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Post by North Tue Aug 15, 2017 11:57 am

allykat wrote:I don't find this cast very compelling. Probably because I don't love most of Nick's girls and I don't know any of Rachel's guys. Honestly, I see some of them talking to camera and didn't even know they were there.

Derek is maybe the biggest surprise for me. He's super sweet with Taylor and I love that he basically does/parrots everything she says she wants. It's very attractive.

I didn't realize how much Raven is the queen bee of the squad. DeMaurio is right, she is obvi the leader of the group. Interesting.

I don't understand why everyone loves Dean. He's not that attractive to me. I didn't see him at all on Rachel's his personality all that? I don't get it.

Alexis is super annoying and not at all compelling or sympathetic. She's just one dimensional - all obnoxious boldness, no soft moments or vulnerability. I want her off my tv.

Jasmine is pretty compelling tv on Paradise. She brazen and direct, but also vulnerable. She's pretty interesting to watch and I liked that she basically just told that guy she couldn't talk to him when he was wasted.

These producers need to put a stop to costumes. It's just too much and it's totally ridiculous.

I miss Daniel. We need him back.

Can't like this post enough! I'll tune in tonight to see the Corrine & Demario "fallout" and how ABC handles it...BUT, I'll probably abandon ship after the episode. I don't find this group compelling or interesting as a whole...combine that with the stale BIP format and I'm out!  

Totally agree about Nick's Girls...ugh! Just awful.


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Post by Guest Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:06 pm

I think Dani M is too cerebral / introverted for this franchise. She seems lacking in confidence, depressed, unhappy and/or a tad desperate in most of her scenes. She's too beautiful and has too much going on to allow herself to feel 'less than' any of these other girls, yet I kinda get the sense that she does. And I think it's simply because her personality is quieter and she doesn't flaunt her body around to attract the guys. I hope she will get far away from all things bach, and if she is still suffering the loss of her fiance, that she'll find a great counselor to help her work through it.


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Post by notarose Tue Aug 15, 2017 12:47 pm

Late to the party or more accurately giggling early to the wedding.
:yes:  not a compelling epi. What was missing for me was "enjoyment". Most of these people seem to take themselves too seriously and look like awkward Millenial dating stereotypes IMO.  I thought there was a lot of footage of guy chats and girl chats instead of people mingling in coed groups. It's like many don't know how to casually interact and get to know each other. It had a jr high dance feel.
Dean and Kristina - highly produced date.
Raven and Rob - normal type date activity but a clear miss.  Ben seems a little desperate in contrast. Maybe he's just a worrier by nature.
Jasmine and Matt - she brought out a different side of him and he seemed to enjoy that. Would like to see a softer side of her.
Tay and Derek - came across as genuine mutual interest.

I would have preferred the "controversy" be resolved in epi 1 rather than seeping over into the same epi as the wedding. Their family might like to watch, including Evan's boys, so I find the "to be continued" in poor taste.

Last edited by notarose on Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Norcalgal Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:04 pm

Kashathediva wrote:They way I take this season, and I did not watch last night, is almost like a non-stop commercial for them all. It's a way to keep their name and the franchise's name out there for branding etc until the next shoe drops, which would be TB announcements.

I actually thought the entire episode was a nonstop commercial for upcoming ABC shows during commercial breaks. I was doing other things and half watching but don't feel like I missed a thing. I've never cared for Robby but that man is good looking - it's all in his eyes. But he needs a good dose of humble pie - maybe a la "The Help".

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Post by mprssdbyu Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:13 pm

allykat wrote:I don't find this cast very compelling. Probably because I don't love most of Nick's girls and I don't know any of Rachel's guys. Honestly, I see some of them talking to camera and didn't even know they were there.

Derek is maybe the biggest surprise for me. He's super sweet with Taylor and I love that he basically does/parrots everything she says she wants. It's very attractive.

I didn't realize how much Raven is the queen bee of the squad. DeMaurio is right, she is obvi the leader of the group. Interesting.

I don't understand why everyone loves Dean. He's not that attractive to me. I didn't see him at all on Rachel's his personality all that? I don't get it.

Alexis is super annoying and not at all compelling or sympathetic. She's just one dimensional - all obnoxious boldness, no soft moments or vulnerability. I want her off my tv.

