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Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:18 am

There's a difference between being confident and entitled, IMO. People like Lauren, JP, and Emily M...all early front runners, who knew they had it in the bag, were very confident, but never entitled, IMO.

And, all this "we're leading up to having the convo about where we're going to live" makes me think RS was right and moving is one of the big issues with them right now, as I don't see her wanting to move, IMO.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:19 am

She posts this when the epi begins. MEEEEAndi

Andi Dorfman ‏@AndiDorfman 2h2 hours ago

And the wine has officially been poured. Sorry in advance ... #bottomsup #illfiiiindyou #TheBachelor


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Post by Cila51290 Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:20 am

ReneeM wrote:They've cut scenes from every relationship IMO. On Rachel's date when they were talking about Okra, Nick says 'but you don't like anything'. She's clearly picky about food and he knows but we never see that conversation. I don't care if it happens every season, it bothers me whenever ANY of contestants disregard the others or act as if they're the only ones there. All JMO.

Isn't that what the show is about though? If everyone spoke about everyone else's relationship on dates with the lead it would be messy. I think to move forward you have to only think about your relationship with the lead. When it gets to HTD and FSD it's when things get doubtful because you're away from the contestants. So you're in your head thinking what's going on with everyone else's HTD or FSD?? Everything is a blur and more suspenseful. JMO

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Post by LoveDovez Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:21 am

GuardianAngel wrote:I'm glad to hear a contestant who takes asking for blessings seriously This show forces the leads to throws it out like nothing. Nick is the first lead that took it seriously as did Vanessa and rightly so

I totally agree, GA. I'm so proud that Nick held out and only used the word blessings with Vanessa's dad. If anybody at home and unspoiled would have only listened for that word they would know which one he picks. Did he say he was falling for Vanessa? I thought that's what I heard. Once Vanessa sits and filters the info her dad gave her she will be OK and once Nick tells her he only used that word with her dad she will be over the moon. However, at the moment I can see why she's feeling the way she is.

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:22 am

For perspective, when it's commented that "things were left on the cutting room floor:
We saw tonight the longest group date that lasted at approx 30 minutes. Yet we saw it started during the day and lasted far into the night.
I have personally heard dates can last 8+ hrs even though we are shown 15 minutes on tv.
So--with that being said--almost everything[ is left on the cutting room floor except the what goes along with the storyline. Then there are times the lead has conversation with the cast in between takes that has nothing to do with filming and never captured. That is why I mentioned earlier secret codes the couples might have. Things to reassure etc.

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:24 am

I really love that Dad made a big deal about asking for his blessings. You walk in my door and ask for blessings? laugh out loud Nick wanted to bad to say but but but I didn't use the word blessings.


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Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:25 am

I am good. I saw where Rachel comes from and the calmness, grace, intelligence and class she protrays. Vanessa your family seems really lovely.


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:26 am

Distance is a problem for a lot of the couples. LiarBoy/Sherlock, good guess on the distance problems. Careful what you say, there's a new Dad in town, and I'm betting he'd shut you up in no time. Smiley

no no


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friendshipgoals - Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 8 Feb 20 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 43 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 8 Feb 20 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:26 am

ReneeM wrote:They've cut scenes from every relationship IMO. On Rachel's date when they were talking about Okra, Nick says 'but you don't like anything'. She's clearly picky about food and he knows but we never see that conversation. I don't care if it happens every season, it bothers me whenever ANY of contestants disregard the others or act as if they're the only ones there. All JMO.

OT to the point you're making, but I loved that moment between them. It just shows what a strong friendship they have and how they really know each other so well. Nick even said that he's the most himself when he's around her and I totally agree. I find Nick the most charming and funny and caring when he's around her.


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friendshipgoals - Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 8 Feb 20 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 43 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 8 Feb 20 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by nutty1 Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:26 am

Lara wrote:There's a difference between being confident and entitled, IMO. People like Lauren, JP, and Emily M...all early front runners, who knew they had it in the bag, were very confident, but never entitled, IMO.

And, all this "we're leading up to having the convo about where we're going to live" makes me think RS was right and moving is one of the big issues with them right now, as I don't see her wanting to move, IMO.

Per the bolded, that is exactly what I thought of also.

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friendshipgoals - Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 8 Feb 20 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 43 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 8 Feb 20 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Sprite Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:27 am

Lara wrote:
shaughnessyb wrote:
puppiesandkittens wrote:

laugh out loud She is something else.

I think it's a very real possibility that he gave her every reason to feel that way. Maybe she should've kept it to herself a little more, but as Nick himself knows, your first go around in this franchise can throw you for a loop. Considering how obvious it is that they've left out a ton of moments between these two, I'm not going to solely blame Vanessa for feeling like she and Nick had something special/different. JMO!

I totally don't blame her for thinking she had it in the bag. I'm sure Nick had told her that and she had reason to feel confident. But, to think he doesn't even CARE for anyone else? That's thinking way too highly of yourself and treating everyone else like they're inferior, IMO. There's never been a lead who hasn't at least genuinely cared for multiple contestants. Even the ones that always knew who their F1 was usually developed feelings for other people. To think normal rules and circumstances don't apply to you...kind of seems entitled, IMO. I've always thought she was an Andi 2.0 and this reinforces that for me.

I didn't get the impression that she didn't think he cared about the other women left, just that he cared more for her and that he would only ask her father for the blessing. Clearly she doesn't watch this show as religiously as we do or she would have known that is par for the course, although even with that said, Nick seems to have skirted around the subject with the other families while specifically asking her dad. Unfortunately, she wouldn't have known that then and he may be explaining it now....really hard.

Bye the way, nowhere did I think she was treating everyone else as inferior...or acting as if they were. Nowhere.

Last edited by Sprite on Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by lleyki Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:28 am

I guess my unpopular opinion is that I didn't see Vanessa's statement as a disregard for the other women's relationships and I still didn't see it as entitled. I saw it as to this point she'd been very confident in them and what they had that she didn't care about the other relationships because it wasn't about her and them.

I can see why some think that makes no sense or unrealistic for this show but I actually think it's a legitimate way to stay sane during the process - just focus on your relationship with the lead and your feelings for each other. However, she now can no longer ignore the other women and the relationships because they're so close to the end and the confidence she had in them and their relationship is slipping. She's realizing that yeah, maybe every one of these women have felt as confident as I was feeling.

Maybe every one of them have been given as much affirmation as he's given to me and so maybe I'm not his favorite - and no the latter is not entitled IMO because the whole premise of the show is a competition where the lead picks his/her favorite. But now she's as in love as one believes they are in this bubble so her emotions are even more heightened.

Look I'm not saying it wasn't naive for Vanessa to not realize she very well could have been hurt and not been Nick's final choice. But again, who knows what reasons she had for being so confident that she was. It was like Shawn. Sure I found him whiny and a little nuts but we later found out that Kaitlyn did make it clear and pretty much let Shawn know it was him and so that's why he seemed to just lose it when Nick came on and things were suddenly thrown in a tailspin. But to viewers who had no knowledge of the background shenanigans, he just looked like a crazed man.

Last edited by lleyki on Tue Feb 21, 2017 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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