Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Guest Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:37 pm

sfrank wrote:
sdmom wrote:Let the shilling began!

People Feel Betrayed By Peter Kraus’ Latest Instagram

So Peter changed HOME GIRL by COWORKER...

link above wrote:Edit: Peter has since updated the caption on the Instagram photo to identify the woman in the photo as his "coworker" instead of his "home girl."


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by stuckinsc Wed Jul 26, 2017 10:42 pm

Peter should shill whatever he wants, but dude grow the heck up. If you want to play on SM, get a backbone. I expect him to start an anti-cyber bullying campaign, while he SM shades on others. It wasn't a good look on Kaitlyn and it isn't looking good on Peter either.

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Kashathediva Wed Jul 26, 2017 11:37 pm

They all do it with this show. Especially those who don't have much education trying to work their business. JMO. Nothing wrong with it. Certainly no one will be harmed from what he is shilling.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by seaview Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:05 am

I am so impressed with the exceptional sleuthing that you all share on this board.  I'm just wondering if the bed in the picture of Rachel on it in her onesie star outfit and the bed that Peter is in with his dog on instagram could be a match??? brown sheets and headboard
Sorry if I'm behind the times with this discussion.  page 4 Peter and "Daisy"


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Kashathediva Thu Jul 27, 2017 12:20 am

Too difficult to tell. Rachel's sheet's look more of a deeper brown or chocolate. However, in context her entire montage of photos match up very well with the photos provided with the trulla/Zillow of the SHV photos provided on this site vs that photo of Peter.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Guest Thu Jul 27, 2017 1:07 am

APOLOGIZES for the length here .... (if you have the courage to read it all: thank you! you gained a full jar of cookies! laugh out loud)

I think Peter was stuck in this bubble. My personal scenario is that he was chocked that the lead liked him from the start (remember his chocked face when he received the first rose at ep1?). He was PLEASANTLY SURPRISED he had a good time during his first 1-1. But I think he mentioned that nothing happened really between his first 1-1 and the second 1-1 (he had things to discuss and BASIC GROUND TO DISCUSS). IMO

So IMO, he was drop in the boat of top 4 without really choosing it. He had no choice but accept the GD and QT and SG, but IMO, he was not really expecting to be front and center. Do not get me wrong: he WANTED to be in order to promote his Jtoor suits... but he did not want to be liked by the lead. So he was in a situation where he had to fake his interest, to push his feelings he did not have, to be in the top 4 shoes that he did not really want. IMO

Along the way, he made friend with Dean. Dean who was top 4. Dean who was the BROTHER HE THOUGHT HE DID NOT WANT. Dean who shared his room and his clothes...... Dean and Peter who probably shared also outside the cameras what happened with Rachel. Dean who was falling for Rachel, understood that he was nothing special when Peter told him she was saying the same things..... (heck Dean's pouty face right after SC in denmark and switzerland). IMO

So Peter, IMO, was never interested in Rachel but he wanted to stay for exposure....... so he did what many did before him, he played her. He did not say or do anything too much but nothing too little for her to think he was not interested. He said the right lines (without eyes contact, without physical reinforcement). HE. PLAYED.HER. IMO

I still believe that on site, prods wanted Eric for next bachelor. The choice of dates is for me something I am questioning such the "WISH CHURCH". I do believe that the crew on site fed Eric about this MIRACLESEASON thing. Lets remember how he was struggling during the first 4 episodes... IMO

So Peter, IMO, never wanted to be F1 or F2. However, it is a male ego to remain top 3 and see a guy he did not like being so favored from day 1 by Rachel (first impression rose, kisses, ellen show cockiness). We do not see that but I bet all the guys in the mansion saw how she reacted around Bryan during the group dates and roses ceremonies. This is something that anyone attracted cannot help. The body language is there and of course the person tend to speak or be around this person most than any other guys. IMO

Peter noticed. Dean noticed. Eric noticed. All the guys noticed. But they all signed up a contract and they had a role to play in front of cameras.... IMO

