.  I think that everyone deserves a chance to prove RS wrong, even Jordan.

Exactly my thoughts!

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Post by Kashathediva Mon May 30, 2016 3:12 pm

Nonina430 wrote:I'll pass on something said to me by a very wise individual.
" Believe none of what you hear. Half of what you see".Smiley
BF said it first. ( Benjamin Franklin)

I hope it was not Ben himself...or maybe I hope it was. Not sure what to make of that. cantstopl

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Post by Nonina430 Mon May 30, 2016 3:15 pm

Come on, I'm not that old! jojo - Jordan Rodgers - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 - Page 21 3806527698


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Post by Nonina430 Mon May 30, 2016 3:34 pm

Kasha, in truth the Dalai Lama said it to me, when I repeated
the quote at a luncheon some smart a$$ yelled out it was BF
who said it. So now I'm careful to say BF said it first  giggling


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Post by Kashathediva Mon May 30, 2016 3:36 pm

LOL Ben woulda been proud of you. I like both men.

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Post by dw_a_mom Mon May 30, 2016 4:28 pm

Ash2214 wrote:I'm curious to know who RS is referring to. His parents, brother Luke and Luke's girlfriend clearly aren't talking. His best friend that he's known since high school went after RS on Twitter and a couple of his other close friends have been nothing but supportive on social media.

The thing with RS that always makes me chuckle is that he always says he has proof. In regards to a couple of the women that have supposedly gone to RS in regards to Jordan, RS claims he has pictures and text messages, but it's like and? What does that prove? The girls sent pictures of Jordan hanging out with them? He can't have female friends? Did they send pictures of them in bed with him? I was at a bar in Boston Saturday night and could probably guarantee that many of the men who were in their mid twenties went home with someone. It's not unheard of and its rather common, whether people like it or not. It doesn't make someone horrible.

In regards to wanting to be the next bachelor, did he hear it directly from someone supposedly "close" to Jordan or is he hearing from someone else who's saying he heard it from someone close to Jordan? Also, how does RS really know what Jordan feels? It's just laughable to me. It would be 100% better for Jordan to be the lead, get all of the press that comes with that, and be with someone at the end of that.

I can totally believe that Jordan is a smooth operator and that he has some fun with women, but all of this that RS has said seems to be quite circumstantial. I'll see if more stuff comes out with better "proof" and I'll watch to see how he is with JoJo. JMO.

Circumstantial or not, RS's track record speaks for itself. At least 75% of the time, public and fan information will eventually prove him right (on the revelations themselves, not necessarily his personal conclusions - keep that distinction). I think you are better off trying to separate his facts from his personal conclusions, and then choosing where in the odds you think a revelation lies, than you are trying to question his sources or their existence.

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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Post by dw_a_mom Mon May 30, 2016 4:33 pm

hae1001 wrote:
sosleepy wrote:I honestly don't get Steve's logic there. If he gets The Bachelor gig, he still gets the happy couple press/attention, just a few months down the line + all that comes with heading his own show.

I understand his logic. If what he has 'heard' is true, which I believe to be true based on my own opinion of him, then if Jordan went in with the mindset to get far enough to be TB and then leave in that coveted 3rd spot, the second JoJo started questioning his intentions, it took the storyline of him leaving on his on off the table. If he left it would confirm that JoJos suspicions were dead on. Not to mention all of the that Chad drama from the previews would come back to bite him. The bad publicity that Brooks got would be nothing compared to what Jordan would face IMO. He already has a reputation and it's not a very good one. He and his PR people had to know that. The saying goes bad publicity is better than no publicity, however good publicity is still better than bad publicity. The only way he could get TB gig would be for JoJo to send him home, which wasn't going to happen since she had already made her eyes set on Mrs. Rodgers IMO, or for them to go thru with an engagement and then it eventually fail, right in time for The Bachelor 2018 to come around.

I think you are right, once his intentions get called into question he loses the "leave at final 3" option.

And maybe, just maybe, he actually falls for JoJo. I sincerely hope he did; she deserves at least that much, even if it does eventually turn out that at this point in his life he is incapable of staying fully committed to any woman he claims to love (per the rumors).

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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Post by dw_a_mom Mon May 30, 2016 4:38 pm

babs wrote:For someone that hates this show I just don't get why he spends so much time talking about it.  RS prides himself being the first one out of the gate with information and I do believe he makes stuff up just to feel important.  Sadly, there are people that take his word as gospel and believes everything he writes.

He is a bitter and jealous middle age man that craves attention.

Its a paycheck. He found a way to turn a hobby (writing snarky comments about TV he finds silly) into a living. Why not run with it?

I'm not going to argue about the craving attention; why else create a blog about anything? Obviously, he enjoys having people interested in his writing and thoughts.

But I doubt he makes things up; his living depends on establishing a solid track record. He can get away with some mistakes, but not too many, and I have no doubt that he is quite mindful of that fine line.

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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Post by dw_a_mom Mon May 30, 2016 4:42 pm

soccermom333 wrote:^^^I am secretly hoping he really did fall for the girl.  :cutesmile!:   Just the romantic in me.  I am willing to wait and continue to sleuth out clues.  Hoping for the best for these two because "you just never know."  Hehe  beatingheart

Me, too. It would be the ultimate romance novel story line, turning the rake away from his bad ways.

Just don't ask me to join any fan groups or write gushy posts about them until time (2 years, minimum, with no cheating rumors) has proved it real.

Until then, I do hope to see enough good stuff to be able to pretend.

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon May 30, 2016 4:43 pm

Can we get off the RS topic. TYIA


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Post by Ladybug82 Mon May 30, 2016 4:49 pm

I have no doubt Jordan is smooth with the ladies.  Maybe he is a player, but I'm not just going to take RS's and what appears to be one somewhat bitter ex that waited until after he appeared on tv to air dirty laundry.  IMO, that only insured that she would get press and attention too.  If he cheated, that's on him and wrong.  But that doesn't mean he's cheated on everyone he's ever dated.  And it doesn't mean he'll continue to.  All it takes is meeting the right person to come along and help tame/settle him down.  

I don't think he's some evil person but I'm not overly a fan either.  I'll wait and see more how Jo^3 is together as the season progresses and if spoilers are correct.  Jojo will have to deal with the rumors and him.  If she chooses to stick it out with him, then good for her.  If she chooses to walk away, then good for her.  Either way, it's her life...whatever makes her happy, so be it. I watch for the eye candy and entertainment, I'm not expecting it to be a Disney or Nicholas Sparks, meant to be, happily ever after.  laugh out loud  JMOAA

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Post by Kashathediva Mon May 30, 2016 4:58 pm

Multi quote button is our friend.

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