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Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2017 8:29 pm

Lily said that she needs a guy to ground her.
Zac said that he was ready to take the role (not verbatim)

You know the opposite attracts right?
I think she would keep him on his toes but I think he would just calm down her need to move. I think so far she had no real purpose in life and she went with the flow. Once she find someone to share her life with, I think she may just focus on a path.

Do I see them married? not now for sure. If Zac pick her, I think they will complement each other and stay together a while.

If we did not know her age, I think it will be easier. I read she left home at 16. I know for a fact that you do mature a lot at this age.

all my opinion


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Post by Bobette Thu May 04, 2017 9:24 pm

HEA wrote:Lily said that she needs a guy to ground her.
Zac said that he was ready to take the role (not verbatim)

You know the opposite attracts right?
I think she would keep him on his toes but I think he would just calm down her need to move. I think so far she had no real purpose in life and she went with the flow. Once she find someone to share her life with, I think she may just focus on a path.

Do I see them married? not now for sure. If Zac pick her, I think they will complement each other and stay together a while.

If we did not know her age, I think it will be easier. I read she left home at 16. I know for a fact that you do mature a lot at this age.

all my opinion

I totally agree with you thoughts, @HEA  :yes:

When Zac was telling TPTB what he was looking for in a partner, Lily's "characteristics" may not have been top of his checklist. Likewise, she may have gone on the show just for a bit of fun, a crazy adventure to add to her others and I get the feeling she may have originally been cast because she's funny/wild/quirky/confident and quite different to the other girls IMO. But, I think they are absolutely great together.  I wonder if maybe it came as a surprise to everyone - Zac, Lily and TPTB, that they hit it off so well!  

Opposites do attract.  I have found this from personal experience and seen it in many couples I know.  It's the Yin and Yang. Sometimes you wonder how on earth couples ever met they can be so different but when it works, it works, and I see that with Zac and Lily.  Even if it does not last forever (few relationships do) there is nothing wrong with being with the right person for you right now, even if they do not turn out to be the right person for you forever.  I would be disappointed to see Zac with anyone else, TBH.


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Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2017 9:42 pm

Bobette wrote:

I totally agree with you thoughts, @HEA  :yes:

When Zac was telling TPTB what he was looking for in a partner, Lily's "characteristics" may not have been top of his checklist. Likewise, she may have gone on the show just for a bit of fun, a crazy adventure to add to her others and I get the feeling she may have originally been cast because she's funny/wild/quirky/confident and quite different to the other girls IMO. But, I think they are absolutely great together.  I wonder if maybe it came as a surprise to everyone - Zac, Lily and TPTB, that they hit it off so well!  

Opposites do attract.  I have found this from personal experience and seen it in many couples I know.  It's the Yin and Yang. Sometimes you wonder how on earth couples ever met they can be so different but when it works, it works, and I see that with Zac and Lily.  Even if it does not last forever (few relationships do) there is nothing wrong with being with the right person for you right now, even if they do not turn out to be the right person for you forever.  I would be disappointed to see Zac with anyone else, TBH.


When I see zac with Lily, he is more alive. He laughs really hard with her. And since he gets her sense of humor, she is very at ease to be herself too. it is funny to watch.

versus the other girls, it seems forced. It seems they have a lot of blank in search of a subject to discuss.

I like the natural i see in them. the other 2 girls that he has such easiness is Claudia but he is having a protector role while he need a balanced relationship IMO ... and also maybe Sarah as the conversation is fluid.

Viarni, I think they are still acting as strangers and Hannah is still on the nice girl level I meet in a pub and have a good time at a table with friends kinda feeling.


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Post by Guest Thu May 04, 2017 11:31 pm

Sorry first time for a long post, bare with me, my thoughts on Lily and Zac relationship,if she is not final 1 I would be sorely disappointed.
I like how Lily approach things with Zac.  She questions him in a way not to make him tense up, she uses humor, sassiness, sexiness, to get info out of him.  Take for instance the CP where she wrote on her leg, it was sexy, flirty and sassy, that got Zac to blush and laughs but she got the answer she wants without him getting tense.
After that what happens? she got the date card on the plane.  She got her second SD on the river and that is where they went to the market to make sweets, they were playful and she said to the lady husband material, cut to the place where they eat, she flirts and Zac ask serious questions and she answered about wanting some one who will ground her, on the boat they kiss and she said she does not want to win for win sake she want it to be special.  
The next CP after he took her again for a chat he reply the I have a surprise for you with the hand signing like Lily did for him with her legs, she answered but have him in stitches, questions are being asked and answered but not in a tense and intrusive way. The the next time we see them laughing he asked to see her and in that beautiful off the shoulder black and white dress, he held her hair while going down the stairs and she pretended to vomit, left Zac in stitches and while sitting down she describe the Zac she has seen and let him know that she does want to get to know him, although it might not be shown on the outside, he admit he was glad she is still there, and said yes there is more.
I notice when she kisses his cheek her lip stick always comes off and she wepts it off and that music keeps playing, there is indeed a tenderness btw them.
Another CP she gave him the paper from her shoe which he laughs at placing his hands on his stomach, he was in stitches, they were in that matching clothes, her thoughts are been shown, that she is thinking of him and along the way hands are be held also.
I have not seen anything like this btw the other girls by the way.
The last RC she kept up her sassy self questions under her feet, and tells him in one of his answer he is going to learn to ride a bike, watching them walking back and seeking out each other hands was sweet.  There are mnay things to say but I think the producers never saw this coming, neither did Lily or Zac for that matter.  I truly have not seem Vianri, Claudia or Sarah relationship with Zac in the same tenor as Lily and his relationship. Lily might be young but she has shown to have tenderness, and a different outlook on life, maybe because of her international travel, leaving home at a young age, and the divorce in her family.