So I believe it was a big ego for Peter to play the prince charming... and he started early on to be liked. again not especially to be liked by RAchel. .... Peter has an image issue. He was a model for 4 years (CMIIAW). He knows cameras. Trust me on that or he would never have been a successful model. So at all times, Peter was very aware of them around him. So he never say or do anything over the top.  IMO

* gave the sandwich that nobody saw but me thinking he was hoping that cameras would catch it somehow (mabe they did but did not care)
* go speak to the 3 little girls at spelling bee for what? to look good again on camera
* sitting on the kitchen floor playing with a 3 years old kid while all the family was STANDING in circle around him... SO SO NATURAL eh?
* saying I am falling in love right before meeting her parents so she could say that he was serious but not be judged when he explained he had zero intention to propose her. IMO

everything was calculated carefully so he looks good on camera.

I have this nagging feeling that the crew wanted him F3 or F4 and Eric F2 but along the way, they changed their mind. Prods played the racism card big time with Lee. We know that. I believe their initial plans were to have a white guy and a black guy standing at the altar. But RAchel did not have it. She fell for Bryan quick and hard. So they were left with Peter who was hire for a purpose (they ALL have a card on their head when their cast each contestant: villain, player, drama, joker, sweet, lover, etc

But along the way, names changed. I do not deny Rachel played a big factor on that and was very infatuated with Peter from the start. She made this fairytale in her head with him (I HAVE MY WI LICENSE while he immediately talked about moving and LA... so it was obvious they were NOT in sync from the start and she was making up a story with Peter with a Peter that did not want it at all... heck his awkwardness, heck his stuttering, heck his silences, heck his stiff body language. IMO

So when he went to meet her parents, he did not change his mind. He was still not interested to Rachel at all. She chasing him for kisses and him picking the worse moment to tell a woman that he is falling in love said it all. There are so many excuses you can make for someone at this stage.

I mentioned it but I have been around models for a while. I know them well. I know this field well. Models need to know their body, know how to move in front of cameras so the camera love them. Models are asked all awkward and stupid things....... including crying in front of cameras.................................. #FACT

BUT I will give him the benefice of the doubt that he may have liked Rachel enough for him to be upset... That I will concede. I also do not put aside that the crew are VERY GOOD at motivation and incitation and pushing the contestants........... However all his IG promotions he did and almost on a daily basis is off putting for me. It is promo upon promo upon promo. Yes he does what he likes with his personal IG but each time I see a new promo I am associating his attitude with how he acted on the show: was he promoting at all time like that and played a character all along?

is Peter evil? no.

Is Peter human? yes.

Should have Peter leave before F4 or before? logically I would say as soon as he did not feel it... but he went with an agenda and that was to promote his fitness and Jtoor partnership. His IG confirms that every day since november 2016 when I believe he was confirmed by the show.

I think Peter is no better or no worse than any contestant. Of course I find him full of it and stiff and a player but he is nothing special above or beyond I have ever already seen in this show. I said it before, what irks me the most is the level of adoration for a guy that does not deserve any of it. And this is why I am still talking about him because honestly, I cannot wait for the finale to forget about him (praying that he will NOT be the next BORING bachelor).

Note that I expressed here just my opinion. and I am fully aware that it is  deadhorse but it feels good to share it anway!   Hugesmile

GEEEZZZZZ sorry for the book here.. I got carry it out with the Peter subject... please carry on  :shocked!:


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by AllAboutLove Thu Jul 27, 2017 2:29 am

I am totally fine with Peter shilling. I just find it hilarious because imo it further proves he's no different or more genuine or more "real" than any other contestant and yet I'm sure his crazed SM fans will praise him for shilling and hate on others for the same thing Rolling Eyes no no


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Mella13 Thu Jul 27, 2017 3:41 am

HEA wrote:APOLOGIZES for the length here .... (if you have the courage to read it all: thank you! you gained a full jar of cookies! laugh out loud)

* gave the sandwich that nobody saw but me thinking he was hoping that cameras would catch it somehow (mabe they did but did not care)
* go speak to the 3 little girls at spelling bee for what? to look good again on camera
* sitting on the kitchen floor playing with a 3 years old kid while all the family was STANDING in circle around him... SO SO NATURAL eh?
* saying I am falling in love right before meeting her parents so she could say that he was serious but not be judged when he explained he had zero intention to propose her. IMO

everything was calculated carefully so he looks good on camera.

is Peter evil? no.

