Elise Stacy - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Sprite Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:07 pm

Apparently I am going to disagree with most of you here. I don't think how Matty broke up with Elise was all that different than pretty much everyone else from this franchise...barring those few US Bettes who let their F2 go early. What else can he say? I thought what he said was perfectly fine and she is just b*tching about semantics because it is apparently time to rip Matty a new one. Could he have walked her up to the car and talked with her more? Maybe. I don't know what production told him to do, but it wouldn't have made any difference. And I'm not saying this because I am some huge Matty fan, because I'm not. Now, should he have kept his mouth shut in interviews about asking all of them to leave night one? Yup, but let's face it, he is not the only lead to have felt that way and there is a show to produce.

I don't get where the level headed Elise went in this last episode, because up until then, she was pretty pragmatic about all of this and then all of a sudden she is devastated. It makes me wonder what her handlers were saying to her behind the scenes?

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Billysmom Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:20 pm

Storybook wrote:Yes Elise is a strong woman. She has represented Australia in hockey. She has had disappointments in not being picked for the Olympic team in London. This isn't about her going in with her eyes wide open and getting what she deserved and complaining about it.
The difference between Georgia and Matty is huge. Matty was part of an open playing field. Georgia had feelings for Lee from the start but they had never met each other before. Plus Georgia was considerate of Matty's feelings in not coming out and saying all the women should've gone home on the first night, he had already chosen Laura.
Elise believed Matty when he said all the reassuring things to confirm her feelings were reciprocated. This happens in this show, people get hurt. But when a contestant is rejected they should be able to walk away knowing in the end the lead loved someone else more. That's all Elise wanted to hear and she deserved to hear that. Instead she knows she has been strung along. And this is all thanks to Matty broadcasting how things really were.
Elise is only human. She is hurt and IMO she has just as much right to say how she feels as Matty does.

Not sure if I'm giving Matty more credit than he deserves.... but for the most part he has imo been pretty considerate of the girls. It's possible imo he felt too much respect for her to be condescending. He was focusing on the future and that he truly sees her worthiness of a wonderful relationship. I think he probably tried to make it short and sweet so as not to prolong the agony, perhaps a consequence of what his preference might have been in GL's goodbye? Maybe he wanted Elise to ask whatever she needed to hear, but great gal that she is, she chose to be a very gracious "loser" and wish him the best....

I think some of her disappointment with him is just with the whole Bach setup re: the F2, ie not being able to connect with them after the FRC, etc. And there is no ATFR even, for better or worse...

Are we still speculating Matty needed a breather during the season right before the Elise SD? If that is indeed true, he surely felt the weight of what was going on with Elise, and as he said in recent interviews, almost had to numb himself during the F2 goodbye.

I honestly think Elise would've been hurt more by any sort of comparison to Matty's feelings for Laura.... Matty chose to focus on Elise only, and I can see why he mightve thought that was the more compassionate thing to do. Elise is entitled to her own opinion, but I think her reaction is coming from a place of disappointment rather than out of rationality, jmo.

I do believe Matty holds Elise in the highest of esteem....especially after hearing his family's reaction. I do believe he tried to feel something for her. But how do you say "you're great, but you're just not enough"??? Or do you paraphrase Sprite (I think) "Youre a juicy peach but I prefer tart green apples"???

No-win situation.


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Post by Sprite Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:44 pm

@Billysmom Well said. This is the way the show is formatted. The lead is really in a losing situation. They usually edit the F2/F3 to perfection and the lead is the bad guy for dumping such a wonderful person. It doesn't matter who those finalist are, they would be made to look wonderful and the lead comes across as less than kind.

As much as I have never been a huge Matty fan, I don't really see what he did that was so bad. Will they last?  no idea Of all the women there, to me Laura did seem the best fit for him and considering that pretty much all of the rest of them came out saying he was a nice guy who they weren't all that into, I can't really blame him for picking her.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Norcalgal Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:03 pm

@Billysmom Agree with you Billysmom - very nicely stated.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by Mommyof2 Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:20 pm

Based on Elise's interviews, she feels played and she mentioned how her family feels played also. I find Elise speaking out very telling and SCMIIW, but wasn't there an article, possibly the DM, that referred to Tara and Elise finding out about this "secret pact" between Matty and Laura and they were very upset. I don't usually pay attention to tabloids that much and take them with a grain of salt, but this all sounds very plausible now that the writing is on the wall. Jmho.

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Post by iamreal2u Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:42 pm

I really think that she is ok with getting her heart broken and she's ok with Laura being the one. She just wanted acknowledgement that she was not totally a fool and that he did care for her a little but that he felt more for Laura.

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whoels - Elise Stacy - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 67 Empty Re: Elise Stacy - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Bobette Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:17 pm

Is Elise moving in to Matty's apartment block???

It's never easy running into an ex.

But Bachelor runner-up Elise Stacy is likely to be seeing more of Matthew 'Matty J' Johnson if recent reports in Private Sydney are anything to go by.

The publication claims the blonde marketing executive is moving into a new house VERY close to the hunk who broke her heart.

In fact, the article suggests the property is at most a 30 second walk from his current Bondi pad.

Winner and accessories designer Laura Byrne has already hinted she would like distance to be made between Matty and her former rival.

'If he does, I'll cut him!'

Laura would loovve that I'm sure. whoels - Elise Stacy - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 67 3806527698

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Post by Billysmom Fri Sep 15, 2017 7:09 pm

Well I can say one thing, if someone broke my heart that badly, I don't see myself wanting to run into him and his lover on a regular basis if I can possibly avoid it.

Watch out for boiled bunnies matty (just kidding, I think)....

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Post by Sundy Fri Sep 15, 2017 9:19 pm

I think they will be fine. EVERYONE lives in that area. Seems to be the place to be. And CMIIW I believe Elise originally lived in the area in her last time in Sydney prior to Matty moving in

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Post by Mommyof2 Sat Sep 16, 2017 1:09 am

Interview with Elise. She looks great!

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Post by Bobette Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:40 am

Girl is looking dam fine.

Moving on? The Bachelor's Elise Stacy flashes a coy smile as she's seen leaving Sydney pub in a mystery man's car as rumoured flame Florence hops into the back seat
whoels - Elise Stacy - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 67 AvGlHDx
Elise Stacy looked far from the heartbroken Bachelor contestant on Thursday night's divisive finale.
The night after Australia audiences witnessed Matty J brutally dump her, the Olympian, 29, was seen leaving Sydney's Royal Oak Hotel in a mystery man's car.
Trailing closely behind was fellow Matty J reject and rumoured flame Florence Alexandra Sophia, who flashed cleavage in a skimpy dress.
Elise was spotted leaving the popular Double Bay establishment on Friday evening, while an unknown male companion walked beside her.
They both smiled sheepishly as they walked the short distance to a car, believed to be owned by the mystery man.
Trailing behind them was Dutch-born Florence, who's been spending the last few days with Bachelor runner-up Elise, who she describes as the 'love of her life.'
Florence hopped into the back seat, while Elise rode shotgun with her male friend, with the group remaining in high spirits as they drove off.

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Post by Billysmom Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:51 am

Okayyyyyyyy...??? no idea

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