Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:28 pm

Being able to get along with people, especially those that are different than you and are in competition with you, is a sign of maturity, humility, and sincerity, IMO. It doesn't make her better than anyone else (and she has never said that), but it's a testament to what an incredible person she is that the girls had her back, despite her being a FIR recipient, getting the GDR on the first date she went on, and now a likely strong candidate for the Bachelorette. IMO.


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Post by ReneeM Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:43 pm

It matters for the same reason it does every year be it the bachelor, the 'ette, or BiP. The show can paint w/e image they want of contestants, they make some seem nicer than they are, and others as villains when they're not, but it's the reaction of those that lived in the house with them that usually paint the truest picture. On Andi's season Nick was the villain, but many here pointed out that with the exception of Josh, the other guys seemed to like him well enough. Same with Kaitlyn's season, he was the 'villain' but again had many friends from that season. Nikki from Juan Pablo's season got a really good edit, but a lot of girls in the house seemed to dislike her, she then went on MBC where people saw the side of her that the show didn't air.

Living in a house full of strangers, with endless amounts of alcohol, cut off from the outside world, and everyone's 'competing' for the love of the same person, it's an environment that's emotionally taxing and designed to bring out the worst in you. Which is why personally I cut the people who come off badly some slack more often than not, because that environment takes a lot out of you.

That's why it says something to me when your cast actually likes you after the fact. I think it's hard to stay sane, mature, friendly, etc, especially when real feelings start developing.

All JMO.


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Post by Cila51290 Sat Jan 28, 2017 9:51 pm

In general, I still don't see what the big deal is if someone is liked in the cast or not. There's a bunch of past alums that just had 1 friend or 2 in the house and are also mature, humble, and sincere outside of the show. I just think it's a bit overrated the whole I'm liked in the house so that makes me a great person. JMO

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Kashathediva Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:02 pm

Everyone goes into the experience differently. Some drink. Some don't. Some are introverted. Some are extroverts. Some are there for their 15 minutes. Some are there for--I don't know what they are there for if not their 15 minutes. I will have to think on that. Some are there to live frantically out of their suitcase and be sleep deprived for ____ time. Some are there for the "experience". Some want to be liked. Some only care if they are liked by the lead.
I don't think generalizations can be made. It varies season to season and cast person to cast person.

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by ReneeM Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:15 pm

Sharleen was an introvert who was well liked by her cast IMO. Correct me if I'm wrong but I can't remember a single person from her season who had anything negative to say about her.

You *CAN* be there for the lead and yet still be considerate of other people's feelings. Chris Siegfried and Catherine come to mind. Two people who were definitely focused on the lead and they were not just well liked, but pretty beloved by their casts.

Your cast not liking you doesn't necessarily mean anything because of the environment IMO. But it does mean something when they do IMO.

I would love an example of someone in the SM era of this show, being liked by most if not all their cast members, and they've turned out to be a sh*tty person because I can't think of any.


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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by ericbutterfly Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:38 pm

I am brand new here but I have done a lot of lurking. I am not new to BachNation, but I am new to this forum. I wish I knew it existed sooner.

With that being said, she is one of my favorites along with Raven, and no offense but everyone who likes a tweet doesn't think that it's going to be overly analyzed by dedicated fans. When people like tweets sometimes it doesn't mean you agree with the ENTIRE statement. For example, I have been in competitions before against others, and if someone were to tweet me and say "I hope you win, all the others suck"... I may like that tweet because they are complimenting me. Doesn't mean I agree about the "All the others suck" part. You can still love everyone else, but realize that a fan actually is saying something highly of you. ***IMO*** Celebrities do this all the time when they like tweets of fans who elevate them by putting down another celebrity... It's not necessarily a move of agreeance, but rather... "I see your support. Thanks." ***IMo****  I am sure Rachel doesn't truly have harsh feelings toward Nick, and I am sure she wouldn't have truly dumped him if she were picked. ***IMO***

Also, I have seen MANY fans and YouTube bloggers and reviewers say Rachel is too good for him. That is their opinion. Nick fans who have a bad taste in their mouth should realize that it's just an opinion. ***IMO***. It's a silly opinion ***IMO*** that is only being looked at from an "on paper" standpoint... However it's an opinion nonetheless, because we don't know any of these people and we don't know their true self... So no one really knows who is too good for who. I think on paper it's not hard to see why people think Rachel is "too good" for the show in general. However Rachel seems like an easygoing, down to earth chick, and I don't see anything wrong with her stepping out on a limb to find love in this way. I don't care that she is a WOC, I am rooting for her to be the next ette regardless.

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by mprssdbyu Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:46 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] you left out way too many IMO ..That stands for "In My Opinion" by the way. Having said that.... welcomeyall

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by ericbutterfly Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:54 pm

mprssdbyu wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] you left out way too many IMO ..That stands for "In My Opinion"  by the way. Having said that.... welcomeyall

Thank you for the welcome, but I feel like constantly saying "IMO" can be kind of redundant and a little condescending... It's like saying "No offense" after every single statement in which someone may actually take offense to laugh out loud. I just assumed you all would realize that entire post was my opinion. I will edit in a final "IMO" if that makes people feel better. Don't mean to sound harsh or anything though... I am just new to posting on forums. Thanks again for the warm welcome handwave

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Ladybug82 Sat Jan 28, 2017 10:58 pm

We do not state opinions as facts.  We add an IMO or JMO, whether it's redundant or not.  Many come on here to read our site or take info off our site and we do not want an opinion being taken as fact.  

