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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 10:51 am

Doesn't look too good imo for first day out in public  Suspect I know it's just a snapshot but those who interviewed them in person are saying Soph can't stand him and they are faking it. Makes me wonder what they saw in person...?  Also makes me wonder about those rumors way back when filming ended and articles saying that it was already over back in August and Soph seen looking distraught on the phone? Plus no post-finale video of the couple like the others got question Will see...

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Post by Sprite Sat Oct 28, 2017 11:45 am

That is unfortunate if true. I wonder what the issue was/is? As much as I hate to admit it since I liked these two together, but when there is this much smoke, there is usually something behind it. I guess we will find out eventually.

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Post by Guest Sat Oct 28, 2017 12:39 pm

do we know if the leads are contracted to do media tour the first week after the finale and if the F1 accept, he is also contracted?


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Post by Norcalgal Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:22 pm

Hey friends - all you who have posted after the finale. I love reading your perspectives and really does it matter to any of us the status of Sophie and Stu's relationship? It doesn't to me.

That doesn't mean I don't wish them well as they launch their relationship in public. I really hope they make it. The reason I think they will is something I've touched on several times in my posts during filming ... Stu and Sophie have had the flings and love affairs. What you want as you get older is a companion and friend with all the extras that come with love! And I think they found it.

Would I love updates every so often - yes. And for all the press that reads the body language and claims things are on the skids - well they have something to sell. And if Sophie and Stu prefer hiding out wherever, who can blame them! I wouldn't want that scrutiny in my very boring, normal life and can only imagine what it must be like for someone who can be recognized and followed!

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Post by Norcalgal Sat Oct 28, 2017 2:23 pm

Have to say that Stu reminds me so much of an Aussie friend who is 60 and recently retired from a very prominent position in Sydney. I think that added to my enjoyment of Sophie's season!

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:09 pm

It doesn't matter to me personally as it doesn't affect my life, however I enjoy continuing to sleuth after the FRC. Selfishly I'd enjoy seeing a lovey dovey couple. If that's not the case, and if the couple end up splitting, I look at it as a learning experience when it comes to sleuthing, adding up clues to see if they come to fruition. IMO it's especially helpful for our new sleuthers and what to look for.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 4:59 pm

It doesn't matter to me personally either if they last or not. It's their lives and doesn't impact mine whatsoever. Hopefully it works out and things are fine but if not hopefully some lessons learned and good things come about anyway.

That said, it's a discussion thread and now that the show is over just like any other season, discussion about what's happening post-show, etc. It's par for the course and happens every season. This one isn't any different

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Post by ssin0547 Sat Oct 28, 2017 5:47 pm

While it doesn’t affect me personally whether they stay together or not, as a viewer only it is disappointing if they break up so soon. The purpose of the show (apart from ratings) is to find that special someone so it makes a bit of a mockery of everything you said during the show if it just goes belly up. It seems like a massive waste of time for everyone involved.

Having said that though, if they have broken up already, I wouldn’t be surprised, I can’t helo but feel Sophie’s relationships are never going to work if she keeps picking the guy that needs fixing, or the guy who is rough around the edges. She said that pre show she picks the guys who need their problems solved.

Sophie doesn’t like the guys that are polished but if she truly wants the relationship she said she does, maybe she needs to choose that guy for once and give it a whirl.

When Sophie introduced Stu to her family you could tell the 3 of them were like “Here we go again”. jmo

Don’t get me wrong, I want Sophie and Stu to be happy together. I want them to work. I want them to be happy but I’m just calling it how I see it from an outsiders perspective.


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Post by Idlemess Sat Oct 28, 2017 8:02 pm

I would rather wait and see how Sophie and Stu's relationship plays out. The pic above, IMO, only appears that she was angry but at what? Who? To say without proof is to speculate.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:41 pm

It's all speculation at this point - regardless of whether it's speculation that all is fine or not. 

I want Soph to be happy and hope it will work out. From everything sleuthed I'm not so sure it will but it's very early days yet and they only just went public so will see as now it's the real relationship starting RightReasons - Bachelorette Australia - Season 3 - Sophie Monk - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 56 4256136633  

If they are over and faking it then hopefully they don't have to do so for too long. If it is real and they are together then hopefully they give it a real shot and are happy. 

Either way, just discussing all possibilities because that's what the threads are for yes

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Post by stoneleigh Sun Oct 29, 2017 2:08 am

Love this article, written by someone who knows Stu well. Spot on.

Was finding love worth the price of fame for Stu?
EDWINA MCCANN, Vogue Editor, The Sunday Telegraph
October 28, 2017 11:00pm

I GUESS you might be reading this column because it is written by the editor of Vogue and you are interested in fashion. If so, I will need to beg your pardon in advance because I am going to go off topic.
I know Stu Laundy and I like him. He’s charming, self deprecatingly funny — he can make you belly laugh — and I had no doubt Sophie would pick him, and not just for the money. His brother, MP Craig Laundy, is a good, smart and hardworking man. Craig’s wife is lovely as are the family I’ve met, and I’m really fond of his father Arthur too.

Stu comes with the lot of them which makes for a pretty compelling package for Sophie. But when he mentioned that he was going on The Batchelorette I had to ask: why? Even if true love was to be found at the end of the media-fanned, reality TV tunnel, was it worth the inevitable price of fame?

It seems fame has become our most valued commodity. When an individual’s fame is derived from eminence, I guess that is a good thing. When a public profile can’t be avoided or it is just part of the job, then some privacy should guarded so as not impact everyone around you unnecessarily. Certainly perks and access come with fame and children of the famous can be the beneficiaries. For those impacted by proximity to fame the pride or advantages are determined by the reasons for it. Put simply: whether the individual is infamous or famous.

For many super rich, fame is an unwelcome byproduct of our fascination with the lives of the wealthy. Money allows them to hide away on super yachts and private estates.

Perhaps in this age of transparency and intense sharing, privacy isn’t something we value any more. Maybe I am a dinosaur and it just doesn’t matter. It could be argued that it’s in the public interest to know what is going on onboard those yachts and islands but I am not convinced fame is great for kids. There is no doubt that some anonymity and a lot of normality is healthy in any child’s upbringing. Fame can’t just be switched off. The kids never choose to be famous, and it’s worse if the parent becomes infamous.

Stu’s ex-wife has clearly gone to great lengths to keep the children out of the media which I think is smart and responsible. Whether or not they like Sophie, whether or not the match lasts, is something best muddled through away from the cameras.

Children can suffer greatly when they become a commodity — accidental or not — in the fame-chasing game. I know this only too well thanks to my proximity to someone who is already infamous and addicted to media attention for all the wrong reasons, and I am certainly not talking about Stu.

Back to the fashion next week.


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