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Post by lightredemption Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:15 pm

D'aw he seemed so sweet and attentive in that clips - helping her breathe and when he was kind of massaging her calves when she was opposite of him and then making sure she had a bag to throw up in. And he never looks grossed out or annoyed. Can we have more of this instead of the other stuff please?

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Post by happygolucky Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:28 pm

lleyki wrote:They do look a lot like them but it does seem likely it was from the Zero Gravity thing because someone posted a picture of Joey Fatone and a group of people also doing the Zero Gravity ride and they were all wearing it. And I doubt both Nick and Vanessa just randomly pulled out a Livestrong bracelet for their 1 on 1 date.

eta: By the way, as hot as Nick looked before Vanessa showed up, I also started laughing and thinking, "Nick is totally doing his best Tom Cruise in Top Gun impression".
cantstopl me too, the same thought ...with those ray-bans giggling and IA that it's probably a bracelet given for "the ZG ride", but it's interesting he has been wearing it after the date occasionally.

ETA: I wish I could enjoy this season, but I kinda knew from the beginning it's not going to be a "pretty one" ... when during sleuthing we heard rumors that there's not much drama and everything is going "smoothly" ... it was expected that "TPTB" would spice it up with some other storyline (JMO) and now I can read what that is, so I haven't watched the latest episode because it's a whole trip just reading the forum.

Last edited by happygolucky on Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by lleyki Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:35 pm

lightredemption wrote:D'aw he seemed so sweet and attentive in that clips - helping her breathe and when he was kind of massaging her calves when she was opposite of him and then making sure she had a bag to throw up in. And he never looks grossed out or annoyed. Can we have more of this instead of the other stuff please?

If only. Unfortunately, we have producers that believe the trash and ridiculous drama is what makes the show popular and I guess all the social media conversation regarding the trash will not help to dispel them of that notion.

Going a little far back but I have to agree with this.

I really liked a lot of what Dana said and especially Dana saying that her biggest problem with RS is that he presents his opinions as fact when they are not fact and just his own opinions!

I have said it many times that this is my issue with him. It's the smug, aggressive condescension regarding his spoilers. Yes, he's been right more often than wrong but the fact is he has been wrong. So to still act like anyone daring to say, "hmm, that spoiler doesn't sound right is an idiot" is so annoying.

But worse than his attitude regarding his spoilers, is his expressing his opinions of these people as fact. I checked out his last reader emails, where he addressed the Corinne/whip cream debacle (I did it in an incognito window so he wouldn't get the hit because I'm petty like that) and I honestly just rolled my eyes at how many times he stated so matter of fact, "Nick will never marry anyone he met on the show because he did not do the show for love but to promote his brand period".

Okay, putting aside again that he has confirmed that he has never spoken or met Nick at all and Dana's visit to his podcast suggested that he has a wildly different view of Nick versus others. However, even if Nick did go into being the lead for his "brand", who is to say he didn't fall in love as well? The two aren't mutually exclusive. One of my favorite reality show couples - Rob and Amber from Survivor, went on the show to win a million dollars period and then happened to fall in love with each other.

So yeah maybe Nick was cynical going into this and figured it'd be fun and he'd meet someone nice enough and even they broke up in the end, it would help expand his brand. However it doesn't mean he didn't meet someone that bowled him over and he genuinely fell in love. Not saying that is the case but that's just it, I don't know and so I wouldn't state my opinion like it is a fact like RS does.

Last edited by lleyki on Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:50 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Post by Kashathediva Fri Jan 13, 2017 12:38 pm

They did not make the show for a journey of love and romance. That was not the premise of the show. If that happened it was a part of the show, but not the whole shebang.
I think we are lucky to be shown as much as we are and not shown more manufactured crap. They are never going to forgo their initial premise. IMO.

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Post by nikikass Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:08 pm

The same story different personalities doing it.

How they overcame "this" to get to "that"


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Post by atem Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:12 pm

Lara wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:Listening to Dana (Possessionista) on RS podcast and summarizing and this is what Dana says in regards to Nick:

- she says that Nick is a really good guy (she says this quite a few times and emphatically)
- she believes that Nick is truly genuine and there on the show for the right reasons and to find love
- says Nick is loyal guy and real friend and the people that know him love him and this is a shared thought with all those that really know him
- tells RS to be skeptical of anyone that says they know Nick or are friends with him but have negative things to say about him because they probably just have some sort of ax to grind or some other motive and that they don't know him and aren't friends of him
- anything Abby said was an absolute lie and RS said that Abby was the one to contact him
- says that the people who know Nick know that Nick's not perfect and they acknowledge he's not perfect and has his flaws but when they hear lies like Abby told it is when they have a problem and will speak out

Dana went into more detail about Abby's lies and she really is pathological. Said she slept with tanner while he was with jade, had dinner with jacklyn and Robert Mills all the time, etc. Crazy.

Also, interestingly, Dana also said she did accidentally see the spoiler, but she doesn't believe it's true and thinks he'll pick Raven.

I wonder how many fans he'd lose, if he did pick Raven?  I highly doubt he picks her.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Duke702 Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:18 pm

How can he go from such a sweet date with Vanessa to bouncing around with Corinne in the bounce house. The clip of him and Corinne kind makes him seem like a creepy old man imo. She's "young and playful" as he says because she's 12 years younger and acts much younger.


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Post by Ladybug82 Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:19 pm

@atem  I'm pretty neutral on Nick.  Some days I like him, some I don't.  I like Raven well enough, but don't think Nick would ever move to small town Arkansas for her, no matter how much he might have liked her.  So I think that totally ruled her out.  And it has nothing to do with liking Vanessa more, she's ok too.  laugh out loud  


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Post by atem Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:19 pm

OnePromise wrote:Videos
"Watch the ladies learn about Corinne's nanny":

Nick:"I support women's choices to express themselves ":

Love Nick's uncomfortable smirk about the whole Corrine situation and subtly sarcastic tone about the Back Street Boys appearance.

This show is so freaking boring!

Duke702 wrote:How can he go from such a sweet date with Vanessa to bouncing around with Corinne in the bounce house. The clip of him and Corinne kind makes him seem like a creepy old man imo. She's "young and playful" as he says because she's 12 years younger and acts much younger.

I really don't get it myself. I just don't other than Vanessa just rubs some class off him.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by coolangel Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:22 pm

IMO Now I am absolutely sure Nick didn't take acting classes. No one can be that bad at hiding their feelings if they did IMO. giggling

IMO No wonder TPTB kept Corinne around till F4. IMO The season would have been over in Episode 5 if that is how smitten Nick was with Vanessa on their first date. :inlove

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Post by Duke702 Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:23 pm

These are the clips that make my eyes roll, where I think he seems like a creepy old man.


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Post by Kashathediva Fri Jan 13, 2017 1:26 pm

I don't know. I think she is jumping all over him like a crazed baboon.

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