Please familiarize yourself with our [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], so posts do not have to edited, deleted or reads locks.  

All that being said, Welcomeparty! [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:02 pm

ericbutterfly wrote:I am brand new here but I have done a lot of lurking. I am not new to BachNation, but I am new to this forum. I wish I knew it existed sooner.

With that being said, she is one of my favorites along with Raven, and no offense but everyone who likes a tweet doesn't think that it's going to be overly analyzed by dedicated fans. When people like tweets sometimes it doesn't mean you agree with the ENTIRE statement. For example, I have been in competitions before against others, and if someone were to tweet me and say "I hope you win, all the others suck"... I may like that tweet because they are complimenting me. Doesn't mean I agree about the "All the others suck" part. You can still love everyone else, but realize that a fan actually is saying something highly of you. ***IMO*** Celebrities do this all the time when they like tweets of fans who elevate them by putting down another celebrity... It's not necessarily a move of agreeance, but rather... "I see your support. Thanks." ***IMo****  I am sure Rachel doesn't truly have harsh feelings toward Nick, and I am sure she wouldn't have truly dumped him if she were picked. ***IMO***

Also, I have seen MANY fans and YouTube bloggers and reviewers say Rachel is too good for him. That is their opinion. Nick fans who have a bad taste in their mouth should realize that it's just an opinion. ***IMO***. It's a silly opinion ***IMO*** that is only being looked at from an "on paper" standpoint... However it's an opinion nonetheless, because we don't know any of these people and we don't know their true self... So no one really knows who is too good for who. I think on paper it's not hard to see why people think Rachel is "too good" for the show in general. However Rachel seems like an easygoing, down to earth chick, and I don't see anything wrong with her stepping out on a limb to find love in this way. I don't care that she is a WOC, I am rooting for her to be the next ette regardless.

Let me explain the benefit of using IMO when it's YOUR opinion. If I like Nick, I don't need you or anyone else to tell me that I should realize anything nor do I need to read that I have a bad taste in my mouth just as if I were to say to you, you have a bad taste in your mouth for sticking up for Rachel and you need to realize that she did like a negative post about Nick. We do not speak to members in that tone. We also don't post on the forum that it's a ridiculous rule to have to state it's your opinion, because it IS your opinion and you're not speaking for me. If you don't like the rules, you simply don't post.


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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by ericbutterfly Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:17 pm

Ladybug82 wrote:We do not state opinions as facts.  We add an IMO or JMO, whether it's redundant or not.  Many come on here to read our site or take info off our site and we do not want an opinion being taken as fact.  

Please familiarize yourself with our [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.], so posts do not have to edited, deleted or reads locks.  

All that being said, Welcomeparty! [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I apologize, when you all put it like that now I understand why it is super important to say "IMO" or "JMO" I never intended any of my posts to come across as facts. I am not an arrogant person or a know it all I promise laugh out loud. I like Rachel but I feel like I may have put a bad taste in you alls mouth IMO with my attitude and that was not my intention, and I am not some crazy fan laugh out loud. It's just how I felt.

Anyway, thanks for clarifying the rules for me, thanks for sending me the rules, and thanks for welcoming me. I appreciate it and look forward to posting more about one of my favorite shows.

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roseceremony - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 48 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by crunchycheeto Sat Jan 28, 2017 11:41 pm

ericbutterfly wrote:Also, I have seen MANY fans and YouTube bloggers and reviewers say Rachel is too good for him. That is their opinion. Nick fans who have a bad taste in their mouth should realize that it's just an opinion. ***IMO***. It's a silly opinion ***IMO*** that is only being looked at from an "on paper" standpoint... However it's an opinion nonetheless, because we don't know any of these people and we don't know their true self... So no one really knows who is too good for who. I think on paper it's not hard to see why people think Rachel is "too good" for the show in general. However Rachel seems like an easygoing, down to earth chick, and I don't see anything wrong with her stepping out on a limb to find love in this way. I don't care that she is a WOC, I am rooting for her to be the next ette regardless.

I don't know if this is directed at me, but since I had written my negative opinion on the use of "too good" to describe Rachel in relation to Nick, I wonder if I'm the Nick fan who has a bad taste in her mouth... question I realize that there are varying opinions on the lead and the contestants, and the use / acceptability of the phrase. I never implied that people couldn't say it or express their opinions. I was simply expressing mine. That's why I ended my spiel with "to each their own".

Reading your comment, I actually think we're on the same page on some things. You said we don't know any of these people and we don't know their true selves, and I completely agree. The show gives us a fraction of what happened within the space of 2.5 months. Their social media pages give us a curated account of their lives. That's why I'm not quick to make judgments about certain people being "too good" for a particular person, because I simply don't have enough facts to make that judgment. But I would never tell anyone that they weren't allowed to make judgments; that's not my call. Discussion boards are great for that kind of stuff! Personally, I was drawn to this place because of the sleuthing spoilers.

I, too, would love to see Rachel as Bachelorette. yes


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Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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