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Post by Carine Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:48 pm

atem wrote:
Naijabach wrote:I greatly appreciate the diversity in Rachel's music taste and imo I don't think she takes herself seriously as she appreciates the classic RnB and also like Justin Bieber based her Insta story.  

Yeah.  That party looked to be a blast!  Lots of 90s music.

umngirl wrote:I appreciate Rachel's honesty about saying she doesn't care for Vanessa. I don't either and I didn't even live with her for several weeks. Lol

I've always found Vanessa following her weird. I think it's clear they don't like each other and I never understand following someone on social media that I don't like. But that's just me.

On another note she looked great at the event she attended last. Ugh this. I'm interested to see her fashion choices on her season. I'm picturing a lot less overly sparkly dresses than in the past (at least I hope so.)

Loved her dress at the party, but I didn't like the WTA dress.  

Is there a picture of the entire dress yet..?


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Post by ReneeM Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:54 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] IG Story.

[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


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Post by Sprite Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:50 pm

allykat wrote:^ I don't follow anyone I don't like on SM. I also don't go on social media to snark/bitch about people I know. Then again, I don't have thousands of people scrutinizing who I follow and what I say, trying to determine what that means. Plus, I'm in my 30's and like to act like a mature adult. Just being honest.

I think it's entirely possible that Vanessa and Rachel got in a fight on the show, didn't gel, and in Vanessa's mind that was that. She might not have realized their fight had enduring impact and that it meant that others would continue to actively dislike her so much. So she followed everyone post show because in her mind even if they aren't friends, per se, they weren't enemies either. Rachel may have a very different opinion of their fight.

It's also entirely possible that Vanessa is fake and following them on SM is just another clue to prove that.

I guess time will tell.

Rachel is also in her 30's and Vanessa is almost 30 so I hope they can also act like mature adults.

I was at work last night and when I got home I checked the forum and imagine my surprise when I started reading all this. The tide can turn so quickly.

I totally agree with the bolded part since this could apply to me. I am generally an easy going person. Water off a ducks back. Very little about people bothers me because I try to give them the benefit of the doubt...having a bad day, too young, have issues at home, etc. As a result, a lot of issues that other people get all hot and bothered about, I don't think are a big deal. Admittedly, a lot of this has to do with my job. Like Vanessa, I work with people with special needs. I have people trying to punch/kick me and others yelling at me calling me an a**hole for eight hours. I will admit, when I first started in the field, a lot more things bothered me and would upset me, but over time and with age, I got more perspective and frankly, these days, for the most part, I don't give a rats a**. I suspect that like me, because of the nature of her job, Vanessa does not take offense as easily and is more likely to let things go that others may hold onto.

As for the following, I thought Vanessa followed pretty much everyone post show? I highly doubt she thought she would be friends with all of them and suspect she was just trying to be nice and polite. I do the same with my co-workers. I don't need to be pals with all of them, but it becomes a pain if you follow some and not others. People will ask why and then you have to try to explain things and it can become awkward, so I follow everyone. Vanessa will be hitting the media circuit soon, so I think this may cut down on some of the questions. She doesn't have to pay attention to them if she doesn't want to and it cuts down on bad feelings.

I have to say that I am really surprised at Rachel's behaviour. She is a lawyer, articulate and seemed very level headed. It's not that she and Vanessa had a fight during filming or that she dislikes Vanessa. Those are not the issue. I just assumed as a lawyer, she would be more diplomatic in her approach to the situation. The not liking back reeks of passive aggressiveness to me, but that is nothing to the straight up, several times saying she doesn't like someone who she was on the show with several months ago. If you are not willing to explain why, just zip it, smile and be happy for your very own opportunity as the next bette.

Earlier I read someone mentioning that they thought tptb might set Rachel up as the stereotypical angry black woman. I will admit this thought crossed my mind as well. Thus far her edit has been stellar, but I highly doubt that is how it will be by the time her own season ends. Her very strengths will in all likelihood be used against her. She said she has a thick skin. I fully expect that tptb will do everything in their power to pierce it...repeatedly. I suspect she might be a little more forgiving after they are done with her.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by atem Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:51 pm

Carine wrote:
atem wrote:
Naijabach wrote:I greatly appreciate the diversity in Rachel's music taste and imo I don't think she takes herself seriously as she appreciates the classic RnB and also like Justin Bieber based her Insta story.  

Yeah.  That party looked to be a blast!  Lots of 90s music.

umngirl wrote:I appreciate Rachel's honesty about saying she doesn't care for Vanessa. I don't either and I didn't even live with her for several weeks. Lol

I've always found Vanessa following her weird. I think it's clear they don't like each other and I never understand following someone on social media that I don't like. But that's just me.

On another note she looked great at the event she attended last. Ugh this. I'm interested to see her fashion choices on her season. I'm picturing a lot less overly sparkly dresses than in the past (at least I hope so.)

Loved her dress at the party, but I didn't like the WTA dress.  

Is there a picture of the entire dress yet..?

