Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by jjjami Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:32 am

gramercypark10 wrote:
wrossy78 wrote:I also thought he looked far too happy for someone who just got dumped JMO

Does anyone have the video or pic of this posted somewhere. Thanks

teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Screen14
here's the actual link:



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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:36 am

Anyone listen to the lyrics or is that me reading to much into it! You know your to invested in this madness when you notice these random things!!! I must resume my life! I have a child too look after!! Lol laugh out loud


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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:49 am

I love that video so much I saved it as a favourite and have watched it probably 100x:

Peter <3
Thank you for whomever uploaded it.  Watch it on a big screen for full effect.  eyedrool


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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by limoncello Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:59 am

I don't know man. I'll probably just repeat what's been said a lot already, but I'm still believing Peter is F1. I don't find it weird that she's being more into him - it may create some doubts but to me it says that he tries to be level headed and tries to be pragmatic as much as he can in this weird environment. That screams normal to me, but maybe that's not the mentality that suits the bachelor world. Bryan does nothing to me. I'm not saying he's not a nice guy, I just don't feel charmed by any of his manners. all mo.

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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Dookam23 Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:20 am

Okay so me and a friend came to a conclusion that Peter won.. HERE'S WHY:

Bryan posted on instagram On May 17

Both Eric and Peter posted on May 21.

Rachel did this interview on May 31.. She said that her and her fiancee went back to their phones and normal things 2 weeks prior. She says this on 16:49.

The 31 take away 14 (2 weeks) eqauls the 17th of May. That day Bryan posted a pic of him and his grandma.

And on 15:01 , the guy asks her if she makes out the first night and she says yes, then he asks "was that hard for him to watch" (referring to her finace) ! she says yes. IM shook.

Im sure Peter and Eric are F1 and F2.

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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by limoncello Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:25 am

Dookam23 wrote:Okay so me and a friend came to a conclusion that Peter won.. HERE'S WHY:

Bryan posted on instagram On May 17

Both Eric and Peter posted on May 21.

Rachel did this interview on May 31.. She said that her and her fiancee went back to their phones and normal things 2 weeks prior. She says this on 16:49.

The 31 take away 14 (2 weeks) eqauls the 17th of May. That day Bryan posted a pic of him and his grandma.

And on 15:01 , the guy asks her if she makes out the first night and she says yes, then he asks "was that hard for him to watch" (referring to her finace) ! she says yes. IM shook.

Im sure Peter and Eric are F1 and F2.

I think she meant it like it was hard for her fiancee to watch her make out with the guys in general, not specifically on the first night. But maybe I'm wrong Smiley

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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:25 am

After watching that video 5 more times,  I feel inspired to add a few thoughts:

1.  She picks him.  How can she not? They seem to have such a connection.  I love how he looks at her and she at him.  They're always touching. He is also the most handsome man to ever be on the Bachelor (imo!).

2. The Ellen sex/paddle debacle.  I think he answered the Ellen Q the way he did because he's a gentleman but I also think he answered truthfully. My husband is the same way.  I asked him yesterday after "the paddle debacle" if he thought about sex on or after our first date and he said no (this was 13 years ago but still... he probably didn't).  He says he doesn't really think about sex that much and never really has.  But he's really happy to have it.  He's a wonderful man and such a gentleman (also v handsome and hot in the sack!) and would totally kill me if he knew I was posting this.

3.  Reality Steve spoiler.  I think this is is a set up against Reality Steve and also to the overwhelming audience reaction to Pachel. The timing is suspicious.  Steve finds out the Peter spoiler right after the engagement. The show airs.  People go gaga for Rachel and Peter. TPTB want to make the season more exciting so they send out the Bryan spoiler to add some mystery and screw Reality Steve as a bonus.  Presto!  We're all freaking out.

4.  The First Impression Rose vs the First Date.  I think producers made Rachel choose whether to give Peter the FIP or the FD.  He couldn't have both so she gave him the First Date so she could spend the whole day with him.

5. Bryan/Josh 2.0 (imo).  Ugh. Who kisses like that for a first kiss 5 mins after meeting someone? Wait for the fantasy suite Bryan!  Not sexy.  Chris Harrison in the Nightline interview had a similar reaction/comment.  Why would they make the F1 look that bad?  I also hated the sloppy seconds comment. He's the opposite of Peter in so many ways, which makes for an interesting F2 for sure.  He also looks short.  And sells vitamins and supplements on his insta.  Enough said.

