JoJo Fletcher - Jordan Rodgers - Bachelorette 12 - Discussion - #2

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Post by mindless Thu Dec 01, 2016 6:55 pm

Yeah, I just could never warm up to Robby. He's a weird one and not in an interesting way. JMO.

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Post by Ladybug82 Thu Dec 01, 2016 7:14 pm

This is JoJo and Jordan's thread, let's not stray too far off topic.  Any in depth discussion of Robby, his SM activity not partianing to Jo^3 or whether you think he's odd or not can be discussed further in his thread.

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Post by sosleepy Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:20 pm

I just watched this interview with Chase and Robby (mostly to see what they had to say about Ben and Lauren),  but was really surprised about what they had to say about Jordan. Apparently Jordan cut off all contact with them? Completely? Like I get it... he's trying to distance himself from the show and he has his career and he has JoJo so that has to be a little weird to be friends with her exes. But they were so close on the show! And other F1's have managed to stay cordial with the top 2-4 in the past. According to Robby they talked a lot after the show until the finale, then Jordan just cut off contact. I find that a tad strange. Something about Jordan still feels standoffish and off to me. I try to like him, and I DO like certain things about him for sure. But dude... I get wanting to separate from the show, but he's with JoJo and if they go the long haul, that will always be part of his life story. Sometimes Jordan just comes off too cool for school or something. I don't know. Why completely remove friends like that? Robby and Chase seemed genuinely befuddled.

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Post by bleuberry Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:27 pm

Were they friends up until the finale? Maybe JoJo doesn't want him friendly with her exes laugh out loud.

What I find funny is the total transformation from having exes coming out of the woodwork all season long to fiancée of the year (seemingly). Were the exes lying? Did he change for JoJo

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In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Post by Ash2214 Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:30 pm

According Jordan and Wells, they've remained close. Wells has even become friends with Jordan's brother Luke. Those that follow Jordan have seen Jordan interact with guys like Evan and Vinny on social media and even the lesser known guys like Nick B and Christian.

When they went to the iHeart music festival in September, there were videos of Jordan hanging out with Chase and Robby, so there appears to be no ill will, so I'm not sure why Robby said there had been no contact with Jordan right after the ATFR, because we have proof that wasn't the case. I like Chase and Robby a lot, but they're in two different stars of life. Chase and Robby are living that single life and attending bachelor related events and Jordan's not doing that. Just because they were friends on the show doesn't mean that translates to real life. That life was 8 months ago. If he saw them at some event, I'm sure he would be fine and interact with them like he did in September.

Jordan has seemingly moved on from the franchise without taking digs at anyone and has remained classy. I see no issues with him working his three jobs, being good to JoJo, spending time with family and friends, and if he sees bachelor related people, he'll be nice to them. All JMO


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Post by ReneeM Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:31 pm

^^Bringing my post over from the fan thread

ReneeM wrote:couple of the people Jordan seemed close to on the show made some accusations about him in their ITM's. Chase and James come to mind. I remember Jordan's interview on the Garbage time podcast he mentions that he was close with James in the house, they used to interact on twitter, then that episode where James called him entitled aired and he seemed to pull back. Chase too, where he was close with Jordan in the house, then Jojo and Jordan's date with the grape stomping and Chase was talking to Luke and ITM's questioning Jordan's motives. I think that might have turned him off from pursuing real life friendships with them.

James also did an interview where he implied Jordan doesn't love Jojo. Said the relationship was one sided, and that she didn't make the right choice.

I think a lot of people in this franchise act like they're your friends when they really aren't and he seems to know this.


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Post by Ash2214 Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:31 pm

bleuberry wrote:Were they friends up until the finale? Maybe JoJo doesn't want him friendly with her exes laugh out loud.

What I find funny is the total transformation from having exes coming out of the woodwork all season long to fiancée of the year (seemingly). Were the exes lying? Did he change for JoJo

There was one ex who came forward. Three random girls who didn't give names to RS that claimed they had casual relationships with him, but he didn't want commitment like that is totally unheard of for a guy in his twenties.


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Post by sosleepy Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:32 pm

bleuberry wrote:Were they friends up until the finale? Maybe JoJo doesn't want him friendly with her exes laugh out loud.

