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Post by agentcurls Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:16 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:
There's something very "solid" about Chase... just a feeling I get when watching him so far and even though Chase is the same age as Jordan and Robby, he seems much more mature and just "grounded"...

My only doubt about him being F1 comes from JoJo herself - I see her soft around Chase but not giddy or as sexy acting as she is with Luke or Jordan (or even Chad) .

That being said, I do see a slow burn and a relationship built on friendship and trust though potentially with Chase and JoJo and honestly, those relationships are my favorite (in real life and to watch) much more than the physical ones.  :Nod:

So far Chase intrigues me the most and is the most "normal" and the kind of guy I would want my friend to marry. He seems like a keeper! yes
This is one of the things that I feel might work in Chase's the longer run as the season progresses.
Looking back on how previous 'ettes behaved around their F4, they seemed to be the "softest" and most vulnerable with their F1s. We will see if she is this way with some of the other F4. 

I agree with you on all things Chase.^ He would be the one for me...but maybe not for JoJo...time will tell.  bestbud!

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Post by agentcurls Thu Jun 02, 2016 12:30 pm

I noticed that as Chase was whisking JoJo away for the private snow time, the other men, (including Jordan, Luke, & near the end of the scene, Robby..all weighing in with Alex the instigator) weren't giving him another thought, and were instead very focused on Chad & the drama (Chad walking into the mansion with Jo). In a ITM, Jordan says "everyone was pretty nervous and in somewhat of a panic as the cocktail party opened up", he narrates over this scene:
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Without reading too much into it, we hear Robby in ITM (serious guys vs. silly gimmick guys) & now Jordan kind of discounting Chase as a threat possibly. Could this be a theme this season? 
Is there a case building for "JoJo & Chase vs. The World"
(Hope my imagination isn't getting the best of me)

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jun 02, 2016 4:41 pm

veg_out wrote:@AllAboutLove, lady, I hear ya. Everyone approaches a season differently, and I love it! It's interesting to me to see the different perspectives and guesses right now, and your approach makes so much sense. All the posters in our unspoiled forum are focused on different things, which helps us get an overall picture.

As I said last night, it's been so refreshing, rewarding, and joyful to be working on this season with this bunch. I'm in awe of everyone! PINKHEART
ITA @veg_out bestbud!

I'm absolutely loving sleuthing unspoiled with everyone this season - so much fun and loving all the insights! beatingheart TeamChase - NO SPOILERS - CHASE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing NO Spoilers* - Page 9 1710264613


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Post by veg_out Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:11 am

Moving my post from the SCAPS thread:

If that's the case, Chase has this date lineup:
Epi 1: Short convo with Jo talking about spark
Epi 2: No date, snow "date" at RC
Epi 3: 1:1 date: yoga and winery concert
Epi 4: Group date: Heinz Field?
Epi 5: Group date: Uruguay sand boarding
Epi 6: 2:1 date and gets the rose?
Epi 7: 1:1 or group date?: We see him dipping her at the cocktail party.
Epi 8: HTD: Colorado mountain lookout, possibly
Epi 9: Thailand FSD
Epi 10: ?

I'm not sure that I've ever seen an F1 in this date setup.

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Post by agentcurls Sun Jun 05, 2016 9:23 pm


agentcurls wrote:
Amethyst wrote:

He mentions on his ABC bio that he has a lion tattoo. IDK if that's the one, but I'm guessing it is. 

I'm Team Chase at present as well. I don't think that the slight awkwardness on Jojo's part during the yoga date means anything. I remember when I was practicing martial arts that whenever I wrapped myself around a guy's body, it was always just a bit awkward even if I thought the guy was hot. *Especially* if I thought the guy was hot! :uptonogood 

I really thought that Jojo's body language during their "snow" conversation was quite telling. I haven't seen her react like that to any other guy. She was all girly and just sort of melting into him.
I thought my imagination might be running wild on this one, so it's nice to know you saw something, too. I saw a softer, and maybe a little more demure and shy JoJo. 

It's possible JoJo was caught off guard by Chase in the beginning (much like Des by Chris). I can imagine there was some push back on her part if she was all in with Jordan and/or Luke from the word go, or thinking Chase goes against her type. She may not be used to the feeling of being out of her element with someone who gives her new feelings she wasn't in touch with before, on a yoga date such as this. We'll see if Chase catches up at the end or not. Maybe Chase was right there with Jordan & Luke in the beginning and we are unaware. So many maybes! (Sorry for over-analyzing, it's kind if what I do Embarressed! ).

Regardless, these F4 seem like kind-hearted (Robby? I need to know more), intelligent guys and obviously very attractive. Hope JoJo falls madly for one of them!  bestbud!
per rhondam: 
I think this too @agentcurls  She didn't pick him for a GD so he was sitting out with Brandon and James S and they were both eliminated at that CP. Both Luke and Jordan were listed first on the GD cards. I wonder if Chase wouldn't have made it snow, if he would've been on her radar?

I agree, Chase does appear to go against her type but personally I think that would be a good thing for her but we haven't been shown much of him yet to know for sure. We do know that he seems like an absolute sweetie but doesn't come across as a pushover either. He's seems masculine to me, all a great combination.

Good question. Did she exclude him from the first round of dates because she wasn't really feeling it? She clearly wasn't with the others that got cut that night, James S & Brandon. Chase got less than 1 minute of air time with JoJo on night one so it's hard to tell. 