Jasmine is pretty compelling tv on Paradise. She brazen and direct, but also vulnerable. She's pretty interesting to watch and I liked that she basically just told that guy she couldn't talk to him when he was wasted.

These producers need to put a stop to costumes. It's just too much and it's totally ridiculous.

I miss Daniel. We need him back.

I can answer that! giggling If I had not followed his social media, I would have been eh after last night. I'm not sure the cameras do him justice. That with the fact, there is nothing to do in BIP but sweat basically! In a picture, his smile lights up my entire screen. It's his smile for me. His social media also lets you see inside Dean. I think he's a good kid who is growing and maturing before our eyes. I hope he comes out the other side with the emotional maturity to match his smile. If not, I'll just look at his gorgeous pics and feel better on a bad day!

ETA: I think Daniel will be on this season! Hang on.

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Post by Amethyst Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:15 pm

I thought it was really funny how Nick's women were hanging out with their squad, and Rachel's men were going all bro, and the two groups were looking at each other like, WTF? Yeah, that's you. Only the opposite sex. I was starting to wonder if they would ever mingle! laugh out loud

Dean to me is your basic mid-20s guy. Basic decent guy, not overly verbal. I think it takes a while for him to open up. But *very* easy on the eyes, if the blond hair/blue eyes look is your thing. He definitely appeals to me! I think there *was* chemistry between him and Kristina. When they were sitting on the sofa chatting, neither one could stop grooming behaviors (hair stroking/flipping) that signal attraction.

Allykat, I hear you on Alexis. I am annoyed when she calls her friends, "b----es." I know she's trying to be cool/funny, but I don't like it. She would be more interesting to me if she developed her softer side.

I'm not a Jasmine fan, but I respect how she said that Nick was too drunk to hold a conversation, but left the door open for the next day. I like how she kept an open mind. Haven't most of us been too drunk at one time or another? And Nick's a quiet drunk, it's not like he's going to go all Chad on anyone. I thought she had a nice date with Matt and was very kind to him. He may not totally be her type, but she knows how to go with the flow and enjoy the moment. Hmm, maybe I'm developing into a fan.

Raven's comment about Robby having 12 abs was really funny. I don't mind some mild snark. She has a point that a guy that is that level of cut probably spends way too much time working out.

I seriously don't get what is going on with Dani. Yeah, she's the calm, cool, collected Grace Kelly type of cool blonde. Aren't there men that are drawn to that? I would have thought that the quieter guys like Matt and Nick might have been drawn to her, but instead they seem to be attracted to more life of the party types. I seriously don't get it. There are some great women on this franchise that seem to get consistently overlooked.

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Post by Nativenewyorker Tue Aug 15, 2017 1:33 pm

mprssdbyu wrote:
allykat wrote:I don't find this cast very compelling. Probably because I don't love most of Nick's girls and I don't know any of Rachel's guys. Honestly, I see some of them talking to camera and didn't even know they were there.

Derek is maybe the biggest surprise for me. He's super sweet with Taylor and I love that he basically does/parrots everything she says she wants. It's very attractive.

I didn't realize how much Raven is the queen bee of the squad. DeMaurio is right, she is obvi the leader of the group. Interesting.

I don't understand why everyone loves Dean. He's not that attractive to me. I didn't see him at all on Rachel's his personality all that? I don't get it.

Alexis is super annoying and not at all compelling or sympathetic. She's just one dimensional - all obnoxious boldness, no soft moments or vulnerability. I want her off my tv.

Jasmine is pretty compelling tv on Paradise. She brazen and direct, but also vulnerable. She's pretty interesting to watch and I liked that she basically just told that guy she couldn't talk to him when he was wasted.

These producers need to put a stop to costumes. It's just too much and it's totally ridiculous.

I miss Daniel. We need him back.

I can answer that! giggling If I had not followed his social media, I would have been eh after last night. I'm not sure the cameras do him justice. That with the fact, there is nothing to do in BIP but sweat basically! In a picture, his smile lights up my entire screen. It's his smile for me. His social media also lets you see inside Dean. I think he's a good kid who is growing and maturing before our eyes. I hope he comes out the other side with the emotional maturity to match his smile. If not, I'll just look at his gorgeous pics and feel better on a bad day!