Is Peter human? yes.

Should have Peter leave before F4 or before? logically I would say as soon as he did not feel it... but he went with an agenda and that was to promote his fitness and Jtoor partnership. His IG confirms that every day since november 2016 when I believe he was confirmed by the show.

I think Peter is no better or no worse than any contestant. Of course I find him full of it and stiff and a player but he is nothing special above or beyond I have ever already seen in this show. I said it before, what irks me the most is the level of adoration for a guy that does not deserve any of it. And this is why I am still talking about him because honestly, I cannot wait for the finale to forget about him (praying that he will NOT be the next BORING bachelor).

Note that I expressed here just my opinion. and I am fully aware that it is  deadhorse but it feels good to share it anway!   Hugesmile

GEEEZZZZZ sorry for the book here.. I got carry it out with the Peter subject... please carry on  :shocked!:

I agree that he never was into Rachel and he had to repel it more quickly, but claim that he everything was calculated carefully so he looks good on camera, is a very loud statement because if his motives were with the calculation, it makes him a very bad person.

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Keepit100 Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:37 am

Yes, Peter is not perfect. And I'm sure he came on the show for multiple reasons, exposure, grow his business, etc as majority of contestants do. For all he knew he could be sent home night one, but it would be an experience. He wouldn't be able to foresee that they would connect as they did.
I can see why some think he is stiff and awkward and associate this as disinterest in Rachel.
However, I believe it is just simply his personality.
My husband has a VERY similar personality in how he interacts and shows emotion. He's just more introspective and reserved, which does not mean he is faking it or disinterested (I hope, or I've been living a lie for 15 years !!)
Peter gets in his own head. He knows this about himself and has shared that with Rachel several times.
I trust the words of people who actually know him to define who he is, such as his friends and family. His sister-in-law told Rachel, "what you see is what you get" and "he where's his heart on his sleeve". I can see this about him. You can see his jealousy of Bryan on his face and in his words.
Why would Peter introduce Rachel to his friends? Because he needed their perspective since he's struggling with his making sense of his feelings for Rachel.
Why didn't Bryan introduce Rachel to his friends??? Not sure. He doesn't have any?? (JK, snark). He's been all in since day one and not in his head trying to make sense of his feelings.
IMO, Peter has been honest with her and what he is feeling and where he is at. Some of that may be producer driven pressure to say certain things and the emotions he is feeling in the bubble, but I don't see it as all an act.
To believe he is acting, faking every move, and calculating every interaction would truly be exhausting for someone to maintain for someone as described by his sister-in-law.

To the point about them not being on the same page about where to live (Wi? LA?), Rachel also said she wants to move to LA. It was on her list of FSD questions.

It is clear he adores his niece and nephew and from that I can assume he is just great with kids and enjoys interacting with them. Simple as that and not a calculated move.

All JMO.


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Jul 27, 2017 4:47 am

Keepit100 wrote:
Why didn't Bryan introduce Rachel to his friends??? Not sure. He doesn't have any??  (JK, snark).

To the point about them not being on the same page about where to live (Wi? LA?), Rachel also said she wants to move to LA.  It was on her list of FSD questions.

Maybe Bryan's friends didn't want to be on the show. Can't blame them if they didn't, opening yourself to the SM and show scrutiny isn't always smart. Imo

When did Rachel say she wants to move to LA? I read it here a lot, but have missed when/where she said it.

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Keepit100 Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:12 am

Here is the article I summarized in a previous thread, mentioning LA


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Cocoasneeze Thu Jul 27, 2017 5:34 am

Keepit100 wrote:

Here is the article I summarized in a previous thread, mentioning LA

OK, that's not Rachel saying it, it's lifeandstylemag saying it. I don't think that's in any way a reliable source, they've made up bs stories before. Jmo

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