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Post by Norcalgal Tue Aug 08, 2017 1:55 am

I'm going to live in bliss in the unspoiled threads next season - I need a break from the negativity.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Aug 08, 2017 7:59 am

@coolangel Ditto!! Right up to the last minute @mindless noticed belt gate!


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Post by Guest Tue Aug 08, 2017 9:01 am

So I will share also my last thoughts on what I saw last night.

First, I will say that I felt very uncomfortable the live rachel/peter. It felt raw and revengeful somehow. I felt Peter pushed in a corner even though I think he conveniently forgot Rachel to pursue the bach gig after the finale but I may be wrong here. I am pretty good at BL and I saw Peter very emotional during the exit on the show AND backstage and on the hot seat (yes some may saw it as a player... but I did not. I thought I would though but I did not). Nothing could have been said other than Peter was not ready to propose (AKA commit fully to her as being THE ONE) and Rachel did not want to be a girlfriend/boyfriend. CH as usual exploited the situation and it did not fell right.

My take is that Rachel fell in love with Peter and she thought/hope he was the one at the end. However, Peter could never accept that his same feelings were real too. His rational mind could not accept the rush of the situation. His fears to make a mistake overtake everything. His heart said yes, his head said not yet. He definitely saw them together but when it came to decide she was the one, he could not. His head won at the end.

Rachel felt that he was in love but his back and forth about present and future but not jump when it was time to jump, she felt played. She just wanted the ultimate: you are the one for me. He could not give her that. So she felt played. And a woman who give her all but have only partial in return can turn to a bitter woman. On the other hand, her relationship with Bryan evolved quickly, yet very steadily and always in the right direction. It felt right. He was her best friend. Peter was her potential lover. Which is funny because we saw many kisses and physical and it should be the reverse. But emotionally it was. Bryan is the man she dreamed. He was the one from the start, the Chris to the Desiree.

People are upset because they believe Bryan is a default and also we were all spoiled of the real love story at the finale.... I think it is complicated. He said. She said. He thought. She thought. At the end of the day, they were note at the same speed with Peter but was always on the SAME speed when she was with Bryan. The breaks came from Peter. She loved both. period. And I believe as she said that she started to step back emotionally from Peter in Geneva because Bryan was becoming more and more her reference and started to make comparisons... which is never good. We all saw it. We saw the incredible 2nd 1-1 with him. But it took a while for Rachel to cut the cord with Peter because she excused him all the time for being slow.

I honestly believe that if Peter told her she was the one, she would have picked him. Of course, my take is that after few months or a year they would have split because he would have keep her boyfriend/girlfriend or the long long long term fiance, never ready to marry her. Peter has major issue to resolve on this. But this does not remove the fact that she wanted Peter.

When it was clear that it was over for her (refused to see him the day of the proposal).  I believe that she did a "soul search" and came to the conclusion that Bryan was her prince charming all along. It was a speedy process, but I honestly believe she went thru the same process as Desiree with Chris. It always felt right with Bryan, she DID fell in love with Bryan too... but on a different level. At the end, she was smart to understand who was meant for her. Who was the real deal.

Sometimes you do not not marry your soul mate, you marry your best friend and fall madly in love with him and you live a beautiful life, marriage and have kids with him...

Now. regarding Rachel attitude during the live show. I think we all forget that a lot of things happened since the finale. Rachel is no longer single. Her heart and head is now loyal to her new fiance. Everything that happened since the finale is now to cut the cord completely day after day after day. (me think the recent SM shenanigans with dean and peter helped a lot!!)Rachel is no longer alone with her thoughts and doubts. She said she did her online searches and I am sure this includes Peter on top of Bryan. She is a smart girl, she saw/noticed how Peter made a rebound after the finale and how he used his SM IG. She is not blind. She also heard him monday after monday. She spoke with many people.  Some people focused on the lack of proposal but IMO the proposal was more a SYMBOLIC COMMITMENT. It was for Rachel THE utter proof that she was THE one.

BUT IMO what I think pushed her buttons is that CH or prods told her that Peter is open to be the next bachelor. Did Peter told them he is interested? Did he already accepted the gig? I am not sure but I felt as if she felt utterly played. I was shocked like everyone she said TWICE that she did not think the show was the right place for him, that he needed time etc.... and that was definitely a clear message of: you did not propose because YOU TOLD ME you needed time to be sure I was the one and on the other hand you will accept a gig where A PROPOSAL IS EXPECTED at the end of it.... WHAT CHANGE? what would be the difference? NONE. He would have the same time, except multiple choices..... And I agree with her. I saw a very angry woman who felt betrayed.

