Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by littlereddress Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:12 pm

I did not find him boring or cold, instead he just seem lack a romantic interest in Rachel. He never seemed smitten or under her spell like men get when they are crazy in love with a woman. He was lukewarm towards her IMO.

Then again, I have no idea what the disconnect was or the level of his feelings, I just know what came across my screen and it was a man who was not all that interested romantically. That doesn't mean he could not show that to another woman in his own season. I think he could but on future bachelor season that would open him up to a lot of criticism.


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by zoe06 Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:20 pm

littlereddress wrote:I did not find him boring or cold, instead he just seem lack a romantic interest in Rachel.  He never seemed smitten or under her spell like men get when they are crazy in love with a woman.  He was lukewarm towards her IMO.

Then again, I have no idea what the disconnect was or the level of his feelings, I just know what came across my screen and it was a man who was not all that interested romantically.  That doesn't mean he could not show that to another woman in his own season.  I think he could but on future bachelor season that would open him up to a lot of criticism.  

See that is what I am starting to realize and personally i don't have a problem with Rachel not being the one for him I for one do not hold people responsible for not liking a person you can't help how you feel about someone romatically, but his posts and interviews and desire for contact after the show filming and his entire demeanor on ATFR has been a heartbroken individual IMO, and that may be a persona that the rest of us put on him, IMO. But then like i said the conflicting posts from him, his interviews and his BFF IMHO, have left me confused as to what I thought I saw and heard from him on the show and after the show.  I don't know, i was huge Peter fan, but Rachel's reception of him on ATFR makes some sense now, IMO.


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Rolly Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:24 pm

zoe06 wrote:
themindof_vee wrote:
zoe06 wrote:Peter did an interview with Laura Zima today, he is most likley going to be the bachelor next year IMO:

and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but it doesn't sound like he was ever in love with Rachel IMO according to this interview, disappointed because I thought he actually was.

really? that's not what I gathered at all. It's clear Rachel moved on why would he still be harping over her. It honestly sounds like he read the book 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck'.

All the best to him.

I don't disagree with his right to move on, but his answer changes IMO and why make that long post about loving now and always and unsaid things. and then Robetr Mills said he wasn't emotional ready and then his bff says that a crock of crap and that he has been completely over Rachel and has had no feelings for her for a while,  But then says to  Lauren Zima he wasnt' emotionally ready. It's just a lot of mixed messages coming from him or those close to him IMO so now I am confused for the first time as to what's real in regards to his feelings.  I don't think Peter is a horrible person, I'm just confused as to where he ever stood really regarding her.

What he said at the after was that he would always have feelings for her.... like they always say "you'll have a special place in my heart". I don't think the emotional part was not moving on from Rachel. The emotions I thought he was referring to was the emotional roller coaster (of the season, dealing with the season ending and seeing the whole season play back).JMO.

Peter was a fan favorite for many but it also got a lot of criticism and hateful comments too. I can see getting those comments day after day would be difficult. If you go on the show you take the bad with the good but I'm sure it's not easy. The more that is thrown at you I imagine you get better at dealing with it.JMO.

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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Guest Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:24 pm

zoe06 wrote:
themindof_vee wrote:
zoe06 wrote:Peter did an interview with Laura Zima today, he is most likley going to be the bachelor next year IMO:

and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but it doesn't sound like he was ever in love with Rachel IMO according to this interview, disappointed because I thought he actually was.

really? that's not what I gathered at all. It's clear Rachel moved on why would he still be harping over her. It honestly sounds like he read the book 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck'.

All the best to him.

I don't disagree with his right to move on, but his answer changes IMO and why make that long post about loving now and always and unsaid things. and then Robetr Mills said he wasn't emotional ready and then his bff says that a crock of crap and that he has been completely over Rachel and has had no feelings for her for a while,  But then says to  Lauren Zima he wasnt' emotionally ready. It's just a lot of mixed messages coming from him or those close to him IMO so now I am confused for the first time as to what's real in regards to his feelings.  I don't think Peter is a horrible person, I'm just confused as to where he ever stood really regarding her.

This is all JMO but I believe that he loved her and will always have love for her. Her attitude IMO has changed ATFR and even myself am quite turned off by her and I'm sure that made it easier for him to move on. I believe that at the time, going into the bachelor role (after we saw him falling apart on the ATFR) was a signal that he was emotionally unstable and not in a place to take on that responsibility. I take his friends words with a grain of salt because that's his boy, he's seen his boy get hurt by 'some chick', and slandered in the media and has to protect him somehow. Him saying to Lauren that he wasn't emotionally ready echo's with what Robert said and shows up in his action (or inaction) of taking the bachelor role. I really don't see how people are confused by his actions.


