Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2

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NakedChats - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2

Post by Kashathediva Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:16 pm

The best revenge is living a good life, IMO.
Amanda had her say. IMO anyone with half a brain understands the situation with BOR.
I hope that she goes on to live a good life with those 2 beautiful children and puts this in her past.
She does not have to talk any further about BOR or the BORings and can still be an advocate of women speaking out against domestic violence, women's rights etc.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Kels0012 Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:16 pm

She doesn't even need to speak up anymore. He does great at digging a grave and burying himself on his own. It is almost scary how members of this forum predicted the breakup and aftermath. The one good thing Amanda has going on is that with this being so public it might be a lot harder for Josh to continue his manipulation and abusive ways with her as people see through him and he cares what people think of him he does have that godly image **cough, cough** to protect.

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Post by mindless Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:20 pm

I really hope Emily (or was it Haley) has those screenshots of Josh's comments yesterday and she releases them somehow. So much for moving on with his life and never speaking about her. Rolling Eyes I guess he's enough of an idiot to think if he deletes something it'll be gone forever.

Ugh, this is giving me major flashbacks of something that happened to me when I was 20. All down to the making out she's obsessed while he just wants to be left alone. Oh and the threats.

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Post by Kashathediva Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:24 pm

If it ever got to the point of forensics for a law suit, lawyers would be able to obtain info/stats of who went to the rags, paps, police, car dealership, signatures, air flights, social media postings etc.
Josh will fade into the sunset is my opinion. The family would never want it to get that far. They are shooting blanks. IMOAA MM would never want her church groups and social media lemmings to be exposed to the real truth vs her truth.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:30 pm

He is so full of BS, it's amazing how he can spill a mouth full of lies, and expects everyone to believe him. MM preparing statements again. Mrs Lunatic was probably foaming at the mouth.

This is your holy blessed family who do charity work visit the Vatican, and want to spread love not hate.

If they were one iota of what they say they are, they would have had a reasonable discussion about the car, the breakup, they would have handled it in a mature manner, wish each other the best. If he really loved those girls, they would be his first conceren and wouldn't have sent the police to the door.

They are nothing IMO but a lying manipulative family who prey on others in any way they can.


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Post by Mustang19 Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:33 pm

Kashathediva wrote:If it ever got to the point of forensics for a law suit, lawyers would be able to obtain info/stats of who went to the rags, paps, police, car dealership, signatures, air flights, social media postings etc.
Josh will fade into the sunset is my opinion. The family would never want it to get that far. They are shooting blanks. IMOAA MM would never want her church groups and social media lemmings to be exposed to the real truth vs her truth.

I'm sure they could figure out that the person posting as Chloe Smith, or whatever the name was was really MM, aka Sybil. That account is deleted now. I really wish MM/Sybil would get exposed for all of her participation in this mess. Josh and his mom are pathological. IMO

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Post by bleuberry Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:34 pm

Josh will make it so he has the final say. Controlling SOB.

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Post by Ash2214 Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:34 pm

HE's threatening to take legal action against HER?! My gosh. 

Amanda, go live your awesome life. Be an advocate without giving this psycho any of your time.


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NakedChats - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2

Post by AllAboutLove Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:36 pm

Josh and MM brought this on themselves. They had their first chance to fade away when Andi's book came out but Josh just couldn't do it because "image" and so this psycho creep had to take it one step further by targeting a single mother while trying to redeem his image.

This time though there is more evidence against Josh and harder for him to BS his way past it (even though him and his psycho mother are trying) it won't work as long as people speak out.

IMO the more Amanda and others speak out the more that Josh/MM's true colors will show (just like they did on BIP) and no doubt in my mind that because Josh/MM only care about "image" it's that very thing that is their downfall and will be their downfall even more this time around because they won't be willing to fade away...because for him it's all about public image and trying to control that and so he just can't stop himself from figuratively hanging himself.

So if Josh/MM fade away it will be because their fear and manipulative tactics no longer work and so they will be forced to fade away because the scales have tipped too much outside of their favor. It's why I hope Amanda buries this creep once and for all so that no one else has to be prey to the Murrays. Shame him and make it so he will wear that shame as part of his "image" forever.

And when/if that day comes, IMO the Murrays may as well pack up and move because all the Murrays prayers in Italy won't matter one bit if their image is tarnished beyond repair. TBH, part of me thinks that they are already having issues managing their image where they live/their little "community" and that's why they made that trip in the first place.


Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sun Apr 02, 2017 10:17 pm; edited 2 times in total

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NakedChats - Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - BIP - Discussion 2

Post by sosleepy Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:36 pm

Omg. I'm so proud I was never a fan of this POS. 33 seasons, and this douche bag is only the second one who managed to get engaged twice. I'll never understand. I mean, Emily managed this too, but at least she is self deprecating about it and ... you know... isn't a psycho. 

I fully believe he went on BIP for one mission: to repair his image from Andi's book. Without Andi writing that book, he'd never appear. I fully believe that he basically targeted Amanda and her insta family, premeditively, before he even landed in Mexico. He used this poor woman, who has already been through hell and back with a cheating husband. Even more dispicable, he used her innocent and precious children. He's sick. She needs a lawyer, stat, if she doesn't already. How dare he enter this family with that daddy nonsense, expecting those girls to take his last name and fully wanting them to move across country to Atlanta? What a sack of crap he is. 

He just wants Amanda and her trio to leave him alone? Give me an effing break. Without the police call and his "assistant" leaking that story and whatever else, Duh stays quiet. He starts everything. He's just as psychotic as his mom. Honestly, at this point the freaking show owes Amanda (and maybe even Andi) a huge apology and monetary settlement for letting this douche nozzle get past the pysch screen. 

Also, I want Lauren to protect herself from this bat$hit mommy dearest and lawyer up as well.

Last edited by sosleepy on Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:38 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:36 pm

If I was able to retrieve files from a memory stick that were wiped out in error, they can retrieve Chloe Smith aka Sybil. It wouldn't take much. I would like to see the results of MMs computer phone devices after being confiscated.


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Post by Sarahrayofsunshinee Sun Apr 02, 2017 9:37 pm

Yeah so his assistant can slander Amanda and make up stories and lies (imo) but the second amanda stands up for herself he threTens to take legal action. He's too much


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