Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

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skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 Empty Re: Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Carine Wed Mar 29, 2017 12:04 pm

cmarci93 wrote:Would be hilarious if he paid more attention to her friends during the group date and and that's why she let him go

I actually thought most of the guys on the date were more BIP potentials imo, may change my thoughts once the show airs but yeah was not really thinking F1 lool..


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skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 Empty Re: Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Ladybug82 Wed May 17, 2017 6:16 pm

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Age: 29

Occupation: Male Model

Height: 6'2"

Tattoos: No

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Besides applying for The Bachelorette, probably moving to Milan on my own for two months.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why? Channing Tatum so I could be rich, good looking, have a hot wife and bust out some sweet moves.

What is your favorite book and why? "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Puts life into perspective and reminds you of what's important.

What do you do for fun in your hometown? Go to the beach. Go to the lake, golf, go sledding, go tackle snowmen.

What's the most romantic present you have ever received and why? Lululemon sweatpants. She knew the way to my heart is cuddling on the couch in well-made, high-quality sweats.

Describe your top 3 least favorite things to do on a date? Paying for everything, saying goodnight, getting an Uber that doesn't speak English.

How important is your family's approval to you when it concerns dating a certain someone? Very important, if they don't approve I don't think it could ever work out.

Who is the person you dislike most in the world and why? Mike The Situation from Jersey Shore. He's just a total bro that I wouldn't be able to stand.

If you could live in any other time period, what would it be? The '80s. They had a cool era and style. I couldn't go too primitive. I like my modern luxuries.

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skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 Empty Re: Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by ElonM Mon May 22, 2017 12:31 pm

Well based on his last post, Jamey has moved to LA.

Catching up with the new neighbor at the local spot. Looking forward to living close to this cool dude. We're going to have some fun @jameykocan

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skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 Empty Re: Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by dw_a_mom Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:33 pm

Ladybug82 wrote:
skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 1600x640-Q90_b527320c8d7ef3038522e888a6f05483


Age: 29

Occupation: Male Model

Height: 6'2"

Tattoos: No

What is the most outrageous thing you have ever done? Besides applying for The Bachelorette, probably moving to Milan on my own for two months.

If you could be someone else for just one day, who would it be and why? Channing Tatum so I could be rich, good looking, have a hot wife and bust out some sweet moves.

What is your favorite book and why? "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan. Puts life into perspective and reminds you of what's important.

What do you do for fun in your hometown? Go to the beach. Go to the lake, golf, go sledding, go tackle snowmen.

What's the most romantic present you have ever received and why? Lululemon sweatpants. She knew the way to my heart is cuddling on the couch in well-made, high-quality sweats.

Describe your top 3 least favorite things to do on a date? Paying for everything, saying goodnight, getting an Uber that doesn't speak English.

How important is your family's approval to you when it concerns dating a certain someone? Very important, if they don't approve I don't think it could ever work out.

Who is the person you dislike most in the world and why? Mike The Situation from Jersey Shore. He's just a total bro that I wouldn't be able to stand.

If you could live in any other time period, what would it be? The '80s. They had a cool era and style. I couldn't go too primitive. I like my modern luxuries.

How is it that ABC seems to be able to make most of these guys look worse in their photos than they do in real life or on our screens? It takes talent to make a model look "off."

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 Empty Re: Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by GuardianAngel Mon Jun 26, 2017 6:57 pm

He went from 5400 followers to 11,900 on IG

I have to admit, I don't remember seeing him on the epi's. dizzy

skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 19228269_1743382875961113_2828331325574873088_n
bradyervin Long story short, I found a great dentist in LA and it just happened to be @chrisstrandburg from @kaitlynbristowe's season of #thebachelorette. Small world but if you need a good dentist in LA, hit him up. Dude knows his teeth. #saturdaysarefortheboys #skybar #mondrian #bachelorette #lanewbies #imwearingashirt #atapool #thisisweird #yolo #roseboys

skybar - Brady Ervin   - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 3 19379719_715265445323539_9050303018242670592_n

bradyervin When it's a perfect pool day but everyone found out @tinobordy pee'd in the pool
When everyone is on a sweet group date playing basketball and you're stuck at the mansion like "who wants to play catch?"
#whopeedinthepool #itwastherussians #thebachelorette #bachelormansion #poolparty #ticklemonsterscaredeveryoneaway


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Brady Ervin - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

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