Last edited by reason on Fri May 05, 2017 12:10 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Bobette Thu May 04, 2017 11:53 pm

Good Post I agree

Excellent post, @reason.  

I see it the same way and just hope Zac sees it too.  Sometimes, people can have a fixed idea in their head about the kind of person they "should" be with, and this causes them pass up on happiness with someone simply because they don't fit the image of what they expected/imagined their partner to be, or they don't "tick all the boxes".  Sometimes, people can be blind to what is obvious to observers looking on.  In this case, I think Zac does see it and will choose Lily in the end, but of course only TWT.

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Post by 4health Fri May 05, 2017 12:47 am

@reason I see it the same...especially when you see on camera Zac saying "I know she is a risking choice but my heart? just can't say goodbye" (not exact but close)  the only girl that could be about is Lily.  IMO   But, once again I have to say that the hardest part for me is that swing picture.  I keep asking myself would they really show us the final 1 in a preview.  Never before?  So, I will enjoy Zac and Lily journey as long as it goes. Plus if it does end up being Zac and Lily is the first couple that I would be interested to follow after all of this.


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Post by Guest Fri May 05, 2017 1:02 am

@4health Yes if he does not chose her. I still will be happy with the little I have seen of her. Maybe since she is a AUS she could become their bachelorette but I know it wont happen, she is too young they will say. I love her sassiness, sexiness, witty, intelligent, beautiful self.


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Post by Karina Fri May 05, 2017 1:05 am

@4health @reason @Bobette well said I also see the same and Zac has stated in the interviews I posted that he likes a woman with a sense of humor, open minded, chatty etc all the qualities you described Lily as having he also said he wants a soul mate Lily + Zac = soulmate IMO


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Post by Guest Fri May 05, 2017 1:25 am

I was watching epi 6 again and they describe Vianri and Zac as slow burning?  Is that true? I know from where I am standing she is as stiff as a board, she seems to not be that into Zac? I must be watching a different show?


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Post by 4health Fri May 05, 2017 1:31 am

reason wrote:I was watching epi 6 again and they describe Vianri and Zac as slow burning?  Is that true? I know from where I am standing she is as stiff as a board, she seems to not be that into Zac? I must be watching a different show?

I heard that also admitting I am re watching certain episodes too! bestbud!


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Post by Guest Fri May 05, 2017 3:43 am

Karina wrote:Another WD Zac interview

“There are qualities that I look for in a partner, for sure, but in saying that, there are certain intangibles that I can’t quite put my finger on,” he says.
“Of course, I’d love to date someone who’s intelligent, independent, caring, friendly and approachable, and someone who has a good sense of humour. But it’s that something, that spark, that when someone possesses it, you can’t help but be attracted to them. When I find it, I’ll know exactly what it is.”

I know its not the popular opinin but I dont see Lily as F1. Nothing we have heard Zac say gives me the feeling she is F1. Yes he talks about never a dull moment with her, and how she is always full f surprises and fun to hang with., I enjoy her company. Things one can also say to a friend.
With Viarni, we have words like "she swepr me off my feet, thinking about you even when I am not with you, I like You, there are feelings and I am glad we ar on the same page, there is something about Viarni that I cant explain, it gives me butterflies"
The words he uses for her are not what he has said about any of the other girls. He has interchanged many of the things he said about Liky wih other girls

I absolutely believe Viarni is who he chose.
I like Lily but as I said in another post, she to me will be the least affectd emotinally if Zac lets her go

Maturity isnt the word that comes to my mind when I see or think f Lily. Free spirited, non chalant, a joy to be around, well travelled, and a lot more but I wouldnt call her mature. IMO


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Post by Karina Fri May 05, 2017 3:59 am

@see2love Great to read another opinion yes, we need to keep and an open mind. The previews today are short saying someone quits. So you do you think 'quits'


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