6. I feel that all of the F1s in recent years have been pretty obvious, especially for Bachelorettes.  Like zero surprise in my eyes.

Chris: (poor) Whitney- Obvious
Juan Pablo:(poor) Nikki - Obvious
Nick:Vanessa - SUPER OBVIOUS
Andi:(ugh)Josh - SUPER OBVIOUS
Kaitlyn:Shawn - SUPER OBVIOUS

Rachel:Peter are also SUPER OBVIOUS to me.  I may be wrong. And if I am, then he can be the most handsome Bachelor of all time.


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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Dookam23 Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:29 am

@limoncello LOOOOL, the guy was talking about her and the guy she made out with the first night (Bryan), and asks if that was hard for him to watch. I like I feel like she got caught and then she stated it specifically saying its hard for him to watch me kiss other guys. IMO

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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by bmegblack Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:34 am

First and foremost, I'm a fan of Rachel's so in the end, I want her to be happy.  I like both Bryan and Peter, but I feel Peter is more suited or her.  If Bryan is the F1, then I'll be happy for Rachel and hope everything works out for them.  If Peter is F1, then again, I'll be happy for her and hope things wok out.  I know everyone, including me, is very confused about this sudden switch in the winner and I know many are doubting and trying to make sense of it.  I don't get it myself.  If RS had the wrong guy, what would make them look into the outcome and why would it take almost 3 weeks to get the correct info. out there?  I think it's a PR stunt, and I'll get into that in a minute.

Rachel's interviews have been interesting to me.  I went back to a few of them and something stood out to me on the Big Boy interview.  At around 15:00, her relationship is talked about.  I'm paraphrasing, but the interviewer is asking her if she has made out with anyone.  Now this only after the first episode aired and not the second.  She says she made out the first night and laughs about it, but when the interviewer asks about the fiancé's reaction to it, she gets this serious look on her face and she says it was hard for him to watch her kiss other people.  Then the interviewer tries to get to slip up and get her to say Bryan's name by telling her he was okay with it, because she kissed him the first night, but she doesn't.

I don't know about anyone else, but that is very telling to me.  Anyone who doesn't know what I'm talking about should watch the interview on YouTube.  At the time of the interview, E1 had only been shown and she had only kissed Bryan.  So everyone in the radio station naturally assumed Bryan was a front runner, let alone was the winner.  She mentioned she made out the first night.  Well, Bryan was the only one she had kissed as far as what had aired at the time, so I don't think she would've been that obvious if he was the winner.  People liked Peter in E1, but they didn't fall in love with him until E2, which was aired after the interview.

I still believe Peter is F1, which is why I'm not buying this new spoiler all the way yet.  I have some doubts.  Also, in another interview, (not sure which one), she talked about telling her fiancé ahead of time what he'd see.  Bryan doesn't seem like a guy who needs this show explained to him, but Peter does.  Again, why take 3 weeks to get the right winner?  Imo, I think ABC saw the love for Pachel and saw a bunch of media spoiling Peter won.  They had to find a way to keep people interested, so they gave out this spoiler of Bryan to keep people guessing and sleuthing.  I could be wrong, but too many things (interviews, SM Activity, instincts) point to Peter being F1.


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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Dookam23 Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:43 am

@bmegblack Yeah thats what i was talking about up there ^ ... Like she says she made out the first night which was with Bryan... and the guy asks her if it was hard for him to watch and she says yes. He caught her slip.. and then she stated it specifically saying its hard for him to watch me kiss other guys. Its so obvious its Peter.

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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:43 am

That Big Boy interview just makes me think it's Bryan, considering she brings up making out on the first night VOLUNTARILY. You have a jealous fiancé at home and you're talking about how hard it is for him to see you make out with other guys and your first instinct is to go "hey, let me remind him of that hot makeout session I had with that other guy". Just doesn't make sense to me. And, she brings up that kiss in other interviews too voluntarily - especially the going back for seconds bit. It just seems weird if it really is hard for her fiancé back home. Also, she just said it was hard to watch her make out with other guys in general, but even you think it was just about that first night, there was a promo that ran that first night showing her make out a with dozen different guys. Whether it's Peter or Bryan, they had to deal with watching her make out with other guys that first night. IMO.


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teamgap - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4 - Page 3 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

Post by Guest Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:05 am

Hi! new Pachel here handwave  

I love these moments from E3
he wasn't looking at Ellen (like Bryan and Will) but at Rachel..
Rachel was too obvious giggling


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Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - #4

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