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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by notarose Thu Sep 01, 2016 10:39 am

allykat wrote:
Minney wrote:Regardless if there is "fire" there is no reason for any of these women to be on this hate campaign over a tv show.  We all meet people in our lives that for whatever reason we don't like or get along with.  It is not a hall pass to slam, sl*t-shame, name call, etc. on every form of media available.  IMO, everyone of them had behaviors that were best left unsaid in paradise.  We've all watched this franchise for long enough to know that the camera's catch EVERYTHING.  If Caila was THAT bad, they would have shown us something, anything, but they haven't and now it is all conveniently "off camera".  It's really not a matter if Caila did or didn't do anything to warrant their outrage, it's their behavior now that I'm having issues with.  

This I totally agree with!


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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by mindless Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:08 am

allykat wrote:I guess for me, Jubilee is the first one to say something that I don't dismiss before she's even opened her mouth. I've never felt like she was vicious or emotionally untethered. I remember her saying that about Caila and Lauren B, but I didn't think it had any heat behind it. It was just coming from a place of insecurity but not with venom, IMO.

Credibility might be the wrong word, but I'm at least open to hearing her judgement. Unlike the others. She doesn't lend anything to the current game of telephone because she wasn't even there. But makes me lift an eye brow at the "Caila is disingenuous" feeling. That might also be because I'm not particularly a Caila fan, I just happen to be less of a fan of these other fools like AI.  

I still remember Caila saying she felt sorry for Ben for being stuck in the helicopter with Jubilee when she went on her date. It was Caila, wasn't it? People seem to have forgotten that she made some not so nice comments about others as well on Ben's season.

I tend to think there's some truth to Caila being disingenuous, not even based on what others have said, but based on what I've seen with my own eyes. She seems to have the ability to go from forlorn to totally normal/happy in a millisecond, which makes me wonder just how real her sadness really is. Maybe she's just a superficial person who's used to acting feelings rather than feeling them, I don't know, but I don't really buy what she's selling most of the time. JMO. Not that all these bitches shouldn't just drop it already, since a few days from now no one will care anymore. They're just making themselves look worse by going on about it still.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by suzq Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:21 pm

Has anyone seen today's Ellen episode? Will someone do a recap of the Jared/Ashley/Caila part? Thank you! I feel bad for Caila, but I hope she just continues to move on from the franchise.


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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:53 pm

I'd take someone being quietly disingenuous every day of the week to someone being the town crier (pun intended) loudly professing who has sinned against whom and rallying the village idiots with their pitchforks to serve their justice upon such sinner. JMHOAA.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by MiniDiva Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:01 pm

suzq wrote:Has anyone seen today's Ellen episode?  Will someone do a recap of the Jared/Ashley/Caila part?  Thank you!  I feel bad for Caila, but I hope she just continues to move on from the franchise.

On my cable guide, they are only showing repeat shows this week.  Next Tuesday, September 6th is the season premier, so I think the taping yesterday was for next week but I can't find anything yet about BIP cast on the show.  Here is a link for The Ellen Show

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Thu Sep 01, 2016 3:17 pm

Jubilee acted like a nut job on Ben's season. She was completely insecure, acting hot then cold then hot then cold. I agree with Caila's statement about feeling badly for Ben being on that helicopter with Jubilee when she was in a snit.  If anyone should be able to understand Caila being timid about going all in on Jared on BIP, I would think that Jubilee should be able to empathize.  But, alas, no. Jubilee's low self esteem and desire to be one of the cool kids overshadowed any sort of empathy she may have mustered up.

If any of this *gasp* disingenuousness from Caila is true and TPTB chose not to show it to us, then AI should be upset with TPTB. They would be the ones who painted her as the crazy, obsessed, lunatic on the show (with her own behaviors I might add). The editors were not your friend, AI.  However, everything that has happened since the show has wrapped filming is ON YOU, AI. I don't think TPTB are sending a team of crafty editors to manage AI's SM accounts. That is all on her. So, AI was doubly doomed --- she handed the editors crazy on a silver platter and they used it against her and then she went on to confirm that she truly is a b**** with all of her post-show antics. IMO

May karma strike them sooner rather than later. JMHOAA.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by albean99 Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:05 pm

I can believe that there was a short conversation between Caila and Amanda that may or may not have gone the way Ashley says. I'm leaning towards it being either a joke or misunderstood but we will never know. What I don't believe is that there was a whole different personality that was always hidden off camera or edited out. You know they'd have shown anything dramatic they had and run with it. JMO

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:05 pm

I originally posted this in Jared's thread but have moved it here as it has to do with AI and her "Princess" fantasy......

