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Post by Cocoasneeze Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:18 am

There goes Peter and his Oscar worthy performance.

You know what annoys me about that clip a lot. Peter signed on this show willingly to date a woman who'd be dating other men too. He knows fully well, that Rachel isn't allowed to answer questions like that. Yet he's acting entitled to this special treatment. 'Why not?' You know why not, Peter.
He's imo again acting like he's the lead, and Rachel has to accommodate him.


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Post by Diana Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:38 am

Ugh They are truly making it seem like she wanted Peter but I'm not buying it. Yeah she was torn but it was always going to be Bryan.

And Peter, I have a list of what is wrong with you if you want to have lunch sometime thebachelorettefinale - Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 37 3806527698 jk


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Post by makeover Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:40 am

Dessler wrote:
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Ewwww. Sorry. That was my first reaction when I watch Peter in that video.  thebachelorettefinale - Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - Episode 10 FRC - Aug 7 - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 37 4103285151  When Rachel asked if he is ready to build a r/s with her, he said "no". Then when she said if you are not ready, it's okay, don't do it, this guy flip-flopped and say but she's the correct person and that they are not breaking up. He doesn't know what he wants AT ALL! IMO, he's just protecting himself so his ego will not be hurt in the end if she doesn't choose him. Fair enough, but don't act like you love her then, because that's not love. Love is selfless.

I can't believe Rachel wasted her tears on this guy. I dislike flip-floppers in real life too. It's not an attractive quality to have for any person. I like people who knows what they want. Life is too short to deal with flip-floppers when you reach a certain age, IMO.

Imagine him as the Bachelor. Super unstable and flip-flopping everywhere. TPTB is gonna have a field day with him.

Last edited by makeover on Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:50 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Nillay Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:43 am

If Peter picked Rachel, no wait if Rachel picked Peter their relationship would be tough. In the clip Peter is asking her for reassurance and clarity. He wants to know if he is the one for her and there is nothing wrong with that. But Peter asks for reassurance and validation A LOT. I mean you can see that by his SM activity, he is constantly liking comments not only on his page, but on Rachel's and Abc's pages as well.

On the other hand imo Rachel looks like someone who needs a lot of reassurance too and IMO Bryan gives her that. If Peter and Rachel were together i could see them having arguments like this often and Imo nobody wants a relationship this emotionally challenging/ exhausting. IMO Peter seems like a guy that *can* be emotionally manipulative just by the way he's talking to her. Now I'm beginning to see what Rachel meant with "why can't a relationship be easy". Her relationship with Peter is a definite challenge and she ran away from that.

Imo Peter wants to date Rachel and all but I don't see him marrying her. IMO Peter doesn't see himself marrying a black Woman hence his reluctance to propose. Peter and Rachel balance each other out but Bryan and Rachel balance each other out that much more and in a more positive way 


Last edited by Nillay on Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:02 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by Cocoasneeze Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:55 am

I have no doubt she was attracted to Peter, and it might have been him, had they been compatible in any way. It takes two people to make a relationship, these two weren't it. Rachel was allowed to see it through with every guy there, and it doesn't matter how long it took for her to figure it out. In the end, she and Peter were not a match at all. I don't know what kind of woman is Peter's type, but Rachel Imo wants to be OTT adored physically. Imo Peter doesn't, or at least doesn't for Rachel. There's already a HUGE red flag for this relationship. Rachel was used to the push and pull, chasing the guy, but Imo she doesn't and didn't like it. If it took until the last date to figure this out, it's fine. That was her right.

None of this takes away from her relationship with Bryan, IMO. They were building something strong and mutual, and that's why she chose Bryan, not Peter. Not because it didn't work out with Peter, but because of Bryan and who he is. She gave him the first impression rose, she was attracted to him from the start, and it grew from there. Imo these edits always do disservice to the F1 and lead, but even with the edits, the clear connection between Bryan and Rachel was evident. Jmo

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Post by FashionLover Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:10 am

Look, I love rachel and wish her all the best with Bryan but come on!! We're gonna act like this was all peter's fault and editing out to make rachel/bryan look bad? How many leads have broken up with their F2 before the FRC and there was never doubt about their F1 choice always being the one? IMO rachel should have been straight forward with peter and just said that her heart was else where if that was the case instead of STILL trying to drive home a point about a proposal. If she wasn't going to accept it, she shouldn't make it the reason why they're breaking up. Her reasoning is what is gonna create doubt whether Bryan was always the one, not editing IMO.

In this case, I don't see the problem with peter asking if she thinks he's the one, cause Rachel is pushing for the same thing and making him feel guilty for something even she can't articulate.

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Post by lleyki Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:10 am

Okay, staying away from all the madness today until tonight where this will blessedly be over. I will just say this. Watching this clip, I understand even more why Rachel in her blog said Peter gave just enough to stay around and then pulled away. As others said, I understand the fear of putting yourself out there, only to get rejected.

