Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:18 am

Thread 2 - Sleuthing and discussion of SM/Media.

Previous threads here
Bobette wrote:Just throwing this down already because it's "facts" and not NW writing per se:

Matty's Top 5 Love Songs:
1. Bon Iver, Skinny Love (viewer's of Georgia's season will remember he included this on the playlist he gave to her on night 1 and apparently was crying to it after the breakup)
2. Tracy Chapman - Fast Car
3. David Gray - Sail Away
4. Savage Garden - Truly Madly Deeply
5. Elton John - Can You Feel the Love Tonight?

Netflix Favourites:
1. How to lose a guy in 10 days
2. Forgetting Sarah Marshall
3. Cruel Intentions
4. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
5. Forrest Gump

This seems like a very well thought out list - I wonder if Matty actually had any say in it or if it's a promotional construct.  I can imagine girls oo-ing and ahh-ing, "oh he's just so sensitive!"
stuckinsc wrote:@Bobette you make me laugh, y'all know Matty better than I do, but my thought to those lists is he has a well developed feminine side. giggling
Bobette wrote:Here are the captions accompanying the pictures and brief descriptions so you can get a mental image:

Pics of Matty poolside (the one I posted yesterday is the first/largest one).  He is topless but wearing jeans.  Wet jeans that cling to his perfectly toned lower half.  Oh my.  There are 4 pics - double page spread.  He's laughing in one, in the others he has his best brooding bedroom eyes on.

"I'm in love... And I want to MARRY HER"
"It's flattering that people want me to have that happy ending and that fairytale finish"
"I really do believe that lightning can strike twice. And I'm glad I've now got this second chance"

Next 2 pages: Pics of Matty in a vintage car, wearing jeans, white t-shirt and 50s James Dean style leather jacket.  

"'There's all these women in front of you, but you feel isolated, Matty says of the Bachelor experience"
"Over time, wounds do heal. And the prospect of falling in love again is more exciting than anything else"
"It was weird going back to an environment where you do have so many memories - both fun and difficult"

Next 2 pages - MINI MATTY.  They have a pic of him at 3.  Cute.  Caption says something about him thinking he was an ugly kid and them wanting to prove him wrong.  He's earning his paycheque letting them go through his family photos IMO.

Full-page shot of Matty on the balcony of a seafront house.  Topless.  Jeans - no belt - exposing Calvin Klein jocks.  He leans back against the balcony - it's clear glass so you can see the ocean behind.  Autumnal Sydney sunshine dapples his rippled chest.  I'm feeling a little light headed but will press on, for the good of the forum.  It's a heavy weight but I will bear it.

"It's a lot of added pressure having a relationship with the whole of Australia giving their opinions"


Pics of him with Georgia and his two exes - Milly and Nathalie.  No-one will be surprised that they are both as hot as freshly baked biscuits.  

Nathalie is a model, Milly is a DJ for The Faders which I am going to assume is an electronic music group of some kind.  

Not pictured - a third ex-girlfriend who dumped him in the UK and prompted his move back to AUS just before he signed up for Georgia's season.  Interesting.  He seems to be a relationship guy/someone who prefers not to be alone.  He says they broke up because the timing just wasn't right.

Next 2 pages - BEST YET.  Matty topless (of course), jeans, wearing a loose (open) denim shirt in one.  Smiling, brooding, making me reflect on how long it's been since I've had a boyfriend... but I digress.

"In 10 years, I would love to have a house in Bondi, a wife, two kids, and still be in love.  That would be the dream"

So that's just the photos.  Making a second cup of tea - will be back with details from the actual article ASAP.
mercieme wrote:@Bobette......thank you so much. I am enjoying your synopsis of the article. I am in awe that he is throwing out the marry word already. I really am intrigued to figure out who this girl is that he said he is in love with giggling
AllAboutLove wrote:Thanks for the updates @Bobette  yes

1. I love love Tracy Chapman! Amazing artist/musician!
2. Forgetting Sarah Marshall -- cracks me up as that's Nick's go to in the past and was his advice to watch when dealing with a breakup in an article he wrote/interview
3. Methinks NW mag is making Nathalie into an ex when it seems like they just dated a bit last year. So I don't think she was ever a "girlfriend" to Matty to be an ex.
4. Interesting about the one ex that dumped him in the UK before he signed up last year...wonder what that was about? Guess if the timing is not right it's not right
5. From sleuthing last year, Matty said he falls in love very easily so it could be he prefers to be in a relationship?

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:24 am; edited 1 time in total

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BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:21 am

Bobette wrote:OK I have read the whole 8 pages and forced myself to examine those grotesque pictures in minute detail.  

