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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 77 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Chgohighlife Sat Sep 09, 2017 9:22 pm

Rolly wrote:
Cocoasneeze wrote:I think Peter tried to play hard ball about other things than engagement, too. I don't think it was about the engagement alone, but him not being easy to work with, wanting to have his way. TPBP don't want leads like that, and I can't blame them. Jmo

I know you say JMO but is this based on anything specific that you know or just assuming? He didn't want to propose during the season and they wanted him to. But I didn't hear anything regarding negotiations that indicated he was


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Post by Kels0012 Sat Sep 09, 2017 10:54 pm

While this is a revolving door I want to close, it is hard. I am an admitted (now reformed, but still neutral on the subject), Jef fan. And I love Nick. Chase is a fave too. Yeah, now they're fame hoes so does that mean my love of Peter puts me in the "bad pecker picker" stich? I do wonder laugh out loud

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:01 pm

Whether it's in a contract or not that you have to promise to propose, MF does not want someone who he thinks won't propose. Here is an example of all the recent clues, never mind the older clues,  that told me, Peter was not going to be TB. I tend to believe a combination of the articles posted by @sdmom, some of them might have been leaked by TPTB themselves IMHO. MF was calming the fans IMO, trying to get them to think outside the Peter box. The Tweet replies proved to me it worked, as many other choices were posted.


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Post by Kashathediva Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:29 pm

Cocoasneeze wrote:I think Peter tried to play hard ball about other things than engagement, too. I don't think it was about the engagement alone, but him not being easy to work with, wanting to have his way. TPBP don't want leads like that, and I can't blame them. Jmo

I agree.
I think there were a few variables involved besides the engagement issue. That was an issue, I do believe that, but overall after the entire season I plain ole believe MF and perhaps production plain ole don't like Peter. They don't like his pussy footing indecisiveness and games. IMO If someone is going to play games and push and pull and be manipulative it's going to be them. Not a cast person. Even if the cast person is unaware they are actually playing games, TPTB aint buying it. And Peter maybe used to being in control in his life, but once you sign a contract with MF you sign that life away. They basically say that in the contract. They don't need Peter. Peter didn't get it, until he finally heard the announcement that they don't need him. Peter may be Peter the Great to everyone else in Peter's world, but he is Petiocre in MF's. IMO
MF didn't need to find his Peter.

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Post by summerdayze Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:33 pm

Cocoasneeze wrote:I think Peter tried to play hard ball about other things than engagement, too. I don't think it was about the engagement alone, but him not being easy to work with, wanting to have his way. TPBP don't want leads like that, and I can't blame them. Jmo

I also recall reading somewhere that production referred to him as a "basket-case"? 
Now that may have been an unfair assessment/label to put on the guy, but it does make you wonder potentially how difficult he may have been on Rachel's season. I do think he is stubborn and with his fanatics / hardcore fangirls behind him, it wouldn't be hard for him to get an elevated sense of worth - so him playing hard ball / push-and-pull with production would not surprise me at all. JMO.


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Post by Chgohighlife Sat Sep 09, 2017 11:48 pm

Kels0012 wrote:Honest ? Did ratings tank after Brad 1.0 and JP's seasons? Several articles have said Peter WASN'T scared about the process or proposing. It seems more complicated than that. Frankly, I think TPTB doe not give a crap about a proposal. They want ratings and TV. Not doing so adds to publicity etc. Yes, it's mainly negative but no way the proposal aspect was the deciding factor, especially when TPTB know it is just for show and frankly BS. I'd take a heart-felt "I love you, let's see where it goes" vs. a crappy engagement which is done just to satisfy an audience and producers. IMO.
Nope. Let's NOT see where it goes. It's a multi-million dollar production about a man who looks for love, finds her and proposes to her. That's the show premise, its formula. This nobody from Wisconsin has a cult following who think he's a special snowflake but, he's not so TPTB took him on a quick trip to Reality Check, IMO.  Everyone who disagrees with him gets blocked we know from dozens of former posters. We know this because they come to Rachel's or Bryan's I/G, all apologetic and looking for redemption all the time. 

Peter is over, IMO. TPTB are toying with him because he's a good victim, IMO. The number of "fans" who are still worshipping him is not increasing notably and hasn't been for a while based on I/G followers. IMO, After Arie reminds everyone how real men are brave risk-takers with a zest for life who go after what they want instead of crying into a sweater or, sobbing into a rear view mirror a few light bulbs will go off. 

It made me almost ill to see the thousands of pathetic women who were fiercely angry with Rachel for doing what only made sense and served her best interest and her heart, IMO. They actually thought this amazing woman should sacrifice herself on the altar of Peter's dysfunction and follow him back to nowhere to be invisible in a social circle that could only take her to an empty club. Then what? serve his ego for years even after his own mother told her he wasn't ready to marry? I am disgusted to find we are still plagued by the kind of insecurity and low self esteem that produces young women who would say the things to Rachel and Bryan that they so clearly did. I thought we were so much further along than we are. Looks like for so many we are back in the fifties, in terms of gender equality. For women in their 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's - it must feel like Groundhog's Day. Trailblazers, forgive us. All JMO

Last edited by Chgohighlife on Sun Sep 10, 2017 11:01 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : dysfunction)


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 77 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Kels0012 Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:11 am

Chgohighlife wrote:
zoe06 wrote:
Rolly wrote:
 I agree with this and it is the impression I have with Peter.  He can care for and have love for Rachel but that doesn't mean he's still in love with her and hasn't moved on. I didn't get from his IG that he hasn't moved on regarding Rachel.