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by zoe06 Tue Sep 12, 2017 7:39 pm

themindof_vee wrote:
zoe06 wrote:
themindof_vee wrote:

really? that's not what I gathered at all. It's clear Rachel moved on why would he still be harping over her. It honestly sounds like he read the book 'the subtle art of not giving a f*ck'.

All the best to him.

I don't disagree with his right to move on, but his answer changes IMO and why make that long post about loving now and always and unsaid things. and then Robetr Mills said he wasn't emotional ready and then his bff says that a crock of crap and that he has been completely over Rachel and has had no feelings for her for a while,  But then says to  Lauren Zima he wasnt' emotionally ready. It's just a lot of mixed messages coming from him or those close to him IMO so now I am confused for the first time as to what's real in regards to his feelings.  I don't think Peter is a horrible person, I'm just confused as to where he ever stood really regarding her.

This is all JMO but I believe that he loved her and will always have love for her. Her attitude IMO has changed ATFR and even myself am quite turned off by her and I'm sure that made it easier for him to move on. I believe that at the time, going into the bachelor role (after we saw him falling apart on the ATFR) was a signal that he was emotionally unstable and not in a place to take on that responsibility. I take his friends words with a grain of salt because that's his boy, he's seen his boy get hurt by 'some chick', and slandered in the media and has to protect him somehow. Him saying to Lauren that he wasn't emotionally ready echo's with what Robert said and shows up in his action (or inaction) of taking the bachelor role. I really don't see how people are confused by his actions.

I am not going to talk too much about Rachel in his thread, but for me, IMO as someone who was a huge fan his responses and have been contradictory to me, IMO, and have since confused me and I can understand why her response was what it was to him a little bit better. And let's be honest, IMO being a contestant and being the lead are very different as Peter it sounds like sees, you can go from being loved to everyone hating you the next moment, ala Dean and some could say Rachel. And also Peter has not received nearly the same amount of hate and vitrol that Rachel received during the season and since ATFR. I Feel that their are two camps people fall into when they get attacked/hurt IMO the fighters, aka Rachel, and retreaters, aka Peter. I tend to be a fighter so i understood her stance. Being the lead and dealing with the constant scrutiny can change everyone and when people have you on such a GOD like pedestal as Peter the only way to go is down ala Dean, IMO.


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by wishesfireworks Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:17 pm

RS said in his blog today to not rule Peter out for future lead... however, there could be another Peter in the next season of the bachelorette in terms of huge fan base... Peter could definitely be the next lead after Arie if there's no one else :P I think they would always go with 'fresh meat'... which wouldnt explain why Peter isn't Bach this year but whatever haha... I don't think I'll like Arie anymore than Peter but Peter is sure easy on the eyes


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by alwaystulips Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:35 pm

Peter bores me so much.  I really don't get his appeal at all.  He's average looking at best and has zero charisma, imo.  What am I missing?

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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Chgohighlife Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:45 pm

zoe06 wrote:
Rolly wrote:
zoe06 wrote:Peter did an interview with Laura Zima today, he is most likley going to be the bachelor next year IMO:

and I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but it doesn't sound like he was ever in love with Rachel IMO according to this interiew, disappointed because I thought he actually was.

What made you think he was never in love with Rachel?

i guess it's not just this statement below, i think that he had feelings for her but not sure if it was every love now IMO. I rewatched and he was soo stiff with her and his friends saying he was silly and funny and maybe it was the nervousness of the camer but he never showed that side of him to her and usually open up like that with the person you love. And then his BFF comments, and looking back at how elated he was after he returned. I don't know anymore.

:A lot of people say that I was very boring and cold on the show. No, I'm actually a very lighthearted, fun person... but when faced with these huge decisions that are based on the rest of your life, I take them very seriously," he added.

IMO, everyone needs to take a step back and remember none of us have any idea what really transpired between Rachel and Peter (or anyone else). We ALL saw ONLY what the edits showed us and they were quite contrived. Rachel has proven that by sharing just a little bit of the love story we missed w/Bryan and the Roseboys have all revealed things via interviews we knew nothing about like Peter's painting he did for Rachel, for example.

