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Post by StacyNor Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:38 am

Alanna wrote:She does have pictures of them together. He was all over her Insta with happy pics before the show. I think this is less about revenge and more about being devastated that he's with someone else because imo, she's still in love with him despite everything.
I agree with you Alanna. I know she can't help how she feels, but she needs to try to move on. It has been 2 years. Jordan is engaged and planning a future with another woman.

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Post by ReneeM Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:45 am

Blasting your ex on SM rarely does anything other than making you look upset/bitter/jealous/crazy/ ESPECIALLY 2 whole years later, and it certainly doesn't help you move on. From real life experience, people only put exes on blast when they want attention and the best way for Jordan to respond right now is to not respond at all and refuse to give her what she really wants which is his attention. All JMO.


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Post by StacyNor Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:59 am

ReneeM wrote:Blasting your ex on SM rarely does anything other than making you look upset/bitter/jealous/crazy/ ESPECIALLY 2 whole years later, and it certainly doesn't help you move on. From real life experience, people only put exes on blast when they want attention and the best way for Jordan to respond right now is to not respond at all and refuse to give her what she really wants which is his attention. All JMO.
I agree, he should ignore her. By tomorrow it would have died down and the media would have moved on to another story. About the bolded, people also blast their exes also to try to create havoc in the current relationship too and make them break up. Jordan should ignore Brittany and try to ignore going back and forth with her. That is what she wants, he has a fiancee whom he seems happy with and a new job, concentrate on that.

Last edited by StacyNor on Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Alanna Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:00 pm

They also seem to have different definitions of what went on. From the texts, it seems very volatile and on/off. So he thinks he was a bad bf but didn't cheat like Ross Geller, she has a different viewpoint, etc. Sounds like he was a mess personally at the time and together, they weren't much better. What's clear imo is that what she wanted desperately from him but didn't think he was capable of, is now very obviously displayed all over sm with another woman. He's more than capable of everything he couldn't/wouldn't/didn't give to her and she's some combination of devastated, angry, bitter, hurt and stuck on him and in the past.

My totally unsolicited recommendations for all below laugh out loud
1) Brittany needs therapy and to move on, nothing good can come from this.

2) Jo needs to stay off of dwts and probably off of sm in general for awhile, and reaffirm her commitment to believing that the man who was with Brittany isn't the man who's with her, if she wants this relationship to work

3) Baddy needs to keep doing what he's been doing. No action needed at this time laugh out loud I'll reevaluate him several months down the line!

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Post by sosleepy Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:05 pm

Ok, alright...I agree the mature approach is to let it die and not be the bitter ex. But...

But from Britney's perspective she was in a commited relationship with someone who told her she was the love of her life. Then that someone lied to her and cheated on her multiple times. THEN that someone went on national tv and LIED about what happened on repeat. Then that someone got engaged on national television to someone else. THEN during the press tour, that someone continued to lie about what happened.

Yeah, I can see why she's upset and wants to tell her side. Instead of looking at Brittney and blaming her, let's take a look at Jordan. He's the blowtard that let all this happen to begin with. Yada, yada in the past, people change. It all still happened. He should take some responsibility and deal with it.

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Post by hae1001 Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:09 pm

IMO, we have no idea what her life has been like Post show. A lot of people are commenting that it was unnecessary for her to post because most people believed and defended her already. That's not true though. I've read plenty of comments from people on both JoJos and Jordan's instagrams calling his exes liars and whores and some saying they deserved the treatment. I can believe that this is now affecting her home life, being that they have only been public for a couple weeks and are now the new golden couple. Growing up in a small town myself, I know how it is when people take sides and get in your business without even knowing you. Small town talk travels. and it's much worse when one of the people involved has a little notoriety. I don't fault her at all for standing up for herself.

In regards to the years old text messages, since they were from 2014, IMO it's highly likely that she's gotten a new phone since then. I still have every single one of my old phones, from a rumor to a note 4. Every once in a while I turn one on and go through the stuff on it and have a good laugh.

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Post by ReneeM Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:09 pm

mindless wrote:
It just seems pretty straightforward to me that he cheated. RS had that email from someone saying their friend met Jordan while they were filming Pitch Perfect 2 together and that Jordan told her he'd broken up with Brittany 2 weeks prior. Then they dated on and off for a couple of years. Brittany's texts show they were still together at least in some capacity while he was away filming. It just all adds up. There's Brittany telling her side of the story and then there's the other girl's friend telling that girl's side of the story. I highly doubt it's all lies, so Jordan shouldn't be calling it that, and I do think he did. He may not have been spelling it out that's what he was talking about, but that's how I took it as well when I listened to those interviews post-show. Just don't say anything if you can't be truthful. I just really hope he's been truthful with Jojo about everything, because I can't imagine how she's feeling if those texts go against what he's been telling her.