Peter, on the other hand is not as a player as some think he is IMO. I think he loved her but once he returned in his reality, he put rachel in a box and moved on with his life. I think he fell in love. I honestly do. However, once he return home, he decided to move on.....and went over the top with self promotion etc.  I do see it with different eyes now. I do see a damage guy. I do see a guy WHO IS NOT READY TO PROPOSE ANYTIME SOON. That is for sure. I still do not like his pettiness but I understand it was out of jealousy toward Bryan and because of his own insecurities. He did not shine at all but I understand it was never because he was mean. IMO he did what dozen of heartbroken contestants did during the edited show once they returned to their comfort reality life: he put everything behind him and just erased it as being UNREAL. For some it can be seen as a player, for other it can be seen as a summer love.

Do not get me wrong, I still do not like Peter. He rubbed me the wrong way from almost the start. But I will give him a couple of grain of salt and not demonize him.

So that leaves a beautiful fun loving couple: Rachel and Bryan!!! :sweetheart:

I honestly think they will make it up to the marriage. I feel it. Since the finale, they built this relationship of complicity and love and respect. I honestly believe they are yin and yang. Their personality match perfectly. He has this ability to understand and forgive and move on. He will put her first. He will not keep a grudge on anything. His positive attitude will make her life SO great. I saw them yesterday and saw a couple so much in love.

Because yesterday, when they were together, I truly saw that Bryan was the love of her life and vice et versa. No matter how they arrived to this, they are now and this is plain obvious for everyone to see them together and not together

I may or may not watch Peter's season if he is the next bachelor. I am still standing Eric may has a chance but the SM mourning as expected will IMO push the prods to use this massive Peter's love to give him the gig. I may watch a couple of episodes and let go, as I usually did before, probably stay in the un-spoiled a while. we are 6 months from next season.... and one thing I see repeatedly is that people forget and forgive contestants. Nick was the most controversial contestant ever with Andi when he publicly said that she slept with him and pick another guy. That was brutal. Yet, he went on BIP and he got the gig.... Peter never humiliated Rachel, he just made the right now mistake to do not propose.

Thank you again! It was an interesting season and I got my HEA love story I saw with Rachel and Bryan but mostly A love story I wanted out of this franchise!!

It is funny to think that maybe everyone were right here: those who saw a love story with Peter and those who saw a love story with Bryan  group hug

..... and that is a wrap for me people!! I am now leaving Rachel's thread and jump in the un-spoiled aussie bachelor thread!

:cheeseyy wine danceround laughlaughlaugh :married


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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Aug 08, 2017 8:48 pm

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Post by Just Looking Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:05 am

I live in Australia and I've just watched the hole Finale and ATFR. OMG, how can anyone think that anyone other than Bryan would win Rachel's heart. Yes, it was very emotional but, through the process, Bryan was it. Rachel just had to explore the other option to make sure that she as choosing the right person for her, that is a man who knows what he wants and he wants it with her. Very simple in my opinion. You can have very strong feelings for more than one person but at the end of the day it comes down to who wants what she wants and wants it with her, and that is Bryan clean and clear. Always has been. Unfortuately, the show dictates that there are two at the end so there has to be some drama to get there. Not saying that there were'nt strong and genuine feelings but the others just weren't the real deal. I think Bryan is FANTASTIC and super sexy and loving and passionate. He hasn't failed in any way throughout the whole season - he's grounded, sincere and genuine and exactly Rachel's match. JMO of course and I truly believe this is so Smiley

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Post by Just Looking Wed Aug 09, 2017 4:05 am

Sorry - whole - stupid spell check !!!

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Aug 09, 2017 8:52 am

@Just Looking Good Post that's the way I see it as well.


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Post by Sprite Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:58 am

Well, I was just looking at my news listings and a bit about Rachel thanking Bryan was there so I went to read and look to see if I can find some new photos for their finale banner. I followed a few links and can I just say that I am actually a bit flabbergasted. These two are shilling their little hearts out right from the get go. They certainly wasted absolutely no time and clearly have set all this up while they were in hiding. Not only did Bryan set up his cr*ptastic Dr. Abs merchandise and website and roll it out hours after the final, today they are handing out roses at Lord & Taylor to promote some price matching program and Rachel is shilling dog toys for Target on her Instagram.

I really don't begrudge people making money off of their stint on the show, I really don't. I have come to expect it, but they are professionals with six figure salaries and I just did not expect this aggressive level of shilling basically from the end of the finale. Any bit of romance I felt about these two is pretty much shot. It seems like a whole new level of greed IMO. Tacky.

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Post by composer53 Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:26 am

Who is to say they have 6 figure incomes. I doubt that very much imo.

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:40 am

I think they both do.
She is an attorney in Dallas. She has been practicing for 6 yrs? A starting attorney makes close to that in most major cities if not more at major firms.
He has been a practicing chiro for quite some time. Same situation.

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Post by sdmom Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:43 am

composer53 wrote:Who is to say they have 6 figure incomes.  I doubt that very much imo.

His friend Pauldine implied he does in her twitter .

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Post by sfrank Wed Aug 09, 2017 11:48 am

The median salary for chiropractior in Miami is $139k with a range between 117-190k per google!

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