What I find funny is the total transformation from having exes coming out of the woodwork all season long to fiancée of the year (seemingly). Were the exes lying? Did he change for JoJo

But if that's the case then JoJo was fine with the contact until the finale then she said no more? laugh out loud That doesn't really sound like the "warm" "big hearted" "friendly" JoJo to me. She's the girl that is still friendly with Ben and Lauren afterall.

I wish JoJo and Jordan the best. Truly. And I hope it works out for them. But to me it's still early days. He's stayed faithful and loyal and has managed some gushy posts on IG for like 7 months. Big whoop. I mean jillian was still with Ed 7/8 months in and so,so,so happy! laugh out loud They could still be honeymooning too and he's also probably riding the high of finally getting that broadcasting career. JoJo gives him noteriety too. So for me... jury is still out. I wish them the best though.

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Post by Alanna Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:35 pm

bleuberry wrote:Were they friends up until the finale? Maybe JoJo doesn't want him friendly with her exes laugh out loud.

What I find funny is the total transformation from having exes coming out of the woodwork all season long to fiancée of the year (seemingly). Were the exes lying? Did he change for JoJo
I don't think the exes were lying and I don't think he considered them exes. I'm not patting him on the back for this but I wouldn't be surprised if he has some "ideas" that a woman that's his wife, mom, sister gets treated differently than a woman that's a hookup, even if she hasn't been explicitly told she's nothing more than a hookup.

IMO he's really smart and something along the lines of calculated too and Jo hits those "wife" notes like nothing else in terms of, well, absolutely everything for him IMO. Having her on his arm for life is pretty powerful considering her looks, background, family, etc. So the BBJ she gets is totally different than every swipe right who came before her. Not to say he doesn't genuinely love and adore her because he does IMO but she's also an incredibly practical match for him. A keeper in every sense of the word, the romantic side and the real talk one too.

I'm a big Jo and Baddy fan, but I gotta be realistic here too laugh out loud

Last edited by Alanna on Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:38 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post by bleuberry Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:35 pm

I'd avoid Robby at all costs too laugh out loud.

I think it's very smart to distance yourselves to a certain extent and not give anyone a reason to meddle in your personal lives. The airing of the season and the SM stuff probably scarred him laugh out loud.

@Alanna good points. Happy for JoJo!

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In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Post by sosleepy Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:39 pm

Ash2214 wrote:According Jordan and Wells, they've remained close. Wells has even become friends with Jordan's brother Luke. Those that follow Jordan have seen Jordan interact with guys like Evan and Vinny on social media and even the lesser known guys like Nick B and Christian.

When they went to the iHeart music festival in September, there were videos of Jordan hanging out with Chase and Robby, so there appears to be no ill will, so I'm not sure why Robby said there had been no contact with Jordan right after the ATFR, because we have proof that wasn't the case. I like Chase and Robby a lot, but they're in two different stars of life. Chase and Robby are living that single life and attending bachelor related events and Jordan's not doing that. Just because they were friends on the show doesn't mean that translates to real life. That life was 8 months ago. If he saw them at some event, I'm sure he would be fine and interact with them like he did in September.

Jordan has seemingly moved on from the franchise without taking digs at anyone and has remained classy. I see no issues with him working his three jobs, being good to JoJo, spending time with family and friends, and if he sees bachelor related people, he'll be nice to them. All JMO

Chase and Robby acknowledged they saw them at iHeart though. They also said he just completely stopped contact after ATFR and they don't understand why. Not that I really care. I'm not a huge Chase/Robby fan either here so maybe they did something dumb to cause Jordan to separate. laugh out loud JoJo had just yuck for guys all around, IMO. I really hope casting does better for the next Ette.

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Post by Ash2214 Wed Jan 04, 2017 2:42 pm

I think the fact that the two of them have been so practical and normal with it all is a good sign for them.

He's been working two jobs for most of their relationship and now he's got three. He's gone above and beyond in making her the priority even though he's incredibly busy. He gets home asap from work or she goes with him. They spent Thanksgiving week and Thanksgiving Day in Chico with his family, vacationed in Georgia with his family the week of Christmas, spent Christmas in Dallas with her family, went to Mexico with her family right after and they just spent NYE in Atlanta with his brother Luke and Luke's girlfriend. It's been all about family and friends with these two and they lay low. They both seem genuinely happy. IMO

You know they're doing well with it all when RS essentially admits he was wrong about them on his podcast laugh out loud


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