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Post by Knowsarose Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:11 am

I can't find any specific information on actual costs of chartering the Arabella on a daily basis, but it seems that this catamaran is available for mostly "clothing optional" cruises operated by a company called 'Naked Sail'.



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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 02, 2017 6:39 am

yes @Knowsarose I posted my reply in the SC thread

The media has already started to refer to Elise as basically Matty 2.0 which reminds me a lot of last year when they referred to Matty as Nikki 2.0.

The article includes a very good list of similarities between Matty and Elise, and also showing how media/audiences have caught on to editing tricks and are much more skeptical of misdirection or slow-burn/dark-horse narratives since being blindsided last year with both seasons. In this way, if Elise is F2, then I would imagine that audiences will not be as blindsided as past seasons merely because of being wary of contestants who aren't on the radar of the lead until later in the season as a frontrunner (a la Matty, Lana, etc). jmo


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:41 am

NostalgicNZA wrote:Ugh I have a love hate relationship with sluething.

Here's Flo tagged in a FB pic on May 12 at a club in Melbourne with a friend of hers from the Netherlands ,
so I believe she will leave as F4 Gameover - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - F1-F4 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 12 Screen18

Another thing i found interesting, is that shes only liked 2 other posts of the other girls in the house. 1 was a pic that Elora posted of her holding the fire things on night 1.

The other was a picture from the Bachelor FB page with Elise and Matty on their first date:
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IMO, This just confirms to me that Elise is F1. I cant really see it happening any other way tbh

@NostalgicNZA Great catch yes I've always seen Flo as F4 since posting the sleuthed SCs and why I posted them in the order they are. It seems based on SM activity then that the order does play a role (Cobie had activity May 9, so to me I can see her as F5/F6 with Elora for a double elimination pre-HTDs). The article below is summarizing what Lisa (F7) said and her order of names is how I see the F4:

F1 - Laura
F2 - Elise
F3 - Tara
F4 - Flo
F5 - Cobie 
F6 - Elora

[Lisa] “I kind of know (who wins). So I can’t really say. But I’ll give you four names. I would say Flo, Tara, Elise and Laura. They honestly would have been my top four picks on the third week in."

So, they're the top four then? And one of them wins?


Sure, we all know it's Laura, but no problem, she can keet holding onto that 'secret'.

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Post by Storybook Sat Sep 02, 2017 8:45 am

For the record my list is:
F1 - Elise
F2 - Laura
F3 - Tara
F4 - Flo


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:30 am

Storybook wrote:For the record my list is:
F1 - Elise
F2 - Laura
F3 - Tara
F4 - Flo
This would be my dream ending :yes:

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:30 am

Bringing over from SM/Media thread
Storybook wrote:I question if the producers have helped cultivate this negative feeling towards Laura. They chose to show the 'pecking order' scene, which as far as I can gather, turned people off Laura in droves. It seems to me people just don't connect with her. And my question is why? Is it the producers doing?
@Storybook I am not sure why producers would do this other than I just don't think they really care about their leads/F1 or audience, contrary to what may be assumed, what I've seen with the US show, and now with the Aussie show that US is producing they really don't care about them - they're just there to make a story happen. This season more than most season seems like it is just a "going through the motions" season to me and very scripted/produced. 

Perhaps TPTB wanted to push for someone to be seen as a viable F1 other than Laura and that hasn't really worked (not if Tara is F3 as suspected). OTOH, perhaps Laura is not F1. I struggle to see how she is not but that's more so based on what I sleuthed since March and posted in the F1-F4 threads (No Discussion and now archived). 

If Laura is F1, I don't think it will be a surprise at all. And maybe that's what TPTB wanted this season - no surprises (which goes against what Innes the executive said about this season but then again, what she has said has seemed like bs IMO). I am starting to think that maybe TPTB are wanting their SM audience to be less invested in Matty's season so they can be more invested in Sophie's season and see hers as the redeeming season - so a "flat" season for Matty and audience not worn out with backlash by tuning in the following week question

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Post by Storybook Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:40 am

The only question mark I have over TPTB wanting no surprises is why they paid handsomely to stop the photos of the final two being published. This action doesn't say to me they don't care about suspense. In fact the confusion over who wins on FB says to me, TPTB have done an excellent job of creating suspense.

Laura, for whatever reason I can't work out, was known before the season started. My memory is good, but not when it comes to media related things, and I can't remember if Alex was prominently featured as basically the winner from the beginning.

Even Elise said on paper her and Matty have a lot in common. TPTB must surely have known this as well. Of course matching on paper doesn't mean physical chemistry will eventuate. Matty has said he didn't notice Elise at first but he does now and it looks as if he is making up for lost time.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:55 am

I have yet to actually see evidence that TPTB paid handsomely to stop F2 from being published. I can deduce that they may have since media hasn't posted this info (at least not yet) but I don't know for a fact that Channel Ten paid to have the pics, even though Osher alluded to such. I may have missed it though and it is a fact so CMIIW

Elise was one of the first contestants to be spoiled by media and DM. Lots of pics of her from her 2nd SD and the most spoiled pics for one date. It reminded me of Lana/F2 who had the same thing done for her. 

I like Elise the most so I'd love her to be F1, I am just not sure there's enough evidence that she is... primarily her not being shown 1on1 time with Matty first episode and a super fast M&G. Maybe they are changing things, but if the US production team has officially taken over, then I'd guess that things will get even more predicable and F1s will always be either Ep3 SD or Ep5 SD (as they've already been a pattern for every Aussie season, alternating for BachAU and Ep3 for BetteAU).

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Post by Justme Sat Sep 02, 2017 10:57 am

Could this reference Elise being the dark horse of the season?? Or just another ploy


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Post by Storybook Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:00 am

@Justme A dark horse symbol is very significant IMO. Great catch yes


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:11 am

Justme wrote:Could this reference Elise being the dark horse of the season?? Or just another ploy
I definitely think Elise is a dark horse of the season so not a ploy. Whether it potentially means anything regarding her as F1? I am not sure. What is interesting to me is that Elise used this specific pic, one where Laura is standing next to Matty. I thought it was strange that she'd use that pic for her own account, where she's far away from Matty. I noticed her next pic here had Laura in the middle as well.

IDK... Like I've said before I'd love it if Elise is F1. To me, she fits everything about what Matty said that his F1 has to pretend to be sad since her SM to me is the least OTT for a possible F1-contender and Laura's is OTT and posting a ton. Giddy up ... Gameover - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - F1-F4 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 12 1f40e we're on again Gameover - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - F1-F4 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2 - Page 12 1f339 #thebachelorau #thebachelor
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Post by Justme Sat Sep 02, 2017 11:43 am

Once filming has finished what happens? Does matty and the winner have to go into hiding?


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