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Post by Alanna Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:27 pm

nd4reality wrote:@Alanna Because he's 38 and from Miami. Oh and he has had years of practicing his moves. Deans words paraphrased not mine.
I get it but I don't think he really thinks that Bryan is below him. He's just intimidated by him imo, as he should be laugh out loud

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Norcalgal Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:27 pm

FashionLover wrote:

Quick question, does Bryan have any close male friends that we know of?

Good question!

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Post by Alanna Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:29 pm

Norcalgal wrote:
FashionLover wrote:

Quick question, does Bryan have any close male friends that we know of?

Good question!
Who needs men when you have sooo many women?? laugh out loud I'm just enjoying the last few weeks I can make this joke until he becomes the best, most reformed, most loving Baddy ever and dethrones the current reigning bad boy f1 laugh out loud

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by djogbenyuie Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:37 pm

But for real though, this is just more encouragement for Peter's fan who already "hate" Bryan. It's like Dean is saying it's okay to be "anti- Bryan" for Peter.
Like how you are Rachel's friend in all this?
Anyway. Back to positive things.

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Post by coolangel Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:37 pm

I disapprove of Dean and Peter's behavior for the same reason I disapproved Rachel and the squad's behavior last season. IMO There is no need to put down a final couple or their relationship post-show based on a few weeks on staying with them in the same house and competing for the same person while being cut-off from all external communication.

IMO It's no secret that the final couple always has a tough hill to climb post-show and more often than not, get a lot of hate for various reasons. Why add on to it with your comments? People/fans/SM trolls might not take my opinions into account (as a random internet poster) but will latch on to these people's opinions and take it as fact and just use it as ammunition to hate more. IMO It's petty, tasteless and screams of jealousy.  no no

Dean and Peter are both revered by the majority on SM IMO. One might most likely be the next lead IMO. Enjoy all the good things coming your way, wish the final couple well and move on (JMO). IMO There is no need to make things more difficult for the lead whom you claim to like and have respect for.


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Post by Guest Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:46 pm

Maybe we should ask Rachel how does she feel now to be thrown under the bus and people dislike her F1 this much. While I don't agree with those mean moves, I think it's a good lesson for Rachel too. But only if she is open enough to learn though, all I see is still an very entitled person to only think of me and I, imo.


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Post by lleyki Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:52 pm

FashionLover wrote:I always seem to see things opposite from the majority on here BUT did dean really say anything that half of america isn't saying right now?
-Rachel IS blinded by Bryan heart eyes
-Bryan DOES say the right things at the right time
As for questioning bryan's intentions/sincerity, rachel, her sister, and a good portion of the viewers have done that so it's nothing new.

Now should he have done it in an interview? probably not, he should have kept it to his group texts but for me he wasn't trash talking if what he was saying was his truth. And he likely has more insight to the situation which makes me give further side eye to Bryan.
I'm not gonna jump on the Bryan train simply because he won. I wish them luck and hope rachel choose wisely. At the very least she's gonna have fun with the guy.

Quick question, does Bryan have any close male friends that we know of?

ETA: Bryan's own mother seemed to be doubtful about Bryan suddenly being in love and ready to settle down after his many many women so..

IMO, the issue is not about Dean saying Rachel is blinded by Bryan and Bryan's too smooth, etc. because yes, many have said that. It's the fact that he can't point out one specific thing that Bryan did that was so horrible and even admits that in truth he really DIDN'T have issues with Bryan but dislikes him simply because his buddy Peter didn't and well "Peter and I are friends so I have to be anti-Bryan".

That's the kind of stuff and mentality people have in grade school, not a grown adult. I have friends in my circle of friends that do not like each other and I'm very close to each of them. Their issues are their issues and has nothing to do with me. But sorry, I thought I was watching adults on this show. My mistake.


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Post by Aria Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:56 pm

peggy0221 wrote:Maybe we should ask Rachel how does she feel now to be thrown under the bus and people dislike her F1 this much. While I don't agree with those mean moves, I think it's a good lesson for Rachel too. But only if she is open enough to learn though, all I see is still an very entitled person to only think of me and I, imo.

Rachel never did this. She would make stupid jokes like "his loss!", but she just avoided talking about Vanessa, instead of straight-up saying that Vanessa isn't good enough for Nick or that Vanessa was a terrible human being. She didn't like mean comments or sent out shade-filled tweets, like Peter and dean have done. In fact at the Big Boy interview she said "I think they'll work out. They're well-suited for each other", when the host was saying they would break up. And when the host was bad-mouthing Nick, she defended him saying that "sometimes things just don't translate on TV, you don't get to see everything." Rachel can't be held responsible for her friends' actions. We've seen how differently they handle things, like the squad liking mean comments about Corinne and giving statements about her while Rachel said she sympathized with her and reached out and made sure she was surrounding herself with loved ones. IMO.


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Post by Rachelsseason Wed Jul 19, 2017 1:59 pm


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Post by albean99 Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:00 pm

We don't actually know that Dean can't point out specifics about Bryan nor that he wasn't anti-Bryan before. He did talk about him during the show. I didn't have any problem with the squad last season and don't have any problem with what Dean said. He knows Bryan and we don't. I don't see that he was trashing Bryan, just saying what a lot of people, like me, see in him. I do think he could have scaled back and said less because Rachel is picking the guy but I can't fault him for having an opinion. I don't see it as sour grapes either. All JMO.

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:20 pm

albean99 wrote:We don't actually know that Dean can't point out specifics about Bryan nor that he wasn't anti-Bryan before. He did talk about him during the show. I didn't have any problem with the squad last season and don't have any problem with what Dean said. He knows Bryan and we don't. I don't see that he was trashing Bryan, just saying what a lot of people, like me, see in him. I do think he could have scaled back and said less because Rachel is picking the guy but I can't fault him for having an opinion. I don't see it as sour grapes either. All JMO.

when dean says that bryan was crusing girls daily (not verbatim).... this is more jealousy petty immature saying rather than facts...



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Post by coolangel Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:23 pm

Aria wrote:Rachel never did this. She would make stupid jokes like "his loss!", but she just avoided talking about Vanessa, instead of straight-up saying that Vanessa isn't good enough for Nick or that Vanessa was a terrible human being. She didn't like mean comments or sent out shade-filled tweets, like Peter and dean have done. In fact at the Big Boy interview she said "I think they'll work out. They're well-suited for each other", when the host was saying they would break up. And when the host was bad-mouthing Nick, she defended him saying that "sometimes things just don't translate on TV, you don't get to see everything." Rachel can't be held responsible for her friends' actions. We've seen how differently they handle things, like the squad liking mean comments about Corinne and giving statements about her while Rachel said she sympathized with her and reached out and made sure she was surrounding herself with loved ones.  IMO.

I really don't want to rehash that debate again but there were many instances last season (IG live, ATFR wishing only Nick and omitting Vanessa, blah blah) where IMO Rachel's behavior was questionable similar to Peter and Dean's now. However, I feel having been on the other side, she has a new appreciation for things now and that is evident in her recent interviews post her season. IMO It happens with most leads - Even Nick admitted last season that he had a better understanding as to why Andi and Kaitlyn made some of the decisions they did and can see their POV. I feel she sees now that people not getting along with other people in the house doesn't make them bad coz in that case her F1 is bad too since he wasn't BFFs with the more popular kids in the house, Peter and Dean. IMO The Rachel I see in interviews now reminds me of the one I was fan-girling hard over during Nick's pre-season.  Smiley


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