But the fact is, this is the show Peter signed up for. And interestingly, this is what Vanessa was criticized so much for by viewers and called entitled so much because she wanted that same surety and validation from Nick that he couldn't give while the season was still happening. The difference is Vanessa showed Nick how much she loved him and never wavered on wanting him. She just wanted an indication that he was just as committed to her.

Peter hasn't even done that. It's all been this push and pull, give a little, then stand back while she has to chase him and yet she has to tell him he's the most special man and make it clear it's him and only him.

While I've always said and still believe that Rachel's giving Bryan the watch is a cop out to excuse Peter's behavior since he was already being hot and cold for most of the season, I am almost starting to wonder if it didn't cause him to almost in a way want to punish Rachel in that he got even more say one thing but say another thing, so he's all confusing and messing with her head and then basically demanding she give him complete validation that he is well aware she cannot give at that point in the season.

I am surprised they are putting this stuff out there before the episode because I can see Pachel shippers thinking that it is too obvious if she really does break up with him. Also, I find it interesting that Rachel said word for word in that clip, what she posted on Twitter last week, that she wants a man who wants what she wants and wants it with her. And by the way, that clip was spliced. I don't think Peter's "what is wrong with me" was during that same moment in the conversation.

IMO rachel should have been straight forward with peter and just said that her heart was else where if that was the case instead of STILL trying to drive home a point about a proposal. If she wasn't going to accept it, she shouldn't make it the reason why they're breaking up. Her reasoning is what is gonna create doubt whether Bryan was always the one, not editing IMO.

Except this didn't even sound like it was about an engagement anymore. Peter's saying he wants to build a relationship with Rachel when it's the correct time and essentially says he doesn't think that time was now. The whole thing is heavily coded since I'm assuming this conversation probably stems from stuff said during their FSD. IMO, at this point I think Rachel was just trying to see signs and indication of them being together period - engagement or not and being able to work and she realized it wasn't going to happen.

As for doubt about Bryan being the one, I've said it, I will keep saying it, people will always think what they want. It is what it is. Because frankly, all I got from that clip is that this woman is so clearly miserable and unhappy in this situation with this guy and that is not love, which is essentially what she said in her ABC News interview.

Yes, all relationships have struggles but those two are borderline exhausting. I don't find anything romantic in this stuff between Rachel and Peter. And sure one can argue that outside the bubble of the show, away from the unnatural nature of dating multiple people, they could work but I don't think they would because as I've noted since the start of this season, I have never seen a mutual connection between these two.

As I've said, the issue here is not Peter not believing 8 weeks or whatever is not long enough to propose to someone. It's the fact that I have never believed that he is really and truly into Rachel, even on a deeply passionate level. While some will argue you can't develop true love in such a short time, especially while dating others, I do think you can in that short time develop a deep bond and connection and know that this is someone truly special for you. I don't see that with Peter for Rachel. Does he like her, sure? And that's the real issue that existed between those two. He cannot commit to the whole proposal, commitment, etc. aspect of the show because he just doesn't feel as deeply for Rachel as he would need to, to propose to someone. But he's not simply admitting and owning that. It's all talking out of both sides, etc.

Last edited by lleyki on Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:24 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by bleuberry Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:10 am

Wow. That clip is kinda brutal and Rachel looks broken. Not someone going through the motions who had her mind made up for weeks and just wanted to get to the end IMO. Glad it's finally coming to an end though.

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Post by Kashathediva Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:20 am

Everything works out ok in the end. Rachel has Bryan. Peter has Daisy. All good.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
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Post by AllAboutLove Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:27 am

I don't buy one thing that Peter is selling. jmo

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Mon Aug 07, 2017 11:19 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by FashionLover Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:30 am

@lleyki I don't know how to do the fancy quotes but When he says he wants to do it when the time is right, I don't think he is talking about a relationship. I took it to mean that he wants to continue the relationship and propose when the time is right.

I've seen posts implying that peter's and Rachel's relationship was hard and that it doesn't have to be that way but isn't what they're going through basically what happens in very relationship? The two people discuss on whether they wanna get married and when the right time is? Did I miss on other issues that they had or?

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Post by djogbenyuie Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:30 am

To be honnest, for me the fact that she said "don't do it" means she is totally ready to let him go.
She is just trying to do it nicely.
Then he said "but you are the correct person". He is there saying he won't give up, she is the one and all that.
And she wants to break up nicely because she cared for the guy. I completely understand why the breakup is messy. Been there done that myself.
At the FRC it's easier to just say "my heart is elsewhere". Everyone knows it's decision time.
Here I think she is still trying to do the show normally, and it's not an intentional breakup convo.
Also, usually when the lead try to breakup with people, they get a clue and accept it more easily on the spot.
Here, it's not the case because Peter words are not accepting to let go words, while Rachel's words are.

I think she will go and come back for the actual breakup (rainy outfit).


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