Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:22 pm

1) Josh tweeted about the edit and liked plenty of tweets relating to such
2) Amanda wrote a blog about the edit
3) MM posted on FB about the edit
So yeah, they are complaining about the edit.

Also, for the record, Nick never once complained about the edit when he was edited unfavorably so not sure why he has to set the record straight about anything when he never did it in the past when he was edited poorly and Josh never set any record straight to make Nick look better in the past. Also, where in Amanda's blog or Josh's tweet or MM's FB post did they mention (the reports) that Amanda was biding her time for Josh and thus conveniently using Nick to get her rose to stay as well? If anyone is manipulative it is Josh and Amanda, imo, since they conveniently leave all that out when it comes to "edit".

Bottom line: blaming the edit, imo, just shows me that Josh (and A and MM) aren't ever willing to see themselves in a negative light no matter what and always want to scapegoat. It's all woe-is-me when Josh needs his mommy and fiancee to also make posts to blame the edit. What a man. Not.

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Post by Kashathediva Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:42 pm

I have to wonder, why are they airing any of this?
It's one thing, to have a photo or 1000 showing a couple out and about even with as loosey goosey as BIP might be.
It's another to go totally public on so many fronts.
Ok...well as is said: Not my circus and not my big mouthed monkeys.

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Post by Beagle Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:47 pm

Beach Lover wrote:Maybe I still have rose colored glasses on, it's very possible, but I guess I'm not seeing all this "complaining" about editing that has been mentioned.  The only thing I've seen him "complain" or get defensive about is the "Josh steals Nick's girl" storyline which by several reliable accounts now was definitely editing/producer manipulation to try to "vilify" him.  I think that's a fair thing for Josh (& Amanda) to try to clear up actually.  Other than that, what has he "complained" about?  I feel like he has for the most part been rolling with the punches on the other stuff.

I'm curious why with all the hatred towards Josh that Nick is getting a pass. He totally was acting the role of victim when he knew full well the real story (telling Amanda they should date others and that he was there for Jen). He played the " woe is me" card perfectly, especially since he wasn't even that into Amanda considering she said in her blog that he would pull away from her the minute the cameras weren't on them.  Yet Josh was the one being called fake?  How is that not Nick just turning it on for the cameras?  I just don't understand the sympathy for Nick here. He may be witty and have some great commentary, but I see him being pretty manipulative with his actions, and that is no better IMO than what Josh is being accused of, just more subtle.

And about Andi's book and Josh saying it was fiction, that was just stupid on his part to generalize it that way. He would have been much smarter to say it was exaggerated in spots or that things were omitted, which can change ones perception of the situation (just like the omission of what was said in Nick & Amanda pre- rose ceremony conversation made people think something different than what was actually true).   Nick even said in his E Interview this week that although there was some accuracy to what Andi wrote about him, she is known to not necessarily tell the truth and particularly that she omits stuff.  The stuff she omits can be a real game changer.  That's what Josh should have said instead of it being all lies. Just IMO.

Personally I don't hate Josh, I've never met him. Good for him that he's with the girl he wants. That love triangle was just a fake story line. What I dislike about Josh is his I'm Lion, he's sheep attitude about Nick. His demeanor that seems to be he's above others on that show. His constant tonsil hockey in front of everyone just to show the others (Nick) how virile he is, and he's still taking digs at Nick on SM because he's upset that some more fans are liking Nick now. That's my beef with him. He wants Nick to remain the villain and Josh the good guy that everyone adores.

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Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Aug 11, 2016 6:56 pm

EXACTLY! He's acting like an entitled douche still after the show ended, when he's supposed to be happily engaged to his dream girl. He doesn't own up to his own actions, throws digs at others, acts like the wounded party AND has his mother and fiancé out there writing blogs blaming everyone else too. Other people with crappy edits have chalked it up to as a learning curve, or means to a great ending etc.

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Post by Kashathediva Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:02 pm

It's embarrassing having the women in his life defend him. Such a tough guy. He and Evan should team up.

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by ReneeM Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:03 pm

I've for sure had my time where I've disliked Nick, and I've certainly had my share of laughs at his expense, but he's never copped out by blaming the edit, and the two other times he's been on, it certainly did him no favours. Josh says he doesn't care what people say about him but his actions say otherwise. He responds to seemingly EVERY criticism whether by like, retweet, or block, and every negative thing about him is everyone else's fault but his own. I see his personality now and question my own judgement for ever liking this guy. Honestly his only redeeming quality is the relationship he has with his dog and his family, and even that is a double edged sword because they all clearly enable his bad behaviour by also always making excuses for him. All JMO.


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Post by bluwavz Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:23 pm

I've criticized and snarked on Nick plenty and at times I was quite harsh even as a fan. I don't give free passes to my favorites. I just don't think "Nick did it too" excuses Josh's actions. I don't care what Nick did or didn't do. My problem with Josh has nothing to do with Nick. I just can't respect the complaining about the edit on his third reality show, subtweeting, throwing shade and liking negative tweets. What about taking the high road and being the bigger man? I thought none of this affected him and the only thing that matters is if Amanduh likes him? He says all these things but never lives up to it. I just don't believe him.

