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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:58 pm

@makeover Good point on the comparison's when arguing. I think due to Rachel and Bryan's respective careers, they both need to be good listeners. Hopefully that disposition will spill over during any disagreements.


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Post by Kashathediva Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:57 pm

lleyki wrote:Here's a thought regarding all the disappointment in Rachel's choice if she picked Bryan, hoping she would have been different, etc. If everything that some have observed of Rachel makes them think she's a smart and savvy woman with her head on straight and we all can agree that the producers edit the show and we see a tiny fraction of the lead's time with contestants, is it not fair to maybe trust that Rachel is that woman you believed her to be and that she chose Bryan because he is a good person who she truly loved (as in Bachelor time frame love but still)? Just a thought.

Of course the other side of that is also that maybe viewers elevated and put Rachel on a ridiculous pedestal that never was who she really is and didn't see her for the woman she really is, including the kind of guys she would be attracted to and fall for. It's like when I still see so many comments about Bryan's aggressive kissing and how he's too aggressive with Rachel and "manhandles" her and I'm baffled because I cannot understand how it's not obvious at this point that Rachel responds to and enjoys that.

She is just as passionately and sexually aggressive as he is. Yet I think some continue to project their desires and what they're attracted to and what they would want onto Rachel and then when the spoilers suggest she may  not have lived up to that, she's a disappointment.

I like this post so much I wanted to re-post it again. Home - Dr. Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #4 - Page 11 4256136633
Thanks. :claphands

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Post by sfrank Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:03 pm

makeover wrote:I watched Jasmine's season and I see no similarities between Jasmine/ Kevin and Rachel/ Bryan besides the fact that both couples are HOT for each for (I feel bad for whoever is F1, if Bryan is not F1, the way Rachel is going at it with Bryan; good luck explaining that babe).

For one, Jasmine and Kevin (who I like) are alphas who clashes. Even within the short timeframe of the show, they had an argument and I saw a childish part of both Jasmine and Kevin. Andi and Josh had a tiff during the show too. So far, Rachel and Bryan haven't shown that they have clashing personalities. In fact that's often the criticism I saw thrown at them, that they are too easy going with each other.  

Secondly, Jasmine was not happy after filming. She also had no poker face like Rachel and showed it all over her face. Rachel has been beaming since filming ended.

I can buy that Bryan may be like Whitney (of Chris and Whitney), just ready to settle down with the lead and in the bubble. But I won't say yet that B and R are like W and C, until I see them interact post show. Cos it's obvious to me even in the post show interviews right after that Chris had no more interest in Whitney.

I don't think Chris had genuine interest in Whitney - he picked her because his family wanted him to and you could totally see it in the finale and post-show. I said it somewhere here earlier but the best thing for Rachel to do is to pick the person SHE wants and is most passionate about regardless of family and fan opinions. IMO that's the first step to having fighting chance on this show.

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Post by composer53 Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:30 am

On a different note, I've been watching their interactions from the first. I've noticed that it looks like Bryan is drinking water when everyone else is drinking wine or other liquor. Anyone else notice this?

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Post by djogbenyuie Thu Jul 13, 2017 5:34 am

composer53 wrote:On a different note, I've been watching their interactions from the first.  I've noticed that it looks like Bryan is drinking water when everyone else is drinking wine or other liquor.  Anyone else notice this?

I noticed it last epi when they were cheering at dinner (night portion of their date).
He didsaid say he took a shot before going on to elle set though so I think he drinks from time to time.
Maybe he wants to have a clear head to pursue Rach in the mansion laugh out loud

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Post by appiah01 Thu Jul 13, 2017 7:14 am

lleyki wrote:Here's a thought regarding all the disappointment in Rachel's choice if she picked Bryan, hoping she would have been different, etc. If everything that some have observed of Rachel makes them think she's a smart and savvy woman with her head on straight and we all can agree that the producers edit the show and we see a tiny fraction of the lead's time with contestants, is it not fair to maybe trust that Rachel is that woman you believed her to be and that she chose Bryan because he is a good person who she truly loved (as in Bachelor time frame love but still)? Just a thought.

Of course the other side of that is also that maybe viewers elevated and put Rachel on a ridiculous pedestal that never was who she really is and didn't see her for the woman she really is, including the kind of guys she would be attracted to and fall for. It's like when I still see so many comments about Bryan's aggressive kissing and how he's too aggressive with Rachel and "manhandles" her and I'm baffled because I cannot understand how it's not obvious at this point that Rachel responds to and enjoys that.