IMO i disagree, his choice of words, and that it almost brought him to tears and the so much to say but he would spare all of us, is why IMO it's not mutually exclusive. He could have said as most people do there is a part of me that will always love you/ have feelings for you, but to say HEART FILLED WITH LOVE, NOW AND ALWAYS, makes seem like he's not over her, but then again his best friends, who even Peter said knows him best, and has seen him everyday since, is saying that the fact that he has any feelings for Rachel is complete BS.  SO which is the truth? I was really giving him the benefit of the doubt but now I'm wondering was this a manioulative move? This isn't one of the roseboys calling him having feelings for her BS this is one of his best friends who has known him for years.

IMO, The friend's statement is more likely macho damage control. I'm surprised there wasn't more of it. What Peter said was likely true but pretty embarrassing for men who know him, IMO. If he were my friend, I'd either say he was lying or, drunk because he comes across like a cream puff pathetic coward who was unwisely raw to the SM world and I'm not sure his fan club won't ultimately take a hit as a result. Wounded and whiny is not sexy for all. JMO

BURN! Obviously we have different persepctives and that is fine. I thought the post was great, well thought out and also a great tribute to his journey over the last many months. It ended because Arie was announced as the Bach. I'm sure IMO, there was tug of war between Peter and TPTB. Not sure who was more difficult...That said, I believe his friends have every right to express how they feel based on the person they know. To me, it shows Peter was genuine in his journey and his hopes/desires beyond. Defense from friends, to me, showcases image protection, which, since he's done NOTHING poorly, means highlighting his persona as seen on TV (some will see it as a commitment phobe, manipulator, etc.). I see it as sticking true to values, a traditional and emotional person and someone that mentally thinks through every situation no matter how long it takes. JMO.

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Post by quietpal Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:19 am

I can believe that maybe at one point in time Peter was TPTB first choice to be TB. Maybe. I can also believe they pulled the rug from under him. What I don't believe is that he was there only choice and they were scrambling at the last minute to find somebody to replace good ol' Peter. I don't believe the current Bach was a last-minute choice. I remember reading comments and some wondering who else they would choose if it wasn't Peter as if there were no other options and he was the bestest choice. I had to chuckle at this a little bit. This show has been going on for 20+ seasons (for TB at least) and is successful. TP are smart enough to know to have many options in case one says no or doesn't work out. This is JMO.


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Post by Maggenzm Sun Sep 10, 2017 1:57 am

Chgohighlife wrote:
Kels0012 wrote:Honest ? Did ratings tank after Brad 1.0 and JP's seasons? Several articles have said Peter WASN'T scared about the process or proposing. It seems more complicated than that. Frankly, I think TPTB doe not give a crap about a proposal. They want ratings and TV. Not doing so adds to publicity etc. Yes, it's mainly negative but no way the proposal aspect was the deciding factor, especially when TPTB know it is just for show and frankly BS. I'd take a heart-felt "I love you, let's see where it goes" vs. a crappy engagement which is done just to satisfy an audience and producers. IMO.
Nope. Let's NOT see where it goes. It's a multi-million dollar production about a man who looks for love, finds her and proposes to her. That's the show premise, its formula. This nobody from Wisconsin has a cult following who think he's a special snowflake but, he's not so TPTB took him on a quick trip to Reality Check, IMO.  Everyone who disagrees with him gets blocked we know from dozens of former posters. We know this because they come to Rachel's or Bryan's I/G, all apologetic and looking for redemption all the time. 

Peter is over, IMO. TPTB are toying with him because he's a good victim, IMO. The number of "fans" who are still worshipping him is not increasing notably and hasn't been for a while based on I/G followers. IMO, After Arie reminds everyone how real men are brave risk-takers with a zest for life who go after what they want instead of crying into a sweater or, sobbing into a rear view mirror a few light bulbs will go off. 

It made me almost ill to see the thousands of pathetic women who were fiercely angry with Rachel for doing what only made sense and served her best interest and her heart, IMO. They actually thought this amazing woman should sacrifice herself on the altar of Peter's disfunction and follow him back to nowhere to be invisible in a social circle that could only take her to an empty club. Then what? serve his ego for years even after his own mother told her he wasn't ready to marry? I am disgusted to find we are still plagued by the kind of insecurity and low self esteem that produces young women who would say the things to Rachel and Bryan that they so clearly did. I thought we were so much further along than we are. Looks like for so many we are back in the fifties, in terms of gender equality. For women in their 50's, 60's, 70's and 80's - it must feel like Groundhog's Day. Trailblazers, forgive us. All JMO

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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 77 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by makeover Sun Sep 10, 2017 2:02 am

I can believe Peter was their first choice even before the season ended. He was in L.A. the week before Men Tell All and my guess is he was there for talks. But I also think he can't help but do his arrogant push/pull game with TPTB thinking he was their only choice (just like how he overestimated himself on the Bachelorette season). From then onwards, TPTB started dropping hints to sway people away from Peter (like that interview Evan/Carly gave & the various articles that came out). Then a few weeks back, he was in L.A. for talks again and he perhaps thought he had it in the bag then IMO. And RS' source may be someone from Peter's camp because he was so confident it could only be Peter until the night before. Then TPTB pulled a last minute switcheroo on Peter, surprising both Peter and his camp.

IMO, Peter may try to campaign to be Bachelor again in a future season. But the next time round, he would have learnt the lesson not to play hardball with TPTB. It's actually a win-win for TPTB because they would have the upperhand in the negotiations the next time they consider him. All JMO.


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 77 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by Guest Sun Sep 10, 2017 3:36 am

the friend of peters suggesting that peter turned them down


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RightReasons - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9 - Page 77 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #9

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Sep 10, 2017 10:16 am

teamkristina wrote:the friend of peters suggesting that peter turned them down

What exactly do you mean? Did he post this somewhere, was it quoted in media? Please provide more information to back up your post. TY


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