I don't know if there's an orchestra practicing nearby or what but I could hear the distinct sound of violins playing the background for the first 2 pages.  They're definitely going with a "heartbreak to happiness" theme here.  

The opening paragraph says 2016 was the year of heartbreak but 2017 will be the year of the fairytale ending because Matty has found THE ONE.  They say they pressed him to find out the girl's identity but he would let on - what a surprise.  

They refer to Georgia's dumping as brutal and I would have to agree.  They mention the fact that he had a fleeting relationship with model Nathalie Darcas (she must be the girl mentioned in the heartbreak files).  And then "after the sunshine comes the rain" (their quote - my metaphors are far more poetic).

Matty has found his dream girl - he describes her as really ambitious, loves what they do, loves the outdoors, adventurous and loves the outdoors.  Also has a great sense of humour.  So pretty much word for word what he said in that promo clip and I think we were right in thinking it was written after filming.

They ask him why he went on the show and he says he couldn't resist the offer of having other people "do all the running around" to find suitable girls.  I'm going to resist judging him for that rather poorly worded answer.  

He then lists what he asked for in his dream girl: engaging conversation, ambitious/loves their work, successful but not necessarily in a monetary sense, adventurous, loves the outdoors - pretty much exactly what was said above.  This journalist must be getting paid by the word.

He then talks about Nathalie - most recent ex - she was heading to US for work, not staying in AUS, was never going to be a longterm thing.  He says he only considered doing Bach after she left for the US.  Uh huh.  Sure Matty.  Sure.

Then there's a really weird paragraph about him saying he wanted to do it because the show has a proven track record of success and mentions Tim & Anna's engagement and Sam/Snez baby news.  I'm going to come right out and say I don't think he said any of that - that's Bach promo material plain and simple IMO.

He then talks about what it was like going back to The Mansion with all the associated memories.  He says he has respect for what Georgia went through.  Says his sister and mum were much more in favour of him doing the show as Lead than they were of him doing The Bachette.

NW asks about the backlash experienced by Georgia & Richie and was that a concern - says he was more worried people would find him boring or that he wouldn't fall in love, or that his chosen girl wouldn't love him back (tie in to Laura's biggest fear which was exactly the same).

Talks about the pressure of being perceived as "the perfect guy", says he was nervous to meet the women, he had empathy for those who were also nervous.  Says he hated the rose ceremonies but he didn't regret any of his choices.

Says he doesn't fall in love easily.  SAYS HE'S ONLY BEEN IN LOVE TWICE BEFORE - WITH GEORGIA AND HIS EX FROM THE UK.  Apologies for shouting but that part deserved caps.  Milly the DJ is feeling pretty crap reading that IMO.

Says at the start he didn't know how to handle dating so many girls at once (possible tie-in to his mental health break).  He also said he found it frustrating at times and he particularly hates it when people are rude/nasty/bullies/inconsiderate.  This will tie in to Leah's departure FOR SURE, imo.

Says he kissed lots of girls but doesn't feel he "overindulged".  Lots of kiss sleuthing to be done then @mercieme!  I'm going to quote this next bit word for word: "I think there's a lot you can tell from a kiss, and I think that kiss is an indication of your [sexual] compatibility".

The article ends with him waffling on about everything happens for a reason and blah blah blah, then the quote from above about where he wants to be in 10 years (house/kids/beach/adventure/still in love).  

So there you have it comrades!  I knew my 80 word per minute typing skills would pay off sooner or later.  It's just a shame you can't see the pics.  I'm sure someone will less respect for copyright than us will upload them to the WWW by nightfall. BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 2498057887
mercieme wrote:@Bobette some nuggets in that interview. From your summary below , the sense of humor is new and we should see who has that outta the girls.

"Matty has found his dream girl - he describes her as really ambitious, loves what they do, loves the outdoors, adventurous and loves the outdoors.  Also has a great sense of humour. So pretty much word for word what he said in that promo clip and I think we were right in thinking it was written after filming."

Regarding the part where he said he was afraid the girl wouldn't love him back....I am expecting him then to chase his F1 by going above and beyond in dates....that will be key to identifying the F1 IMO. So for example on GL's season Matty put major efforts to secure his SQT on that acrobat date then he did the 'getting to know know Matty' which IMO was his idea even though IMO the producers helped him with the props. In short I am going to be looking for subtle things he does for that one girl on the dates.

Interesting that two of the ex's are dirty blondes, now we need to find the ex GF from London to compare  giggling

Thanks again for the summary yes ; I have copied it to the No Discussion thread for future reference.