She is just as passionately and sexually aggressive as he is. Yet I think some continue to project their desires and what they're attracted to and what they would want onto Rachel and then when the spoilers suggest she may  not have lived up to that, she's a disappointment.

THIS. I think it's incredibly interesting how often people discuss edits being made to conversations between Rachel and Dean or Rachel and Peter and yet are completely unwilling to believe that maybe there are significant edits being made to the interactions between Rachel and Bryan. Honestly, it's silly given that we see approximately 12 minutes of dates that clearly last for hours. Obviously they are having discussions. Yes, they are very physically attracted to each other but they are both full grown and i doubt are making life decisions solely on liking to kiss each other.

I feel compelled to defend Bryan because people are making HUGE assumptions about his character based on their interpretations of his wooing technique, of which they've seen less than hour's worth over the course of almost 2 months of filming. I also like Bryan and I don't mind that he is laser focused on getting the girl.

Relationships are hard. No one can predict whether any relationship is going to go the distance no matter how they begin but I certainly don't give Bryan and Rachel less of a chance simply based on what I've been shown. If anything, I give them more given their ages, careers, and expressed desires to settle down, marry, and have children.


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Post by sfrank Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:21 am

I agree Good Post

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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 13, 2017 8:54 am

Yeah I get the edit argument; however, they cannot edit in a grown 37 yo old man calling things a fairytale and telling this woman he loves her on their first date. Plus, we already somewhat heard that this has happened to him before: borderline "love at first sight" until Mom put the kibosh on it for whatever reason.

I'm always cautious of contestants who show up desperate to fall in the love with the lead, regardless of who she is imo. And I know the Shawn B reference might come up here so my reply to that is Shawn wanted Kaitlyn, full stop, not whoever was the Ette. Totally different to me: he fell in love with Kait seeing her on tv previously and already started snapping to friends that she's his laugh out loud Bryan was nominated as o understand it and watching him with R, imo, he would be the exact same with any lead.

Maybe it'll work out for them, I don't know, she certainly seems very happy and loved up now. So things seem to be going well.

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Post by nd4reality Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:14 am

@Alanna laugh out loud
My thinking is that we are assuming that Bryan was merely nominated to go on the show by his friend without liking her. He has been a fan of the show so it is entirely possible that he watched last season and liked Rachel and even mentioned it to his friend. Who then promptly nominated him. At this stage we don't have enough information to assume stuff. Jmo.

I'm curious to hear the full story of how he came to be on the show before deciding that he would chase anyone.

And yes he did full on kiss Rachel on night one, but she was already all gaga over him immediately out the limo. Plus he could have earned himself an actual slap across the face with that move. Instead she went on to put her tongue down his throat.

IMO there are many arguments about smooth and too fast but Rachel did have 30 other options that night and still has 3 other guys that she chose out of the initial 31.

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Post by quietpal Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:26 am

I don't know if I'd call him being desperate to fall in love. I think when he first met Rachel, I think they were equally surprised by the connection and attraction that they had and it's only grown and surpassed her relationships with the other guys, but that's JMO.


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Post by sfrank Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:33 am


Last edited by sfrank on Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:36 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by sfrank Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:35 am

nd4reality wrote:@Alanna laugh out loud
My thinking is that we are assuming that Bryan was merely nominated to go on the show by his friend without liking her. He has been a fan of the show so it is entirely possible that he watched last season and liked Rachel and even mentioned it to his friend. Who then promptly nominated him. At this stage we don't have enough information to assume stuff. Jmo.

I'm curious to hear the full story of how he came to be on the show before deciding that he would chase anyone.

And yes he did full on kiss Rachel on night one, but she was already all gaga over him immediately out the limo. Plus he could have earned himself an actual slap across the face with that move. Instead she went on to put her tongue down his throat.

IMO there are many arguments about smooth and too fast but Rachel did have 30 other options that night and still has 3 other guys that she chose out of the initial 31.

ITA. Bryan has said repeatedly he came there for Rachel. In fact, I believe he says last episode that before he came he thought there could be something and their chemistry has exceeded his expectations. His ex-gf confirmed that they had watched an episode Nick's season together.

Additionally, that rationale make little sense to me; how can one knock someone from being into the lead before the show and in love (Whitney/Chris), and in the same breath praise someone else  for the same thing (Shawn/Kaitlyn) and then knock someone for being too into lead during the show  (Bryan) and while praising someone for being too into the lead from another season (Chris/Des). It's headspinning and doesn't make sense to me dizzy

Last edited by sfrank on Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:38 am; edited 1 time in total

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