ETA: I think Daniel will be on this season! Hang on.

I agree with you about Dean. He's quite the pretty boy and initially on Rachel's season I wasn't sure if I liked him. But he is really good looking. I love his smile and those blue eyes. The thing that really got me was his HTD with Rachel and his back story. It's obvious that losing his mother at such a young age affected him a lot. The drama with his father and how his family was torn apart by his mother's death, was compelling. I have to believe that there are some emotional scars over what he's gone through. He and Kristina had difficult childhoods and that seemed to form a bond. I do think he's basically a good kid who is growing up before our eyes. I am rooting for him to get there. It would be nice if he developed into a mature young man with good qualities to go along with the looks. However, I am not looking forward to what is to come with him and Kristina. She seems very sweet and somehow vulnerable.

Taylor and Derek seemed good together. Amanda needs to just find someone in real life. I don't know why she keeps coming back. I didn't see the need for her to make the gesture of returning the ring to CH. It was never going to work out with her and Josh. Jasmine is not my cup of tea, but as long as she doesn't try to choke anyone, I am good. Matt was a great sport on that date. Good for him!

Robby is just too much! Too high maintenance, too much Ken Doll and the hair! For me it's just not all that.

I also don't get what is going on with Dani. She is quiet, but I would think some of the guys might be interested. Not everyone has to be in your face. She's got some things going for her.

The less said about Corinne the better, as far as I am concerned! I don't have polite words for what I think about her. DeMario is a jerk. I don't think he's honest at all. I am glad that they won't be on my screen for long. Not worth it at all.

This is something I can watch without investing too much. I can go and do other things and not miss much. It's lightweight and something to watch if there's nothing else on.  We will see if it gets more interesting.

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Post by MiaHawk Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:02 pm

Oh, how my Spumoni has melted! sad He needs to stop with the comb-over and embrace the receding hairline. At this point, he is like a cartoon character "Mr Try-too-hard". The hair, the crazy clothes, the bathing suits and speedos. It is too much. It is not attractive to women. He may want to be lighthearted, and he may be able to laugh at himself (both good qualities), but HE is becoming the joke. The others are laughing AT him, not with him. Like we saw with Raven, the others aren't being kind in their commentary. At some level that has to sting. Hopefully he will take the feedback and dial it back and get a haircut! hmmm

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Post by Maddy Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:42 pm

Chris Harrison‏@chrisbharrison
Don't forget tonight #BachelorInParadise is back. You've seen the shutdown now see all that happened as we started back up again

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Post by notarose Tue Aug 15, 2017 2:49 pm

Dean and Kristina
I haven't watched Rachel's season so my impression is not based on much. I am aware of Dean's IG post before his HTD aired and I thought that showed character beyond "pretty boy". I do find him boyishly charming but he may be one of those guys who women flock to and so he doesn't need to put much effort into the dating scene so he kinda goes with flow most of the time.
I felt that he wanted to move the common experience of both he and Kristina having a difficult childhood into a more substantial convo but she wasn't interested in doing that so he backed off. I think Dean is trying to confront his childhood and find resolution of sorts while Kristina's approach to her past is completely different. JMO

:yes:  I don't get why none of the guys approach Dani M or even talk about her.

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:09 pm

I think if Dean isn't careful he'll end up like another JamesT with too much too soon.

He seems like a young mid twenty something guy which IMO may seem a bit messed up. I'm not sure this franchise is helping. I've seen a few times now that he claims he made a fool out of himself, and that viewers won't be happy.

I went to his twitter to see what he's up too, he had posted several polls asking what to wear for the MTA. I hope he isn't one of those guys that want everyone to love him.


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Post by Duke702 Tue Aug 15, 2017 3:20 pm

I am still not a fan of Taylor, don't really see why Derek is so into her. It's a surprise to me. She still puts on that she is better/smarter than everyone. It was a little cringey that Danielle M. kept going gaga over Dean so much. I guess they had interaction that they didn't show, making her think he was into her. Dean seemed to give Kristina a bare minimum of interest, saying she is so sweet and they have the family history in common. But I can kind of see how he loses interest when something "better" comes along. I also feel kind of bad for Ben Z., that he was into Raven, but she ends up ditching him for someone else later.


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