Also, no one can speak to decisions about next year. Not even TPTB. Anything can happen between now and then. Peter's name is out there in the ether to give people a hope to hang onto/in there, IMO- means nothing.  We want to think we know? We don't. I admit I'm befuddled when people say he never loved her when both Peter himself and TPTB say otherwise and IMO he could not show the tears and pain he produced at FCD and ATFR if there was nothing there but fortunately, I don't care because she chose the man I always wanted for her. JMO


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by zoe06 Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:50 pm

Chgohighlife wrote:
zoe06 wrote:
Rolly wrote:

What made you think he was never in love with Rachel?

i guess it's not just this statement below, i think that he had feelings for her but not sure if it was every love now IMO. I rewatched and he was soo stiff with her and his friends saying he was silly and funny and maybe it was the nervousness of the camer but he never showed that side of him to her and usually open up like that with the person you love. And then his BFF comments, and looking back at how elated he was after he returned. I don't know anymore.

:A lot of people say that I was very boring and cold on the show. No, I'm actually a very lighthearted, fun person... but when faced with these huge decisions that are based on the rest of your life, I take them very seriously," he added.

IMO, everyone needs to take a step back and remember none of us have any idea what really transpired between Rachel and Peter (or anyone else). We ALL saw ONLY what the edits showed us and they were quite contrived. Rachel has proven that by sharing just a little bit of the love story we missed w/Bryan and the Roseboys have all revealed things via interviews we knew nothing about like Peter's painting he did for Rachel, for example.

Also, no one can speak to decisions about next year. Not even TPTB. Anything can happen between now and then. Peter's name is out there in the ether to give people a hope to hang onto/in there, IMO- means nothing.  We want to think we know? We don't. I admit I'm befuddled when people say he never loved her when both Peter himself and TPTB say otherwise and IMO he could not show the tears and pain he produced at FCD and ATFR if there was nothing there but fortunately, I don't care because she chose the man I always wanted for her. JMO

All very valid points especially your last statement except. Like is said i guess i got more thrown off by his BFF statements about everything that he has been making since the show ended.


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by lleyki Tue Sep 12, 2017 8:56 pm

This is his whole issue. IMO it's a serious issue with him. It's all the negative comments that made him pass, which were minimal compared to the number of fans he has. In one paragraph it was the what people were saying and in another he wasn't ready for it. Which is it? 

This. All I got from this interview was confirmation of the opinion I already had of Peter. That he's kind of a narcissist with commitment issues who cares way too much about what others think of him. 

Reading about the stuff regarding being the Bachelor, my guess is he pulled the same wishy washy crap with the producers that he did with Rachel to the point that just like her, they were eventually so over it and so over him. Fleiss will never make any contestant believe that they are irreplaceable. He will always make sure they remember and know their place and that's what ended up happening in this case. 

By the way, I had to laugh at the part about his being a person who needs time to process things when it comes to life and love (and there's nothing wrong with that. More people would avoid terrible decisions if they didn't rush into things) because I'm pretty positive that that's more or less exactly what Rachel said about him when saying why she thought the show may not be right for him. And she got dragged and is still being dragged for being a bitter and salty b*tch who was trying to ruin his Bachelor chances. 

I don't disagree that Peter got some hate and criticism as did all the contestants. But the fact of the matter is in my opinion, the level of hate he got was nothing compared to Bryan all season and Rachel post-season when she didn't pick him. Just look at the response to his "heartfelt" farewell post. Almost 8,000 comments, with almost 90 percent gushing love notes about how amazing he is and in turn, more hate got directed Rachel's way. 

And yet despite all that love and adoration, that little amount of hate was enough to get to him. Didn't stop him from fanning flames though when he was liking posts snarking at or shading Bryan. But the slightest criticism and he couldn't take it. So for his sake, it probably was for the best he didn't become the Bachelor. Dude would have had a full emotional breakdown by the end of the season.


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by Chgohighlife Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:00 pm

alwaystulips wrote:Peter bores me so much.  I really don't get his appeal at all.  He's average looking at best and has zero charisma, imo.  What am I missing?

I cannot stand Peter but, I definitely see his appeal. He's needy and broken - - women love that and he wears clothes beautifully plus, he has a great face in repose. I'm very surprised he wasn't successful as a model, especially when he was younger - he had good bone structure and beautiful eyes, IMO. With his look, I think he could have but, he never got a major brand to use him and who knows. JMO


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NYC - Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10 - Page 9 Empty Re: Peter Kraus - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #10

Post by lleyki Tue Sep 12, 2017 9:04 pm

He's needy and broken - - women love that

laugh out loud, it's sad because it's true. I guess it goes to women's natural nurturing personality or something like that. I wouldn't know personally. I see damaged and I exit stage left. But Rachel herself admitted that it was the type she too had always been drawn to.


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