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Post by Guest Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:48 pm

lleyki wrote:
northernviewer wrote:
Cocoasneeze wrote:I haven't watched the episode yet, so I might be off base.

Did this show, that has not in over 30 seasons cast a black person as a lead, have Lorna, a black woman cater to Corinne's needs?! Really?!? How tone deaf can this show be? Did she really compare her to her own personal nanny?! An adult woman who can't function with basic chores needs the hotel staff to pamper her? Really? That is just, IMO, too much.

About the black maid ....the population is about 3/4,s black ... dont see the big deal about it , they probably got a staff member to come in and pamper the girls ...especially Coriinne just for the footage to mock her.  Corinne was the one being dissed.

Except that's not how it came across to some, including myself. I get that some saw nothing wrong with the whole thing and yes, 90 percent of the population of most Caribbean islands is black. However, the reality is there is an uncomfortable history that exists between black people and white people and so no, speaking for myself as a black woman, I did not enjoy seeing a woman old enough to probably be a grandmother waiting on some spoiled, pampered blonde white girl while it's all "in good fun". Like I said in another page, all that was missing was for Corinne to call her Mamee to really complete the offensive picture.

This is the show that chose to have a date on a slave plantation. For as progressive as the producers think that they are, they're pretty lacking in basic racial sensitivity. I found it all very gross, IMO.


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Post by nutty1 Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:49 pm

Kashathediva wrote:My feelings are:
The lead is exhausted with the process. He is now realizing he is jumping through hoops trying to do the show. He is seeing he has very little in common with all of the women except for one or two.
So for the most part he is spinning his wheels doing stuff he couldn't care less about with women he couldn't care less about.
The women are becoming frustrated with the process. So everyone has had it, particularly him.
Then--with as little time as he gets with the one or two that he likes, he is beginning to wonder if given the time could they even work.
Meantime, he still has "weeks" to go in the process.
A day in the life of the lead.
Pound of flesh.  

Great post Kasha. You summed it up in one paragraph.

Nick looked almost miserable last night. You can see it was all getting to him.
I am going to be very curious how he handles the F2 rejection.

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Post by atem Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:50 pm

ukglasgowkiiss wrote:Wow i love how we had expected to be shown all types of stuff( as evidenced in the 30 page thread) before it aired- and that episode 6 was,well ...Cray Cray.
All over the shop with the edit. Have they tried to make it more like BIP edit but failed to meet basic plot requirements. If you show Vanessa & Nick for only one second- at end of group date & then cut, why bother showing them at all.  
That said- the main shock i got was seeing his reasons why Nick was so upset after sending both girls home.
IA that for sure he was genuinely having those feelings of doubt.  Its hard for me as a Nessa fan to see him conflicted as to me ( biased view) it is obvious that they are a great match. However one reading of why he got so disheartened might be that V perhaps did express how upset she was and frustrated with the process to him, and perhaps him having to reassure her meant they as a couple cd not connect in those few moments as he couldnt express the weight the lead has to carry and thus felt isolated and disconnected from her as well as all the others.  All jmo.  Just a possibility.
I also think its a good thing he had a sort of breakdown / crisis of faith mid way through rather than at the end about to choose f1. It seems almost a given he would hv to have a meltdown over the stakes being so high, given his past experiences. I think it was very selfish of him to bring that negativity down on the remaining 6 women in the way he did- as all that did was make them all feel undervalued even more.  However he did say from the start that he wd be transparent and honest - so I respect him for sticking to that.  The other alternative might hv been for him to individually express his doubts to each one or confide in certain women only- which seems unfair too. So overall perhaps best for him to tell them all as one.
Hopefully the rest of these episodes will reflect more of real conversations between the final 4 and Nick. Phew. AIMHO

I agree. But, I personally think he's been a downer since day one of this season.  I don't get all the 'whoa is me' when he has a lot of great ladies wanting to get to know him.  Of course, some will cry as it's embarrassing to open yourself up to rejection.

bleuberry wrote:
Maddy wrote:
Sean Lowe @SeanLowe09

Cat: "Nick is being distant."

Me: "Maybe he has diarrhea like I did on a date and just doesn't feel like talking."

cantstopl cantstopl cantstopl

Sean was kinda funny last night. Cat must've been helping him. laugh out loud

LOL That's a good one!

The show didn't let us see what happened on the group date. Too bad. Seemed like enough drama happened there unlike the beating the dead horse with Corrine.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Guest Tue Feb 07, 2017 12:55 pm

It seems like the lead hits the wall every season about this time during filming. Not just the lead either - all the contestants become exhausted and things get serious, and that group date showed it. We see something similar every season.

In addition to that, Nick's personality type made this experience harder for him than for some, imo. He isn't exactly a shy person, but he is quiet and introspective which makes it challenging for him to be in the lead role. I like how sincere and caring he is, so I don't fault him for the stupidities we are shown. *cough corinne* Who in production thought she was entertaining? I hope they get fired.

