Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - FAN FORUM SPOILED F1 -**A** (Peter)- *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion #2

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Post by Topazgold Tue Jun 06, 2017 11:29 pm

@ajax518 I agree, excellent post 


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 1:35 am

I saw someone describe Rachel's hug with Peter as "coming home". I think that's the perfect description for it, imo. There is such an ease and emotional intimacy that I see between them that it's hard for me to totally accept the new spoiler even though I want to accept it because the uncertainty is driving me batty.

Also, didn't we sleuth that out of all the Bachelor guys' bios, Rachel only liked two that she was tagged in: Iggy's and Dean's. And in Peter's first post back, he hashtagged #TeamIggy and #TeamDean. See, the part of me that is still holding on to Peter as F1 thinks she liked only their posts because her fiance is close friends with them and therefore she's most fond of them. I mean, it could be pure coincidence that she liked only Dean's and Iggy's posts, right?


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Post by brownravens Wed Jun 07, 2017 6:49 am

@realitytvfan11 I didn't realise she only like pics from dean and iggy and Peter said he was team both of them. That is quite the coincidence IMO.

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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:17 am

Similar to a post in another thrrad i wrote:
During Nightline I think it was Chris mentioned Bryan sucked her face off, is that something they would say about F1.

She did say Peter sweeped her off her feet on her blog and said it would be hard for her fiance to see her kissing other guys. Not only did Bryan spill beans about their kiss he laughed and clapped his hands on the Ellen show when he learned she kissed others. He seems to not mind at all. Whereas Peter would based on his expressions on Ellen. IMO.


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:32 am

The sweep off my feet didnt even mean as much as the fireworks going off in her heart! The bolded was more interesting to me. And then add in the cry of happiness.


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Post by emusha Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:12 am

ajax518 wrote:Sometimes I wonder why certain camera angeles are used for television shows. I actually know but I wonder out loud what the director wants me to see. Nearly every person with a t.v. or computer saw the clips of the Ellen show before it aired. The camera showed Bryan reach for the microphone and say "she is a great kisser" A voice to his left said " I second that"  The reveal last night was it was Will and not Peter.

I think many prior to the episode assumed it was Peter. Those who figured it was Will probably assumed he was joking. Who really saw that kiss coming? (Good job Will). Us men like to mark our territory. Most women believe we do this out of weakness vs confidence.  Rachel said her fiancee was confident. I think Peter showed not only a great deal of respect but confidence when he didn't  jump in that conversation. My guess is if Ellen hadn't asked who kissed Rachel, The other guys wouldn't have found out. Peter was slow to show his card when asked that question.

Rachel has said she was a private person when it came to her personal life prior to the bachelorette. Peter seems to be the same way. Now I don't think that Rachel wants someone who mirrors her in so many ways. Probably why she has what can arguably be considered two "bad" or familiar with trouble men in her final 3. It was also revealed this week that Kevin Durant dated Rachel at UT. Durant is about 28-29 years old. Played one yer at Texas. So she dated him when he was a freshman. It is said the split was amicable as she went to Law school  and he went pro. So she was a senior. I don't know any body else she dated outside of Nick who many saw as a bad boy, a player etc.

In one interview Rachel says she went with what she normally doesn't go for. Yes that can mean anything. Then again she always says she doesn't have a physical type. So maybe she does like the bad boy. Now some will say if she likes the bad boy.....what about Fred. I have a couple of theories about Fred.

Rachel mentioned Fred was one of a few blacks at that camp and he was bad. I guessing when Rachel was in 8th grade her father was heading up the legal ladder. Also guessing he taught his children to behave a certain way. I don't think what Fred did was just bad, it was embarrassing. It was probably discussed in the Lindsay household because the black community in that circle was likely small and upwardly moving. Although it was 15 years go Fred would not fit in her family. Sorry that sounds harsh. Don't know a better way to put it. ......anyway.

I am just speculating and I think it hit Rachel. If she is ready to get married she needs to make some changes. Now going back to their first date. The producers decided not to show them dancing (Remember when they were walking away from the table and people asked her if they were going to dance again). The producers decided to show us a conversation where Peter discussed how his father felt about Rachel. They talked about their gap but also therapy. Rachel got very serious when she discussed therapy taught her about herself and what she really wants. I believe Rachel mentions she has to make changes to obtain her desired relationship objectives.

Seasons of firsts. Rachel's first time choosing what some would consider more grounded over the the more outwardly passionate individual.

:claphands what a great post!! It's so great to see different perspectives and yours certainly was. I 100% agree that when Rachel was discussing going for the guy who's not her usual pick the "all together" guy over the "challenging" guy she was referring to the bad boy vs. the nice guy. It's a great point that you picked up on both Bryan and Eric and I would add - Dean being the outgoing, charismatic 'player' types that have ease with girls (I would even add Will here who is sooo charming, I'm being charmed by him through the TV laugh out loud ) vs. Peter is the one whose hands shake when he meets her, he rather than being smooth is reserved to wait for her affirmations. I agree that he is very private in how he even shows Rachel his interest or how he pursues her which is a direct contrast to the expressive, charismatic and vocal guys who make up the rest of the F5.

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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:23 am

Looks like Peter is working from home or in today... he just posted a story to Instagram


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:36 am

If I lived in Madison, I would go to every class he teaches just to flirt and sleuth. teamiggy - Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - FAN FORUM SPOILED F1 -**A** (Peter)- *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion #2 - Page 50 3806527698


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:37 am

see2love wrote:If I lived in Madison, I would go to every class he teaches just to flirt and sleuth. teamiggy - Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - FAN FORUM SPOILED F1 -**A** (Peter)- *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion #2 - Page 50 3806527698

laugh out loud I'd join you!  Anyone know where Rachel is today?


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:39 am

But i think producers have had a habit of not caring how F1's come across in their edits. They can get the worst edits (shawn, jordan) cause they don't need to build a fanbase. Which is why peter's super charming and practically perfect edit is a double edged sword.. like we see how amazing pachel is but also is super suspicious Suspect


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Post by sdmom Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:41 am

@Max64 didn't she fly out of the country yesterday? We have two pictures of her inside an airplane and one flight attendant posted on FB Rachel was flying out of country.

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Post by gisellexlopez Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:41 am

Mels_Tvshipper wrote:But i think producers have had a habit of not caring how F1's come across in their edits. They can get the worst edits (shawn, jordan) cause they don't need to build a fanbase. Which is why peter's super charming and practically perfect edit is a double edged sword.. like we see how amazing pachel is but also is super suspicious Suspect

I agree, Peter's edit is very clean... almost too clean.....


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