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Post by LynnTa Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:27 pm

I want to think that Rachel knows about it and understands it best her being a lawyer. She obviously isn't holding it against him. imo. My DH is Physician and lawsuits come with the territory. example: As long as his name appears on the medical records/ charts as one of the doctors who at any point was involved with patient,he would be named as a defendant. In most cases after investigations, the lawsuit is dismissed.
So for me that's not an issue at all!


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Post by makeover Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:31 pm

Besides, Rachel is a defense litigator. She defends people who get sued. It would come in handy when they are together and she could advise him. Heh.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Jul 16, 2017 7:35 pm

I haven't and am not ignoring anything with Bryan. I still have my third eye on him. So far though, Bryan seems to be all in with Rach and totally there for her. If something is amiss and ends up awry, it won't be the first or last time when it comes to this show. Until then, Rach has said her man/fiance makes her very happy and really really loved. That's what matters most and is a good sign  homebody - Dr. Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #4 - Page 25 4256136633 IMO.

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Post by bleuberry Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:01 pm

I'd like to ignore the underwear though laugh out loud homebody - Dr. Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #4 - Page 25 1f637

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Post by nutty1 Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:40 pm

I have been out of the loop this season. Where is the Bryan hate??
He is not my favorite, but if Rachel loves him, good for her....and him. And as far as the sloppy seconds comment.....I never saw a thing wrong with it. It was just an attempt at humor.
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Post by likeashipblown Sun Jul 16, 2017 8:54 pm

You know what keeps standing out to me about Bryan and further solidifies my belief that he's F1? It's all of the very little things.

With his latest Instagram post, this now makes multiple times where his caption has echoed and/or signaled he knows her/gets her/has to be having conversations with her/is watching her media.

For instance... The favorite color is yellow comment this time? That has to be something she either told him on that date, told him at some point, or he's watching her media that closely, or lbr, all of the above are possible and any and all of those things signal he cares enough to recall the info. The guy going all in with the little details is usually who I watch closest.

Just like the post he made about Ellen way back when, his hashtags were something like "sorry rachel" and "should have danced for rachel" and so on. I can't recall the interview Rachel gave, but those were almost her exact words. She said she was upset with the guys, nobody danced with her and she had cash. That's his response? Oh. Interesting. I see a synergy there.

When he was on his Instagram Story spree? All of the little details screamed Rachel. This dude was excited about some "courtship" play, y'all. And he wanted us to know he was excited about it and was happy to share it. He was excited to share that he was near the African American History Museum... Oh, really? All of a sudden that's a place of interest to him? Gotcha. I feel like everything he does lately indicates a guy operating in-sync with her. He just seems to echo her in a detailed way I haven't seen from any other guy.

And I think he keeps going back to the Ellen thing because I think it haunts him. Should he let it go? Maybe, but I bet he feels like he hasn't had the chance to properly address it to his satisfaction. He can read her comments. He can read his own. There are some still harping on it. He has shown even with the edit that they're getting that he internalizes things. Remember when Rachel spooked him telling him he was "too good to be true" the first time and then he proceeded to divulge he sat on the plane writing on napkins and thinking about her words. If that's his nature when he cares about something... That's his nature.

And this Ellen comment was on the largest platform and is one of the single most commented reasons for people not liking him. I... Could see why he is still apologetic for that-- because of the abuse she takes for it and for how it impacted the perception of him in a way that reflects on himself but also keeps blowing back on her. I bet he genuinely is so sorry-- especially when he clearly meant no harm and never meant to disrespect her.

And I'm sorry for the long post, but can I do a second on the insurance thing? I respect everyone else's opinion so much, but for me?

I truly do not care about the fraud/insurance case one little bit.

My sister is a lawyer and her husband is a chiropractor (like Rachel and Bryan) and he has never done anything wrong or shady in all of his years of practicing, but best believe he's been named on more than one suit because he is the head doctor of a chiropractic franchise and when ONE of them gets sued the head doctor from all of them gets named/sued. He's had way more legal issues than Bryan's one little thing, honestly.

My brother in law has insane insurance coverage for cases like this because it's an unavoidable fact of how people and insurance companies operate. And I could tell some stories about how shady insurance companies can be and how shady people being treated can get when they think they've found their chance to cash in, as well, but I digress. Point is: INSANE type stuff. Using this case to try to tie anything to Bryan's character? No. I will not.  

And ftr, that insurance situation that people keep attacking Bryan for-- as if Rachel and fans of them are just overlooking his super shady and slimy character, I guess it kind of gets me good, because... It sort of feels like a major attack on Rachel to me.

One of Rachel's legal specialties is in fact insurance. And if we expand out... It's... General insurance, personal injury, and so on. That's legit listed as part of her CORE competencies and specialties. Bryan and Rachel are very in-sync there with areas of expertise.

So... If Bryan was some shady cat in regards to insurance... We all are just supposed to assume she threw her whole personality and legal training in her areas of expertise, mind you, out the window to overlook that? Lolol. She's that stupid and that ignorant that she saw her man was wrapped up in a lawsuit where he was the villain and she couldn't figure out the score or didn't care to? Say, what? Rachel Lindsay?! In her core areas of practice?!

This is why I feel like some of the attacks aren't really on Bryan, or they are, but in particular... they're undercutting her.  

I'm inclined to believe she's well-versed on whatever went down with Bryan, knows all of the details she needs to know, and because of her knowledge-base in particular, she isn't going to leap to any conclusions, uninformed, ignorant, or otherwise, and didn't let it impact her perception of him.  She's a smart cookie. She knows what's up in the world of insurance and is better equipped than most to spot a problem there.

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Post by Seabear Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:23 pm

@likeashipblown Thank you....Excellent Post IMO. homebody - Dr. Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #4 - Page 25 1f64c  homebody - Dr. Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #4 - Page 25 1f64c  homebody - Dr. Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #4 - Page 25 1f64c

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Post by Kashathediva Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:30 pm

@likeashipblown :claphands

You summed up the situation beautifully. Not everyone that's sued is guilty. That's the beauty of the system.

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Post by BlueJeanBaby Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:42 pm

Sheokaf wrote:Yeah, the whole being sued for medical malpractice might be a big ball of nothing.

I honestly never thought anything of this. Most of my immediate family is in medicine and have noted that it happens quite regularly for a lot of the reasons stated in likeashipblown's post. IMO people are using this to double down on finding him disingenuous. I admit I fall in the "he's too smooth" camp but not because he's selling some teas or is a doctor that's been sued JMO. You'd be hard pressed to find a practitioner who hasn't laugh out loud

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Post by BlueJeanBaby Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:59 pm

^^^ people have sued Starbucks for serving them too-hot hot coffee laugh out loud Given we're talking health and how someone else handles yours or a loved one's, the likelihood of a suit = HIGH laugh out loud all JMO and again, not at all abnormal based on knowledge of medical lawsuits.

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Post by Aria Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:04 pm

Totally OT, but I watched this documentary and that McDonald's lawsuit for the too hot coffee (much more to the case than that) was actually totally legit and has been really misrepresented in the media. I agree with the general sentiment though. Lawsuits are very common in the healthcare profession. Maybe he's shady, maybe he's not. I'm not ready to deem him the most horrible man in existence just yet. IMO.


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Post by stuckinsc Sun Jul 16, 2017 10:11 pm

I had a friend sued during medical school. She was part of the surgical team, so she was in the lawsuit. I know other docs sued because the patient lied and then got injured. If you know a doctor and they have never been sued that is probably rare.

Also insurance companies do everything in their power not to pay. It is easy to try to judge this, but without facts and since it was thrown out/settled it is something I won't hold against him.


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