All JMO.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:27 pm

That the triangle love story is a fake story line and yet Amanda and Josh are selling it as if they themselves weren't part of it and putting the blame on the edit/Nick is what makes them so hypocritical and manipulative, imo.

If Josh (and A and MM) was really honest and transparent, why not just say, hey, we went on the show for each other and all of us did what we had to do so we could be on TV. That they don't do that and try to play victim shows me they just can't handle any sort of criticism without scapegoating and Josh especially has to be seen as better than everyone else as Beagle posted.

I could care less about the edit, it's how Josh is acting after the show and getting his fiancee and mommy to defend and build him up that is insufferable, imo. Not only did he have mommy defending him but also Amanda. Yet Josh never wrote to defend Amanda, only himself, which shows me that he only cares about numero uno (himself) and that Josh is just selfish and ungrateful, imo, considering he has the woman of his dreams and has the family he always wanted. So why not appreciate that and show how blessed he is instead of how ungrateful he is? That's on him, not edit or anything else. All him.


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Post by julychild Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:42 pm

Beach Lover wrote:Maybe I still have rose colored glasses on, it's very possible, but I guess I'm not seeing all this "complaining" about editing that has been mentioned.  The only thing I've seen him "complain" or get defensive about is the "Josh steals Nick's girl" storyline which by several reliable accounts now was definitely editing/producer manipulation to try to "vilify" him.  I think that's a fair thing for Josh (& Amanda) to try to clear up actually.  Other than that, what has he "complained" about?  I feel like he has for the most part been rolling with the punches on the other stuff.

I'm curious why with all the hatred towards Josh that Nick is getting a pass. He totally was acting the role of victim when he knew full well the real story (telling Amanda they should date others and that he was there for Jen). He played the " woe is me" card perfectly, especially since he wasn't even that into Amanda considering she said in her blog that he would pull away from her the minute the cameras weren't on them.  Yet Josh was the one being called fake?  How is that not Nick just turning it on for the cameras?  I just don't understand the sympathy for Nick here. He may be witty and have some great commentary, but I see him being pretty manipulative with his actions, and that is no better IMO than what Josh is being accused of, just more subtle.

And about Andi's book and Josh saying it was fiction, that was just stupid on his part to generalize it that way. He would have been much smarter to say it was exaggerated in spots or that things were omitted, which can change ones perception of the situation (just like the omission of what was said in Nick & Amanda pre- rose ceremony conversation made people think something different than what was actually true).   Nick even said in his E Interview this week that although there was some accuracy to what Andi wrote about him, she is known to not necessarily tell the truth and particularly that she omits stuff.  The stuff she omits can be a real game changer.  That's what Josh should have said instead of it being all lies. Just IMO.

Haven't seen a single full episode of BIP, but I've read enough to have an idea. If the argument is that Josh's negative portrayal is all in the edits, why couldn't it also be that Nick's " woe is me" whatever is also a result of editing? As a matter of fact, why didn't Nick receive this same editing consideration all along? Afterall we never actually saw him do anything villainous on Andi's season, it was all beamed out to us through innuendo and music and EDITING etc.

I'm sure they are both great guys, in their own right.

Last edited by julychild on Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by sdmom Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:55 pm

He still likes "Nick is not a nice guy" tweets. Grow up Josh! Just enjoy your beautiful fiancée, her two cute girls, your dog and the nice SolCal weather, ok? Life is too short to stay negative.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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FamilyTime - Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2

Post by Beach Lover Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:41 pm

I don't think Josh's negative portrayal is all in the edits, but the "Josh steals Nicks girl" fake storyline was a big factor in starting all the hate and Nick played a major role in that, seemingly voluntarily with the things he said to Daniel on camera to make it misleadingly appear he felt Josh took Amanda right from under him.  Still, you're right AAL that Nick never blamed the edit or others for the flack he took during K or A's seasons, I do give him a lot of credit for that.  As far as Amanda and her blog, I'm not sure if she did that to defend Josh or herself. She was getting hate for how she handled the Josh date and not talking to Nick first, so I think that was more her defending herself.  I don't see her as nearly the doormat that some think she is.

And I do wish Josh would take some ownership of some of his actions and not make matters worse by favoriting tweets etc. now (Nick too).  Just hug it out and put this feud to rest for good. For Amanda's sake. She's best friends with all the girls that are also great friends with Nick so that's gotta be getting a little awkward. Just be men about it, swallow your pride and move on!
Beach Lover
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Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Aug 11, 2016 8:55 pm

IMO if Josh gets excused at all by the edit for the 'steal the girl' sl, Nick should get the same excuse IMO. So, IMO if Josh's part was heavily edited to make it a more viable sl, then IMO Nick's part was heavily edited too. IMO Nick handled Leah well, rejecting her, and letting her know he was going to give his rose to Amanda. IMO it would've benefited Nick more had his conversation with Amanda been shown too.

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