What kind of "Princess" is AI, though?
She's not a Snow White type. If she looked into a mirror and asked "Who's the fairest of them all?" the mirror would reply, "Take off those 8 layers of makeup. I can't see your face."

She's not a Mulan type.  She doesn't have the strength or courage to stand for a cause bigger than herself.

She's not an Ariel type. She'd never dip her face or hair under the water and actually enjoy her natural surroundings.

She's not a Cinderella type. I'm certain that she knows nothing about cooking or cleaning.

She's not a Rapunzel. If she ever cascaded her hair down the side of a tower so a man could rescue her, he'd drop to his death when her extentions gave way.

She is not anything special. None of us are. That's just reality. The sooner she sees that, the sooner she can deal with life in a healthy manner.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:09 pm

mindless wrote:
allykat wrote:I guess for me, Jubilee is the first one to say something that I don't dismiss before she's even opened her mouth. I've never felt like she was vicious or emotionally untethered. I remember her saying that about Caila and Lauren B, but I didn't think it had any heat behind it. It was just coming from a place of insecurity but not with venom, IMO.

Credibility might be the wrong word, but I'm at least open to hearing her judgement. Unlike the others. She doesn't lend anything to the current game of telephone because she wasn't even there. But makes me lift an eye brow at the "Caila is disingenuous" feeling. That might also be because I'm not particularly a Caila fan, I just happen to be less of a fan of these other fools like AI.  

I still remember Caila saying she felt sorry for Ben for being stuck in the helicopter with Jubilee when she went on her date. It was Caila, wasn't it? People seem to have forgotten that she made some not so nice comments about others as well on Ben's season.

I tend to think there's some truth to Caila being disingenuous, not even based on what others have said, but based on what I've seen with my own eyes. She seems to have the ability to go from forlorn to totally normal/happy in a millisecond, which makes me wonder just how real her sadness really is. Maybe she's just a superficial person who's used to acting feelings rather than feeling them, I don't know, but I don't really buy what she's selling most of the time. JMO. Not that all these bitches shouldn't just drop it already, since a few days from now no one will care anymore. They're just making themselves look worse by going on about it still.
Lauren H said exactly that about Caila in this interview:


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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:19 pm

Some people are better at hiding their true emotions than others.
Some people are better at showing their true emotions than others.
Both of these qualities can be seen as assets at times and as detriments at other times.

We, as observers, definitely make judgments about these people based on what and how they show us their feelings. We may doubt them and their intentions if they show us too little. We may make judgments about the depth of their feelings if they show them sooner than the norm or in a way that is perceived to be OTT.

I'm sure that the contestants judge one another by these same criteria. Initially, we all are guilty of judging a book by its cover to some degree. However, the mature thing to do is to take a step back and try to realize that we are all different and differently flawed. You know that bumper sticker that shows all types of religious symbols with the caption "COEXIST" ? That should be the goal. IMO.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by dee Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:20 pm

MiaHawk wrote:What kind of "Princess" is AI, though?
She's not a Snow White type. If she looked into a mirror and asked "Who's the fairest of them all?" the mirror would reply, "Take off those 8 layers of makeup. I can't see your face."

She's not a Mulan type.  She doesn't have the strength or courage to stand for a cause bigger than herself.

She's not an Ariel type. She'd never dip her face or hair under the water and actually enjoy her natural surroundings.

She's not a Cinderella type. I'm certain that she knows nothing about cooking or cleaning.

She's not a Rapunzel. If she ever cascaded her hair down the side of a tower so a man could rescue her, he'd drop to his death when her extentions gave way.

She is not anything special. None of us are. That's just reality. The sooner she sees that, the sooner she can deal with life in a healthy manner.

spitcoffee 10/10!!!!

In all seriousness, ITA. She's nothing to write home about.

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sugarbeach - Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: Ashley I - BIP - Season 3 - Discussion

Post by MiaHawk Thu Sep 01, 2016 4:26 pm

When they aired the scene of AI picking up her SUITCASE of makeup, rustling through her bottles of potions, seeing fake eyelashes like tarantulas in a jar, hanging that ratty hair piece on the corner of said suitcase, all I could think of was:  How does one get to be this high maintenance? It's insane! IMO

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