The WTA one? No, I haven't seen one other than from Instastories. It was white. Hmmm... she really likes that in her clothes, it seems.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Kashathediva Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:52 pm

Yeah, I would venture to say I do follow some people on social media I don't like. And I would venture to say I bet some that follow me don't like me.
It is what it is. I certainly never thought much of it until this discussion.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:52 pm

AishaFreedom wrote: In regards to the question of if Rachel liked Nick's Instagram post, the answer is yes she did. I get that most people on here are team Vanessa from what I've noticed. JMO so my opinion is probably not going to matter. Anyways been a big fan of Rachel and was a bigger fan of Vanessa before the season started. However, I noticed that as the show kept going there has been something off. Anyways what I like about Rachel is that she keeps it 100. It is clear that she doesn't try to fake anything for anyone. I mean does anyone not think that it's weird that Vanessa is the only contestant on IG that she doesn't follow? Also people have said that Vanessa had said some not so nice things about Rachel, of course none of us will never know and we can only speculate. I personally can not stand reality Steve however he's pretty on point with spoilers so why is it so hard to believe that some people may not have liked Vanessa? Or that she may have called Danielle fake and said mean things about Rachel? I'm sorry if I'm offending anyone but imo I just feel like the smallest things that Rachel does are taken out of context or built into something even bigger. An example of this is the Ellen Show before I came on here to read the opinions I actually loved the interview, thought she was sweet and charming and the whole thing felt like banter. I didn't even think that the 'his loss' comment was that big of a deal at all. But to each their own.
I don't see anything taken out of context for someone who is not F1 and yet is the next LEAD to go on Ellen and be all "his loss". And if so, that's my prerogative to give my opinion on that comment. Since I posted about this before and your comment relays to what I posted in regards to Ellen, I highly doubt that if the next Bachelor goes on Ellen and says "It's Rachel's loss" that she didn't pick me that it would be seen as not a big deal for him to say that about Rachel. I expect it would be made into a big deal because to me, it's immature and bitter sounding for someone who is the LEAD to say about another lead that it's their loss when it's their journey not the contestants.

Speaking for myself, I have made it very clear that I am Team Nick. This is HIS season and his journey. Nick has been nothing but wonderful and supportive towards Rachel and for that reason alone, I find Rachel's comments distasteful and petty. Rachel is someone who has been given a historical platform and whom I was very very excited about (and was posting support for long before the season aired) to be the lead and so I am very disappointed in how Rachel is post-show especially since she is the lead. To me it's not cute or sweet or charming to elevate oneself and diss someone else with a "his loss comment". I wouldn't find it cute if someone said that about Rachel. Most importantly, what bothered me the most is that I believe that Nick deserves the same respect and support that he has given Rachel from Rachel and nothing less, and yet I don't see that with her comments on Ellen... those weren't respectful or supportive comments to me and again, I would say the exact same thing if the next Bachelor said those words about Rachel. :yes:

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Post by Cila51290 Sun Feb 26, 2017 4:57 pm

Seems like attorneys are all somewhat similar, IMO. I hope Rachel is nothing like how Andi was on her season. Bachelorette - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 39 2292733854

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Bachelorette - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Kashathediva Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:01 pm

Rachel reminds me more of how Deanna was pre-season.
Everyone loved her especially Ellen. Until they didn't.
And she is IMO mimicking a recent male lead in my mind. (oy auto correct!)

Last edited by Kashathediva on Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Bachelorette - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:11 pm

Eh. IMO I personally don't follow people I do not like. It's kind of like why I do I want to see updates of that person's life on my timeline? Also IMO I think it's quite telling that someone like Rachel who received the first impression rose is very well liked by pretty much almost every contestant. I've also heard nothing but great things about her.

I personally just think Vanessa following Rachel is more of an image thing and even when she congratulated Rachel on Twitter, I honestly couldn't help but roll my eyes.

sidenote: Rachel looks amazing in the white outfit! Arms for days!!!!


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Bachelorette - Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 39 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay - Bachelor 21 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Sprite Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:14 pm

Kashathediva wrote:Rachel reminds me more of how Deanna was pre-season.
Everyone loved her especially Ellen. Until they didn't.
And she is IMO mimicking a recent mail lead in my mind.

The tide shifts quickly.

Rachel is on a high right now. She is very popular and getting to do a lot of fun and exciting things. She is no doubt getting a lot perks and people are kissing her a**. She has nowhere to go but down. I really think she has no idea what is about to hit her. The tptb have been really nice up to this point because they wanted something and she probably has been lulled into a false sense of security. Let's see how she is after they are done editing her and people start hating her because she dumped their favourite. That thick skin will come in handy.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:21 pm

Sprite wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:Rachel reminds me more of how Deanna was pre-season.
Everyone loved her especially Ellen. Until they didn't.
And she is IMO mimicking a recent mail lead in my mind.

The tide shifts quickly.

Rachel is on a high right now. She is very popular and getting to do a lot of fun and exciting things. She is no doubt getting a lot perks and people are kissing her a**. She has nowhere to go but down. I really think she has no idea what is about to hit her. The tptb have been really nice up to this point because they wanted something and she probably has been lulled into a false sense of security. Let's see how she is after they are done editing her and people start hating her because she dumped their favourite. That thick skin will come in handy.
ITA about the tide shifting and nowhere to go but down. That's pretty much a guarantee, IMO.

One thing though regarding thick skin is I don't think Rachel actually has as thick skin as she tries to portray. Her comments on Ellen showed me that she has thin skin and seems to hold grudges and if keeping it 100 means holding grudges then she has a lot of growing up to do, IMO. Those comments to me is someone who has a false sense of self-confidence rather than true confidence and it's about competition/winning/looking confident rather than a deep security in oneself. Because someone who is secure in themselves doesn't need to diss someone else to make themselves look better or spend their time talking about someone they don't like. If they do, it shows me they care way too much and are insecure. If they weren't, it wouldn't matter to them since the opposite of like is not dislike, but disinterest.

The lawyer who projects confidence but has to take shots at someone else all in the name of so-called keeping it real/100 is making me think of Andi all over again. hmmm


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Post by Kashathediva Sun Feb 26, 2017 5:24 pm

The strengths of a cast person being used against them as the lead. :gotcha:

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