Getting on my :soapbox because I've been here before with two friends who have had this issue in their relationship. The texts were him trying to get back together with her, which in itself confirms they weren't in a relationship at the time, so he can actually sleep with whomever he wants to, and while that's dick-ish, and not smart when trying to reconcile it's not cheating IMO. Which supports my theory that he did things that she considered cheating that he didn't. That type of situation is a grey area where neither party might be lying but they interpret events differently. It sounds like bulls** when I type it but I've seen this happen IRL with people I know and could see both sides. So I understand where she's coming from and if it was a fresh breakup I'd understand lashing out, my problem is that it's been two years, she seemingly wasn't that mad about it because she kept up all the old pics and stuff until the pictures of him and Jojo first got leaked, even in an amicable breakup I removed most if not all traces of my ex from my SM, so I can't imagine keeping stuff from one that ended because of infidelity, this makes me think it's not at all about the issues in their relationship and more about the fact that she's still hung up on him and bitter that he moved on with the added benefit that it gets her a lot of media attention. All JMO


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Post by sbolduc Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:11 pm

Maybe I am in the minority here but I have no problem with what Brittany did.

Jordan is the one that cheated
Jordan is the one that went on a reality show
Jordan is the one that mentioned his ex on national TV
Jordan is the one that lied about such ex and their relationship on national TV
Jordan is the one that lied about cheating post show to national media outlets
Jordan is the one that post show accused Brittany (not by name - but same action nonetheless) of lying about the cheating to national media outlets

So Jordan did all of that but Brittany made a couple IG posts to set the record straight - when she remained mum pretty much all season (apart from the original IG post). She could have gone to a magazine and been paid. She could have said this at the height of the season when the majority of the national public was paying attention (which was much higher then than now). Instead she waited and instead of him being an adult and owning his mistakes or ignoring the rumours all together he then accused "people" (i.e. Brittany and many many many many other women) of lying about him.

Jordan is not the victim here - he cheated on Brittany and lied about it. He treated multiple women like crap not the other way around.
Jordan is immature and acts entitled. He is used to getting away with treating people like this. The way I see it, he made his bed now he needs to lie in it.

All IMO.

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Post by Ladybug82 Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:15 pm

I guess my biggest problem is that they broke up over 2 years ago.  I get being upset over lies and things said, but it was a while ago.  Her friends and family know the truth, or her side/version of it  Why the need to splash it all over SM and know it'll get picked up by the news, now?  What does it matter, in the grand scheme of things at this point?  Had it been a more recent break up, maybe I could see feeling the need to clarify it more, but its not a recent break up.  He's clearly moved on.  She needs to if she hasn't.  And IMO, much like Ashley I., she needs to listen to Frozen on repeat and just learn to let it go.

I personally wouldn't want my name out there and involved, even if he'd done me wrong.  But I like my privacy and would never use SM to seek revenge, set the record straight or to draw attention to myself in such a way.  The world does not need to know all my business, nor would they want to or I want them to. laugh out loud JMOAA

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Post by sosleepy Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:20 pm

I don't think 2 years is that long ago, honestly. Jordan should have never mentioned her in any capacity on the show, and he certainly shouldn't have bald faced lied multiple times - on air, to JoJo's face, then again on his press tour. He had it coming.

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Post by Ash2214 Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:30 pm

Ladybug82 wrote:I guess my biggest problem is that they broke up over 2 years ago.  I get being upset over lies and things said, but it was a while ago.  Her friends and family know the truth, or her side/version of it  Why the need to splash it all over SM and know it'll get picked up by the news, now?  What does it matter, in the grand scheme of things at this point?  Had it been a more recent break up, maybe I could see feeling the need to clarify it more, but its not a recent break up.  He's clearly moved on.  She needs to if she hasn't.  And IMO, much like Ashley I., she needs to listen to Frozen on repeat and just learn to let it go.

I personally wouldn't want my name out there and involved, even if he'd done me wrong.  But I like my privacy and would never use SM to seek revenge, set the record straight or to draw attention to myself in such a way.  The world does not need to know all my business, nor would they want to or I want them to. laugh out loud JMOAA

I agree with this. I didn't mind her original post back in May, but to do it again? I don't see the point. Most people believed her and trashed Jordan anyway. He's taken plenty of heat during the past few months.Plus, in their post show interviews, they were never asked specifically and only about Brittany. He never mentioned her by name in those interviews. As you said, those close to her know the truth. I just don't get it. I would never want to plaster all over the internet that I was cheated on. I wouldn't give that person the time of day. I would proudly show how I've moved on and that I'm doing well without the person. To go to the extent she did by posting all of what she did? Yikes.

The most annoying thing about all of her posts is saying she doesn't want the fame, when she clearly knows what it did for her last time. I've seen her respond to comments about joining her classes and what not. She wasn't getting that before. It must be nice having those extra 40k+ followers. Also, why not 3 weeks ago when the press tour was going on? It must have stung seeing JoJo in pictures with all of Jordan's friends since she still follows all of those friends on social media. All JMO


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Post by Al Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:44 pm

Lol I love this


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