Like everyone else, I'm perplexed about why last night's editing was worse than bad. It was so choppy [hahaha - edward scissorhands - right on target!] that I started to rewind to see if I had had a stroke and missed something. Luckily, I was reading here at the time and saw comments about it, so realized it wasn't just me. I think MF must've let his toddler play with the buttons.

I know it's a social experiment, but for the life of me I can't figure out what tptb is trying to say.


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Post by Luvstruck Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:04 pm

I thought it was interesting when he point blank asked D Lo what she wanted out of a relationship and her answer was love & trust. IMO, she was too vanilla for Nick in that moment like she had really not given it much thought. Then she asked him and he said adventure & rawness. What does he mean by rawness, honesty? IMO he needs someone who is lively/flirty and shows she is genuinely interested in him as a man, thus why Corinne is still around!!! We got too see him with Rachel trying to convince her to not back away but why no conversations with Raven so viewers would know why she got the group date rose? And again no conversation with Vanessa? Keeping the final 2 hidden? Where's the love story???It must have been after this fiasco week CH had his Talk with Nick about being more than a host/observer and explore the possible relationships with the women left.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:09 pm

Rawness to me is not fake, not pretending to act or be a certain way other than the true self. DLo IMO was too fake with her automatic responses of what she thought he wanted to hear.


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Post by atem Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:12 pm

And Corrine isn't fake? Ok. LOL

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Catdwoman50 Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:15 pm

Luvstruck wrote:I thought it was interesting when he point blank asked D Lo what she wanted out of a relationship and her answer was love & trust. IMO, she was too vanilla for Nick in that moment like she had really not given it much thought. Then she asked him and he said adventure & rawness. What does he mean by rawness, honesty? IMO he needs someone who is lively/flirty and shows she is genuinely interested in him as a man, thus why Corinne is still around!!! We got too see him with Rachel trying to convince her to not back away but why no conversations with Raven so viewers would know why she got the group date rose? And again no conversation with Vanessa? Keeping the final 2 hidden? Where's the love story???It must have been after this fiasco week CH had his Talk with Nick about being more than a host/observer and explore the possible relationships with the women left.

My take: Rawness = passion/vulnerability

Need to do something productive and stop hanging out in this forum (after Nick's season)

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Post by traveler90 Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:17 pm

As far as I remember he explained what 'rawness' means to him. He said that he wanted a partner that loved both sides of him, the good with the bad, to love someone completely, and he wants to love someone this way as well. Going completely by memory here.

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:18 pm

atem wrote:And Corrine isn't fake?  Ok.  LOL

I don't think he's keeping her because he wants her there IMHO. I think his melt down has to do with just that, having to keep fake ones and those he has no intention of getting to know.


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Post by ukglasgowkiiss Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:29 pm

Luvstruck wrote:I thought it was interesting when he point blank asked D Lo what she wanted out of a relationship and her answer was love & trust. IMO, she was too vanilla for Nick in that moment like she had really not given it much thought. Then she asked him and he said adventure & rawness. What does he mean by rawness, honesty? IMO he needs someone who is lively/flirty and shows she is genuinely interested in him as a man, thus why Corinne is still around!!! We got too see him with Rachel trying to convince her to not back away but why no conversations with Raven so viewers would know why she got the group date rose? And again no conversation with Vanessa? Keeping the final 2 hidden? Where's the love story???It must have been after this fiasco week CH had his Talk with Nick about being more than a host/observer and explore the possible relationships with the women left.

ITA re why DLo didnt work out. Imo she was a sweet and stunning girl but lacked the firey personality Nick seems to usually go for. I didnt see much depth to her imo.  
I also hv seen her more facially resembling Andi than the others imo so I always thought physically she fitted Nick's ideal but not personality type or real chemistry. So perhaps it was a shock to him that she wasn't the one when physically she should be.
But I think he had sussed that out a while before the 2on1 but his sadness was more about his self doubt- thinking that his own mind was the thing creating a barrier to finding love. I think with his track record that it must be a constant struggle between hope and feeling doomed to fail. But glad to believe he does find her in the end, she was there all along, shouting about vanilla icecream. All imo.
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Post by northernviewer Tue Feb 07, 2017 1:57 pm

atem wrote:And Corrine isn't fake?  Ok.  LOL

Sadly, i dont think she's fake at all....thats just her duh

I think how Nick was acting last night can be contributed to his age.   He knows what he wants ...and what he doesn't.  Some leads act like a kid in a candy store but Im finding Nick acting much more like Brad did and treated it with a seriousness that usually comes with age and experience.   I think he'd have been happy to send a few more home...Corinne being one of them. ( production not allowing that just yet) He's looking at the end game ....and worried that this "process" was going to turn Vanessa off and she was going to lose interest in and he'd walk away alone ....again!

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