However, if you look at the pattern for most 'Ette seasons and even Bachelor seasons, there is that one token person who, intentionally by the lead, sits out a date in episode 2 and ends up being someone rather significant overall. So I'm more inclined to think this is the case with Chase. It's hard to tell though because of the strange edit. Then unlike previous F1s that have sat out a date in episode 2, he did something special for JoJo. Would she have kept him anyway without special snow time? I hope she did what Des & Ali told her to do: "put the ones you really like on the back burner (it will only make them want you more & it will give others  a chance"  Smiley )

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Post by Litta123 Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:50 pm

What's interesting to me is that I love me some Chase, but I have to ask myself why. I've seen him 5 min, at most 10 minutes, on screen. What's causing me to be drawn to him? The edit? Are TPTB that effective that a man I barely know (see Chad's speech to the guys about JoJo TeamChase - NO SPOILERS - CHASE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing NO Spoilers* - Page 9 2498057887 ) has become my hopeful, dreamy F1? Something's screwy here.

If veg is right, that the first three episodes are edited before the season is complete, something must be happening to the front runners along the way that the editors are trying to make a believable case for Chase. Either that or as the season progresses, JoJo must be caught by surprise by Chase. I'm hoping that tomorrow's 1-1 will shed light on whether Chase is the edit's fake F1 or if JoJo is caught by surprise.

But as AC pointed out in an earlier post, how can one not have a little knee wobble at "I've got you"?

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Post by agentcurls Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:03 pm

Litta123 wrote:What's interesting to me is that I love me some Chase, but I have to ask myself why. I've seen him 5 min, at most 10 minutes, on screen. What's causing me to be drawn to him? The edit? Are TPTB that effective that a man I barely know (see Chad's speech to the guys about JoJo TeamChase - NO SPOILERS - CHASE - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing NO Spoilers* - Page 9 2498057887 ) has become my hopeful, dreamy F1? Something's screwy here.

If veg is right, that the first three episodes are edited before the season is complete, something must be happening to the front runners along the way that the editors are trying to make a believable case for Chase. Either that or as the season progresses, JoJo must be caught by surprise by Chase. I'm hoping that tomorrow's 1-1 will shed light on whether Chase is the edit's fake F1 or if JoJo is caught by surprise.

But as AC pointed out in an earlier post, how can one not have a little knee wobble at "I've got you"?
It sort of begs the question of why a few of us are quite drawn to him after very little screen time (and it's not like he says anything earth-shattering) if JoJo is in his actual presence, I can't imagine she didn't respond to him positively. 
Re: the edit...he could be the decoy, that's true. Then there is that possible dreaded 2:1 (eek!) I'm almost hoping that was something done intentionally to throw us off a Chase F1 scent. Those camera follows are tricky, too and Chase isn't the only one getting them. What interests me is WHEN they happen. . 
There is a story arc for Jordan and Luke so far, and I'm not sure about Chase's yet, but it could be:
"The one that surprises JoJo and the one that she almost lets get away"

Last edited by agentcurls on Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:22 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by veg_out Sun Jun 05, 2016 11:45 pm

I'm looking forward to Mon. and Tues. episodes. They should give us more info as the basis for making better predictions though we already seem to have solid explanations for the people we see as F1.

I am still intrigued that the season preview lines up with Emily, Des, and to some extent Ali's previews. See post here. Those girls all ended up with an unexpected F1 and two of them had their preferred F1 leave them.

Part of me wonders if this season really was done on night 1 with Jordan and Jo or if it really is a bumpy ride to an unexpected end.

I'm hoping to flesh this thing out after episode 4.

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Post by agentcurls Mon Jun 06, 2016 12:21 am

^Thanks for keeping a "Chaser" like me level-headed! Smiley
These next few episodes will hopefully tell us a lot more.  Or maybe it will become that much more confusing :gotcha:

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:21 am

I think I would love me some Chase even if he was F6. I think his "normalness" (even the fact his occupation is a normal/real job) drew me in.

Edit definitely plays a role too but I think Chase is just my type of guy. Kind of like why I was drawn to Richie first episode when he got out the limo and met Sam asking her if she was cold (and I never gave him much thought to his bio pic before that). I think some guys when watching are just more interesting or what I like so I find myself paying them more attention.

I'm trying to keep my hopes that Chase is either F1 or F3/next lead possibly at bay and ready myself for possible F2 (which can still be next lead option but I am not as sure unless he proposes and is at FRC).

That Chase may be on 2on1 date makes me doubt he is F1, even if everything else seems like he may be that overshadows it for me. It's kind of like with Richie when he got the dress-up as old people date... not a typical F1 date either, and I recall @atem posting when I thought he may be F1 that that type of date would likely make Richie not F1 so I have paid more attention now to what type of dates the contestants go on since they do seem to have some significance.

From past sleuthing, s/caps usually tell the story and so if it is a 2on1 date for Chase I will be very surprised if he ends up F1, just based on the type of date it is. I will watch for possible F1 edit, possible next lead edit, and just because I like Chase so far and if neither F1 nor next lead at least I can enjoy watching him so a win-win for me either way yes

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Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2016 1:36 am

The 2-on-1 date really makes me wonder. And does any of you recall, in previous B'ette season, any guys in F4 were put into a 2-on-1 date?


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Post by nd4reality Mon Jun 06, 2016 7:47 am

^^^ I think once but it was a season that I didn't watch so cannot remember how far that person went. overall, the 2on1 date contestants are MOT or perhaps not initial front runners as in that one season, the person made it father along than expected.
Deanna was part of a 2on1 date on Brad 1.0.

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