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LadiesNight - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion - Page 43 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion

Post by everly Mon Mar 20, 2017 10:45 pm

Ladybug82 wrote:I wouldn't give her too much credit.  Though her responses have been more subtle, than directly throwing him under the bus, IMO, Amanda's said plenty and if she herself hasn't said it directly, bestie Lauren has.  She (or someone who has access to her SM) even changed an old IG picture of them from having Josh's IG handle to @douchebag.  So, yea, she hasn't been silent, IMO. laugh out loud

That's hilarious. laugh out loud

The fact that she still keeps going back to him is just sad.


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Post by Jolena Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:31 am

Not defending either one but there is two sides to every story and different views. I haven't kept up with the SM of Amanda,Josh or MM but reading some of the posts here & looking at some of this from another angle, isn't it possible that maybe the girls lead Josh to believe that they were ready to settle down, have kids/more kids , family life (which is obvious he wants & was ready for like yesterday) and once the relationships were out of the "honeymoon" phase the girls wanted to chase fame & in Amanda's case hang out more with new found bachelor nation friends, drinking, vacations, club hopping , more interested in focusing on making $ ect,( not saying there's anything wrong with that given the fact that she had kids young and probably missed out on years of youthful fun) instead of settling down working on the relationship & planning future with him? On Ben's season she was sweet,kind gentle & said she wanted someone to complete her little family ( maybe that's what attracted him to her) but isn't it possible once she found these new friends and was presented with opportunities she was more interested in focusing on that as oppose to working on the relationship? Is it possible that he got bamboozled in a way which could have flamed some anger,disappointment & jealousy to some extent? He's not perfect, no one is but from what I saw with Andi he adored her. Some can say he went after Amanda to spite Andi & to get on BIP & that's possible but there were other single women from the franchise he could have shown interest in & didn't.,he went for Amanda the single mother with the ready made family, (which not all guys are willing to take on) imo that shows he wants family life & is ready to settle down. just saying. He's done alot of not so nice things which was noted in Andi's book & I'm sure we'll hear more in Amanda's book, maybe he'll write one too and more that we don't know will surface. Who knows, no idea certainly not me JMO

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Post by Sarahrayofsunshinee Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:29 am

I think Amanda and Andi both wanted to get married and settle down. Amanda is travelling now with her kids and friends like Lauren because she gets free vacations that are good for her blog and Instagram career and she is getting paid by the Swimwear company I think. You Who wouldn't go on a vacation instead of sit at home alone? Her daughters were at their dads house I believe this weekend anyways. I remember her saying so many times she wanted more kids and to give her daughters more siblings. Plus with all the family photos she had taken with her kids and Josh, I really think for a minute she thought Josh was her missing piece to her family until he started probably acting like a controlling emotional abuser. Amanda might be naive and make bad decisions moving josh in so soon but I do feel bad for her. I believe there's two sides to every story but lauren calling josh out for being abusive and what Andi said in her book are not a coincidence. And as far as fame obsessed...I see that in Josh! Amanda and Andi are both pretty low key to me. Andi may go out in NYC but she's a single gal I think that's normal. I never really see Amanda going "club hopping" she usually posts on the weekends at home. Josh has done every interview offered to him, every club appearance he can get his hands on to make a buck, even viewing parties for nicks season who he hates. He talks about wanting a family but is the attention whore and fame seeker here, imo! Heck he's even trying to be a rapper and model! I completely disagree with everything you said but to each their own


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Post by simon1781 Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:04 am

I don't think anyone can lead on a man like Josh . IMO he is the one who is good at manipulating others. I think Josh is as equally interested in extending his 15 minutes of fame . IMO he went after Amanda on BIP ,because after his failed relationship with Andi with strong personality,maybe he thought it would be easier to manipulate Amanda who was portrayed as sweet,soft spoken and a little timid on Ben 's season and Amanda was the prettiest one too in BIP ,so maybe he thought it was a win win situation to save his tarnished image .JMO


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LadiesNight - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion - Page 43 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion

Post by mindless Tue Mar 21, 2017 11:20 am

I don't give a crap what Amanda and Andi may have done. There's no excuse for (allegedly (yea right)) calling your SO a whore or a sl*t or anything else in that vein. Just no excuse whatsoever. His anger issues are no one else's fault but his own. We have two women of fairly opposite personalities accusing him of the same thing by now and I think that's enough. It's not some grand conspiracy IMO, it's how he truly is. I don't even have to trust their word, since I've observed his behaviour myself on BIP and on Periscope and it's not pretty. I also think he's just as much, if not more, a fameho than the women he's been with. They're not the ones handing out roses at clubs, talking to mags nonstop and going on shows like Famously Single.