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:21 am

Bobette wrote:
LeapofFaith wrote:@Bobette thank you!!!! quick question do his ex girlfriends all look alike???? does he have a type u think?? brunettes????? tyia Smiley

His GFs are both stunners, as one would expect.  Hair colour for both best described as "dirty blonde". Both have public IG accounts:

Milly (left)

BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 3VgOZuf


BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 EZaFzfp

He claims Nathalie was a fling and says he was only in love with Georgia and his ex in UK so sounds like Milly may have been a fling also.  We should go back through his IG pics as there's probably a pic or two of his UK ex in there IMO.
Bobette wrote:My pleasure @mercieme and thanks for copying over.  Just sneaking this one last pic in before the thread is locked - it looks like this could be Milly here with Matty from his IG account dated July 2014.

BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 IWOWWaB


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Post by Norcalgal Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:25 am

Bobette wrote:.  I'm feeling a little light headed but will press on, for the good of the forum.  It's a heavy weight but I will bear it.

OMG - too funny! You can ALWAYS use as an excuse to fangirl!

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Post by mercieme Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:28 am are correct, that's Milly in your post above; her brother commented on that post.

I can't seem to find the ex GF from London, was her name provided in the NW interview? Also what is Matty's mum's hair color? I am not sure if the sister is a true blonde but I am assuming she is for now.


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 17, 2017 2:32 am

Anyone else think Lisa looks a bit like Nathalie? And of course it's been said before, Laura like Georgia. 

Interesting those two, Lisa and Laura, have been highlighted the most in the promos! Will have to see which one, or both, or none, get pics/vids on the official Bach SM BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 4256136633

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Post by Bobette Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:04 am

Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me - we are due for our "meet Laura" clip any minute now, surely????

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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:06 am

IA, Laura's clip has to be coming soon I'd think. Especially if she is F1....  :detective

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BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Post by Bobette Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:14 am

mercieme are correct, that's Milly in your post above; her brother commented on that post.

I can't seem to find the ex GF from London, was her name provided in the NW interview? Also what is Matty's mum's hair color? I am not sure if the sister is a true blonde but I am assuming she is for now.

UK GF is a mystery - there are a few group shots on Matty's IG but not sure if she is in one of them. She may have asked him to remove them or he might have taken them down if it was a bad breakup. Mum appears to be a natural dark blonde/light brunette. Sister same but lightens it IMO.

BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 YfP8W56

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Post by mercieme Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:21 am

Can you guys bring this over......Matty reading comments from viewers posted, I can't seem to embed FB links.
I wonder if we won't get any more girls profiled with this Matty overload we are getting about the season premier BachelorHybrid - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 2498057887


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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:25 am

Thanks for posting the link @mercieme yes Embedding below

@mercieme apologies if you tried this already but if on a computer (don't think it works on a mobile) you can go to the FB page and scroll to the specific post you want, click on the small upside down gray arrow (either located on the top right hand side or the bottom right hand side) and a box will open up with options such as "save video, embed video, etc". Click on "embed video", copy and paste into your post.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:32 am; edited 2 times in total

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Post by mercieme Mon Jul 17, 2017 3:30 am

Official Release by Ten Network about Matty's Season. Interesting age range & professions.

The Insider Blog
Matty J is ready. 22 of Australia’s most eligible and glamorous Bachelorettes are desperate for that limo door to open. And we can’t wait to see which one will sweep him off his feet.

We swooned, sighed, and cried as Matty J came so agonisingly close to winning his heart’s desire on The Bachelorette. Now, having bravely refused to close the book on true love, he begins a new chapter that will hopefully lead to the woman of his dreams.

22 stunning Bachelorettes are ready and waiting to fit the bill, and you’ll meet them with Matty when The Bachelor makes its highly anticipated return 7.30 Wednesday 26 July on TEN, continuing 7.30 the following night.

Aged between 23 and 34, these remarkable women include a police officer, a body painter, a midwife and a criminal lawyer, meaning Matty will undoubtedly have his work cut out when deciding who to offer those precious roses to.

The competition for his affection will be understandably fierce, so expect more drama, rivalries and romance than ever before.

Host Osher Günsberg is back to ensure all’s fair in love and war, helping steady the Bachelor’s nerves, announce the memorable dates, and dispense a sage word of romantic advice or two.

For Matty J, past heartbreak won’t dull a moment he feels has come at the perfect time. “More than ever I am so excited about the prospect of settling down,” he says. “Timing is such a crucial factor when it comes to making this commitment and I know wholeheartedly, there is nothing I want more.

“I feel so privileged that I have been given the opportunity to be the Bachelor. Without question, the most exciting part is the chance to meet the girl I am going to spend the rest of my life with.”

The Bachelor Australia premieres 7.30 Wednesday 26 July, and continues 7.30 Thursday 27 July on TEN


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