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LadiesNight - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion - Page 43 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion

Post by Sarahrayofsunshinee Tue Mar 21, 2017 2:43 pm

Bury him Amanda! No one deserve it more. He's repulsive


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Post by Cocoasneeze Tue Mar 21, 2017 3:19 pm

IMO the little bits of Josh's controlling, manipulative and emotionally abusive behaviour that was shown on BIP were enough to convince me, that he's 1000 times worse when cameras aren't rolling. The way he uses Amanda's children to gain sympathy after the break up is cruel and again, IMO manipulative and emotionally abusive. I don't care what Amanda did or didn't do. Josh has had free will to walk away, leave Amanda alone and leave her kids out of it. He hasn't. JMO.

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Post by Laura Walsh Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:11 pm

It seems to me if Amanda was so afraid of Josh as in the ex Nick's latest interview and if her family was so worried for her they would tell Amanda to stop provoking him on SM. I certainly wouldn't provoke someone on SM that I was afraid of by calling his mom crazy and changing pictures to call him a douchebag, and on and on. So she can' be all that concerned about her safety. IMO
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LadiesNight - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion - Page 43 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion

Post by coolangel Tue Mar 21, 2017 4:52 pm

mindless wrote:I don't give a crap what Amanda and Andi may have done. There's no excuse for (allegedly (yea right)) calling your SO a whore or a sl*t or anything else in that vein. Just no excuse whatsoever. His anger issues are no one else's fault but his own. We have two women of fairly opposite personalities accusing him of the same thing by now and I think that's enough. It's not some grand conspiracy IMO, it's how he truly is. I don't even have to trust their word, since I've observed his behaviour myself on BIP and on Periscope and it's not pretty. I also think he's just as much, if not more, a fameho than the women he's been with. They're not the ones handing out roses at clubs, talking to mags nonstop and going on shows like Famously Single.


word I agree

I don't throw around the words emotional abuse lightly but the 'cannot-be-edited' parts of BIP like him telling Amanda that she is disrespecting him by talking to Evan, waking her up while she was tired to prove a point and that 'good talk' pat (she is more than a blow up doll Dude!  Redfacemad ) and his general controlling, possessive behavior send chills down my spine. He didn't even wait to start showing that side of him before cameras stopped rolling. I don't even need Lauren to tell me the kind of names he has called Amanda. His mother once defended him calling Andi a wh*re on Twitter. The apple didn't fall far from the tree in this case IMO.

I hope Amanda, her ex, Andi, Lauren, and whoever else wants to join in takes down both Josh and MM. Being 'GA royalty' doesn't give you the right to abuse other people IMO.  no

All JMO.

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LadiesNight - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion - Page 43 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion

Post by Kashathediva Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:01 pm

They never defined what GA royalty they were. It could have been the royal family of the dump. King/Queen/Princes and Princess trash.

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LadiesNight - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion - Page 43 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion

Post by Ladybug82 Tue Mar 21, 2017 5:58 pm

Quite frankly it bugs me to see them refer to themselves as that.  Aaron may have earned the love and devotion he got for his time at UGA for his ability on the field.  He and they as a family unit did do some good charitable stuff for Athens / UGA during his time there.  Josh has gone back for several charity events, not disputing that.  But IMO if you have to constantly talk about all the good you did to receive praise and adoration for it, then it kind of taints it.  Not saying they didn't do some nice things or it wasn't appreciated, but why call yourself royalty for your actions.  

And IMO, not many other than theirselves actually think of them as a whole or family royalty.  It's Aaron that is the most important because of what he did and didn't accomplish on the field with the team.  


Last edited by Ladybug82 on Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:15 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Mar 21, 2017 6:13 pm

Uh and then again, it's college football, not a candidate for the Nobel Prize, IMO. It's college sports. It's not a cure for a disease. This needs to be put in prospective, IMO.

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